Chapter 689 Brother

Brother Thirteen was silent.

He thought about Brother Nine's reaction just now, and it was really not quite right.

Not to mention other things, I don't mean to be in a hurry to get angry.

Thinking of the remaining balance of more than 30 taels of silver, I felt uncertain; Brother Nine mentioned 100 million taels, and he seemed confident.

In the middle, I still have to settle the accounts with myself and the fourteenth elder brother, and even the two empresses.

It's really not like borrowing money, it's more like joining together, and the way of distribution is mentioned first.

If the ordinary interest is paid directly when the money is repaid, no one will refuse to accept it for a few silver coins.

"One million people? Is the cashmere weaving factory going to make a profit?"

Elder Brother Thirteen said, "Then Brother Ninth, what are you going to do to separate them?"

Elder Fourteen smiled and said: "Does it need to be said? The designation is too profitable to be swallowed by one person. After all, it is at the convenience of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Instead of directly returning to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is better to share it with the brothers." Even Khan Ama won't say anything..."

From last year to this year, the fourteenth elder brother also knows what "brothers and brothers are respectful".

This is the request of the imperial father to his sons, if anyone touches this line, there will be no good end.

Just like the third elder brother, the county king's hat is gone.

Just like the prince, being implicated by his son, if the princess hadn't stepped forward, it's really hard to say how it would end.

He scratched his head and said, "I still have to get some money together, where can I get it?"

Who doesn't love silver?

Brother Thirteen was also moved.

Then he pressed down.

There is really no place to get together, because the empress does not communicate with her natal family, and he is not close to his natal family.

The money in the empress's hands is limited, and this time she gave herself a big head.

He glanced at the excited fourteenth elder brother, fearing that the fourteenth elder brother would act recklessly and mess up the ninth elder brother's affairs.

Whether it's mending holes or joining forces, I hope everything will go smoothly.

In case of a wrong guess, it will delay the business.

The thirteenth elder brother persuaded the fourteenth elder brother: "Why don't you forget it first, maybe you think too much!"

Elder Fourteen shook his head and said, "How can we forget it? If you guess right, it will be a lot of money; even if you guess wrong, you still have to worry about Brother Ninth's refusal?"

He also saw Brother Jiu's financial ability.

The few things that the Ministry of Internal Affairs raised, earned several 10 taels of silver for the imperial father's internal treasury.

What worries me now is where to collect money.

Today's money is all earned by him in the Yonghe Palace, in the name of being an errand at the end of the year.

Brother Nine was not mentioned, otherwise, with the temperament of the empress, she would designate that Brother Nine was fooling her with money, and then she might find it on Concubine Yi's head, which would be counterproductive.

Seeing that Brother Thirteen couldn't be persuaded, he reminded: "Even if you guessed it, you have to bury it in your heart. Don't make others know about it. It ruined Brother Ninth's plan. Brother Ninth is not lenient. If you want Offend him again, see if he turns around and ignore you?"

Brother Fourteen pursed his lips...

Ninth brother is very easy to coax, but Ninth sister-in-law is a woman after all, so it's not too generous...

Tomorrow, I will go back to the study to study, where can I find another sum of money?

Anyway, it can't be so little!
If it is really 100 million members, then the eldest brother and the fourth brother are both [-]%, and if the dividends are distributed according to this ratio, they are also [-]%; I only have [-] point, and most of them belong to the empress.

Brother Fourteen's heart grows like grass, and his brain is full of money...

Second, the study.

Brother Jiu took out the piece of paper he wrote earlier and wrote two lines at the bottom.

The thirteenth brother is 1 taels, note, and the concubine is probably [-]%.

The fourteenth brother is 1 taels, note, and the concubine is [-]%.

After finishing writing, the ninth elder brother discovered that there was only one line between the eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother.

"I forgot Yuqing Palace..."

Brother Jiu said: "The crown prince has been competing with the elder brother these years. I heard that the elder brother borrowed 10 taels, and the prince should have an extra [-] to [-] taels..."

