My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 700 The Emperor's Favor

Chapter 700 The Emperor's Favor

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu about going to Qin Tianjian.

Shu Shu felt relieved.

The so-called taboo, it's okay if you don't know it, but if you know it, you will feel awkward after all.

It's good to have a solution.

"Others are fine, where can the 'avoid' go to avoid?"

As Shu Shu said, she thought of the three schools, and said, "Why don't you go next door and stay with the ten younger siblings..."

Not only do they have to avoid the prince's mansion when they settle down, but the second school has started to move, so they also have to avoid it.

Calculated in this way, it is half a day's work.

Brother Jiu glanced at her unexpectedly, and said, "What are you thinking? Brother Ten will definitely move with us!"

This is also more trouble-free, and it will be over in one day, otherwise it will be delayed for a few days, and then worry about it.

In this way, if the second institute is in chaos, the third institute will also be in chaos.

Shu Shu touched her brain, she was a little silly.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "When the time comes, say hello to Sister-in-law Si, let the tenth sibling accompany you out of the palace first, and go to Sister-in-law's place to rest for half a day, and it will be convenient to go back home..."

In fact, it is also possible to go to the Dutong Mansion, but it will take a detour, Brother Jiu is worried about going on the road.

Shu Shu had no objection, and said: "Then I will trouble my sister-in-law at that time..."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "In the future, you don't need to be polite to these elder brothers and sisters-in-law, now you are the 'God of Wealth'!"

Isn't it right to lead everyone to get rich and domineering?

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

If that's the case, I and Brother Nine will become representatives of "extreme" relatives.

Not to mention borrowing money with thick skin, but also showing off with the creditor.

After things were reversed, everyone laughed it off; before the reversal, it was annoying enough.

Brother Nine took out the folds of his cuffs and said, "I'll give back to Brother Thirteen and Brother Fourteen. Fourteen is clever, and I saw through it. I asked Wu Ya's family for 1 taels..."

Shu Shu wasn't surprised, she just smiled and said, "Master is really friendly and a good brother..."

He sent He Yuzhu to talk about it early, just to be on guard against this.

But when Brother Fourteen begged, he didn't refuse.

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "That's because Shisi is now sensible and knows how to 'share happiness' with Shisan; if Shisi still has the same stinky virtues as before, I wouldn't bother to talk to him."

After he finished speaking, Shu Shu also mentioned the matter of going to Yikun Palace, and talked about the way Concubine Yi was assigned in the first place.

"I didn't answer, we are not short of money, it's more comfortable for the empress to keep some..."

She talked about it roughly, and said: "In the end, the empress didn't shake her head, she should have complied with what I said..."

Brother Nine heard this, smiled, and said to Shu Shu: "That is to say, you can think about it, and try a narrow-minded one? Even if you divide it into two, you can find faults..."

"For example, knowing that the fifth brother has subsidies from the emperor's grandmother, but I don't have them here, wouldn't that be biased towards me? Didn't you say that parents' favorite is 'equalization of the rich and the poor'?"

"Looking at the case files of the Ministry of Criminal Justice before, there are quite a few cases of brotherly rebellion coming from parents' equal wealth and poverty. How did it come to the empress, is it an exception?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I can't understand this kind of 'equity between the rich and the poor'. It's all about sharing your own money and paying it back to your children. Why do you still think about sharing others?"

Brother Jiu glanced at her, and said: "You have always been favored in your natal family. The next few brothers-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law are not particularly partial to any one, but there are many people who 'equalize the rich and the poor' outside..."

Having said that, he pointed in the direction of Qianqing Palace, lowered his voice and said, "There is someone partial! Seeing that the Prince's 5 taels of face were all purple, the Lord was still worried at the time, afraid that Khan Ama would be kind-hearted." Attack, and add another one hundred thousand or eighty thousand to the prince, then the master will be worried!"

Fortunately, there was no such precedent, otherwise there would be no role for the emperor in the future!
Shu Shu reminded: "In the future, the matter of how much the share will be, I'd better not talk about it, one day I will leak my mouth and offend others..."

