My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 683 Surprised and Happy

Chapter 683 Surprised and Happy (Second)

Today's Yishi bodyguard who followed Brother Jiu out of the palace happened to be General Deyi's Yishi.

There is the second-class guard Erhe inside.

Erhe knew that he was going to the Dutong Mansion, so he felt uncomfortable on his face.

Now he and Guizhen Gege have exchanged posts, and the auspicious day is set in Dongyue.

Deyi looked at him, guessed his concerns, and said: "Don't think so much, Mr. Qi is a sensible person."

Erhe said sarcastically: "The humble job is just a little guilty."

After all, Guizhen Gege was the daughter-in-law of Dong E's family.

Deyi glanced at him, and said: "Okay, don't get cheap and act like a good boy. People from Dong E's family feel guilty, so shouldn't you be even more guilty when you see people from Nala's family?"

The Eight Banners are all acquaintances, and the Deyi family and the Nala family also have in-laws, so they know some inside information.

Erhe immediately said: "That's not the same, good girls are begging, but Nala's family is just proposing a marriage, and it's not sure."

Deyi said: "Don't be so awkward, they are all relatives, just talk about it in another way, they can't stop walking."

You don't have to move around with the Dutong Mansion, but Mrs. Uncle is Guizhen Gege's aunt, so can you still keep away from each other?
What's more, Guizhen Gege reconciled with her ex-husband, and did not break up with Dong E's family, and also received a lot of gifts.

Even if it hinders the past, there is no need to get too close in the future, but there is no need to sever contact, they are still cousins.

Erhe was taught: "Thank you for your advice, sir."

Zhenghongqi, Dutongfu.

I feel that Luo Shi hasn't had a good rest in the past two days.

It is a happy event for Fusong to be elected, but what happened to Brother Jiu being "grounded"?

It turned out that the day after the announcement, Fu Song went to the Prince's Mansion as usual, and heard the matter from the construction department.

The people in the construction department wanted to sell well, but they didn't know the information well, and they didn't know the reason.

Fu Song finds Gao Bin and finds out the reason why Yifei dislikes the simplicity of the hundred-year-old ceremony.

Others, I can't find out.

This involves the "Centenary Ceremony", how can Jue Luo feel at ease?

Qi Xi came home today and heard his wife mentioning this matter, he was surprised and said: "Brother Jiu was grounded? No, did you hear me wrong?"

Yesterday at noon, I followed Shengjia back to Changchun Garden, followed by the Eight Banners Capital and Deputy Capitals who went to the outside of the Great Wall with my retinue.

It was too far away, Qi Xi didn't meet Brother Nine face to face, but he heard it clearly.

Yesterday the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother greeted each other.

Jue Luo frowned and said, "I'm really grounded, I'm not going to the yamen, and I'm going to pick you up?"

Qi Xi really couldn't think of the reason.

Just as the couple were feeling confused, someone in the front yard reported that Brother Jiu had arrived.

Qi Xi stood up, looked at Jueluo, and said: "Don't listen to the wind and rain, what is the restraint, isn't this still hanging around..."

Jue Luo stood up, but didn't make a sound.

No wind, no wave.

Besides, what are people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs telling lies about to fool Fu Song?
It's just that Concubine Yi is picky about the "centenary gift". Is it for her son, or for her daughter-in-law?

The couple went out to greet them, and just after they left the main room, Brother Jiu had already strode in.

Last time he was reprimanded in front of the imperial court, this time he did not empty his hands.

When passing Di'anmen, I asked people to stop and bought two sheep shells, a basket of chestnuts, a basket of jujubes, a basket of grapes, and a basket of pears.

Anyway, they gathered a cart full of things, and when they entered the Dutong Mansion, they ordered the concierge to send them directly to the kitchen, which made the guards and guards all smile.

This elder brother is really down to earth.

The things I bought at my husband's house were all these foods, no different from the big guys.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law..."

Brother Nine was so happy that he didn't know what to do for a while.

Hit thousand, or bow?
When he was on the verge of speaking, he stopped talking immediately when he saw that there were still maids and mothers in the yard.

