Chapter 699 Paying a lot of money to ward off evil (the first update asks for a monthly pass)

In the corridor, the ninth elder brother urged the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother to go back to the study.

It's not even lunch break, it's just a class break, and it's almost time.

The two were very obedient this time, and obediently went back to the study.

Brother Jiu stood in the corridor, hesitated for a while, and instead of going back to the second office, he walked south.

After leaving Daqing Gate and passing Qipan Street, he headed east.

Go to Qin Tianjian.

The Qintianjian Yamen is between the Honglu Temple and the Imperial Hospital Yamen, at the southeast corner of the Household Yamen.

Now the supervisor of Qin Tianjian is Xu Risheng, a Portuguese.

The Qin Tianjian was originally a government office for observing celestial phenomena and issuing calendars. The astrology of Western missionaries is now more accurate.

Therefore, from the time of Emperor Shizu, the Qintian Supervisor has been using Westerners.

Although Brother Nine was wearing ordinary clothes, he had a yellow belt around his waist.

As soon as you enter the Qin Tianjian, there will be clever scribes reporting to the prison.

Xu Risheng came out of the room, saw Brother Nine, smiled, and said, "It turns out that His Highness is here."

He is more than 50 years old, blond and blue-eyed, with a big beard, but he is wearing a Qing Dynasty supplementary uniform.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "It's okay to be idle, come here for a stroll, where is Mu Jingyuan?"

Mu Jingyuan is a student of Xu Risheng and a Portuguese.

Brother Jiu has been to Qin Tianjian several times in his early years. He likes to look at those Western stargazing objects, and also likes to learn Western dialect.

His Latin and Latin teacher is Mu Jingyuan.

Xu Risheng said: "He is in the church, is Your Highness looking for him?"

Brother Nine said: "No, I'll look for Deputy Supervisor Zhang..."

Deputy Zhang Jian is a Taoist priest of Huoju, a descendant of Zhengyi Zhang Tianshi.

Previously, brother Jiu sent someone to choose an auspicious day, and the person in charge was Deputy Supervisor Zhang.

When the two passed by, Deputy Supervisor Zhang was drawing a talisman with a brush.

He was in his forties, dressed as a Taoist priest, with a bun on his head, a blue Taoist robe on his body, and a beard. He looked a bit tall.

After seeing Brother Nine and Xu Risheng, Vice Supervisor Zhang put down his pen and held his hand in salute: "Your Highness, Your Excellency..."

Xu Risheng nodded his head as a salute, said something to brother Jiu, and left first.

Brother Jiu entered Zhang's deputy's room, looked around, and was not in a hurry to speak.

Every time I came to Qin Tianjian before, I always followed a few foreigners. I have no interest in Taoist disciples.

I regret it now.

If you study the "Book of Changes" earlier, maybe you can pray for blessings and choose auspiciousness.

But thinking of the obscurity of "Book of Changes", Brother Jiu felt a headache again.

"But what's inappropriate about the previous auspicious day?" Deputy Supervisor Zhang asked.

The previous four auspicious days suitable for relocation came from Deputy Supervisor Zhang.

Brother Nine said: "No, it has already been handed over to the imperial court. When I come back this time, I have a private matter to ask for advice."

Deputy Supervisor Zhang said: "Please speak, Your Highness."

Brother Nine said: "I heard that it is not suitable to move when you are heavy, and you are afraid of the fetus god. Is there any way to solve it?"

Deputy Superintendent Zhang thought for a while, and said: "We need to choose auspiciousness, divination of the birth god's position on that day, and it cannot be blocked..."

"The moving should be completed before noon, which means Yang Zheng..."

"Those who are heavy should avoid it on the day, and wait until the new house is properly settled before entering the house. You can't enter the house empty-handed, but you can enter the house with gold objects in hand. A lot of money to ward off evil spirits, wishful thinking is the best..."

