My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 693 Dumbfounded

Coming out of the second office, the eighth elder brother glanced at the third office before turning around and leaving.

Last year, he was also fortunate that he was included in the group of eldest elder brothers, and he was enshrined together with his brothers, one step ahead of the two younger brothers, ninth elder brother and tenth elder brother.

He is also diligent when working as an errand, and the emperor's father also values ​​it.

Even if there is a gap in the origins of the brothers, this first title can make up for one or two.

But thinking about it now, it's just self-deception.

So what if there is no knighthood?
Brother Nine is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and has been in charge since he was 16 years old.

The ten princes' clan mansion was walking, and it looked like a miscellaneous job, but the prince's mansion was built according to the regulations of the county prince's mansion, and even the chief minister was appointed.

In the future, it will be Zongling.

This is "the son is more precious than the mother"...

This has been the case since Emperor Taizu.

Taizu's descendants all set out to fight, but the military achievements still fell into the hands of Baylor, the direct line in charge of the banner.

What about the rest?

The father and son of Rao Yubeile and Prince Anhe have made great military achievements, but they are also a bit inferior to other palaces, and their children and grandchildren directly attacked.

On the contrary, it is the palaces of the other princes of the Taizu's direct line, even the baby princes, who have not made an inch of merit, can still be ranked at the top of the ranks, and the original rank is the title.

There is only one way to change this situation, and that is "mother is more valuable than son"...

Eighth Prince's face was a little heavy.

The third elder brother stood at the entrance of the corridor where the elder brother lived, touching the left sleeve for a while, the sleeve for the right, and his purse for a while.

In the left sleeve is an envelope containing 5 taels of banknotes.

There is also an envelope in the right sleeve, which is also 5 taels.

The same goes for the purse.

His brows were furrowed into a ball, like a concubine in mourning.

What the hell is going on with this bastard old nine? !
Is it a hole in Zhang Luo's money this time, or "borrowing a chicken to lay an egg"?
If the hole is repaired, this family is 10 taels, how can he pay it back?
You won't lose money, will you?
The "annual respect" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs comes down to [-] to [-] a year, when will it go?

But if it wasn't a hole, how could it be "borrowing the chicken to lay the egg" for nothing?
Should we talk about dividends? !
And what happened to the fourth child?

You are not very serious on weekdays, why don't you know how to train your brother this time?
Even if you don't train others, shouldn't you be humble and stand shoulder to shoulder with the boss in everything you do?

The eldest is the king of the county, with an annual salary of 5000 taels!
They are just Baylor, their annual salary is halved, only 500 taels!
Even if "brothers and brothers are respectful", pulling brothers, is it still important?
According to the rules, this loan should also be halved!

The third elder brother felt that he was going to be torn in half, and the half thought that he should not care so much about appearances. Anyway, the emperor and brothers knew that he was frugal, and 5 taels was already very decent, which made him feel pained.

If it was the second person, he would never have borrowed so much money.

But the other half of me was also alert.

It is true that Lao Jiu loves Fang people, and it is true that Lao Jiu can make money.

Don't dig and search for yourself, you will fall into the pit.

That money is not in vain, but to operate such a large cashmere weaving factory, where can it be discounted...

Every tael of silver lent out now may come back with a few cents or even more than [-]% interest. In that case, it can be regarded as eating soup with Lao Jiu.

If I really want to be half less than others, wouldn't the benefit be half less in the future? !
Bet or not?

Brother San gritted his teeth, and scolded Brother Jiu in his heart.

Enough chicken thieves, the money is not enough, and everyone's money is used to fill the hole, but they don't mention the shares and dividends in the first place.

In this case, if you really don't make money, it's okay to say that Lao Jiu will pay back the principal directly; but if you make a lot of money, the account will not be clear, and how much profit will be distributed, isn't it still a matter of his mouth...

The third elder brother was struggling, when he saw the eighth elder brother coming out of the corridor.

He raised his eyebrows, stepped forward and said: "The eighth brother also came to give Lao Jiu a banknote? How much money is this borrowed?"

The eighth elder brother took a look at the third elder brother, feeling ashamed, and said: "The household's Yin Zi Chun Ri bought a few properties, accounting for more than half of it. I can't move around. I can only do my best, and I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers."

Third elder brother was a little surprised.

This eighth brother is very strong when he is young, this time he is helping his brother, or the old nine who had the best friendship with him before, but in the end "can't stand shoulder to shoulder with his brothers"?
Is this being scared by Old Jiufang?

Keep it at arm's length? !
The third elder brother pondered and hesitated even more.

Did I learn from the eighth child, or did I learn from the fourth child?

After the eighth elder brother finished speaking, he glanced at the third elder brother who was full of confusion, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said: "You are busy first, younger brother will go first."

Brother San nodded and said, "Go, go!"

It wasn't until the eighth elder brother had gone far that the third elder brother realized that he hadn't asked for the exact number.

It's just that the eighth elder brother can "can't stand shoulder to shoulder with his brothers", but he can't.

There is also 10 taels of silver from the fourth child on the back.

The third elder brother sighed, and strode into the corridor.

That's it.

You can't learn from this unlucky old eight, it's bad luck.

Besides, I am still looking forward to restoring the prince, so I should show it to Khan Ama.

When he entered the living room of the second institute, the third elder brother drank tea, looked at the two plates of refreshments, and began to eat unceremoniously.

I was so upset all afternoon, I didn't even bother to eat.

A plate of conch crisps and a plate of skewers are all fried small fruits, which are fragrant and crispy.

