Brother Jiu said: "Should be quite a lot, right? I remember that around the Mid-Autumn Festival, I seem to have prepared quite a lot. Perilla leaves and eggplants are better, and eight-treasure pickles are the most!"

The fifth elder brother smiled and said, "Then take one jar..."

After finishing speaking, he saw the fourth elder brother saying: "Do you want fourth brother, a few side dishes, it's great to go with porridge..."

The fourth elder brother just wanted to wave his hand, thought for a while and nodded: "Then I will bring some to taste."

It's not that he's greedy, but he thought that brother Jiu had borrowed a circle of money, which should be the time when he felt most uncomfortable, and he was afraid that he would be too outspoken, and he couldn't get it off his face.

Seeing that the fourth elder brother was sitting still and didn't intend to get up, the fifth elder brother knew that this elder brother had something to do.

It's just hard to say it in front of him.

It should also be a gift of money.

Just don't know how much.

The fifth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother and felt that his younger brother was a bit of a thief.

This is a two-handed preparation, borrowing a circle of silver from the brothers. If it can be borrowed, the 50 taels of silver in the internal treasury will not need to be used.

It can only be said that Brother Nine was vague, and Brother Five added a circle, and only added the share of himself and Brother Ten, thinking that the total was 80 to [-] taels.

That's fine, the money in the inner treasury can't be used if it can't be used.

There are accounts there, and now they can hide it for a while, but there is always a time to reveal it.

Now there are several directors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, besides Brother Nine, there is also Ma Qi who is qualified to look at the account books of the internal treasury.

The fifth elder brother got up and said to the fourth elder brother: "My younger brother has to go to Li Fan Yuan, let's go first."

The fourth elder brother nodded.

Ninth elder brother got up, sent fifth elder brother out, and said: "Let someone arrange the side dishes later, and send He Yuzhu to deliver them to you."

Brother Wu nodded and said: "Okay, okay, I just brought back the beef jerky when I turned around. I brought back two carts of beef jerky, half of which are for you, but I forgot when I came here today."

Brother Nine said: "That's just right, my mother sent some beef over yesterday and asked the dining room to make it, but it doesn't taste the same as air-dried."

As for a carload of beef jerky, it’s better not to be afraid of too much, than to have nothing to eat someday.

Speaking of this, he remembered that his brother didn't know that Fujin was pregnant.

It was just a coincidence that the elder brother and the fourth elder brother met the imperial physician yesterday.

The two elder brothers also know the rules, even if they say congratulations, they are cryptic.

Brother Nine also intends to abide by the three-month rule, and has no intention of publicizing it.

He coughed lightly, and said: "Because it's not too cold or hot, how about Fifth Brother taking Fifth Sister-in-law to Hongluo Temple?"

The fifth elder brother knew about the fact that the ninth elder brother and his wife and the tenth elder brother went to Hongluo Temple to "beg for a child" at the beginning of the seventh month.

Hearing Brother Nine's words, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then I'll discuss it with your fifth sister-in-law later..."

Because he was brought up by the empress dowager, the fifth elder brother believed in Buddhism.

Otherwise, during the southern tour, he would not have brought Wu Fujin to worship Buddha.

Hongluo Temple is not only a temple enshrined by the royal family, but the fifth elder brother also believes that the incense there is effective.

He really wanted to go, not for himself, but also for his younger brother.

Pray to the Buddha, and bless my younger brother to have a son and a half daughter.

But he was afraid that Wu Fujin would be suspicious, thinking that he was urging him to have a son-in-law, so he hesitated.

Brother Jiu is kind.

He was afraid that after waiting for November and three months, when the fifth prince and his wife wanted to go to Hongluo Temple to offer incense, they would be crowded.


Back then, my father-in-law and mother-in-law went to ask for an heir and got Fujin; I went to ask for an heir with Fujin myself, and my wish came true.

Whoever wants to say that Hongluo Temple is not effective, he has to talk to others.

There is still the fourth elder brother, and the brothers didn't say much.

Seeing Fifth Brother go away, Ninth Brother turned around and came back.

In the living room, the fourth elder brother also saw the small box left by the fifth elder brother.

I guessed it, just like myself, it should be a gift from the dealer.

When the ninth elder brother came in, the fourth elder brother took out an envelope from his sleeve, handed it to him, and said: "In addition to the 15 taels we mentioned yesterday, I also added [-] taels to you. You don't need to mention this to others. When other people inquired about it, they still said [-] yuan..."

Brother Jiu has a big head and doesn't really want to pick it up.

He looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "Fourth brother, there is no need to add more, 15 is already rich, and there are several other elder brothers..."

The fourth elder brother said very simply: "Then keep it for now, let's talk about it when you are rich, and make it up if you don't have enough."

