Chapter 698 Suitable for Sealing the Edict
Before reaching the right door of Guangsheng, Xiao Chun whispered: "Fu Jin, Master Jiu is here..."

Shu Shu raised her head and saw Brother Jiu standing outside the door.

The couple looked at each other and smiled.

After leaving Guangsheng's right gate, Shu Shu wanted to signal the eunuch to put down his chariot.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "You don't need to come down, just say something like this, and the master is still in a hurry to go to the Qing Palace!"

Shu Shu nodded, then stretched out her right hand to him, stretching her fingers.

Brother Jiu knew it in his heart, and said: "Go back and crooked..."

After finishing speaking, he instructed Xiaochun again: "Go back and ask for hot water, let Fujin soak his feet, it will be cold when you come out..."

It is late autumn now, and the wind is chilly in the morning and evening.

Xiao Chun agreed.

Shu Shu looked at the sun helplessly. It's not even noon yet, so you want to soak your feet?

This is also "mother is more expensive than children", and I have become a golden baby.

After urging Shu Shu to leave, Brother Jiu turned around and went to Qianqing Palace.

When the eunuch at the door communicated, Brother Jiu entered Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi glanced at him angrily.

Usually the monkey has an impatient temper, but now he can hold his breath.

"Khan Ama, Qin Tianjian has chosen an auspicious day..."

Brother Jiu first took out a folded leaf from his left sleeve, and said, "In the second half of the month, there are four days that are suitable for moving..."

After all, he offered it with both hands.

Kangxi's face became a little warmer, and he still knew the importance of public affairs before private affairs.

He looked at the four days, looked at the words "September [-]", and then looked at the other days.

When Brother Nine saw this, he couldn't help being a little anxious, and stepped forward two steps: "Ama Khan, my son wants to ask Ama Khan for one thing..."

Kangxi was surprised, and said: "Didn't make up enough money? Is this because I want you to make up for it?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's enough, I still have a lot..."

As he said that, he touched his right sleeve, and it was also a folded page and said: "This is a rough account, and the 5 taels of the empress and the 4 taels of the son Fujin have not been accounted for..."

Kangxi put down the folder in his hand and took this, but he didn't speak for a while.

Of the six princes who were enshrined, none of them was left behind, and all of them made their mark.

Among them, the eighth elder brother, who is the least, has 13 taels.

It took only two or three days before and after, and this matter was really done.

One by one, they really have a big heart, and they are not afraid that the old nine will spoil the money!
Their household money is only 23 in total, not 230 million!
It's more than half!

But the prince... 5 taels...

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, he looked at Brother Jiu and said, "You went to Yuqing Palace and said it yourself, what did you say?"

Brother Nine thought about yesterday's situation, and then roughly recounted the conversation between the two.

Kangxi frowned, then stretched his eyebrows, looked at Brother Jiu, and said, "Didn't the crown prince allow 12 taels, why did he only remember 5 taels?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "Son, this is selfishness. I think it's better not to bother Mr. Cao. The new weaving field is complicated. If I borrow money from Jiangnan merchants later, it will be bad for others to know; if I directly Misappropriating the weaving mansion, this is not easy to settle..."

Kangxi still felt that fifty thousand was dazzling.

On weekdays, the prince competes with the elder brother, and he must dominate the elder brother in everything.

Kangxi turned one eye and closed the other, and did not interfere.

Although the two are brothers, they also bid farewell to the monarch and his ministers.

But why not fight at this time?

Even if you don't have enough cash on hand, if you accept it first, and ask someone to make it up later, wouldn't it be respectable?

It's better to come here and tell yourself than to write a letter to Cao Yin.

He felt a little uncomfortable, so he looked away, and looked at the other people, only to find that the elder brother still had a mark on the back.

Not only the eldest brother, but also the thirteenth and fourteenth brothers.

Kangxi glanced at it, but returned to Eldest Brother, and said, "Did Eldest Brother tell you how the money was spent?"

In the first month, the branch money was allocated, but now it's tight?

Still want to pay money from Yanxi Palace?
Brother Jiu said: "Brother said, the disciples borrowed 3 taels, and 2 taels were purchased. The elder brother originally wanted to lend the remaining 18 taels to his son, but the son didn't want it. It is estimated that the money will cost [-] taels." In the past year, there must always be some preparations for the account, but I didn't expect that the elder brother would alarm the concubine..."

Kangxi nodded, and then went to the fourth elder brother and said: "The fourth elder brother borrowed 15, how can the prince say it is [-]?"

The reason why the prince wants to collect 12 is probably because he thought the boss got [-].

Brother Nine heard this, but didn't answer right away.

He hesitated whether to tell the truth, or to take matters into his own hands.

But fourth brother is really kind...

Kangxi looked at him, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Why, can't you tell?"

He was suspicious, worried that the elder brother deliberately dug a hole for the prince, and felt that he did not act like the eldest brother.

Brother Jiu laughed and said: "That's not true, my son is thinking about telling the truth..."

