Chapter 692 Yuansheng Jing (additional thanks to readers)
Brother Jiu didn't dare to say anything more.

Otherwise, this borrowing of money will really bring out hatred.

Brother Seven turned and left, walking slowly.

If you don't look carefully, you won't notice any inconvenience in his legs and feet at all, but looking at his back adds a bit of momentum.

Brother Nine's eyes fell on Brother Seven's feet.

Seventh elder brother is wearing boots, and looks similar from the outside.

But there should be something hidden in the right boot.

Brother Jiu watched, feeling a little sour in his heart.

My seventh brother may have suffered injustice and grievances when he was a child, but now he is considered blessed.

Seven Fujin is also good.

Although he is not comparable to his own Fujin, he can be counted among the prince's Fujin.

After returning to the main room, Brother Nine said to Shu Shu: "Brother Qi left in a hurry today, when you see Sister-in-law Seven the day after tomorrow, you will also mention the Hongluo Temple."

The day after tomorrow is September [-]th, the day to go to Ningshou Palace to pay my respects.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not very appropriate, Seventh Sister-in-law's situation is different, the imperial doctor said that she will be raised for two years."

The birth in May, because the fetus is big and the birth time is long, Qi Fujin also hurt the foundation.

Qi Fujin himself can see it, the eldest sons of the left and right concubines are already standing there, and it doesn't matter if the sons are born early or late.

Brother Jiu said: "Then the incense in Hongluo Temple will be cheaper for outsiders..."

Speaking of this, he regretted it, and said: "Send someone over tomorrow, talk to the abbot, and move two clumps of bamboo over here, so as not to turn around and miss it, it's a loss!"

Shu Shu is a little worried about the bamboo in Hongluo Temple, can it still become the bamboo forest scenery of later generations?

Brother Jiu asked her to collect the banknotes, called He Yuzhu, and said, "Run to Yuqing Palace and ask the crown prince if he is free in the next afternoon. I want to go over and say hello."

He Yuzhu went in response.

Brother Nine said to Shu Shu: "Go early, I've got a job with Ama Khan!"

The key is to be careful.

After collecting a lot of money, the brothers are not big mouthers, but what about the people around them?
And the palace servants of Yanxi Palace may not have revealed their words in a few words.

Go to Yuqing Palace earlier, and when you're done fooling around, just say that the elder brother's side is 10 taels, so as not to add more money if the prince really gets the letter.

After talking about Yuqing Palace, the ninth elder brother thought of the third elder brother and the eighth elder brother again, and said: "These two should not have to go to the pole to beg again. I mentioned it the day before yesterday, and today the elder brothers also entered the palace one after another. , as long as you are not a fool, you should know what's going on, whether you are willing to borrow money or not depends on these two days!"

Even the experience of borrowing money this time is enough to make him proud.

What is a good relationship?
This is a good relationship!
There is no need to ask grandpa to sue grandma at all, it is just a matter of one sentence before and after.

Shu Shu looked at the account books in his hands, and said, "Now these, plus the 50 taels in the internal treasury, have cost a lot. At this time, I am looking forward to the Sanbeile delivery book."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "If that's the case, it will also teach the third child a lesson. This person should be kinder and more rewarding..."

Perhaps the elder brothers were too loyal in the morning, and even Brother Nine felt that the brothers and sisters were very respectful.

The third child?
There is also a reason for developing such a temperament.

Even if you are not close, there is no need to really have a grudge, just ignore it.

In fact, Shu Shu hoped that the eighth elder brother would pretend to be stupid.

This works better.

Looking back, when the eighth elder brother has something to do, he should have no face to speak to the ninth elder brother.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

There's another guest ahead.

Eighth brother is here.

When Cui Baisui came to report, the couple stopped talking.

Brother Jiu rubbed his face, and said to Shu Shu: "Master is a little scared..."

Shu Shu squeezed his hand and said: "Mr. Xu is thinking too much. I think Babeile has acted well before. Even if he took less money today, it should be because of lack of information; if you ask the elder brother or the fourth brother , then it should be 10 taels..."

Brother Jiu was stunned and said, "Is it really like this?"

He didn't expect much from Starling's side before.

I have already figured out that the brothers have been dating for these years, this brother is warm and warm, and when he cares about others, he is like a spring breeze, but if he really wants to say it, he is the same as the third elder brother, and he talks more often.

It's just that not only did I not care about it before, but I also felt more sympathetic to this elder brother because of it. I felt that he didn't have a family to help, and the concubine herself was not rich, so money was tight.

That's why he asked Gui Dan to buy property last year, and he also took the opportunity to subsidize one or two.

Even for Fifth Prince, he didn't worry about it.

But after taking over the House of Internal Affairs this year, he knew that his previous thoughts were naive and ridiculous.

Concubine Wei's natal family is in the imperial dining room.

And it's not an idle handyman, but the main manager.

Even if the Wei family can't compete with Defei's family, they are still the second most powerful family in the Imperial Dining Room, and the difference is not too great.

That's where the oil is the most.

Can the Wei family make less offerings to their concubines and princes?

This time he felt that his starlings were mostly talking comforting words, and the money he could get should be quite a lot.

Unexpectedly, his wife's opinion was different from his own.

Brother Nine was a little confused, and said: "But when the relationship between the father and the starling was the best, the starling was not generous to the master; now that the relationship is far away, it will be more generous?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "'Resentment from near, respect from far away'? Just like us outsiders, we should always be more polite."

In fact, she felt that Eighth Prince was also a hidden pleasing personality.

This kind of person prefers to be recognized and praised by outsiders, but tends to be mean to those around him.

Brother Nine was even more confused.

It's just that the guests are waiting in front, so it's not easy to make people wait for a long time.

Brother Jiu went to the front yard.

