Chapter 695 Pity the Weak
The prince was hesitant, and a eunuch came over at the door and said: "Master, brother Jiu is here..."

The prince frowned when he heard this.

He glanced at the clock, but it was not right.

Coming here at this time, it seems that I am really anxious...

He casually ordered: "Please serve tea in the side hall."

The eunuch responded.

The prince sat behind the desk and didn't move.

He was still a little awkward.

Eleven elder brother's horse before was a match between Yuqing Palace and Yikun Palace's elder brother, but he bowed his head in the end.

Brother Nine didn't intend to join in afterward.

Brother Jiu and his wife sent food to the West Garden, which was available everywhere, but there was no Douyuan Bookstore.

Although the crown prince didn't bother with Brother Jiu, he didn't like it either.

This time, they came together, but for money.

The prince stayed for a while, and estimated that a quarter of an hour later, he got up from the study and went to the side hall.

When I entered the door, I saw brother Jiu sitting there in bright red clothes, his mouth was not idle, and half a plate of tea was gone.

Seeing the prince coming in, brother Jiu stood up, smiled brightly, and said, "Prince, please..."


The prince nodded and said, "You too..."

When the guests and hosts were seated again, the prince looked at Brother Jiu's heartless and unsteady look, and he really couldn't believe it.

This money will not be in vain, right?
He was a little bit reluctant.

Although Yuqing Palace's supplies are all provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there are also many places where money is spent outside.

But if he was made to be on the same level as the boss, he would not be happy.

He thought for a while, and said: "I know you are short of money right now. I am also an elder brother. I should prepare some for you. It's just that I just bought two properties before the Mid-Autumn Festival. It cost a lot and there is not much left. How about it, lonely Give you [-] first, then write a letter to Cao Yin later, asking him to add another [-]..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help being stunned.

Why is Cao Yin involved?
Isn't Cao Yin an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
How can the prince ask for money directly?
After the prince finished speaking, he picked up the tea bowl.

Originally, he wanted to teach Ninth Brother a few words to act with discretion. Since he couldn't afford it, he directly assigned the cashmere weaving factory to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which would be regarded as a return to the wrong way.

But looking at the nine princes' makeup and thinking about Khan Ama's indulgence to him and the fourteenth prince, the two favorite concubines, the prince lost the interest in preaching.

Get used to it.

When he was a child, he was willful and mischievous, and Khan Ama would indulge him, but will he still indulge him when he grows up?

He didn't want to be perfunctory, so he served tea directly.

How else?

Do you really want to stare and have dinner together later?
Brother Jiu was running away and didn't pay attention to the prince's movements.

The prince coughed lightly, and said: "I won't keep you for now, I still have some papers to read..."

Brother Jiu got up and said, "Prince, 5 taels is enough, and the rest of the fifth brother will help me make up..."

No matter how far the prince's personal relationship with Cao Yin is, it is not appropriate to reveal it because of him.

Didn't that make Cao Yin fall into the trap?

That's Khan Ama's Bao brother, and Haha Zhuzi, who is still managing the cashmere weaving field.

Even if he had private contacts with Yuqing Palace, it was just out of flattery.

It's just that Khan Ama didn't care about these in the early years, but what if he cares about it in the future?

Brother Nine has grown up by himself, and he also knows what "people's hearts are changeable".

This time it was the prince who was stunned.

The fifth one is all together...

It was also expected that with the empress dowager's love for Lao Wu, the private treasury of Ningshou Palace would definitely fall into Lao Wu's hands.

Looking at Brother Jiu's heartless appearance, it seems that the inner treasury's transfer of money is insignificant. It turns out that because of this reason, someone has covered the bottom line.

He pondered for a while, and said: "I heard that Sibei Le gave you 10 taels of silver?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, but I'll put it on hold for now, I guess it won't be needed, and I'm sure I can use Brother Fifth's money first..."

Prince: "..."

Is this really not going to be repaid? !

Is this borrowing money or begging for money?

Does the boss know his plan?
How could you be so shameless!
He breathed a sigh of relief: "The money from Cao Yin's side is estimated to be later, and it will take several months to go back and forth. Master Huihui will send you fifty thousand first..."

Brother Jiu has seen the faces of Yuqing Palace people before, and he doesn't want to see them again.

Besides, this involves bankers' tickets. If there is a dispute in the middle, will I be wronged?

And this amount, fifty thousand good, fifty thousand wonderful, fifty thousand quack!
Don't let the prince come back to his senses!

His eyes lit up, and he said urgently: "If it's convenient for you, can you let my brother take it back right now?'s very urgent..."

The crown prince glanced at him, his face became tense, and he said, "Well, I asked someone to fetch it for you..."

After that, he ordered the eunuch to fetch the money.

Brother Jiu opened the box, looked at the denominations of banknotes inside one by one, then closed it, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Prince, for your help..."

The prince said: "Okay, don't say these kind words..."

It's just that there is no second time!
This ninth elder brother, relying on the imperial father's favor, specially blackmailed his brother.

Before hearing others say that he blackmailed the property of the third elder brother and the eighth elder brother, the prince took it as a joke.

But after dealing with him twice, he broke off a few properties and 5 taels of silver!

Is he greedy or is it over?

Brother Jiu left, and the prince went back to the study.

He already planned to inform He Yi and ask him to keep an eye on Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and there are still many places where the Ministry of Internal Affairs can do things.

Thinking of the princess's compliments to the Jiu elder brother and his wife, the prince felt restless.

