My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 684 Whispers

Chapter 684 Whispers (Third Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year)
It's not easy for Deyi to elaborate on other people's private affairs, he said: "The bodyguards have been under my command for several years, and I have guaranteed my character, brother, don't worry!"

Qi Xi nodded and said, "I believe in the general..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Erhe and said, "I heard that your family also invited Tai Fujin to talk about their marriage a few years ago?"

Erhe blushed, nodded and said: "It's a mistake, I'm a step late."

Qi Xi said: "Good things take time, you only look forward to the good ones, since you are someone you want to cherish, you can live a good life in the future."

Guizhen Gege is also the child they watched growing up, and she has not made any mistakes in the six months since she married Dong E's family.

In the final analysis, Dong E's family had more faults.

Qi Xi was thinking about recommending himself and became a big matchmaker for the woman's side. After thinking about the pros and cons, he decided to stop this plan.

Being able to give Guizhen Gege a face, and explaining to others in a disguised form that the previous reconciliation was not her fault.

But it inevitably became news again, causing people to talk about it.

not good.

In that case, Guizhen Gege will be involved with Dong E's family again, I am afraid that the elders of Shu Mulu's family will not like it.

For Guizhen Gege, even if she is the eldest daughter of Wujue, she is still the eldest daughter, and there is a palace behind her, so she doesn't have to worry about being slighted, making people forget her relationship with Dong E's family, so that she can better integrate into her husband's family.

Erhe nodded and said, "Well, that's for sure."

Brother Jiu came back and heard that his father-in-law had arrived in the living room.

Come over and see that several people are talking.

Brother Jiu said to Erhe: "I haven't congratulated the guards yet, is the wedding date set? Remember to send a post when the time comes, Fujin is still thinking about adding makeup to Da Gege!"

"It's fixed, the eighth day of the winter month..."

Erhe said shyly, "Please trouble Fujin and Lord Jiu to worry about it."

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said: "What's the matter, the cousins ​​that Fujin has been close to are also the sisters of the master's clan, so they should be closer..."

It was late when he came out of the palace, and now it was time for dinner.

Qi Xi had already sent someone to ask for a table to entertain the accompanying guards and guards.

Brother Jiu went to the main courtyard to accompany his father-in-law and mother-in-law for dinner.

At this moment, Fu Song also came back from the Prince's Mansion.

As for the others, the older ones are all studying in government schools, while the younger ones are studying in private schools.

This summer, before Qi Xi transferred the title to Xiaosan, he called several sons for a meeting and mentioned the number of shadow supervisors in the family.

Civilian officials with the second rank or above in the capital, foreign officials with the third rank or above, and military officers with the second rank or above, as a rule, their sons can be sent to prison to study, and they will enter the prison at the age of 14. After a few years, after passing the assessment, they can be replaced by officials.

This quota, without dispute, was given to Xiao Wu directly, and when Xiao Wu was 54 years old, he would go directly to the Imperial College.

After all, he was at the bottom of the rankings, and he didn't get the title or a place in Qi Xue, and he was younger than the prince, and he wasn't selected as a companion.

But Qi Xi also made it clear to Xiao Si and left him a sum of money.

If after three years, Xiao Si and Eight Banners' imperial examinations go well, then this money will be at Xiao Si's disposal and will be used to fill in the vacancies in the future.

If after three years, Xiao Si Ba Banner's imperial examination does not go well, then this money will be donated to him as an example, in exchange for a place in the prison, and he will also be admitted to the Imperial College.

This kind of donation to change the qualifications of prison students is called regular prison, and it is divided into those who are not in prison and those who are in prison.

The cost of not going to prison is relatively small. For example, before the Fusong Township Examination, the regular prisoner changed his status as a student supervisor and could directly participate in the township examination.

There is another kind, which is prepared by Qi Xi for Xiao Si, who can study in the prison, and the cost is a bit higher. The advantage is that after coming out of the Guozijian, he can directly wait for it, so he doesn't need to spend any more money.

Hearing that elder brother Jiu was coming, Fu Song showed some eagerness on his face, and went directly to the main room.