Jue Luo Shi saw him so happy, his heart moved, and he said: "Is the date of moving house fixed?"

Brother Nine shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's an even bigger happy event!"

Qi Xi saw that Brother Nine had scruples, so he didn't question him in the yard, and waited until the main room sent the girl down, before saying, "What is the happy event?"

Brother Jiu grinned and said: "Fu Jin is happy, it has been a month and a half, and today the imperial doctor diagnosed the slippery pulse!"

After hearing this, Jue Luo and Qi Xi were stunned, more surprised than happy.

After a while, Jue Luo said nervously: "Are you sure? Are there any other signs?"

You know, women's slippery pulse is not just about pregnancy, there are several other diseases.

Feeling that Luo's concern is chaotic, worrying about misdiagnosis, the young couple is very happy.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It doesn't smell greasy, the taste has changed a bit, and it's also a little weak."

Jue Luo breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't know what to say.

You know, for the past year and a half, she has been hanging on her heart, afraid that Shu Shu will be like herself, and she will be late in her pregnancy.

I can be ten years younger without getting pregnant, and my husband has nothing to say; if it's Shu Shu's place, it definitely won't work.

Now that it's happy, it's fine, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman.

The age of Shu Shu and Brother Jiu is here, and they will have children in ten or twenty years.

Qi Xi turned pale and said, "Fu Jin is still young..."

Why is the age of the royal princess declining, getting later and later, mostly after the eighteenth or nineteenth.

That's because she was young, her stature hadn't grown up, and her birth was difficult.

Before the couple also planned to keep their daughter until eighteen or nine before going out, so that when she gave birth in her twenties, her body would grow strong.

The reactions of the two are in the eyes of Brother Jiu.

The reaction of father-in-law and mother-in-law is completely different from that of Khan Ama.

That's the difference.

For the parents-in-law, it is the family that needs to import.

But for parents, they have to worry about their daughters giving birth.

Brother Jiu was very considerate, and said: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law will take good care of Fujin, the imperial physician also said that Fujin's pulse is strong, and his body is very good..."

Only then did Qi Xi's expression soften, and he said, "Brother has a heart."

But when he saw his wife next to him, Qi Xi also got worried.

After the wife became pregnant, she gave birth one after another, which lost her vitality.

Afterwards, it was adjusted for many years.

In addition, after giving birth to Xiaoqi this time, I have also carefully adjusted it for two months.

Confinement disease, confinement support, the spirit looks better.

If the girl follows his wife and gives birth successively in the future, Qi Xi dare not think about it.

You must know that when the wife gave birth to the third and fourth children, it was extremely thrilling, not to mention a narrow escape.

Qi Xi looked at Brother Jiu, feeling a little confused.

Of course he knows that the girl's life is worry-free now, that everything is just a decoration, and the husband and wife have no one else, but compared with life and death, what is this love and affection?

Brother Jiu saw that the atmosphere was not right, and he didn't know how to comfort him.

He said: "Fu Jin is heavy and misses his relatives. My son-in-law wants to go to the next door and ask his uncle and mother-in-law if he can come and stay with him when the month is older."

Jue Luo nodded and said, "Brother is sympathetic, so let's go over and say something!"

Brother Jiu got up, took his leave temporarily, and went to the next door.

Jue Luo looked at her husband and said: "Okay, don't think about it, brother Jiu is far behind the master, maybe this pregnancy is a fluke, so don't think about it..."

Qi Xi wiped his face, and said: "I heard that a father-in-law gave a maid to his son-in-law before, I took it as a joke, but now I want to give it too."

Jue Luo stared at him and said: "Don't make trouble! The girl is high-minded, and her son-in-law has finally been trained, so let's not meddle in it!"

Qi Xi smiled wryly, "That's all I thought about it."

This is the disadvantage of a prince being a son-in-law, everything cannot be controlled by others.

The prince has the final say on whether to accept the favor or not, even the Yue family has no right to stop it.

If it's an ordinary uncle, even if the Yue family doesn't come forward to stop him, he can still give him a warning.

After a while, Brother Nine arrived next door.

It's not easy to walk directly into the room here, he honestly waited in the living room in the front yard, waiting for someone to pass the news inside.

