My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 690 Don't Tell Others

Chapter 690 Don't Tell Others

Fifth elder brother felt a headache, looked at ninth elder brother and said: "I don't want to worry about that, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

It is enough to have a younger brother to worry about.

Let's be comfortable for a few years, it's still too early.

Ninth elder brother felt tired, and the little boy on his side hadn't landed, so he started to worry; fifth brother had been an ama for several years, but he didn't expect that in the future, this ama would be too casual.

But the 23 taels of silver...

Brother Nine said, "It doesn't need to be so much, 15 taels will do, and Fifth Brother will take back the rest."

Even though he is a compatriot brother, he is biased in his heart, but if he really surpasses others too much, he will feel guilty.

The fifth elder brother frowned and said, "What do you charge, such a big hole?"

This is a solid person, Brother Nine has no choice but to lower his volume and say: "Then let me tell you, fifth brother, you can't tell it... my younger brother went to the imperial court yesterday, and I told Khan Ama about it, 50 taels from the internal treasury..."

The fifth elder brother couldn't figure it out, and said: "Then you just said 53, do you count the 50?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course forget it, so the holes are almost the same, if you keep Fifth Brother 15 taels, you can still be rich by [-] taels..."

The fifth elder brother was puzzled and said, "Since you want to borrow money from Han Ama, what did you do with the premise money the day before yesterday?"

Brother Nine said: "You can't talk about borrowing money from Ama Khan. With so many sons in Ama Khan, what if they all borrow money from Ama Khan?"

"If Khan Ama agrees to borrow, how much is appropriate? If you compare it with my younger brother this time, three or five hundred thousand, the internal treasury doesn't have that much money..."

"If you don't borrow it, you are all sons, why are you partial to me, why?"

The fifth elder brother nodded and said: "You think carefully, you don't want to make it public, no one thinks too much money, you can let it out to eat!"

Ninth elder brother was a little surprised, looked at fifth elder brother and said: "Do you also know that money can be put on the account to earn interest?"

Then why did the 23 taels of silver go to waste for more than half a year?

The fifth elder brother snorted softly: "I'm not stupid, why don't I know? It's just unnecessary, and the money is worthless, so you are not allowed to touch it!"

At the end, he was serious and stared at Brother Jiu with warning in his eyes.

Just following the northern tour, he didn't lose weight at all, his face looked rounder, and his staring eyes were not intimidating.

Brother Jiu couldn't laugh or cry and said: "My brother is still borrowing money everywhere, where is the money to be released?"

Although the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" stipulates that "any private lending of money and debts and pawning property without interest shall not exceed three points", and it also stipulates that no matter how many years there are, it is "one interest per share", and rolling interest is not allowed, otherwise "Forty floggings, and the remaining profits are used to calculate the dirty; if it is serious, the crime will be punished with a hundred sticks." However, there are still all kinds of messy usury.

It's not worthwhile to force other people's families to die for a few coins.

Brother Nine still wants to be a good person.

The fifth elder brother thought about it, so he felt relieved and said: "That's good, put the 23 taels of silver here for storage, if there are other accidents, make up for it first, and let's talk about it when there is surplus in the end."

Since "good intentions are rewarded", Fifth Brother is so sincere, so if you get more rewards, let's get more!
Brother Jiu was shaken in his heart.

But for one or two years, who knows if there is any place to spend money.

Even if you know that the queen mother has many private houses, you can't take it for granted.

He made a decision and said: "Then keep 20 taels of banknotes, and you can take out the remaining 3 taels. It's Longevity Day and Halloween. Don't prepare a gift and don't even have the money. Brother, here is the money now. , is already enough..."

Even though the Baylor House has a royal salary and property, the expenses are high.

Fifth Prince hesitated after hearing this.

That's all for this year, the emperor's grandmother and Khan Ama both had separate birthdays, but next year it will be the emperor's grandmother's [-]th birthday, so it's a birthday present that should be exchanged carefully.