Seeing that the ninth elder brother still refused, the fourth elder brother got up and said: "The household department still has some errands, so I will go first..."

This is true, it is still sorting out the silver owed by the prefectures and counties affected by the floods in the past few years, but this time it is not the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, but the two provinces of Zhili and Shandong.

Ninth Brother frowned, sent it out, and complained: "Even the eldest brother knows how to ask someone to buy more property. Why, fourth brother, you, like fifth brother, keep the banknotes? In the past, you can buy them with one tael of silver." Two stones of rice are only one and a half stones now, and this silver is becoming less and less valuable..."

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about this, there is not so much land to buy in this rush to buy land, let's ask people to look at it later..."

As for the property purchased by the Zhijun Prince's Mansion, the fourth elder brother has heard a thing or two, which is also embarrassing.

Eldest brother asked someone to buy two Zhuangzi, but it was not an addition to the palace.

But Yue's side.

His father-in-law's family has been silent for many years, and life is not plentiful.

Da Fujin also has a brother who is not in good health, has not been registered in the army, and has not filled the vacancy of the flag.

Before Da Fujin was alive, this brother was the one who was most worried about his natal family.

The eldest elder brother bought two properties for the younger brother-in-law.

Brother Nine really felt that these brothers were worthless.

When the fourth elder brother was sent away, the ninth elder brother took an envelope and a small box and returned to the main courtyard.

"The fifth brother gave 23 taels, followed by the fourth brother, and gave 21 taels..."

Brother Jiu lost the complacency he had at the beginning, but his complexion was a little heavy.

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

In good conscience, although they are all brothers and sisters, they are also divided into distant and close relatives.

If he were to show his heart and soul to Fifth Brother and Old Ten, then he would have nothing to say; if it was any other brother, he would definitely be inferior.

But right now, it seems that the fourth elder brother treats him no differently than his fellow brothers, and the two younger ones are also doing their best.

"Master, these brothers are really good. Needless to say, the fifth brother loves me the most; the fourth brother is cold-hearted and warm-hearted, and the thirteenth brother is also loyal enough. Even the fourteenth, who is usually owed to my son, is not a stingy person..."

Brother Jiu sighed.

Shu Shu was stunned, and said: "But all these add up, it's enough!"

The 50 taels of the inner treasury, the 15 taels of the elder brother, the 44 taels in front of him, and the 2 taels of the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers are already 110. Elder brother's 15 taels is already 1206 million taels.

Brother Nine looked at the direction of Yuqing Palace and said: "Hmph, if I hadn't said it in front of the emperor yesterday, I really don't want to go to Yuqing Palace..."

It is obvious that the money is given away for nothing, but you have to "borrow" the money in a humble manner.

Unexpectedly, he is still not familiar with the crown prince, so when the other party asks carefully, he has to prepare his own speech.


"I hope that the third brother will continue to be stingy, and I also hope that the starling will be tight..."

And these two, he couldn't help muttering to Shu Shu.

No matter how much money you have, you will be idle, and you have to think about other livelihoods.

He couldn't bear to keep it in vain.

In that case, it seems that the elder brothers are all bosses, and he has become a big shopkeeper who makes money for others, and he is at a loss.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "This is the hard work of the able..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Then you should be a mediocre person, what are you doing so diligently?"

While the couple were talking, Xiaochun came in and said, "Jiuye, Fujin, Aunt Peilan is here..."

Although Peilan next to Concubine Yi is a bit younger than Xianglan who left the palace, she is no older than Shushu and Brother Nine by two years.

But she is already the eldest maid of Yikun Palace, from the "aunt" generation.

Shu Shu said: "Please come in..."

Xiao Chun went out and then brought Pei Lan in.

Shu Shu got up.

Pei Lan brought a little palace maid in, bent her knees and said, "Master Jiu, please be well, please be well to Fujin..."

Shu Shu helped her up herself, and said: "Yesterday, the girl was rude and neglected Auntie!"

It turned out that Yifei sent Pei Lan to deliver the beef yesterday afternoon, and Shu Shu was asleep.

Xiaochun didn't wake her up.

Pei Lan hurriedly said: "You are polite, it is the servant who did not let Xiaochun disturb Fujin..."

Brother Jiu said: "Your Majesty sent you here, but for the fifteenth day to go to Ningshou Palace to ask for peace?"

Pei Lan nodded and said: "Well, Madam asked the servants to come over and ask Fujin how he feels these days. If you feel uncomfortable, don't force it. The Empress Dowager and the Eldest Princess are kind people and can understand; if you want to go, you can do it in advance Say hello to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and prepare a shoulder cart..."