Sitting behind the desk, Shu Shu spread out the piece of paper that brother Jiu had written before, and added a few strokes on it.

Behind the elder brother, he added another 5 taels, which was injected into the concubine.

After the fourth elder brother, he added another 6 taels and made a personal bet.

The fifth elder brother wrote 20 taels here.

The remaining 3 taels will be returned later.

Brother Qi wrote 15 taels here.

Shu Shu's eyes wandered among the concubines and concubines.

Some tangled.

Do you want to tell your mother-in-law?

If I really want to hide it, I'm afraid I'll be annoyed later...

Front yard, living room.

Eighth Prince sat on a chair, looked at the tea in the cup,
It is also chrysanthemum tea, but the tea utensils are ordinary, not as exquisite as the ones in my house, and the ordinary white porcelain is used.

In the past year, everyone praised Jiufu Jin for being good.

Is Jiufujin really that good?
After all, she is a lady of the general family, a little less delicate.

There is also Dong E's family, which is not as innocent as it was shown before, and there have been many dirty things this year.

He is not a fool.

Long before the southern tour, he knew that the root of his brother's estrangement lay in Dong E's body.

In the past, I heard people mention "pillow wind", which can be regarded as gaining insight.

It's just that he acted too impatiently before and showed his whereabouts outside, which made Brother Jiu alienate him.

I thought the relationship would start to mend after the move.

I didn't expect that now was an opportunity.

When the ninth elder brother came in, the eighth elder brother said with worry on his face: "I know your temper, the most important thing is to save face, this time I have spoken to everyone, and I must have encountered difficulties..."

As he spoke, he took out a purse from his sleeve, pushed it over, and said, "I asked fourth brother, and fourth brother said he sent 10 taels, here is 13 taels, the remaining 3 taels There is no need to tell others."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Eight with complicated emotions.

People are so strange.

It's also 10,000+ taels of silver, the starling is not stingy this time, but his touch is not as good as the 15 taels of the seventh brother.

I am prejudiced, and I am too demanding of others.

Who in this world can have no selfishness?

It can only be said that there was something wrong with me before.

Father is not close, mother is not loving, so I want to find brotherhood with the eighth elder brother.

In those few years, the eighth elder brother really looked like a good brother, and his mood improved a lot, so he should be content.

Not a loss.

The eighth elder brother said in shame: "I should have collected more, but I bought a few properties in the past six months and asked the doormen to borrow some of them. Now there are only these left on the books."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's enough, let's forget about the [-], I still put some money in my hands, don't put it all in the account..."

It is rare that the eighth elder brother is sincere today, and he also wants to be honest for a while, but he also understands the principle of "unfamiliarity", so he just said: "I can't trust my slaves, my brother discovered this year in the Ministry of Internal Affairs that this The slaves are greedy for money in all kinds of ways, and they wish they could use all the '36 tricks' to fool the master, myna, you should also be careful..."

After finishing speaking, Brother Jiu was stunned.

"Sparse and inseparable"?
Compared with Eighth Prince's wet nurse and wet-nurse father, is he already "sparse"?

The eighth elder brother misunderstood.

He thought that Brother Jiu was talking nonsense, saying that these irrelevant things were just asking about the whereabouts of the remaining 10 taels of silver in disguise.

After all, everyone knows that the prince divided 23 taels of silver into households.

He suppressed his unhappiness, nodded and said: "Well, I'm asking people to pay attention, but the 10 taels of silver did buy land. By coincidence, the clan brother of the Shuncheng Prince's Mansion was about to sell the garden and land..."

This is about the Ge County King of Shuncheng Palace.

Although he lost his title of prince, the title is still in his lineage, and he lives a luxurious and comfortable life.

In the spring, the Prince's Mansion of Liping County "presented the garden", which alarmed the prince who had been resigned.

His Haidian courtyard is less than a mile away from the garden of Pingjun Prince's Mansion.

Presumably because he was afraid of the expansion of the imperial garden, he also packaged and sold Haidian Bieyuan and a big village near Baiwang Mountain together.

The buyer is Babeile Mansion.

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Eight.

Buying land and real estate is indeed a serious matter, but because of Yazib's greed, there may be a difference in price.

He reminded: "That clan brother doesn't seem to come out to meet people very often, but mynah has seen him?"

The eighth elder brother shook his head and said: "When I bought the land, I was patrolling the south; when I came back, the clan brother went to the other courtyard in the mountains to escape the summer heat!"

Ninth elder brother wanted to say Yaqibu directly, but thought of fourth elder brother and stopped.

Forget it.

Or believe in the fourth brother once.

Now that I have talked too much, when Yaqibu's incident comes out, my starling should also suspect himself.

He shut up again.

Seeing that Brother Nine had nothing to say, Brother Eight also felt bored and got up and said, "Let's do this first, and don't worry about getting angry. If there are still shortcomings in the end, send He Yuzhu to come over and tell me, I will help you." Let me help you think of something."

Brother Nine quickly waved his hands and said, "It's all right, I'm a bit risky now. If you still want to buy property, myna, you can take it back. It's not too much to keep fifty thousand."

The eighth elder brother smiled, but didn't answer.

What is this called?

The same prince, why can the elder brother and the fourth elder brother borrow [-] yuan, but when they come to him, they will get half of it?

Just because he is the son of a concubine?
Are they the sons of concubines?

Thinking of the situation of Prince Raoyu and his son in Prince An's Mansion, Eighth Brother felt cold.

Could it be that the Prince of the Eight Banners also saw him in the same way, thinking that he was half shorter than other concubines and the sons of noble concubines?
The monthly ticket list is ninth, hug everyone, thank you for your support, which makes this book a miracle!Continue to ask for tickets, let the miracle stay for a while, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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