Chapter 697

Kangxi likes Concubine Yi who knows how to measure and never interferes with the prince's affairs, but still complains: "I can't let go, and I have some worries, and there is no old adult around me..."

What this means is that brother Jiu chose the master of ceremonies by himself, and he planned to let Ma Qi's son go over to do the ceremony. They are both half-children, what can they do?
Concubine Yi listened with a smile and didn't interrupt, since it was never her turn to arrange staff,
Just look at Xianglan, who has had children in the past two years, and when Brother Nine and the others go out of the palace, they can be nuns and help Shushu.

Kangxi didn't mention Brother Nine's "borrowing money" because he was afraid that Concubine Yi wouldn't know the details and worry about it...

Spring sleepiness and autumn fatigue, a good night's sleep.

The next day, Brother Jiu sent He Yuzhu out of the palace.

Instruct him to go around the prince's mansions and send a message on behalf of Brother Nine, the money is all together, please rest assured.

Before leaving the palace, go to Yuqing Palace first, and then go to the study room so that the little ones can't be left behind.

It's all said to be dead, so that no one has to add it.

Now that He Yuzhu was out of the palace, Sun Jin was the one who went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pick up official duties.

According to Brother Nine's instructions, Sun Jin set off from Brother Jiu's office at the third quarter of the first day of Chenchu, and Chenzheng just happened to go to the House of Internal Affairs to make a handover with Zhang Baozhu.

It's just that when he came back, he brought Gao Bin with him,
Gao Bin also listened to Brother Jiu's previous instructions, and went to the Qintian Prison to guard it early, and now he has returned with the auspicious day that was calculated there.

It's half a month now, so this is considered an auspicious day for moving in the second half of September.

Brother Jiu took a look. From now until the end of the month, there are four good days, 21th, 26st, 29th, and [-]th.

Today is thirteen, and sixteen is in a hurry.

The most suitable time for girls to move to the palace is the middle days.

In that case, they can directly choose the one at the end of the month.

He said to Gao Bin, "Have you finished all the errands I told you?"

Gao Bin said: "Master Jiu, don't worry, I have already made an agreement with my third uncle, and my third uncle has gone to Changping County to rent a house..."

It turned out that Brother Jiu remembered what Guidan bought last year, knew the taboo, and didn't intend to directly use his own name to buy mountain land.

In that case, even if you buy it at the market price, it will be like bullying others and encroaching on people's property.

But Gao Bin's age is here, so he is easy to be underestimated by people who go out to buy directly, and then deliberately raise the price later.

He asked Gao Bin to find a rich and tight-lipped relative, and then let the other party bring Gao Bin to show up, and then Gao Bin traded with the landlord as the other party's nephew.

Brother Jiu said: "That's good, this job is done, and later you will pay for your wife's marriage."

Gao Bin was not ashamed, and said: "The servant is waiting."

Brother Jiu handed him a box and said: "This is 10 taels. You can use it first. If it is not enough, or the flowers are clean, come here again."

Gao Bin held it in a low voice, and thought about it: "Master, if I really buy that piece, it's not easy to delay for too long, lest someone raise the price..."

It was the first time that he was alone, and Gao Bin also wanted to complete his errand.

This 10 taels may seem like a lot, but compared with the amount of land mentioned by Brother Jiu, it is also far behind.

Brother Nine proudly said: "Then buy together, don't worry about the money, I've prepared everything..."

Gao Bin was relieved now, thought for a while, and said: "The slave is going to be stationed in Changping for a while, and the master of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has no errands. I heard that Brother Cao has already entered Beijing, so should we arrange someone to report to him? Get a badge?"

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, Langzhong Zhang is with you, let He Yuzhu run errands with Sun Jin, Cao Shun is there, I have other uses..."

Yesterday, the couple had a discussion about how to use this rich money.

Brother Nine thought of Nian Xiyao.

Nian Xiyao has already arrived in Yunnan to take up his post, and just in the past two days, a letter came, asking Brother Jiu to send someone there.

Brother Jiu discussed with Shu Shu, took out 10 taels from the remaining silver, and went directly to buy tea mountain.

That's the long-term payoff.

At that time, not only tea cakes can be made and sold to the northwest, but also loose tea can be made into customs and sold to other places.

Even if it is not exported, it is also suitable for giving gifts and rewarding people.

This is no longer a small tea garden, it is necessary to arrange for a proper person to go there.

Brother Nine really had no other choice, and Cao Shun was born and acted, so there was nothing inappropriate. He bought chicken blood stone ore in Hangzhou before, and he completed his errands very well.

Those who can work harder can just go south.

Although I saw that the sky was getting colder, the weather was getting warmer the further south I went, so it was not a problem.

Gao Bin just thought of this, and reminded him that since brother Jiu knew it well, he didn't talk too much, so he resigned and left.

Brother Jiu didn't rush to the Qianqing Palace, but looked at the clock.

Fujin has been to Yikun Palace for a while, so it's time to come back.

Although it was called a shoulder chariot, brother Jiu was still a little worried.

Disturbed, he folded the piece of paper on which he kept the account, stuffed it in his pocket, and left the second office.

Or go to the right gate of Guangsheng and wait.

In that case, when Shu Shu comes out, the couple can meet each other.

Ask the empress about the number of private houses, and then go to Qianqing Palace to report the total number, which is also comprehensive...

In Yikun Palace, the main hall, the second room.

Concubine Yi prided herself on her good temper, but she couldn't help gritting her teeth when she heard what Shu Shu said clearly.

