Chapter 681 Deficit
When Kangxi heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and said, "Why bother..."

Brother Nine was afraid that he would stop him, so he hurriedly said: "It's not that they embezzled three or two months, and I don't know how much idle money my brothers have on hand. If it is average, it will embarrass everyone. How good it is, how much spare money do you have?" , as much as possible.”

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu, thinking that he still committed a trick.

But Kangxi didn't intend to stop him, on the contrary, he really wanted to watch the excitement, and said, "Why are there still Twelve Elder Brothers?"

Needless to say, the prince who is divided into households, in addition to appropriating property and population, there is also a sum of money to settle down. Right now is the time when he is rich.

The remaining twelfth elder brother, thirteenth elder brother, and fourteenth elder brother can have some pocket money, and the three melons and two dates are all people's thoughts.

Brother Nine said: "Aren't they all grown up? Twelve elder brothers are all fifteen, and they will be adults next year, and the next two are half-sized. It's the time when money is tightest. After three years, they will marry Fujin." , having more pocket money in hand is also emboldened!"

This is a bit like a brother.

"The fifteen elder brothers and the others, how did they get pulled down?" Kangxi continued to ask.

He was worried that because of the relationship between the fifteenth elder brother and Yuqing Palace, the ninth elder brother was alienated from the fifteenth elder brother.

Because Wang Guiren has a flawed background, not from the Eight Banners, the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother should not be high-ranked in the future, and they will be separated from the elder brother above.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "The little brothers only have 20 taels of silver per month, and they are all in the hands of the nanny, so there is not much money in total; the fifteenth brother has gone to school, and the monthly payment of 50 taels of silver is less than a month. What kind of money can they have in [-]? Who told them that they are too young to keep up with this wave! There is no place for them to spend money, and they are still ten years away from Cheng Ding. When the time comes to catch up with others, let’s make up the numbers! "

Kangxi was relieved after hearing this.

Among the four younger elder brothers behind the fourteenth elder brother, there are not only the fifteenth and sixteenth elder brothers who were born by Wang Gui, but also the seventeenth and eighteenth elder brothers who were raised by Concubine Yi.

Brother Nine treats everyone equally.

Brother Jiu heard about the younger brothers, but he thought of the concubine moving the palace, and said: "Khan Ama, seeing that winter is coming, the Yongshou Palace and Changchun Palace have also been repaired, and the concubines and concubines are also waiting to move. Palace, do you want to send someone to Qintian Supervisor to choose a few suitable days for moving?"

Kangxi knew about Brother Nine's work at home, nodded and said: "Yes!"

Brother Nine had finished reporting the happy news, and was thinking about Shu Shu again.

Just now, he only wanted to come to the Qing Palace to announce the good news, and he didn't have time to discuss with Shu Shu about the announcement of the good news from the Yikun Palace and the Dutong Mansion.

I think my wife, like myself, can't wait to announce the good news to the elders.

Ninth elder brother got up immediately and said: "Nahhan Ama, you are busy, my son will go back first..."

After finishing this sentence, I remembered that the best time to buy land is the year after year, and the land price is also the lowest.

Now send people to buy land, with the same money, you can buy a few more acres.

He said: "As for the 50 taels of silver, when you are free, give your son a letter, and your son will pay it in Neku."

In the past few years, the internal treasury has been full, especially since last year, the addition of the golden belt and Yanzi pill has added a lot of income.

Now some people recognize the burning blue and red jewelry. Years and years later, during the days when the Mongolian ministries are on shifts in Beijing, there must be a fortune.

Kangxi didn't hesitate, nodded and said, "I'll ask Wei Zhu to send it to you later..."

Speaking of this, he remembered Brother Jiu's "foot restraint" that had caused a lot of discussion before, and said: "This time the pulse has been diagnosed, don't think about being lazy, and go to the yamen to do errands honestly!"

Brother Jiu remembered that he woke up naturally this morning, and also wanted to accompany Shu Shu in the second place, so he begged: "Ama Khan, look, it's only been three or four days since the empress finally disciplined her son. It’s still a good time to give the empress a face, and it’s not bad for a few days, or should I be ‘grounded’ until the end of the month?”