With identities like them, money is not important, but face is more important.

The prince fell into a trap because of a mistake, and the prince would feel uncomfortable if he found out later.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said: "I never thought that Yuqing Palace would be short of money. Before, I only thought I could cheat third brother, and if I cheated, I would cheat..."

As long as you are a human being, there is more or less snobbery in your bones. It is not that your character is flawed, but that you must learn to weigh the pros and cons and be aware of current affairs.

There is not much difference between the ninth elder brother and the third elder brother in terms of status, they are just divided into senior and younger, if offended, they will be offended, and they will have less contact in the future, there is nothing to worry about.

But between him and the prince, there is still a difference in dignity, so be careful if you offend him.

"Hey, it's a mess. Master Mingming is doing good things, so I'm afraid it won't go well with him! But it doesn't matter. With Akton's incident in front, I have already offended him once..."

Brother Jiu said.

But Shu Shu knew that by the time of the second waste, the crown prince would still be in power for more than ten years, so he said: "Then keep it at a respectful distance, and be respectful in front of others, fulfill your duty as a minister, and don't let others find fault with you."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, there is no relationship at all, and once we leave the palace, we will not be able to get along with each other!"

Don't look at others, but also look at Khan Ama.

The crown prince is his darling, how can others neglect him?

The next day, Kangxi sent Wei Zhu to come with a handbook and ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare for the removal of the palace.

He circled the time. Concubine Tong moved to Yongshou Palace on the 21st of this month, and Concubine Liang and Concubine He moved to Changchun Palace on the 25th.

Brother Jiu accepted the written order respectfully, but was a little confused after reading it.

When did there be two more concubines in the harem?

Still titled like this?

Immediately he realized that this is Changchun Palace, this should be Concubine Wei and Noble Guerjia.

He looked at Wei Zhu and said, "Ama Khan wants to confer the harem?"

If it's just an imperial edict, Concubine Liang has already been conferred, but she didn't have a title before.

Wei Zhu bowed and said: "Yesterday, the emperor uploaded the Minister of Rites to enter the palace with Master Zhang of the Qin Tianjian, and chose the day of the [-]th. Today, the Lord of the Ministry of Rites went to Qixiang Palace and Chuxiu Palace... "

In order to carry out the ceremony, it is necessary to teach the corresponding etiquette in advance.

Today is September [-]th, and this day is a little rushed.

Brother Jiu heard something was wrong, and asked, "Did Yongshou Palace not send anyone?"

Wei Zhu shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Brother Jiu was really surprised, so he put his doubts aside and said, "I brought a lot of chicken blood stones from Hangzhou before, and I bought good ones later, I will leave you two pieces, and you can carve stamps for fun..."

Wei Zhu laughed and said, "That servant is waiting for good things from Master Jiu."

When Wei Zhu left, Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Hey, it's really strange! Khan Ama didn't save face for the Tong family this time..."

It would be fine if they were not canonized, Concubine Tong was already consecrated, and the absence of a canonization ceremony would not affect her respect. The daily supplies are not bad, and the internal management population is also complete.

But if there is no certificate, there will be no title, and there is a lack of confidence after all.

The two concubines in front of her had to perform the ceremony, and so did the nobles behind her, only concubine Tong in the middle.

Shu Shu was silent.

Brother Jiu only thought of Concubine Tong, but forgot that there was a Concubine Xianfu in front of her.

She entered the palace in the same year as Concubine Yi, and she was also allowed to bring the daughters of the family as the concubine. When entering the palace, the concubine provided for her, but she was registered as the seventh concubine in the same year, and she did not have the title of Xianfu Palace Concubine.

When the fourth concubine was registered in 20 years, there was no place for the concubine of Xianfu, and it was delayed until the death of the empress dowager before she was conferred as a concubine.

This has been in the palace for more than 20 years, and there is no title or ceremony.

This is the emperor's harem, which has a cruel side, and the situation of being favored and not being favored is very different.

It's just that Concubine Tong is different.

