Chapter 696 Want to be the same on the surface

How can I hide the news of elder brother?
In the afternoon, Kangxi got the news that the princes went to the second school one after another, and also knew that Brother Jiu went to Yuqing Palace.

He was very curious in his heart, and wanted to know how much everyone had collected.

The third child won't fall into the pit this time, right?

Two more times, he lost his prestige, and the younger brothers would not obey him.

As for whether to collect 75 taels?
Kangxi is not worried.

If it were another time, at this time last year, even if Brother Nine opened his mouth, the amount of money he could dig out would be limited.

The princes have limited savings.

But when the money is transferred to the account, it will be different.

Now is the time when the noble princes are the richest.

Kangxi looked forward to it.

He also thought that Brother Jiu's impatient temper, if he got it all together, he would definitely report to the imperial court immediately.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement until later in the day.

I didn't see you!

Worry-free stuff!

Kangxi thought of Concubine Yi who was blamed by her son before, and felt pity for her fate, so she flipped Concubine Yi's brand...

Two, main room, study.

The tenth elder brother came and was talking about the clan's family affairs with the ninth elder brother.

"This palace is really like a sieve. No news can be hidden from the outside. In the morning, it was fine. In the afternoon, Su Nu Beizi started to circle around his younger brother, asking about Brother Jiu... ..."

"However, it doesn't sound like a bad intention. It should be worried that Brother Nine has made something wrong. I guess he wants to get a letter so that he can tell the Dutong Mansion..."

"Myna went there. It's weird. He actually asked Brother Wu about the medicine he used on his face last year. He didn't ask Brother Wu. He came here and asked me..."

Brother Nine listened to the front, disapproving.

Sunu Beizi and Yue's family are relatives by marriage, so it's normal for them to have a good relationship.

The medicine on Wu Ge's face...

"This is looking for medicine for Bafujin?" Brother Jiu felt weird, and said, "It's been half a year, why did you think of looking for medicine?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said, "I guess it's because it's inconvenient for Fang Fujin to enter the palace to pay his respects..."

Fucha's side Fujin entered the palace to pay his respects, it seemed that the rules were not perfect; if he didn't enter the palace to pay his respects, then Babeile Mansion would be cut off from the news from the palace.

Eat people with short mouths, and take people softly.

Brother Nine didn't want to comment on Brother Eight anymore, so he just said: "Jun An really doesn't care about Ba Fujin at all, doesn't he treat him like his own daughter?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "I should have disliked it too, everyone should be ashamed, last year the Eight Fortunes made a fuss, there are more people out there who scold the palace for poor education!"

Although Ba Fujin seems to be more noble than her aunt in terms of status.

But Mrs. Guo Luoluo has the daughter of Jue and Aixinjueluo, and she is still a respected relative.

At that time, he was still bereaved.

So the beating Ba Fujin suffered was really hard to get fair.

At that time, in order to make the matter quiet as soon as possible, the Babeile Mansion did not look for medicine with much fanfare.

Brother Nine sighed, and didn't want to mention the Babeile Mansion.

He got up and took the form from behind the desk, handed it to Elder Brother Ten and said, "Look, I'm sending you, the spare money from my brother and sister, see if you want to invest in it too."

Elder Brother Ten took the list and looked it over, and he was also shocked when he saw the amount on it clearly.

His eyes fixed on the third elder brother and the eighth elder brother, and pondered: "Third elder brother is surprising this time..."

Brother Jiu curled up his mouth and said proudly: "That's the master. Third brother can be regarded as discerning people. He knows that if he dares to borrow it, he can return it; if someone else wants to borrow it from third brother." Money, that is a dream!"

Brother Ten smiled and nodded.

Don't think so much, don't care about what you say.

He saw the eighth elder brother again, and said, "It's rare for the eighth elder brother to come here."

Brother Jiu's smile faded, and he sighed, "Anyway, it's a bit awkward..."

Elder Brother Shi took a look at him and said, "Brother Ninth doesn't have to think too much, it's all about repaying the love he owed him when he was a child. This time, only Myna owes Brother Nine, and Brother Ninth never owed Brother Myna anything at all."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's fine, it's a good beginning and a good end."

The tenth elder brother looked at the amounts of the first few younger elder brothers, but didn't make any comments.

Elder Brother Twelve has never been a fool.

This is the case in the palace, the more the child is loved by no one, the earlier he will stand up.

Elder Brother Ten put down the list, thought for a while, and said, "Brother, I'm on par with Starling, 13 taels!"

Brother Nine heard this, shook his head and said: "What you mentioned is borrowing money to make up for a hole, not a business matter, why do you have to compete? Everyone knows that our brothers have a good relationship, even if you get more than Fifth Brother , others will not say anything..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Everyone knows that my younger brother and Brother Ninth are inseparable. When the matter is revealed, if you say that Fifth Brother does not know the inside story, everyone will believe it, and if you say that Younger Brother does not know the inside story, everyone will not believe it..."

Having said this, he paused, and said: "Besides, my brother is a prince without a title after all, and the 13 is already staggering, and any more will be too eye-catching... and Niu Hulu's family must be taken into account... ..."

Also take into account the Qianqing Palace.

After hearing this, Brother Nine felt a little unhappy and said, "Could it be that Niu Hulu's family is so courageous that they dare to compete with the prince for property?"

For ordinary families outside, the woman's dowry must be returned to her natal family if she has no children to inherit it.

But this is the palace, Empress Xiaozhao's dowry was given to the noble concubine before, and it belongs to the noble concubine.