Brother Jiu smiled when he saw him: "I haven't congratulated you yet, I am famous on the Guibang, and now I am the master of Juren!"

Seeing his expression, Fu Song felt relieved and said, "Shame, I'm the last one."

Brother Nine smiled and said: "There is nothing to be ashamed of, it's all luck, and luck can't stop it."

When the dinner table was set, the four of them ate.

Although Jue Luo and Qi Xi are concerned, they know that now is not the time to make a big fuss.

Jue Luoshi told Brother Jiu: "Before Fujin is three months old, he should focus on recuperation."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, son-in-law knows that our mother's greetings with Ningshou Palace have stopped."

Qi Xi also said: "If Fujin is picky and wants to eat anything, brother just send someone to pass the message, and I will help you find it."

Brother Jiu also agreed.

Fu Song was by his side, only later did he realize that Shu Shu was pregnant.

His feeling is very subtle.

Although my sister sometimes looks like an adult, she always feels like a child. Is she about to give birth to a nephew?

I'm going to be an uncle myself!
He had both joy and sorrow in his heart.

His own ennir, that is, the pain of childbirth, is gone.

Although he knew that he shouldn't think about such unlucky things, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried if he cared about it.

Jue Luo was slightly relieved, and said: "Then after waiting for three months, I will pass a sign to your uncle and mother-in-law to visit the palace. Elder brother will comfort Fujin and let her stop thinking about Guining."

Brother Nine also responded honestly, saying: "Listen to you."

Where does it take three months?
Moving out at the end of the month, the Prince's Mansion is not restricted, and it is not too far from the Dutong Mansion. If you want to see your family members, you can just send someone to invite them. How can you miss Guining?
After lunch, brother Jiu was worried about Shushu, so he got up and said goodbye.

Jue Luo and Qi Xi were about to send them off, but Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "You two just stay here and let Fu Song come out, just in time for my son-in-law to ask about the situation at the Prince's Mansion."

The couple sent them out of the main room and watched Brother Jiu and Fu Song leave.

Walking to the front yard of the Dutong Mansion, Brother Jiu stopped and took a look at Fu Song.

If you want to move at the end of the month, you must prepare now.

"You really don't plan to participate in next year's Spring Festival?"

Brother Nine said: "Why don't you try it, what if it happens? Only once every three years, if you miss it, you have to wait for three years..."

Fu Song shook his head and said, "Chunwei is different from the provincial examination. The Eight Banners and the common people take the examination together. If there is no ranking, I will not make a fool of myself..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Master Huihui will find you a suitable teacher. An Sheng will prepare for a few years, and just wait for the next subject."

If there is no one else, it is Fa Hai.

A dignified Jinshi, just staring at the little elder brothers to study, is overqualified.

The experience and skills of those imperial examinations should not be wasted, and it is time to find a student.

Brother Jiu feels that Fusong is only one year younger than him, and he has more teachers, so Fusong should not be missing here.

It is also a blessing to share.

Fu Song said, "Thank you brother-in-law!"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "Don't just thank me, have you tried all the flue ducts in the Prince's Mansion, what's the matter?"

Fu Song said: "I have been looking at this for the past two days. I have tried everything, and there is no problem. It has been burned for several days, and the moisture in the room has almost dissipated."

Brother Jiu knew that he was a tight-lipped man, and said: "That's good, your sister doesn't want to wait in the palace, and I will find a way to move before the end of the month."

Fu Song was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Is it okay to move at this time? The elders will probably stop me."

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "But you have to follow your sister, or she will feel uncomfortable, and won't she be sick after a few months? It will be convenient for the elders to go there, and they can also pick up uncle and mother-in-law to accompany her." on."

Fu Song was troubled, and said, "Can't we wait until the full three months?"

Brother Jiu said: "Then it's the end of winter and the beginning of the twelfth month. It's even more difficult to move, and it's also not good to move at this time."

Last year, Big Brother and the others moved in a hurry because Da Fujin was seriously ill.

This year they are doing well, if they insist on moving until the twelfth lunar month, won't that cause trouble for the elders?
For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, no matter how urgent it is, it will be a month and a half.