Shu Shu reminded: "It's better to ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs, don't wait too long for Yongshou Palace, if you can point Yongshou Palace to Tong Niangniang, the emperor is thinking about some old love..."

As for the Tong family, she thought about it, and said: "Jiugege's 17th birthday is near, and the marriage plan is about to come down soon."

After all, for an ordinary family to marry a daughter, three matchmakers and six hires are required, and it takes time to prepare the dowry.

The princess is no exception.

Now that most of the Princess Mansion has been built, the nobles of the Eight Banners also know it well, and they are waiting for the decree to be revealed.

In this way, even if Concubine Tong is not on the harem canonization list at this time, it will not cause a big shock.

Outsiders will only think that the emperor is tired of Tong Guowei's team, but Tong Guogang's team is fine.

The rest of the Tong family will feel at ease.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I'll save it, I'll tell Gao Yanzhong to be more careful."

That is not only the imperial father's favorite concubine, but also the little cousin.

Although it is an imperial decree to confer the concubine, it must be entrusted with the empress dowager's benevolence.

Therefore, at noon yesterday, Shengjia went to Ningshou Palace to mention this matter.

Today, when the people from the Ministry of Rites went to Qixiang Palace and Chuxiu Palace, everyone in the palace got the news.

In the Palace of Yanxi Palace, Concubine Hui had just returned from Zhaoxiang's place, thinking that the chubby little Shiba was sinking again, and it was the time when she was covered in milk fat, so she hugged her tightly.

On the other hand, Seventeen Gege is half a year older than Eighteen, but he is somewhat deficient. Now that the seasons are changing, he is a little coughing.

Concubine Hui was not surprised when she heard the palace servants told her about the movement in the West Sixth Palace. Long before Sheng Jia made his northern tour, the emperor had mentioned to her that he was going to order the imperial concubine to make a dress for the concubine.

Since the Guerjia family has won the favor of the emperor, it will be a matter of time before they go further.

It's just a single concubine, too much honor and favor, and it's not a "merit seal" for having a son.

She just mentioned that Xianfu Palace Concubine, Tong Concubine, Wei Concubine, and Zhang Concubine have not yet performed their wedding ceremony.

If the emperor wants to enshrine the Guerjia family, he can also do the canonization ceremony for several concubines, which is the best of both worlds.

Especially Concubine Wei, who is going to be the head of the Changchun Palace.

As a result, Kangxi said that in the future, the Changchun Palace will have two masters.

That's really unique.

In this case, even if the concubine Wei lives in the main hall, she is not qualified to discipline the concubines and palace servants in the back hall.

Concubine Hui thought that the emperor wanted to go her own way and only register as a nobleman in Guerjia, but in the end she still brought along two concubines, but left the two concubines alone.

Concubine Hui's expression was calm, and she ordered: "Then prepare a congratulatory gift, prepare one more, and the joy of Concubine Tong's move to the palace."

The palace people responded and were ready to go.

Jingren Palace, apse.

Yesterday, someone from the imperial court told about the move to the palace on the 21st of this month.

It is Yongshou Palace.

Concubine Tong has mixed feelings.

Fortunately, that is the former residence of the imperial concubine, and it is also the closest to the Qianqing Palace.

As early as after Empress Xiaoyi passed away, the emperor had said that she would no longer be a queen.

Concubine Tong didn't have that ambition either.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would stay in the concubine position for so many years, living under the fourth concubine and Xianfu Palace concubine.

You know, she entered the palace as a potential concubine, and directly brought two daughters from the family along with a generous dowry, and she was appointed concubine upon entering the palace.

It is an example with the imperial concubine Wen Xi back then.

But the year after Noble Concubine Wen Xi entered the palace, she was promoted to Noble Concubine, and there was a book ceremony.

When she came to her place, the first class was ten years, and she was still in the concubine position.

What is worrying is that the parents and brothers are all sent back to their hometown in Shengjing when the family asks for the crime, can they still be registered as noble concubines...

Ask for a monthly pass, ^_^!

(End of this chapter)

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