My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 680 What do you want again?

At the gate of Qianqing Palace, the eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother came out of it, and saw the ninth elder brother galloping towards them.

Both brothers were stunned.

What's going on here?
Like pedaling on hot wheels...

What's going on?
In the blink of an eye, Brother Jiu had already arrived, dancing and dancing.

Big Brother was surprised.

Brother Nine had already seen him, so he stepped forward, put his arms around Big Brother's waist, and was about to pick him up.

It's just that the eldest elder brother's stature is here, and his weight is also solid. He sinks and looks at the ninth elder brother with a funny face.

Well, I can't hold it!
The ninth elder brother didn't make it difficult for himself, he let it go, replaced the fourth elder brother next to him, hugged him three inches off the ground, and turned around.

The fourth elder brother's face turned red, and he scolded: "Put it down!"

What is it like? !

This is the gate of Qianqing Palace, all the guards are watching!

Brother Jiu listened to what he said, let go immediately, and went to the gate of Qianqing Palace without looking back.

It happened that Wei Zhu was at the door, Brother Jiu said: "Help me pass the news, I have come to announce the good news to Khan Ama!"

When Kangxi ordered Liang Jiugong to go to the second institute, Wei Zhu was by his side, knowing the reason, he immediately said, "Congratulations Jiuye!"

Brother Nine was beaming with joy, and went to pull the purse from his waist.

But he was at home today, so he didn't bring so many odds and ends, so he immediately turned to look at the elder brother and the fourth elder brother.

The two of them were looking at him, and after hearing Brother Jiu's words just now, they were both thinking about what "joy" was.

Ninth elder brother turned around and strode forward, and went to pull eldest elder brother's purse.

When he saw it clearly, it was half new and not old, he put it down with two "hey hey" and went to pull the fourth elder brother's.

The fourth elder brother was lucky, but it was not easy to argue with him, so he gave him the purse.

Brother Jiu took the purse, took two quick steps, stuffed it into Wei Zhu's hand, and said, "Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Wei Zhu: "..."

Fourth elder brother: "..."

The elder brother couldn't help laughing out loud, and said: "Old Jiu, what kind of happy event is it, picking up the treasure?"

Wei Zhu looked at the dark-faced fourth elder brother, and felt that the purse in his hand was a little hot.

Can this be paid?

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said, "Help the ninth elder brother pass it on!"

Wei Zhu turned around and left.

Ninth elder brother raised his chin, looked at eldest elder brother, and wanted to laugh with his hips on his hips.

Big Brother was looking forward to his son-in-law back then, his eyeballs were all red, what happened?
Crackling, four little princesses, they only had a son in their twenties!
I will have a son next year!

Brother Jiu felt that he was being arrogant.

Big Brother felt his hands were a little itchy.

This look is a bit embarrassing!
Ninth elder brother went to see fourth elder brother again, looked him up and down, and made some calculations in his mind.

Hmph, this is also scum, looking a little weak, only in his twenties did he have a son-in-law.

"Ha ha!"

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing his smug look, the fourth elder brother's teeth were itchy, and he wanted to kick someone.

Seeing that his brother Yan Qiang was right in front of him, Wei Zhu came out and said, "Jiu Ye, the emperor is uploading it!"

Brother Jiu heard this, turned around quickly, and followed into Qianqing Palace.

The eldest elder brother said curiously: "What merits has this kid done again? This is too much complacency!"

Yesterday I saw Brother Jiu who was hiding something, everyone knew there was something wrong, but seeing his happy face, they knew it was not a bad thing, so everyone was not in a hurry to ask.

Today's encounter is even more of a happy event.

The fourth elder brother couldn't guess the reason, whether it was because the Ministry of Internal Affairs added some extra income, or it was something else.

The brothers looked at each other, but they didn't intend to leave.

Yesterday, Elder Brother Ten made trouble with Elder Thirteen, causing Brother Ninth to run away.

I don’t have any help today, I still want to run, hehe…

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi was sitting on the kang, looking at the door with a smile.

Hearing Wei Zhu say the good news, his hanging heart settled down.

The reason why he can't wait to arrange for someone to take a pulse is because he wants to get a letter of approval, and he is also prepared for it.

Even if that is the case, it is necessary to expose this matter earlier, so as to save Brother Jiu from being happy, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and it is time to be sad.

It's better now, and it can be regarded as letting go of a worry.

"Khan Ama..."

Brother Jiu's voice was still excited, but his next move was unexpected.

He knelt directly, "bang bang bang" and knocked his head three times.

He moved so fast that he didn't even have the time to ask someone to put a brocade mat, so he knocked directly on the gold brick.

When Kangxi saw this, he was angry and funny, and worried that Brother Jiu would cry with joy.

Unexpectedly, Brother Nine raised his head, but said with a smile on his face: "My son has brought you good news! My son Fujin is pregnant for one and a half months, and by the end of April next year, you will have multiple grandchildren!"

Kangxi couldn't help scolding: "Okay, get up and talk, what are you looking like!"

Brother Jiu got up obediently, and said with a smile: "Before my son heard people say, 'If you don't raise a child, you don't know your parents' kindness', you still think it's nonsense. If you are filial and not filial, do you still have time? Now my son understands!"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you understand?"

Brother Nine ran over, full of enthusiasm, and now he felt a little stamina, so he said "hehe", sat down on the edge of the kang, and said, "Being Ama is not easy, so worry about it!"

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "Is that what you're worried about? What are you worried about?"