Kangxi snorted softly: "In front of me, have you ever made up nonsense?"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "My son was wronged! Khan Ama is no one else, what can my son not say to Khan Ama?"

Kangxi: "..."

Brother Nine took the lead and said: "You can't think too much about it. If you really want to blame someone, you can blame your son. It's my son who is idle. He came up with such a bad idea. I don't want to say that I want to be a cow and a horse for everyone. I'm going to offend the crown prince..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "Talking! Talk about it, what are you talking about?"

Brother Jiu said: "It was the fourth brother who told the public that he had borrowed 10 taels from the eldest brother. It should be because he was afraid of exaggerating and embarrassing the lower brother..."

Kangxi was noncommittal, glanced at the words of the third elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the eighth elder brother: "The third elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the eighth elder brother all thought it was 10 taels?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Third brother and eighth brother thought it was 10 taels, so third brother added fifty thousand taels, saying that the previous little festival was overturned. He was thinking too much. A few quarrels between brothers Forget it, what's the point..."

Speaking of this, he said: "The starling is also loyal. Baylor Mansion has just bought a property, and spent a lot of money to go there, and the rest is almost here!"

Kangxi didn't comment, but said, "Where's Lao Qi?"

Nine princes said: "Seventh brother is honest, he asked fifth brother, he thought fifth brother got 15 taels, so he sent 15 taels, son said [-] is enough, he was even annoyed!"

The sons were affectionate and righteous, and Kangxi felt much more at ease.

There are a few small ones left, so he is not interested in asking.

Ninth elder brother can't help but praise his fifth brother once, saying: "Fifth brother is more honest, he brought all 23 taels, and the son talked about the emperor's grandmother's [-]th birthday, so he persuaded him to keep [-] taels."

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "Knowing that the fifth brother is sincere, I will let him worry less from now on, I am definitely scared!"

Brother Nine hurriedly nodded and said: "Listen to Ama Khan, I won't talk about it in the future..."

Kangxi: "..."

He snorted softly and said, "There's no need to waste food because of choking, just the accounts are clearer."

Brother Nine heard that something was wrong, and said: "Khan Ama, what are you doing so clearly? My son agreed before, this time it is a loan of money, not a joint stock!"

Kangxi pointed to the folded leaf and said, "My brothers did their best for you, aren't you moved?"

Brother Nine proudly said: "That's why we say 'good people are rewarded', and my son will be a living God of Wealth..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Kangxi and said: "Ama Khan, you have always been kind, so you should be able to see clearly the love your son has for his brothers, right?"

Kangxi was puzzled and said: "Aren't you short of manpower? After doing a partnership business, wouldn't you have enough manpower?"

Brother Nine shook his head like a rattle, and said: "No, my son is afraid of trouble, 'brothers, settle accounts', my son was in the Ministry of Criminal Justice last year to read the case files, and these murder cases are either for 'sex' or 'for money', Among them, more than half of the 'wealth' are close relatives, people's hearts are changeable, so don't make trouble for yourself..."

Kangxi stopped embarrassing him, and said: "Not counting my 50 taels, it's more than 130 million. According to your plan, isn't it just enough?"

Brother Nine widened his eyes, looked at Kangxi and said, "Ama Khan, do you want to eat dry stock?"

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, but his heart moved.

Can you still eat dry stocks?
Brother Nine quickly shook his head and said: "That's not acceptable. Without the principal, how can you make money? My son can't make money out of nothing, so don't go back on your words!"

Don't be afraid if you have a surplus of money, spread it out, and make a living with a few more money.

I am not a bodhisattva, so I will do my best for everyone when I have nothing to do.

After two and a half years, most of the dividends will be distributed, so there will always be something left in the middle.

The cost of several 10 taels of silver is also just "borrowing chickens to lay eggs".

Brother Nine patted his chest and said, "Just wait and see, Khan Ama, for three years, in addition to paying you principal and interest, my son will give you a great tribute!"

Kangxi said: "Tell me about it?"

Brother Jiu covered his mouth and said, "Don't leak the secret!"

He was a little worried.

Forgot this before.

Khan Ama is not rich, and 50 taels is not a small sum.

Don't be so sad anymore.

He got up and said: "Then you are busy first, when the concubine and concubine have chosen a date, my son will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare for the removal of the palace."

The pleading mentioned above should be done slowly.

Wait until you get the 50 taels of silver.

Otherwise, Khan Ama would be unhappy, and he might have to talk back.

Only then did Kangxi look at another folding page, nodded and said, "Go."

Brother Nine took a step forward, took the folder that recorded everyone's money, and carefully said: "Khan Ama, this amount is known by the heavens, the earth knows Khan Ama, and others don't need to know, do you think... ..."

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "Are you afraid?"

Brother Jiu sighed and said: "Son, isn't he worried about doing bad things with good intentions? It's not a matter of comparison..."

Kangxi nodded slightly and said: "Finally not confused!"

Brother Nine hurriedly put it away and came out of Qianqing Palace.

As soon as he came out, he saw the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother standing under the steps.