The prince claims to be of noble birth, and he doesn't talk about seniority with his elder brother, but only talks about his superiority and inferiority, and he always wants to overwhelm him.

Shu Shu has calmed down.

Even though she didn't like the prince, she knew that the money was not for the prince, but for Kangxi.

She said: "That's almost..."

Ninth elder brother's gaze fell on fourteenth elder brother, and he said unwillingly: "Mother De has it, but Concubine Hui has not..."

As for my own concubine, just be filial in private when the time comes.

Shu Shu also respected Concubine Hui's character and acted, but she still shook her head and said, "This is fine, it should not be expanded..."

The more people there are, the easier it is to cause trouble.

Now this simple and crude way is fine.

Even if someone is unhappy afterwards, that is their own choice and has nothing to do with others.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Yes, I know!"

He said it in front of everyone at the gate of Changchun Garden yesterday, brothers knew about borrowing money, but they didn't know if it was true or just a joke, only Elder Brother Twelve didn't know.

Brother Nine will write it down.

However, he reckoned that the twelfth elder brother should not have much silver, and should be about the same as the thirteenth elder brother.

On the next day, Brother Jiu and Shu Shu slept until they woke up naturally.

Brother Nine stretched his waist and said, "It would be great if I took a few more days of vacation every year..."

Shu Shu looked at him and said, "I want to be lazy now, so what if I move? By then, I'll be half a circle around the imperial city..."

When they move out, Shu Shu is okay, she is a female family member, and it is okay to go to Di'anmen Shenwumen on the day of peace; but the adult prince Jiu is not easy to walk in the inner court, he needs to enter the palace through Daqingmen, and the scope of activities is limited. It's just the front court.

If you want to come to the inner court, you must learn from a famous teacher.

Brother Jiu calculated the distance, bared his teeth, and said, "I'd better take a carriage. It's such a long distance. I don't ride a horse. It's cold in winter, hot in summer, and dusty in spring and autumn..."

Shu Shu agreed: "Yes, it's better to take a car."

He's not a prince fighting for the throne, so there's no need to be demanding on himself.

There are more minor problems, which is not a bad thing.

After breakfast, Cui Baisui came over and told: "Master, Fujin, Fifth Lord is here, wait in the living room."

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "It is appointed to send money, master go and have a look."

Shu Shu nodded, feeling the same way.

If not, Fifth Prince would have come directly to the main courtyard.

Although uncle and sister-in-law have a taboo relationship with each other, there is no time for it.

When Brother Nine was around, there was no need to shy away from it.

Front yard, living room.

The Fifth Prince was sitting in the living room with a bowl of chrysanthemum tea in hand.

He touched his mouth, and there were two big bubbles inside.

This is belatedly, guessing that brother Jiu's hole is big.

Otherwise, I wouldn't test it in front of everyone.

For small troubles, he and the old ten can make up for him.

How much is this?
In one night's effort, five princes had two juicy fire bubbles in their mouths.

This is the first time.

He found it strange and ridiculous.

What's up with this?

For their identities, what is money?
If it is missing, make it up, and if you can't make it up, tell Khan Ama.

Lao Jiu has earned a lot of money for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so what if he pays the internal treasury first?

He explained himself, but after all he cared about it, and he was still a little anxious.

When Brother Jiu came in, he glared at Brother Jiu, and said: "One has no one, and two has no money, so you dare to make such a big show? The example of Qianjinfang is the first, why don't you have a long memory?"

This is also a misunderstanding, thinking that Kuang Kong is the cashmere weaving factory in Jiangning.

Brother Jiu couldn't explain it, so he said awkwardly: "This is different from Qianjinfang, you won't lose money, it's just that you have put down a lot of money, and the income is slower."

The fifth elder brother worried: "How many holes are there now?"

Brother Nine insisted on yesterday's rhetoric, saying: "I counted 10 taels from Fifth Brother before, so there is still a difference of 53 taels..."

The fifth elder brother heard this, "Teng" got up, pointed at the ninth elder brother and was speechless.