He thought about it, went to the main room in the backyard, told the princess about it, and complained: "I don't know if I don't deal with it. I never thought that Lao Jiu is such a person!"

The princess listened, but she didn't believe that brother Jiu was such a person.

The Crown Princess put aside the Crown Prince's complaints, and said: "You prepared 12 taels of silver for Brother Jiu, and you want to give [-] taels later?"

The prince snorted softly and said, "What can I do? The boss seems to have convulsions, and he took out 10 taels, how can Gu be less than him? And Khan Ama is watching, if he knows that Lao Jiu left Yuqing Palace empty-handed , I feel distressed again..."

The princess did not agree.

Who is willing to borrow money if it is not really difficult?
It's like this again now, mobilizing teachers and mobilizing everyone has borrowed a circle.

Inspiring teachers and mobilizing crowds...

The princess was thoughtful.

It should be true that something happened when something happened, but this "invigorating the teacher and mobilizing the crowd" could not be said to be the thoughtfulness of Brother Jiu.

In this way, the prince is treated the same as other elder brothers.

The emperor will see this.

But the prince couldn't see this.

The princess looked at the prince, feeling a little worried...

Coming out of Yuqing Palace, Brother Jiu is in a good mood.

Finally, finally there is something missing!

As for what the prince said about Cao Yin's 7 taels of silver, it's too late!

When he went back in a while, he asked He Yuzhu to walk around, and first told a few places in the palace.

Enough money, no time to wait, haha!

No, there are twelve elder brothers left.

When Yuqing Palace came out, it was next to Qianqing Palace.

Further south, out of the inner court, is the Jianting Pavilion.

The school field in front of the Jianting Pavilion is where the prince of Shangshufang performs archery in the afternoon.

Brother Jiu took two steps and then stopped.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are still there.

The thirteenth elder brother is okay, but the fourteenth elder brother is too noisy.

Ninth elder brother didn't approach, but told He Yuzhu: "Go and call twelve elder brothers, and say that the master is waiting here."

He Yuzhu went in response.

After a while, he brought the twelve elder brothers back.

"Ninth Brother..."

Brother Twelve said respectfully.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "Brother has encountered difficulties, and he has been raising money for the past two days. Brothers have all helped. See how much you can help. Do what you can, don't force yourself."

On the word "brothers", he bit harder.

Although he wanted to watch the fun, Elder Twelve was not among the people who wanted to watch the fun.

Khan Ama couldn't think of Twelfth Elder Brother at first, if Twelfth Elder Brother doesn't pay out money this time, what if Khan Ama doesn't like it later?
Khan Ama would not think that the twelfth elder brother is a concubine prince, who has no money, and would only treat the twelfth elder brother indifferently.

Elder Brother Twelve blinked, was he being borrowed by Brother Ninth?

He remembered the words of the eunuch delivering meals at noon, that in the morning at the Second Institute, the knighted princes all came over one after another.

I also understand why Brother Jiu still mentions his elder brothers. It is because he is worried that he does not know how to "follow the crowd".

He said, "How much money did Thirteenth Brother and Fourteenth Brother pool together?"

Last night, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother went to the second school after dark. The people in the fifth school saw it and raised a word with the twelfth elder brother.

Brother Nine hesitated.

Do we only talk about the share of the two little elder brothers, or the total amount?
He didn't come here to embarrass Brother Twelve.

But this amount will finally be put together for Khan Ama to see.

The ninth elder brother was thinking, should he add some money to the twelfth elder brother's silver, and make it even with the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother...

Brother Twelve continued to look at Brother Nine, and said, "Can't you ask? The younger brother will ask Brother Ten..."

The ninth elder brother felt that it is better to say the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and said: "They are all 1 taels, but not many of them are their own. The big heads are all ground from the concubines and concubines. So you don't need to pay attention to Twelve, just gather up the spare money at hand and transfer it to Brother Jiu, you don't have to compare with them..."

Brother Twelve secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Then brother, let's add up to 1 taels too..."

Brother Jiu heard this and frowned and said, "What are you doing? Didn't the master say that the spare money around you is fine, you are not allowed to dig into the private houses of the nobles, and don't talk to Madam Su Ma, you will be an adult next year, aren't you?" Child, don't learn from those two worthless thirteen and fourteen..."

Brother Twelve shook his head and said: "Don't disturb the nobleman and the mother, my brother happens to have some money..."

Speaking of this, he thought about it carefully and said: "It adds up to 2 taels. If Brother Jiu uses it, use it all. Just say 600 taels on the surface..."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Twelve and asked in surprise, "Why are you so old?"

Elder Brother Twelve said honestly: "Given by my family, and the palace's birthday rewards, I didn't move much, so I saved them."

Brother Nine gave a thumbs up and said, "It's amazing, when your Ninth Brother and I were your age, we didn't have so much savings..."

Brother Twelve twitched the corner of his mouth.

Brother Nine is only two years older than himself, but his tone seems to be ten years older.

Everyone has a heart of pity and weakness, and Brother Jiu is no exception.

He has also been an unfavored little brother, and he knows what it feels like.

I still have my empress and my fifth brother, my friends also have my tenth brother, but my twelfth elder brother is like a lonely ghost.

He is an honest boy again, and he will help if he can.

He thought for a while, and said: "Then brother won't be polite to you, you keep two thousand and six, and the remaining twenty thousand brother will use it for two years..."

Brother Twelve nodded and said, "Well, let's use it..."

The next update will be at 1:4 noon on December 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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