He nodded and said: "Then leave 3 taels, anyway, if you don't have enough money, tell me, I'll borrow it from the emperor's grandmother..."

Brother Nine: "..."

What is the difference between this and the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother? !

They are all relying on the favor of the elders to pick up money!

Brother Nine is inexplicably sour, why not try it, talk to the empress once, and find the feeling of being pampered?
Immediately he gave up.

Forget it, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are still half-grown children.

Fifth Brother?Innocent, only older.

Still don't learn from these bad ones!

I am the one who wants to be Ama, so I have to stand up.

After finishing the business, the fifth elder brother relaxed, leaned back in the chair, touched his belly and said, "I asked the dining room to order a bowl of noodles, and I had four chickens. I was in a hurry when I came out in the morning, so I ate a meat dragon, Two fires..."

The ninth elder brother called He Yuzhu in, and explained according to the fifth elder brother's request, and then said: "Steam some jujube meat, cut a plate of egg sausage..."

For breakfast, there is an egg sausage.

It is made of preserved eggs, salted duck eggs and eggs. It looks clear in color and tastes good.

Today is the first time to make a dining room, and brother Jiu also wants to let his fifth brother try it.

I don't know if it's because the princes didn't have eggs in the early years, but when they married Fujin and the ban was lifted, the brothers all liked to eat eggs.

Even brother Jiu likes to eat egg rolls, steamed eggs and so on.

After hearing the order, He Yuzhu sent a message to the dining room.

Ninth elder brother reacted, looked at fifth elder brother and said: "Fifth elder brother, this is not right, is it too old for your breakfast?"

The fifth elder brother nodded and said: "I'm angry with you, eat half less, on weekdays, two meat dragons, four fires..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "Eating too much hurts the stomach, this is not in line with the way of health preservation!"

After finishing speaking, he looked down at Brother Fifth's belt, and he estimated it to be two feet seven or eight.

The fifth prince quickly waved his hands and said: "Stop rambling, this is to raise autumn fat, and you will lose weight in the next year."

Brother Nine snorted softly, and said, "Ama Khan wants the clan to practice riding and shooting diligently. If Brother Fifth doesn't get on the horse, he will know he's worried!"

The fifth elder brother turned a deaf ear and looked towards the door, looking forward to his extra meal.

As a result, He Yuzhu hadn't sent the message back yet, but he waited for the fourth elder brother to come.

The fourth elder brother didn't ask Cui Baisui to report, knowing that the fifth elder brother was here and was talking to the ninth elder brother in the front hall, so he came directly.

Ninth elder brother met fifth elder brother and got up quickly.

With the fifth elder brother here, the fourth elder brother will put down the words of giving the banker's ticket first.

The fifth elder brother smiled and said: "The fourth brother came just in time, I was about to eat, let's eat together..."

Just when He Yuzhu came back with a message, the fifth elder brother said: "Tell the dining room to add another bowl...forget it, add half a bowl of noodles, and lay down a chicken..."

He Yuzhu had already seen Su Peisheng at the door, and knew that the fourth elder brother was coming, so he responded and went to pass on the message.

The fourth elder brother wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

He glanced at Fifth Prince, and saw that although he was smiling, his eyes were dark, which was a symptom of not sleeping well.

I know this one is still worried.

He didn't know what the two brothers said, but when he was seated, he changed the conversation, looked at Brother Jiu and said, "I went around the Prince's Mansion yesterday and saw the corn and potatoes you asked someone to plant, yes, It's grown tall..."

Ninth elder brother was dissatisfied, looked at fourth elder brother and fifth elder brother, and said: "Really, what's the matter, brothers?! Aren't you guys working for several years, and you always run around in the capital, why not Have people noticed Zhili's ten years and nine droughts?"

Tribes on the grasslands suffered white disasters, and the herdsmen who lost their livestock had no way of making a living and would become bandits.