Although he had already guessed that the amount would be high, he did not expect it to be so much.

Brother Nine blushed when he saw him, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I won't lose money!"

The fifth elder brother disapproved: "How can there be such a guarantee, what if? Do you want to start a famine and let your younger siblings drink the northwest wind with you?"

Brother Nine led the rogue and said: "The matter has come to this, anyway, we have to collect money to make up for it."

The fifth elder brother frowned and said: "Then you can't let go like this, you have to send someone you can trust to watch over..."

Speaking of this, he thought of several concubine uncles, and said: "Why don't you choose one of the uncles and go to Jiangning to keep an eye on it, it's better than just looking at the account books..."

Brother Jiu quickly waved his hand and said: "Brother, don't mess around with me! As long as the people over there can use it, brother, for the sake of motherhood, why don't you use it? Send them to look at the money of the master, that's the right thing to do." Feed the cats!"

The fifth elder brother said: "A few words of warning, they dare not."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "That's not necessary, there is no need to cause those troubles."

But he remembered clearly that these concubine uncles were nothing but fools. They had obviously received the honor of the empress before, and they were vacated by the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs.

Then go in a group.

Now it's all cleaned up, and everyone is at peace.

The fifth elder brother also had nothing to do with him, and said, "Then, is there anyone who can be useful at the parents' home of the brothers and sisters?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No, look back, Cao Shun has already entered Beijing."

Fifth elder brother: "..."

That is also the Cao family!

Since he was suspicious of going to Cao's house, he felt a little uneasy, and said: "Gao Bin looks good, if it's about money, it's better to leave it to Gao Bin..."

Brother Nine knew that it was a good thing, and he didn't think he was too long-winded, and said, "Okay, listen to Fifth Brother..."

It was originally intended to be handed over to Gao Bin.

Although Cao Shun is also a native of the capital, he was raised under the name of Cao Yin when he was young, and he has been out of Beijing for more than ten years.

Compared with him, Gao Bin is more like a coward.

Only then did Fifth Prince point to the box on the table and said: "This is 23 taels, and I'll add another [-] taels to you later, to make it whole!"

Brother Nine was startled when he heard this, and said, "I brought all the money from the household, Fifth Brother, you didn't spend a tael?"

The fifth elder brother said: "In the beginning, the Ministry of Internal Affairs provided food, drink and chewing. Later, the property was divided, and there was no place to spend money..."

This refers to the grace given by the prince after the division of households last year. In order to worry about the lack of supplies prepared by the various governments, the Ministry of Internal Affairs continued to withdraw and provide supplies for six months, and stopped in May this year.

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said, "You can't just sit around like this, is it a loss or not? In the early years, one tael of silver was one thousand yuan, but in the past two years, it will be 880 Wen, and in a few years it will drop to [-] Wen , Asking people to search for shops and houses, buy them and rent them out, it is also a profit; if you can’t buy them in the inner city, it’s the same if you go to the south city to inquire. The world is peaceful, and the population of the capital is also increasing year by year..."

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said, "Don't worry about that, and there is no shortage of money!"

Brother Jiu saw him thinking hard and said: "Fifth brother, you are the prince, and you are not short of money, but what about the nephews below? You became an Ama, and you don't prepare some household property for the nephews? How is my cousin now? General Fuguo, with a salary of two or three hundred a year, it is not enough to support the family..."

The fifth elder brother was a little confused: "It's too early to worry about this now, isn't it?"

He has only one son now, and the other sons have not been seen yet.

Brother Jiu said: "Why is it so early? Saving money is so easy? You have to come year after year, how can you keep the money for nothing like this..."

The list is 14th, and 13th have persisted for less than 24 hours, begging for a monthly pass!

The book friend circle has an exclusive reader title activity, with 20 places per month. Xiaojiu's reader title is "Yanmen". This must be done by following the post, because the title must be assigned under the event post. ^_^
The author of the New Year's greeting post is full of replies and cannot reply. Here, I would like to thank everyone for their blessings and monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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