When Brother Nine got the news, he ate both plates of refreshments.

It's just that they are all five-inch small plates, and there is not half a thing in one plate.

But it makes people feel more hungry.

Therefore, seeing Brother Nine, Brother Three bluntly ordered: "Old Nine, ask the dining room to cook some food, the sooner the better, I'm starving to death..."

After finishing speaking, he drank half of the tea in the bowl and poured it again by himself.

Brother Jiu was taken aback.

Although this is a brother's house, you don't need to be too outsider, but the third child is too natural.

Are the two so familiar?

But thinking that the third child is still here...

Brother Jiu's heart softened, and he ordered Sun Jin: "Call the dining room, and add two poached eggs..."

The third elder brother hurriedly said: "Four, what are two eggs worth?"

Brother Jiu nodded, waved to Sun Jin, and said, "Listen to the third master..."

Sun Jin went to the dining room, and the ninth elder brother sat opposite, looked at the third elder brother and said, "Did you not eat breakfast?"

The third elder brother glanced at him angrily, and said, "I'm ashamed to ask, who is the culprit?"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "I'm really sorry. I asked my brothers to borrow money, but it made them difficult. Otherwise, forget it, and it's almost enough..."

The third elder brother's ears suddenly popped up!

Almost done? !
The fourth chicken thief, didn't tell the truth? !

The third elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, and saw that his face was rosy, his eyes were clear, he looked better than himself, and he didn't look like he was worried at all.

His mind immediately settled.

Don't bet.

It is "borrowing the chicken to lay the egg"!
He snorted in his heart, really wanted to break up with Brother Jiu, so think about it.

If Lao Jiu wanted to split the shares, he wouldn't just borrow money.

He thought for a while, got up and said, "I'll go change first..."

Brother Nine: "..."

What's wrong?
Change clothes first when you get home!

He called Cui Baisui and took the third elder brother to clean the room.

After a while, the third elder brother came back.

Brother Nine sensed something was wrong.

This is the clean room, right?

Why does it look like it has been plated with gold?
It has grown momentum, and it looks like it is two feet eight.

Those who raised their jaws were almost the same as themselves.

At this moment, Sun Jin came over with a meal box.

Yi noodles are cooked quickly, and several side dishes are ready-made, and it takes only a quarter of an hour.

The third elder brother ate it unceremoniously, then put down his chopsticks, and said, "This noodle is good, and it's delicious without soup. I'll send some to my brother later."

Brother Nine wants to piss someone off.

Who are you, so brazen?
Is this thinking that you are a creditor, and you are pointing fingers in front of yourself?

The third elder brother had already wiped his hands, pulled out a thick envelope from his sleeve, handed it to him and said, "I know that the eldest brother and the fourth child are both 10 taels. The right brother has apologized, the whole story has been turned..."

After all, he didn't give Brother Jiu a chance to refuse, hiccupped, and strode out.

Brother Nine has been screwed up to the brim!
He took the envelope, hurriedly chased it out, and looked to the west.

Is this the sun coming out of the west?

what's up?
Shouldn't it be three melons and two dates, just for the sake of saving face?
Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Third Brother, I really don't need so much. Anyone with a hundred thousand is rich, what's not happy, there is nothing, don't need to be like this..."

The third elder brother glanced at him, feeling more confident, and laughed at himself: "Take it, it's rare for my brother to be generous, and my heart hurts, let's go, go..."

With that said, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Brother Jiu was a little confused.

This is the third brother? !
Even if the eldest brother and the fourth brother tell the amount of 10 taels of silver, shouldn't he find a reason to reduce it by seven or eighty-eight, right?
As a result, "follow the crowd and don't talk", plus other things...

Why does it feel like a dream?
Holding the envelope, he felt a little worried, and hurried to the main room.

The third child didn't count the dealer's tickets face to face, so he didn't mean to deceive himself on purpose, right?

I took 10,000, said it was [-]+?

When he entered the main room, he didn't care about talking to Shu Shu, so he opened the envelope and counted it.

15 taels!

The couple looked at each other.

After a while, Brother Nine sighed and said, "I really didn't realize that the third child still has such a sense of justice."

On the contrary, it was my younger brother who was not quite right before.

Every time he speaks, he is not very respectful, and he doesn't act like a younger brother.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

Even if a person behaves inconsistently, the contrast will not be so great.

This is the bottom!
However, the third elder brother acted really generously this time. Even if he had a speculative heart, he dared to spend so much money, which was a recognition and affirmation of the ninth elder brother's ability.

Next, I am afraid that someone will add "borrowing silver".

Shu Shu didn't reveal the matter, but just reminded: "When my master comes back from Yuqing Palace, I'll send He Yuzhu a bunch of things, and I'll tell everyone that the money is enough, so that everyone can rest assured earlier. "

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It should be, brother five should be scared, today there are dark circles under the eyes, old... the third brother also looks like he hasn't rested well..."

This feeling is a little mysterious.

It's like soaking in hot water, it makes people feel warm all over, and their hearts feel soft...

Brother's place, at the entrance of the corridor.

The third elder brother took another look, turned and left.

Lao Jiu was not asked to write an IOU, nor did he mention interest distribution, which is really suspenseful.

But compared with other brothers, how dare Lao Jiu give less to himself?
He felt happy again, and his steps became brisk.

Anyway, there is nothing to choose from the food in the second dining room, even the home-cooked dishes are better than the ones in my mansion.

Now he is also a "creditor", and he will be able to speak in the future...

In the morning's update, don't fall behind, keep rolling and begging for monthly tickets, ^_^!

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