She was pregnant in October, half a year before landing, so it was too early to worry about it now!
Brother Jiu stretched out his finger and said: "What should I do if I was disobedient when I was young? If I didn't study hard, what should I do? If I didn't study well, would I be scolded? If I'm not as good as other cousins ​​in riding and shooting, will I hate it or not? If I can't find it in the future For a good Fujin like his Er Nie, don't worry..."

Chattering, talking very lively.

It's really too far to think, and it's all about the little elder brother growing up and starting a family.

And these concerns mentioned are a bit subtle.

Kangxi looked at him, noncommittal.

Only then did Brother Nine stop talking, looked at Kangxi with eyes full of admiration, and said with a smile: "My son will learn from Khan Ama, and be a kind Ama!"

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Okay, don't give me the ecstasy soup, tell me, what else do you want?"

Brother Jiu was startled.

He just said what was in his heart and had no plans.

But since Khan Ama spoke, the opportunity was rare, so he couldn't miss it.

What are you looking for?

Household relocation?

When the older brothers moved last year, Khan Ama was in a bad mood.

After all, it is a household.

Let's talk about it in a few days.

There is also the land in Xiaotangshan, which can just make up the capital.

Brother Nine just laughed twice, and said, "'Knowledge is better than father', Khan Ama, you are really astute..."

Speaking of this, he said with a bit of seriousness: "Khan Ama, this time my son is suppressing his reputation, and asked you to borrow a sum of money in advance for three years. In addition to the capital, the son will be filial again. Your equal interest!"

Kangxi did not answer immediately, but said: "Let's hear it?"

The last time Brother Nine spoke to him, it was during the southern tour, in order to stock up on chicken blood stone ore.

When was the last time?
It seems that when it was Yanziwan...

It's been "grounded" for a few days, and you've figured out a new job? !

Brother Jiu pursed his lips and said, "Ama Khan forgive me, this matter needs to be kept secret."

Kangxi snorted lightly and said, "How much money do you plan to borrow?"

Brother Nine had already made relevant plans, and asked someone to inquire about the land price in Xiaotangshan.

Because it is forest land, the yield is limited, and it is not the same as fertile land, only two or three taels of silver per mu.

But if you want to do a unique business, you need a monopoly.

There are many mountains near Xiaotang Mountain.

Not to mention buying millions of acres, but hundreds of thousands of acres.

He considered it carefully and said, "50 taels."

Kangxi was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked after deliberation: "After three years, repay the principal plus the same interest as the principal?"

"Yeah!" Brother Nine said without hesitation.

"How much is the total amount of silver, how much is my 50 taels of silver?"

Kangxi asked.

Since the interest that is the same as the principal can be guaranteed, that is the profit that can be doubled, why not think about dividends?

The previous few withdrawals of money were all done according to the share.

Unless it's a one-off deal.

Is it hoarding again?
What are you staring at this time?

Brother Jiu didn't even think about it, and said, "About forty percent."

Kangxi was very surprised.

He knew that Brother Jiu didn't have any savings on hand, and he thought his 50 taels of silver was a big deal, so he was not satisfied with this distribution method.

The result is [-]%?

The principal is 1205 million taels? !
Kangxi looked at Brother Nine with some admiration.

Only 17 years old, dare to toss a million taels of silver business, it is really a big deal.

"How to make up the remaining 75 taels?" Kangxi asked curiously.

He knew that his daughter-in-law's dowry was rich, but it was mostly property.

As for the ninth brother, there is a master who spends two, and the savings on hand are estimated to be less than 1 taels.

Now that he had made a plan of 1205 million taels, he didn't ask himself for 100 million taels. Surely he could get other money?

Ninth elder brother proudly said: "My son thinks that 'the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders'. Such a good opportunity will naturally be distributed to the brothers. From Yuqing Palace to the fourteenth elder brother, my son plans to make up for it. By the way To help the brothers earn some pocket money..."

Speaking of this, he was actually a little tangled in his heart.

Then, do you want to talk to your own mother and the queen mother?

Who thinks how much money is too much money?
But with the empress dowager and his own empress, what about other concubines and concubines?

Forget it, don't involve the harem.

When I have money in hand, I will pay filial piety to these two places in private.

Kangxi listened and ironed it in his heart.

This is the ability to know distance and distance.

Apart from parents, the closest people are brothers and sisters.

He was very relieved. He was worried that there would be a rift between Brother Jiu and the prince because of Akton's incident.

Think more.

With Lao Jiu's temperament, he is really angry, and if he is angry, he will be angry, and he will not hold grudges.

That's fine, otherwise the princes would get close to each other and isolate the prince, which is not what he would like to see.

But seeing Brother Nine's complacent appearance, he didn't want to praise him, he just said: "The stall is so big? What if you lose money, what will you do then?"

Brother Nine laughed and said, "Don't worry, Ama Khan, you won't lose much. It's not like throwing money all over the sky. At most, the interest is not so high, so you can't lose your capital. If you really want to lose your capital, then the son will make up for it. After all, it was borrowed money..."

Speaking of which, he gritted his teeth and said with a smirk: "Ama, it's agreed, you can't tear down the stage for your son, this time you can just watch the fun from the sidelines..."

Kangxi was a little confused when he heard this, and said, "What are you watching?"

Brother Jiu coughed lightly and said: "This time I asked my brothers to ask for money, my son didn't intend to directly mention the matter of earning a living, but just said that there was a deficit and we needed to use the money, and then we can help you as much as you like. Now, the interest given back will also go with the capital, which is called 'good people get good rewards'!"

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