Kangxi forgot about this before, and glared at Brother Jiu angrily, saying: "I still can't stand up, I need the elders to worry about it!"

Brother Jiu said with a sneer: "The son is still young, you and the empress are tired; when the son grows up, he will be filial to you and the empress!"

Kangxi snorted coldly and said, "Seventeen, not seven, why pretend to be a child? Then rest until the end of the month, don't delay the errand."

Brother Jiu said confidently: "Don't worry about this, my son is not the kind of person who 'abolishes the public for private reasons'. He made arrangements for it well in advance..."

When the ninth elder brother came out of the Qianqing Palace, he saw that the eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother were still there, and Liang Jiugong and Mrs. Jiang were still standing beside him.

Ninth elder brother hesitated, whether to go back to the second office first, or to fool the eldest brother and fourth elder brother first.

The two elder brothers are rich in hand.

The household silver was allocated by him at the beginning of the year, following the example of Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang, and not divided according to the rank of title. Every prince is the same, 23 taels of silver.

Both the elder brother and the fourth elder brother looked at him.

Although Liang Jiugong hesitated and said he was not sure, but the elder brother and the fourth elder brother knew the old doctor Jiang and the doctor Jiang.

Let their father and son come forward, and come out from the second institute, plus Brother Jiu's ecstatic appearance before, what else can there be?

The eldest elder brother slapped the ninth elder brother's shoulder with a big slap, and said with a smile: "That's right, it's promising!"

No wonder I was proud just now, this is going to be Ama.

When I was an Ama for the first time, I was also very proud.

Last year, Brother Jiu cried and cried in the paddock, as if it was just yesterday.

This issue of heirs is indeed tormenting people.

Now I have good news, regardless of gender, it is a great joy.

The annoyance in the fourth elder brother's heart has also gone a lot, and he is also happy for the ninth elder brother.

The father and son of Mrs. Jiang saw that the elder brothers did not move, so they bowed and said goodbye.

Even if the father and son obeyed the emperor's order and went to elder brother's place, they had to return to the imperial court and return to their orders.

Liang Jiugong followed and said goodbye together.

Brother Jiu wanted to pretend to be pitiful because he wanted to borrow money, but the corners of his mouth were grinning, unable to droop, and his expression was a little weird.

The elder brother looked funny and said: "Laugh if you want to, why are you pretending to cry?"

The fourth elder brother was beside him, frowning as he watched, with undisguised disgust on his face.

Brother Jiu rubbed his face, and said in a serious manner: "Didn't I ask my brothers to raise money yesterday, but I wanted to borrow some money to make up for the shortfall..."

The elder brother happily said: "What's the matter, how many words do you need, I will send someone to bring it to you tomorrow!"

The fourth elder brother thought more, frowned and said: "In the past year, you have devoted yourself to your errands, what is there to lose? Have you been fooled by the subordinates?"

When the elder brother heard it, his face became tense.

It is true that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is huge, and there are many yamen below it.

Brother Nine is here at this age, and he is financially successful, but if he matches up with those old fried dough sticks, he will inevitably suffer a disadvantage.

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Don't do other people's business. At the beginning of the year, my younger brother paid a sum of money from the internal treasury, thinking that I could make it up at the end of the year, but it was delayed in the middle, and I couldn't make it up for a while, so I thought about going with my brother. If you open your mouth, you don’t need to make a special effort, even if you have idle money, you will first lend it to your younger brother, and then turn around, and your younger brother will return it.”

The elder brother heard something was wrong and said: "How much money is it, and we all need to collect it?"

If it is [-] to [-], it should not be the case.

The fourth elder brother immediately thought of the wool that was continuously shipped from various ministries of the grassland in the second half of this year.

Finally, the boats were pulled to Jiangning one by one.

If it is converted into silver, it is indeed a large sum of money.