Fusong also knew that his sister's temperament did not like to be restrained, so she had long been looking forward to moving.

Fu Song said, "Then what should I do?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Clean up the main courtyard, and clean up Ning'an hall. Earlier, I ordered someone to order the furniture and furnishings of Ning'an hall, and I urged everyone..."

Ning'an Hall is the name Shu Shu gave to the Second Courtyard on East Road, which means "Kang Ning An Tai".

Fu Song was taken aback, looked at the neighbor, and said, "Will Auntie agree to go?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course, your sister is upset, and everyone is worried that there is no elder around."

He also saw Madam Uncle's hesitant to speak before.

It's just that my mother-in-law will visit at that time, and it's just a visit. What about this big family, and a little brother-in-law who is just a baby, how can I put it aside?

On the contrary, Mrs. Uncle, her old-age care issue was Shu Shu's concern before, and this time taking over to take care of her is also a solution to both.

Fu Song looked at the ninth elder brother and praised: "The eldest sister is filial, and the brother-in-law is also generous!"

Brother Nine waved his hands and said, "What's the matter, family, what are you talking about heretics!"

Speaking of this, he said: "If you really plan to go all out to participate in the 42-year imperial examination, what about the marriage? Are you going to delay it until four years later?"

A young Jinshi is different from a young Juren, not to mention that there are people vying to marry a daughter, and there are more choices than now.

Fu Song said calmly: "Don't worry, look back at what Ama and Ernie mean..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Okay!"

After explaining what should be explained, brother Jiu got on his horse and went back to the palace.

Yes, he came on horseback, not a carriage.

He felt that he should be more well-behaved these days, and don't let the imperial father pick out minor problems.

When he turned back to Qin Tianjian and asked about the solution, and the auspicious days for relocation were calculated, he went to Qianqing Palace to plead.

After entering the palace, Brother Jiu went back to the Second Institute. Shu Shu still hadn't woken up from her afternoon nap, and fell asleep on the kang in the Xici Room, with a small quilt covering her body.

Xiaochun was sitting on a small stool, holding a needle and thread in his hand, and was flying the needle.

Hearing the movement at the door, Xiao Chun looked over and saw that it was Brother Jiu, so she hurriedly got up.

Brother Nine whispered: "When did you rest?"

Xiao Chun also lowered her volume and said, "It's almost an hour at noon."

If it was a weekday, elder brother Jiu would definitely wake up Shu Shu, so as not to sleep too much during the day and be sleepy.

But in the past two nights, due to coughing, I have to wake up several times, so it is good to catch up on sleep.

Brother Nine nodded, turned around and went out to wash up.

Shu Shu didn't sleep well, and opened her eyes when she heard the movement.

Seeing someone passing by the door, she blinked, looked at Xiaochun and said, "Master is back?"

Xiaochun said, "Yes."

Shu Shu stretched and sat up.

Brother Jiu heard her voice, went back and forth, and said: "It's all right for a while, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Shu Shu rubbed her neck and said, "No need, I've slept for a while."

Brother Jiu didn't rush to freshen up, sat on the edge of the kang and said, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law are doing well, and I also met my uncle, mother-in-law and Fu Song..."

Shu Shu saw that he had lost the joyful look he had before, and was much more stable, so he was a little surprised and said, "Did you talk about it?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No, I just think that the master was careless before and didn't care about you. It's better for father-in-law and mother-in-law to love you..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "What is there to compare?"

Even if you are competitive, you can't compare to a piece.

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "I want to be 'husband only', anyway, I don't want to fall behind my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Shu Shu didn't understand at first, but when she thought about it, she looked at Brother Jiu and said, "I've been talking about 'comparing my heart to my heart' the most this year. Since I want to be 'husband one', can I also Want 'only a woman'?"

There are [-] characters in the third update, and I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year and everything goes smoothly!

Don’t keep the remaining monthly tickets, ask for a little bit, and then make an appointment for the guaranteed monthly pass after 0 o’clock in a low voice, ^_^.

The next update will be at 1:1 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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