Seeing Brother Nine coming out, both of them went up to meet him.

"Ninth Brother..."

"Ninth Brother..."

Brother Jiu said: "This is a class break? You want to see Han Ama..."

Brother Fourteen had already pulled his arm and said, "Brother Ninth, my brother is here to block you!"

This palace gate is not a place to talk.

The brothers left the Qianqing Palace Square and arrived at the corridor next to it.

Brother Fourteen stomped his feet and said, "He Yuzhu came in the morning, and my younger brother pretended not to hear me at all. My younger brother sent someone to Wu Ya's family to tell them to collect 1 taels of silver!"

Brother Nine heard that the voice was wrong, so he looked carefully at Brother Fourteen, saw his angry appearance, raised his eyebrows and said: "This master has already made up enough, so why do I need to borrow it? I really want it from Wu Ya's family." It’s not a good time for the silver to come, you returned the 7000 taels from the concubine, and kept another 3000 taels..."

The fourteenth elder brother was a little anxious when he heard this, and said: "Ninth brother, the other brothers have so much principal, and the amount of the thirteenth brother and I is the only one. Isn't it a big loss? You should be sympathetic to both of us, this year We are young and have little money, so it’s not bad for us? Who told us to be born late! The 1 taels, is it okay for me and Brother Thirteen? Each of us will add 5000 taels! Fifteen thousand, not much..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "How did you see it? Why are you so clever at this time? The other brothers all believed it, but you two didn't believe it? It's a bystander who is so heartless!"

Elder Fourteen hurriedly explained: "That's because the other elder brothers haven't seen Sister-in-law Jiu, but whenever they see Sister-in-law Jiu, they have to weigh Brother Jiu's words..."

Brother Jiu was puzzled and said, "What does it have to do with your sister-in-law?"

But Brother Fourteen was blindsided. When the others came over yesterday, they were all in the front hall to receive guests, and indeed they did not go to the main room.

The fourteenth elder brother said proudly: "Sister-in-law Nine has written words on her face, that is, brother nine is very good, don't worry, if brother nine really has a big hole, and is anxious about money, sister-in-law nine will take brother nine Like a big baby, with such a comfortable demeanor..."

Ninth elder brother felt that fourteenth elder brother had improved a lot, and he knew how to read words and deeds.

Good eyes, is a little clever ghost.

He made a gesture of silence, and said: "It's not that you can't accept it, but you two have to keep your mouths tightly shut. If you reveal it, let the brothers next to you know... Huh, don't talk about profit, I will also confiscate it directly." Already!"

The fourteenth elder brother smiled and said: "Ninth brother, don't worry, my younger brother is not stupid, I appointed to keep it a secret!"

Brother Nine looked at Brother Thirteen again.

The thirteenth brother said: "My younger brother doesn't say anything, but the ninth brother doesn't need to listen to the fourteenth brother, and the 1 taels don't need to be distributed to me..."

The ninth elder brother said nothing, but looked at the fourteenth elder brother.

The fourteenth elder brother said loudly: "Split! I can't wait for the younger brother to eat meat, and the thirteenth brother to drink soup, so that people will not bear it. Brothers are blessed to share, let's eat meat together, delicious..."

In Qianqing Palace, Kangxi sent Zhao Chang over and ordered: "Go and check the two properties that were added outside Yuqing Palace..."

Yuqing Palace is right under Kangxi's nose, so of course he knows how many private houses the prince has.

The prince's character is not enough to lie to elder brother Jiu, saying that he is buying a property, then he is really buying a property.

Is this an industry that people buy because they feel that there is little profit?

In the hands of the prince, although there is no household silver or household property, there is the dowry of the Yuan Empress, and there is a lot of profit every year.

Alright, what do you do with another property?
I have never heard anyone mention it, so it must have been sent privately to buy it.

Zhao Chang complied.

Kangxi ordered Liang Jiugong again, saying: "Go to the Qin Tianjian, and calculate whether it is appropriate to seal the imperial edict on the [-]th..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and agreed, and went to Qintianjian.

He was very surprised.

The emperor attaches so much importance to it, and even mentioned the conferment, which empress is he going to confer?

Jiuye just mentioned moving the palace, and there is no one else, either Concubine Tong or nobleman Guerjia.

Or both.

After all, the emperor canonize the harem one by one.

Canonized separately in these years, apart from Empress Yi and Concubine De, they are all queen sisters...

As for the concubine Wei, after all, she is a little bit worse, and she should not be able to catch up with this wave.

Kangxi ordered Wei Zhu again: "Send someone to the Ministry of Rites to check on the room, and pass on Zhang Ying..."

Zhang Ying, Han Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, sits in the hall today, because I met you in the morning...

Three more 1, ^_^.

I have a low-grade fever, starting tomorrow at [-] o'clock in the evening, it will be extended to the next morning, so I won't stay up late for the time being.

It would be even better if it could be finished before ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone should go to bed early and get up early to take good care of themselves.

The next update will be at 1:5 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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