In the same way, if Gyeonggi always catches up with the famine and the people will not have enough to eat, they can only become refugees.

The fourth elder brother said: "In the past few years, Zhili has taken the majority of the dredging of the river."

After all, he looked at Fifth Prince.

In the past two years, the errands of patrolling the rivers in Gyeonggi were mostly watched by the fifth elder brother.

The fifth elder brother nodded beside him and said: "Yes, yes, Han Ama has long been worried about the lack of rain in Zhili, and asked someone to clear it up a few years ago..."

Brother Jiu disapproved and said: "Then you can't just think about the convenience of water conservancy. How much land is there in Zhili? There are very few rivers that can be dredged every time..."

At this point, he thought about Shu Shu's words, and said, "In addition to dredging water conservancy and strengthening irrigation, we should also introduce drought-resistant grains, let people try to improve tools, and intensive farming are all ways to increase production and income!"

Fourth elder brother: "..."

I really didn't expect Brother Nine to have such insight, it's a pity to put it in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He thought about it and said: "You are old too. When we were as old as you, we had already entered the court and walked in Liubu. Do you want to tell Khan Ama that you also go to Liubu to practice?"

Brother Jiu was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Fourth Brother, don't trick me!"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "Is that why you don't want to enter the court?"

Brother Jiu said: "My brother knows how much he is worth. Instead of going to the six departments to make up the numbers, it's better to do a good job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It's convenient to think about making a living..."

The fourth elder brother still felt that he was too unmotivated, and said: "Can you still be a cat in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a lifetime?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course it would be the best. Hai Laxun has been the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Khan Ama for more than 30 years, and my younger brother also wants to be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 30 years..."

Fifth elder brother knew his younger brother's temperament, he was the most lazy, and said: "Fourth elder brother, let him be, be more at ease..."

The main reason is that there are many respects from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In this way, even if the younger brother's title is not high in the future, the yearly money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs can also make up for it.

The fourth elder brother is a little regretful, but it's hard to persuade him anymore.

At this moment, He Yuzhu has brought the people from the dining room to bring the dining box over.

In addition to two bowls of Yi noodles, there are four side dishes. The two meat dishes are jujube meat and egg sausage mentioned by Brother Jiu, and the two vegetarian dishes are radish skin with sesame sauce and pickled perilla leaves.

The noodle bowls seem to be the same size, both are two large bowls.

Just pretending to be different?
The fifth elder brother's bowl of noodles is tall, with several poached eggs on it.

The fourth elder brother had a bowl in front of him, but most of it was noodle soup, and there was only one poached egg.

The fourth elder brother didn't dislike his lack of noodles, but looked at the fifth elder brother's noodle bowl uncomfortable, and said: "It's fine in the morning, if it's later, eat less, it's not easy to restrain."

The fifth elder brother smiled and said, "My brother has a big appetite and eats less, and he has to add supper in the middle of the night, otherwise he won't be able to sleep..."

Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking.

The brothers had an extra meal.

After putting down the chopsticks, the fifth elder brother pointed to the egg intestines: "This is delicious, and it's not too much meat. You can eat it when you worship the Buddha. It will be colder in a few days. If you can hold it, make more." , to give filial piety to the emperor's grandmother."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Well, I'm trying to do it today, and I'm going to 'sincerely' in a few days..."

At that time, not only Qing Palace, but Ningshou Palace and Yikun Palace will also be sent.

The fifth elder brother smiled, pointed at the Su Ziye again, and said, "It was good to eat last year, but I forgot this year, and I didn't ask someone to make it. How much did you marinate? If there are too many, you can even a pot later..."

The 15th place has been overtaken, and the next 16 will catch up. Those who have not purchased the monthly pass, please support the monthly pass!I hope that the number of readers of this book will gradually increase in the future, and it will be more stable on the monthly ticket list in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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