"In order to be safe, put five elements and eight trigrams to guard the house, so as to avoid the evil spirit of Feng Shui in the new house..."

"You can wear the five-element and eight-diagram amulet to protect the nobleman and the fetus. The five-element qi is not dispersed, the movement is not chaotic, the soul is stable, safe and auspicious..."

Brother Jiu listened carefully, wrote down each item, and finally said: "Can I use the auspicious day chosen earlier?"

Deputy Supervisor Zhang hurriedly said: "No, we must pay attention to the right time, place and people. It is more cumbersome than choosing auspiciousness for ordinary moving. It is best to correspond to the birth date and Huang Lilai."

Brother Jiu said: "Then the town house charm and amulet?"

Zhang Jian said: "This, I can do my best..."

Brother Jiu said: "What about the anti-birth talisman? Do you want to prepare it too?"

Deputy Supervisor Zhang said: "Your Highness is careful, it is indeed better to be prepared."

Brother Nine said: "Then trouble Mr. Zhang, and help prepare a copy as soon as possible..."

Deputy Supervisor Zhang bowed in response.

Brother Jiu turned around and left.

Let's go back and choose auspicious...

As soon as he left the Qin Tianjian, he saw the fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother standing at the gate of the yamen.

The ninth elder brother bowed to the fourth elder brother: "Fourth elder brother..." Then he said to the tenth elder brother: "This is the reward of the ear..."

The Zongren Mansion Yamen is also in this area, just to the north of the Hubu Yamen, separated from the Hubu Yamen by an official department Yamen.

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Brother Ninth, isn't this a 'foot ban'? When it came out, someone must have noticed it and told my younger brother!"

The fourth elder brother also looked at the ninth elder brother angrily and said: "Isn't it because I forgot?"

This is enough money, are you in a good mood?

So idle all of a sudden.

Brother Jiu coughed lightly and moved his eyes away.

Really forgot.

He hastily changed the subject and said, "Fourth brother, I was thinking of looking for you, isn't this just a coincidence..."

The fourth elder brother raised his eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

Brother Nine was a little bit hesitant to continue, as if he had asked the wrong person.

Concubine Wei and Concubine Zhang were conferred in the 28th year of Kangxi, and Concubine Tong entered the palace in 29 years. At that time, the fourth elder brother was still a young elder brother, not the prince of Cheng Ding and his family.

Whether you need to prepare a promotion gift for the harem concubine or concubine, you can only ask the elder brother.

The fourth elder brother saw his entanglement and said, "What's the matter?"

Brother Jiu said: "Isn't this the concubine Tong and the concubine Wei who are going to move to the palace? At that time, the nobleman Guerjia will also move to the palace with him. He will enter the back hall of the Changchun Palace. Before that, he has also prepared for the internal management to lead the population." ..."

After hearing this, the fourth elder brother knew that this is the nobleman Guerjia who wants to be a concubine.

But what's so difficult about it?

What does the imperial father's harem have to do with these princes?

Brother Jiu went on to say: "Do I need to prepare this congratulatory gift? How to prepare it? There is no regulation. I wanted to ask my fourth brother... I just remembered that there should be no precedent for you, fourth brother. I don't know what happened in 28 years." How did sister-in-law prepare..."

Elder Brother Ten said from the sidelines: "It's better not to ask Big Brother about this, it's not appropriate."

At that time, we will have to mention the old affairs of Dafujin, so as not to make people uncomfortable.

This married couple is not the same as the married couple.

Not to mention the noble status of big brother, it is common for ordinary men out there to remarry after a hundred days after losing their first spouse.

Like big elder brother, who insists on pointing at Fujin after three years, can be regarded as a kind of love.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, don't ask, or it would be more convenient for Shisan to send someone to ask the concubine..."

The fourth elder brother glared at him, and said: "Nonsense, how can you inquire like this?"

What Zhangpin did back then may not necessarily be the usual practice in the palace.