Because the eldest princess is still in court, this greeting will be extra grand, and it is also the first time for the junior princes Fujin to see this eldest princess.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "Listen to your mother, your body is the most important thing."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I'm fine, it's just that I'm a little tired in autumn, that's why I get sleepy easily, everything else is fine..."

Brother Jiu was worried, and said: "But it's not close to go there, so listen to your mother and use the chariot!"

Shu Shu is also pregnant for the first time and has no experience.

She has always been cautious, not because she loves to be aggressive, so she nodded and said, "Then listen to me..."

Peilan passed on Yifei's words, finished the errand, and took the little maid to leave.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Looking at the attitude of the second sister towards the master the day before yesterday, it should be that she didn't know about Niu Hulu Gege's marriage with Fu Song, or else she would have to mention it..."

This involved his Yue family after all, if Princess Rongxian knew about it, she would not pretend to be ignorant.

Shu Shu said: "The princess opened the mansion alone, and she is not with the county prince Taifu Jin, it is not unusual to know."

Brother Nine stroked his chin, and said: "Last time, I mentioned Aling's family to Khan Ama, Khan Ama won't forget it? If I go to beat the side drums again, it won't be cheap Yin De The one at home!"

Shu Shu stopped her and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. I'm an orphan girl. If I care about it, it will make us mean. Let the rest go with the flow! If she gets what she wants, she will marry thousands of miles away and her relatives will be divorced; if she If you don't like it, it's her own torment, and the two will have nothing to do in the future..."

Hit the mouse, afraid of hurting the jade bottle.

After all, there is still ten princes in the middle.

It is Yin De, who is still serving as the long history of the ten princes.

Brother Nine snorted softly, and said, "Anyway, Niu Hulu's generation is not very good..."

That nasty, young man from Ah Ling's family can actually come up with a vicious scheme to drive apart the relationship between other people and husbands and wives.

Yin De's family is also not good, and their hearts are not right.

Brother Jiu was tired of both of them, and said to Shu Shu: "It would be great if they could all be sent to Mongolia, the rest of you will not be happy!"

Seeing that he was still not angry, Shu Shu said: "Everything in this world has a cause and effect. If Alinga's daughter is accused of the Bahrain Ministry, then Alinga's temperament can let the culprit go?"

The eldest daughter is different after all, especially the eldest daughter of the Banner family, she really has the same identity as a palm pearl.

Even if she didn't marry into the royal family, as the eldest daughter of the Duke's family, she doesn't have to worry about marrying.

If he was really accused of marrying the Bahrain Ministry, wouldn't A Ling'a dare to be angry with the emperor, and wouldn't he dare be angry with Yin De's family?

If it was Yin De's Da Gege who pointed at the Bahrain Ministry, and Bahrain Tai Fujin came here for money, how about this "aunt as a mother-in-law"?

How could a niece and daughter-in-law who had never met before be better than a baby?
Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "That's right, Ah Ling is a poisonous snake, and he has a vicious attitude. He will stare at anyone and bite people ruthlessly. He broke his leg in front of him. Both the master and the tenth breathed a sigh of relief... "

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

You must know that after 300 years, this person's nickname is "Viper Nine".

It's no coincidence that the two almost became Weng's son-in-law.

Before lunch, Big Brother also came over.

He didn't even drink tea, he came and went in a hurry, leaving only an envelope and a sentence: "I have pooled 5 taels with your empress, and this is 20. You use it first, and your empress has nothing to spend." ..."

Brother Nine was dumbfounded, and really wanted to say, can you follow the agreement, without adding more!

The elder brother didn't give him a chance to speak, and strode away.

Those who came with Big Brother, and Seventh Brother also handed a box to Ninth Brother and said: "Ask Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother said it was 15 taels, so I am the same as Fifth Brother... ..."

Brother Jiu held the box and really wanted to say something, it really doesn't matter!
Seventh elder brother drooped his face, glanced at the envelope in his hand, and said, "Why can't I accept the money that the elder brother has?"

After all, he didn't give brother Jiu a chance to explain, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

Ninth elder brother hurriedly caught up, stopped seventh elder brother and said: "Seventh elder brother, you have misunderstood, and I appreciate that brothers help me, but I really don't need so much, why don't you take [-] yuan, first Keep one hundred thousand?"

Seventh elder brother stopped, looked at ninth elder brother and said: "Is this a division of distance? The elder brother of the same mother can charge an extra 5 taels, but my half-lady brother can't accept it?"

Brother Nine: "..."

I can't believe it, is this still my taciturn seventh brother?

How can it hurt people? !

Excited, because the bonus of the monthly pass activity has arrived, and I was in the ninth place for a short half an hour, and now it is also the tenth on the monthly pass list. The screenshot shows that I can’t last for a few minutes, but I am still excited. Thank you, the book friends who follow the book they!

The next update will be at 1:3 noon on December 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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