Mrs. Uncle has nothing to do and is drawing pictures.

She planned to ask the sewing room to make two scarves for Shushu, which she would wear in winter.

If you really want to live in separate households, you will have more time to socialize in the future.

Clan and in-laws can't cut off contact.

Especially every winter, when there are the most weddings and weddings.

The winter is leisurely and the family members are reunited. Many people like to arrange their weddings at this time.

As for funeral matters, the New Year is sad.

Old people, and those who have been ill for a long time like Uncle, every winter is a hurdle, if they can't get over it, they are white mats.

It's been a year.

As the mistress of the Prince's Mansion, Shu Shu would not rarely go out like in the palace.

It's cold in the twelfth lunar month, but it's easy to eat cold wind, so I always wear a mask in front of bad people.

It would be nice if the scarf was wider to cover the nose and mouth.

It's just that you can't use big hair, it's easier to make people cough.

Then replace it with silk cotton on the inside, and thin western cotton on the outside.

She only finished halfway through the painting when she heard the concierge come to report that elder brother Jiu had arrived and was waiting in the living room in the front yard.

Mrs. Uncle strode towards the front yard.

Coming here at this time, is it a good day to move?

The two sisters-in-law wanted to go together.

Seeing Mrs. Uncle coming in, Brother Nine stood up to greet her.

He restrained himself a lot, he was no longer the complacent and joyful look before, but a little more solemn.

Mrs. Uncle saw it, but lost her mind, and said: "Yes... Is Fujin uncomfortable? Has a cough?"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "No, Fujin is pregnant, and I'm here to announce the good news to you."

Mrs. Uncle was also surprised and lost her voice when she heard this, and then she said nervously: "Is there a big reaction, does Fujin eat well and sleep soundly?"

Brother Jiu said: "The appetite is okay, but the taste has changed a bit. I can eat things I didn't like before. I have some autumn coughs, and I can't sleep well..."

Mrs. Uncle said: "A few days ago, I asked someone to make some 'Milixiu', which is good for cough relief. My brother will take it back and ask the imperial doctor to see if there is any taboo. The prescription is also ready-made..."

After finishing speaking, she immediately ordered the girl to fetch the prescription and pear cream.

Brother Jiu agreed, and said: "Uncle and mother-in-law, I think Fujin misses his family a little bit, why don't you go and accompany her in a few days?"

Mrs. Uncle wanted to nod immediately after hearing this, but hesitated again.

She glanced in the direction of the capital.

If it is true that she enters the palace to accompany the childbirth, she feels that Luo Shi is more suitable than herself.

Rich experience in breeding.

and also……

Is there anyone in this world who doesn't miss his daughter?
Although Mrs. Uncle cares about Shu Shu, she can also understand Jue Luo Shi.

She said: "We'll talk about it when the time comes, I'll discuss it with your mother-in-law..."

Brother Jiu didn't bother, and when the pear paste and prescription were brought, he took them away.

The front yard of the Dutong Mansion.

Qi Xi came out, originally to say hello to the guards, but unexpectedly it was the future in-laws who came.

The two have known each other for a long time, otherwise they would not be able to be in-laws.

But besides Deyi, he also recognized Erhe and took a few glances.

Deyi said: "Brother Shi, have you seen the guards?"

Qi Xi nodded and said: "I met face to face in the palace in the early years. At that time, the guards were still young, about the age of Xiao Liu. It has been more than ten years in the blink of an eye."

Deyi said: "The young man has a good temper and a good temper. He rarely blushes with others on weekdays. Now he has been promoted to the second-class guard, and his future is stable."

Qi Xi looked at Erhe, pondered for a while, and said: "Da Gege is not only my niece by marriage, but also my cousin. My cousin must ask a few questions, what's the matter with your horoscope? Speaking of conscience, if there is no safe solution, I would rather get married later than take risks with other people's girls..."

Erhe blushed and said, "It has been cracked..."

With Deyi beside him, he said: "It's all based on false rumors, and it's only from the outside that it spreads evilly. Except for the third round, which is really unlucky, the first two rounds are really inappropriate..."

(End of this chapter)

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