It can only be said that Brother Nine is reckless. If he wants money but no money, if he wants manpower and no manpower, he will hand everything over to Cao Yin.

As the tenth elder brother had predicted, the fourth elder brother directly thought of the cashmere weaving field, thinking that it was the private property piled up by the ninth elder brother.

It's not wrong to add an estate if you want to take advantage of convenience.

As long as Khan Ahmad agrees, no one will stare at him.

But it is too reckless to borrow money from the inner treasury.

"How much silver?"

The fourth elder brother also asked.

Brother Jiu hesitated.

The total amount he mentioned before the imperial court was 1205 million taels, and he planned to pool 75 taels with his brothers, but if there are too many, it is not a bad thing...

It's better to be prepared that way.

It won't pull down good land either.

Brother Nine coughed lightly and raised a finger.

Seeing this, the eldest brother breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "10 taels? Then don't worry about it, my household money hasn't been moved much, so you can use it first!"

Brother Jiu is so hot in his heart, this is the style of the eldest brother.

Hey, that's great!

Unfortunately, not enough.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "It's not one hundred thousand!"

The fourth elder brother was beside him, his brows were already knit into a ball, and he said, "100 million?! Has Ahmay agreed?"

Even if the inner treasury is the emperor's private treasury, the 100 million taels is not a small amount.

We must know that the Treasury of the Ministry of Households receives 100 million taels of silver every year, but the capital needs to pay more than 700 million taels of silver, and there are other expenses. The annual surplus of the treasury is less than 200 million taels.

When the Changchun Garden was built, 11 houses were built, the lake was built, the embankment was built, and the cruise ship was built, and the total cost was only 6000 taels of silver!

This is eating the guts of the ambitious leopard!

The fourth elder brother blushed with anger.

The elder brother was beside him, but he couldn't help but rubbed his ears.

Not 10 taels, but 100 million taels? !

The prince's household is divided into 23 taels of silver per person!

No wonder everyone is required to join in, such a big hole can't be filled by one or two people.

Now there are six princes in separate households, the third child is stingy, and the fifth child is rich, one less and one more equalized.

The remaining ten elder brothers are richer, and the other younger elder brothers can't count on it.

The elder brother said: "I have lent 3 taels of money to the disciples below, and I have added two new properties with 2 taels. You can use the remaining 18 taels!"

In other mansions, there are their own Fujin, so it is not easy to spend all the money from the household to borrow others, but there is no problem in their own side.

After hearing this, Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "No need, just 10 taels. My brother calculated it. The capital is under pressure. It will take two or three years to come back. The borrowed money will probably be older than the next year at the earliest." It can only be paid off in the first half of the year..."

The elder brother heard this, thought for a while, and said: "Then leave 15 taels for emergency, and take [-] taels. My mansion hasn't had any big expenses in the past two years."

In a few years, we will have to prepare the dowry for several daughters, which will be a big expense at that time.

After hearing this, brother Jiu hesitated.

He doesn't want to borrow so much!

This is about to risk 100 million!
Of the previous 100 million taels, 20 taels are already in reserve.

According to his plan, each family of Yuqing Palace and the elder brothers who are in separate households will be around 10 to [-] taels.

The remaining ten elder brothers accounted for the majority.

The twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother can just chip in their pocket money.

This big brother is too bold, one person will take up the share of two people!

The fourth elder brother only thought that his face was tender and could not be wiped away, and said: "Seeing the end of the year, when it is time to settle the accounts, let's balance the accounts first, and I will also add up to 15 for you!"

In this way, with the fifth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, the big head came out.

The remaining [-] to [-] yuan are all together, so it won't be too difficult.

As for Shu Shu's dowry, the fourth elder brother didn't even think about it.

They're all men, they care about face, there's nothing wrong with spending brother's money, but spending Fujin's money can't save face...

If you want to add more updates, you will be powerless for the time being, and the code word speed is slow. Once you have too many, you will lose sleep the next day. Xiaojiu guarantees three updates first, and the additions will drop from time to time. ^_^.

The next update will be at 12:31 on December 12st, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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