Shu Shu lowered his volume, and persuaded: "My lady, don't be upset, Lord Jiu has a plan in mind, the current land in Haidian has increased to 20 taels of silver per mu, but there are only those who are begging to buy, no one is willing to sell, than Xiu The front of Changchun Garden has increased by four or five times, Xiaotangshan is not as good as Haidian, but the land price has increased by two or three times, it is still stable..."

Concubine Yi dissatisfied: "So what if it grows twice as big? What are you trying to do to make money for others? As a result, after all this tossing, you can make a small change. Is it a loss? Even if the profit is big, follow the emperor When I mentioned it, I mentioned it, and I was shocked..."

Piansheng still likes to talk big, and he hasn't done anything yet, so he agreed on the profit ratio in front of the imperial court.

One-to-one dividends, how dare you?
Even if it goes smoothly, it means being the big shopkeeper.

If it doesn't go well, what does the emperor think?
Maybe it will be regarded as high-sighted and low-handed.

Shu Shudao: "The Fifth Brother told the Tenth Brother, and the Ninth Master said that they are both spoiled and spoiled, and they are not very economical, so they just wanted to take this opportunity to pull it off, but it's not good to show it on the bright side. I just thought of this idea of ​​repairing the hole after letting others talk, but I didn't expect to get all this money all at once..."

Concubine Yi calmed down a little, and said: "It's still a little clever, knowing that other people are not only his brothers, but also the emperor's son."

If you find a way to get rich, if you pull two of them alone, the emperor will be annoyed.

But the stall is so big that people are sweating.

Concubine Yi thought for a while, and said: "I have accumulated some silver, about 6 taels, and I will bring you fifty thousand in a while. If you really want to share the silver, you don't have to give it to me. You and your fifth brother will go directly to it." Let's break up..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "If it's distributed like this, Master Jiu might not accept the money from the empress..."

Concubine Yi snorted softly: "What? He is so courageous, he wants to kick him with me?"

Shu Shu earnestly said: "Master Jiu is filial, originally he thought he would take this opportunity to earn some money, and then secretly honor his mother, and today he sent his daughter-in-law here, just because King Zhijun used Concubine Hui's money. The master just wanted to show filial piety to the empress once again; not only the empress, but also the daughter-in-law here, the private house and the money at the bottom of the box, also pooled 4 taels, and planned to put it in..."

Concubine Yi waved her hand and said: "I'm in the palace, and the food for chewing is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so where can I spend it? It's useless to ask for so much money!"

Shu Shu didn't answer.

She wasn't talking nonsense either.

With Brother Jiu's temper, if he knew what Yi Fei said, he would definitely not use the money.

There is no such reason.

They don't use Concubine Yi's money, Concubine Yi's [-] savings are still there; if they use it, the savings are cleared, so what is it?

Concubine Yi also knows Brother Jiu's temper, when she says she listens to persuasion, she listens to persuasion, and when she says she is stubborn, she is really irritating.

She frowned and said, "Then when the principal and interest are paid out, divide it into three parts and send one part back."

In this way, I left a copy for Brother Eighteen.

Whether it is divided into two or divided into three, it is Yifei's love for her son.

Shu Shu said: "Your Majesty, it's better to divide it into four. Otherwise, Master Jiu won't worry about your Majesty, and you will feel uncomfortable. Later, Madam's grandson and granddaughter will wake up. Which one's sweet mouth will make Madam happy? Madam will reward you with three melons and two dates." , and have plenty of money..."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu's stomach, couldn't help laughing, and said: "When the time comes, you have to teach our little ones well, his Mama left pocket money for him!"

The atmosphere turned around again.

Concubine Yi stretched out her finger, tapped Shu Shu's forehead, and said: "Don't be heartless, the old man puts Lao Jiu first, men are like brothers in their hearts, but we women also have to know it in our hearts, this money is still more Hold it in your own hands, especially when you become Ernie..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "My daughter-in-law just feels that with the emperor and the empress around, life can't be tight, and money is something outside of the body. As long as Master Jiu is at ease, it's better than anything else."

Concubine Yi snorted softly: "Just get used to it! If you turn around and ignore your family, it's still you who suffer."

Shu Shu smiled and said nothing.

Concubine Yi asked Pei Lan to come over with the banker's ticket, and said, "I won't keep you, so that Lao Jiu won't worry..."

Shu Shu got up and said, "The daughter-in-law will come to greet you later..."

Concubine Yi listened, but hesitated a bit, then shook her head and said: "You don't have to come here the day after tomorrow, you can go directly to Ningshou Palace, if you go early, you can go to Jiugege to talk..."

Speaking of this, she was afraid that Shu Shu would not understand, and said, "Your sister-in-law will be there at that time, so it's inconvenient..."

Wu Fujin was young, and she was not expecting to give birth. She walked in the palace without a shoulder chariot.

When the time comes, the sisters-in-law will come together, one sitting in a chariot and the other walking, and they don't look like each other.

When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to pay their respects to Ningshou Palace, it was not appropriate for Concubine Yi to walk or sit in a chariot, and everyone was embarrassed.

It's better to go separately.

Shu Shulinglong's sweetheart understood at once, nodded and said: "Well, the daughter-in-law there listens to the mother's orders, and then goes directly to Ningshou Palace, just in time to give Jiu Ge Ge He Sheng..."

Jiugege and Shushu's birthdays are next to each other, but sister-in-law is reversed.

On the contrary, Jiu Gege was born in the front, with a birthday of September 22, twenty days older than Shushu.

Shu Shu prepared a birthday gift for her, which happened to be given away.

After coming out of Yikun Palace, Shu Shu smiled and relaxed.

Although Concubine Yi was sympathetic to Wu Fujin this time, she still felt very happy.

It is really a blessing for her and Wu Fujin to have such a mother-in-law who can put herself in the shoes of her daughter-in-law...

(End of this chapter)

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