It is reasonable for the noble concubine to be passed on to the tenth elder brother. Could it be that Niu Hulu's family is going to move forward at this time?
Elder Brother Ten said: "It's the same Prince Elder Brother who has not been knighted, Twelve is two years younger than me, and only saved more than 2. I will directly take out 13 taels, which is already eye-catching..."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "What about the dowry silver for younger siblings? It happens to be doubled..."

It's not that he has a small nose and small eyes that insist on focusing on the dowry of his younger siblings, but that he wants to make the ten elder brothers earn more.

Even if you don't surpass your brothers, don't be too far behind.

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Ninth and said, "That's not appropriate. Brothers are very loyal, but why didn't Brother Ninth mention the dowry of sister-in-laws? Brother Ninth loves me, I know, but 'you don't worry about being widowed, you don't worry about it. Jun', on the surface it is better to be like other brothers..."

Brother Jiu glanced at the piece of paper and said, "Is the master giving away the money for nothing? Who would dare to make a fuss about it?"

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Brother Ninth is not just making a fuss this time, the future will be long, besides, younger brother doesn't have much room for expenses."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said: "Now in the palace, there is no place to spend money, but seeing that we are going to move out, we will be the masters of our own house, so the money should be more generous..."

Elder Brother Ten was stunned and said, "Brother Ninth, this is inappropriate..."

The No. [-] Institute had been to the Imperial Physician, and the Shi elder brother and his wife came here after receiving the news yesterday, so they naturally knew that Shu Shu was happy.

Brother Nine said: "It's too formal in the palace, it's better to be comfortable outside, Master Huihui told Han Ama, it's best to move out before winter."

Elder Brother Shi had always advanced and retreated with him, so naturally he had no objection.

It's just that I really want to move...

This Forbidden City will not be his home in the future...

Elder Brother Ten felt a little complicated and a little scared, but when he saw Elder Nine, he felt at ease again.

I have my own small family outside, and it is still in the current situation, next to Brother Nine, so there is nothing to worry about...

When the tenth elder brother returned to the third school, and it was time for the study to end, the twelfth elder brother came to give the banknote.

In this way, there is only 50 taels of silver in the internal treasury, and Concubine Yi's private house.

In the evening, Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Yesterday I sent Gao Bin to Qin Tianjian, and there should be a confirmation letter tomorrow. The auspicious day for moving is chosen. When the concubine and concubine choose it, we will also send it to the Qin Tianjian." Go ahead and choose one!"

Shu Shu said: "When I leave the palace at this time, the imperial grandmother must give grace according to the rules, so as to avoid the matter of entering the palace to pay her respects until the delivery. In this way, there will be a year before and after not being able to enter the palace... ..."

Brother Nine said: "If you can't, then you can't, the days will be long, if next summer the Holy Driver will be sent to the Queen Mother to live in the garden, we will also go there..."

Mentioning this, he patted his forehead and said: "No wonder I always feel that I have forgotten something! I forgot what I said to brother Khan Amati Jiagai. I can't be like this year, first come, first served, second served." Can't get it if you go?"

This is about the elder brother's office outside the West Garden.

But next year the Empress Dowager's new garden, the North Garden, will also be repaired.

If it is still built near the current Xinwu Institute, it will not be very convenient for the female relatives to go to Beihuayuan Road at that time.

Brother Jiu thought about the open space around the garden, but he could choose a place to the north of Changchun Garden and east of North Garden, and then build a brother's office.

Brother Jiu said to Shushu, "It will be like the new fifth school, and it will be good to build a northern fifth school. When Han Ama goes to the garden next year, everyone won't have to grab the yard..."

If you don't count the princes now, there are eight princes in the family, but the first [-] elder brothers, [-] elder brothers, and [-] elder brothers are all next to each other in age.

Shu Shu thought of this, and said: "If you want to save trouble and don't want to repair the third time in a few years, it is better to go directly to the six yards in the North Institute..."

When the Queen Mother moves out from the West Garden, the West Garden will be the Prince's family and the young brothers.

At that time, there will be no elders around, and it will be difficult for the married prince and Fujin to live together.

Ninth elder brother thought of fourteenth elder brother's stature, and said disgustedly: "Stupid and tall, he grows vertically, and there is no flesh on his body..."

Hearing what he said, Shu Shu couldn't help itching, and touched Brother Jiu's waist.

What should I do if I am worried?
The fourth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother have the same mother, the fourth elder brother is thin, and the fourteenth elder brother has a temper that is not comparable to that of his brother, but his body looks like the fourth elder brother's.

Brother Jiu is thin now because he was malnourished before, but his appetite is much better now than last year.

The figure of the fifth elder brother, the ninth elder brother also has a fat-prone physique, right?

Brother Jiu was itchy from her touch, and said with a sullen face: "Don't worry about it! The imperial doctor ordered that you can't do anything for the first four months and the next three months..."

Shu Shu changed from touching to pinching, and said: "I just feel that the master seems to have some flesh."

Brother Nine was surprised and said: "Really? Master also pinches..."

After pinching for a long time, I couldn't bring up anything.

Brother Jiu also pinched Shu Shu's waist and hummed, "Liar..."

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

The imperial concubine was also talking.

Since yesterday, when she got the letter of approval, the smile on Concubine Yi's face never faded, and her whole body was filled with joy.

When Kangxi saw it, his mood changed for a while, and he said, "Is that so happy?"

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Could it be that the emperor is a pro-Ama and the concubine is a stepmother? For the sake of Lao Jiu, the emperor has worked so hard this year. Although the concubine is not as good as the emperor, he is still thinking about it. Now it's better. The biggest concern is now, the rest of them live a good life, let them run the business as a young couple, and the concubines will not get involved..."

(End of this chapter)

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