He pondered and said: "You don't need to ask about these nonsense, you just follow the pandemic..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't worry about that."

Regardless of the past examples, as long as there are examples to follow now.

Here is his ranking, the big brothers in the front, those who don't give gifts, it's not his turn to take the lead.

Seeing that the ninth elder brother didn't seem to be in trouble, the fourth elder brother went back to the household department.

The tenth elder brother refused to go back to the clan mansion, and went back to the palace with the ninth elder brother.

He lowered his voice and said, "Is Mr. Guerjia promoted too fast?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "What's so strange about this? Everyone knows that she is Khan Ama's new favorite..."

Left and right have nothing to do with them.

Elder Brother Shi frowned and said: "Ama Khan has been promoted to the harem for many years since he became the throne. In these years, except for a few relatives who were born in foreign relatives, everyone else has been promoted several times at a time. The only two exceptions are concubines. Mother and Concubine De..."

Speaking of seniority, Concubine Yi, like Concubine De, is a bit later than Concubine Hui, Concubine Rong and others.

However, both have come from behind.

Before Concubine Yi entered the palace, she had received the grace to bring her daughter into the palace, which was already the concubine's treatment.

Concubine De was conferred on her own, and when she became the fourth concubine, she also got a place.

Now there is another Guarja family.

Brother Jiu still didn't take it seriously and said: "So what, it's not Jin Guifei, even if it is promoted to concubine, it is still behind the empress."

Elder Brother Ten said: "But if we give birth to a prince, then our little Shiba will not be a young son!"

Brother Jiu said: "There is no Guar Jiagui life, but there are other lives. Khan Ama Longma spirit, how can there be fewer women here? No, it's not. Look at Fourteen, what was used to before, these two It's only when you're young that you know how to be polite..."

Seeing that the ninth elder brother was really in no hurry, the tenth elder brother also let go of this matter.

That is to say, Brother Jiu is naive, thinking that the harem has nothing to do with princes like them.

But anyone can see that the favor of nobleman Guerjia still has an influence on the harem.

The most influential ones are Zhang Concubine and Wang Guiren, followed by Yifei, the old favorite concubine.

But Brother Jiu is right, Mr. Guerjia is just a concubine of Jin, not a concubine of Jin, so there is nothing to worry about.

The second house, the main room and the second room.

Several brocade boxes were placed on the kang, and inside were golden Ruyis half a foot long.

Knowing that Gege Guizhen was already engaged to the guard of Shu Mulu's family, Shu Shu asked someone to send a message to Shun'an Yinlou to prepare Jin Ruyi.

At that time, thinking that the good news of Jiugege was coming soon, I asked to make two more pairs.

In addition to preparing for Jiugege, she also kept a pair for herself.

It's golden, and it's very pleasing to look at.

Shu Shu feels that she is just a vulgar person, and she is willing to be more vulgar.

The Ruyi gift, in addition to the weight, is also exquisite in craftsmanship, hollowed out and filigree, which makes people feel unbearable to use.

The ones I keep for myself are much simpler in style, and are for playful use, so they are more primitive.

When Brother Nine came in, he saw Shu Shu holding Jin Ruyi and making gestures there.

Brother Nine was puzzled and said, "What is this gesture?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Didn't it mean that Ruyi doesn't ask for help? I'll see if I can really treat it as a tickle..."

Brother Jiu also laughed, and said: "Stupid, no one really uses this to tickle an itch, it's not enough to tire your arms..."

Shu Shu did feel a little heavy, it was solid Jin Ruyi, not light in weight, just laid on the kang.

Brother Jiu remembered what Deputy Supervisor Zhang said, and looked at Ruyi.

A lot of money to ward off evil spirits, wishful thinking is the best.

It's just right...

Thank you for your concern. I took medicine and went to bed early last night. I got better and returned to normal. I had bronchitis, and I started to have a fever. I took antibiotics and antipyretics, and now I am back to 37, ^_^.Everyone should take care and be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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