Chapter 701 Beauty
In the main hall of Qixiang Palace, Xi Concubine drooped her face, trembling with anger.

Concubine Wei moved to the palace, she had already prepared for it.

After all, the Changchun Palace began to be repaired in July.

Concubine Zhang had moved to Chuxiu Palace first, and Concubine Wei was the only one who didn't have a separate palace in that palace.

Just move it, Xi Concubine didn't take it too seriously.

For the past ten years, she and Concubine Wei have not violated each other.

My qualifications are older, but Concubine Wei gave birth to a prince, so there is no need to be anxious.

Concubine Wei is gone, and nobleman Guerjia can just move from the side hall to the back hall.

Now the Guerjia family is in full swing, as long as they give birth to a prince and daughter, they will be the second concubine.

But in the end, it was bad luck, and it was too late to enter the palace.

Could it be possible to go to Chengqian Palace?

Since he can't go, he can only continue to live in Qixiang Palace, Qixiang Palace is still hot.

But she is still young, she gave birth to Gege and elder brother, the emperor may not rest assured that she will take care of her, maybe it is himself, the lord of the first palace, who is the adoptive mother.

At that time, I will also have an elder brother and a princess under my name.

It never occurred to me that the people from the Ministry of Rites today, in addition to the apse, also went to the apse!

The Guerjia family not only moved to the Changchun Palace with the concubine Wei, but also learned rituals from the Ministry of Rites.

This Qixiang Palace may become a cold palace in the future...

Yikun Palace, Main Hall, Xici Room.

The card table has already been set up, and Concubine Yi, Chen Guiren, Concubine Gao Shu and Pei Lan have already played half a round of mahjong.

Concubine Gao Shu is a talented woman from the south of the Yangtze River, with a beautiful appearance. She is the same age as the Guerjia nobleman. She is only 17 years old this year.

Unlike Wang Guiren, Concubine Gao did not pretend to be a native, and entered the palace directly as a Han woman.

Her father is a talented scholar in the south of the Yangtze River. He is famous in the south of the Yangtze River for his good books, but he didn't start his career.

During this tour of the south, the great Confucian was summoned and given the honor of a Confucian scholar in the Ministry of Rites, but he was declined.

Concubine Hui has a gentle temperament, while Concubine Yi has a broad temperament.

It's just that there are several concubines in Yanxi Palace now, but there is still a lot of space in Yikun Palace, and Concubine Gao is placed in Yikun Palace by the emperor.

In terms of appearance, Concubine Gao Shu is no worse than Noble Guerjia, otherwise she would not be brought back to the capital by the emperor.

It's just that she is shy and reticent. After returning to the palace, she becomes silent and doesn't attract much attention.

Concubine Yi is a lover of beauties, and she is very kind because she takes pity on her young age.

After coming and going, Concubine Gao Shu, just like Chen Guiren, became Concubine Yi's card partner.

It's just three missing one, it's not beautiful after all, so I pulled Pei Lan to make up the number.


It was Yifei who played the cards again, glared at Peilan who was opposite, and said: "I'm not interested in feeding cards! It's no fun, the last two cakes, one of them didn't eat, and they kept playing, they're all for me. ..."

Pei Lan said aggrievedly: "It's really not a card feeding, the servant broke a door, and can't keep the pancakes if he catches them."

Concubine Yi snorted softly: "Look, it's like playing with the two of us and fooling their money..."

Sitting on the left hand side of Concubine Yi, Chen Guiren said with a smile: "Today, the empress is sitting on the God of Wealth seat, and the money just passed away!"

Concubine Gao Shu was sitting on the right hand side, also pursing her lips and smiling.

Concubine Yi pushed the card and said: "Okay, let's stop fighting among ourselves. When Concubine Zhang comes over in a few days, let's play again..."

Pei Lan got up, led someone to collect the cards, and replaced the fruit plate and tea.

Chen Guiren said: "Madam, when will the congratulatory gift from Madam Zhang Bin be delivered?"

Concubine Yi thought for a while, and said: "For the ceremony of the sixteenth line, let's see what happens in Yanxi Palace on the same day or the next day..."

Speaking of this, she spread her hands and said: "It's really a big loss. At that time, I gave a congratulatory gift when I was conferred as a concubine. This time, I will give another gift..."

Chen Guiren said with a smile: "It's just right here, I just received rewards from two concubines in the first month."

This is about how their concubines who had sons conferred honorary titles in the first lunar month.

Concubine Gao Shu sat with her and didn't interrupt.

This kind of human relationship between concubines in the harem is also divided into levels.

As congratulatory gifts for concubines, only nobles and above are eligible to offer them.

Concubine Yi glanced at Concubine Gao Shu, but she just sighed in her heart that her luck was bad, she happened to run into the Guerjia family.

Both of them are the same age, and they both have beautiful faces, but compared to the dull beauty, Xie Yuhua is more lovely...

The next day was September [-]th, the day when Ningshou Palace greeted you.

Shu Shu sent Zhou Song to Gege's office in Ningshou Palace yesterday, and told Jiu Gege that he was going to sit there this morning.

Therefore, when her chariot arrived, Jiugege had prepared tea and pastries and was waiting.

Hearing that Shu Shu had arrived, Jiu Gege also came out to welcome her.

Seeing the shoulder chariot, she was a little stunned. With concern, she stepped forward two steps, helped Shu Shu down herself, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu is ill, so why don't you ask for leave? The emperor's grandmother and aunt will be sympathetic..."

Shu Shu squeezed her hand, smiled without saying a word.

Seeing this, Jiu Gege was a little confused.

When she was in the house, she smiled and said: "It's not that I'm sick, it's that I'm happy. Your ninth brother is so worried that you insist on preparing a chariot. I'm afraid it will be too conspicuous, so I thought about coming to my sister for a while." Take a stroll to the front to greet Ann, and then come and go back on the chariot..."

Jiugege looked at her waist, and said cautiously: "Then sister-in-law Jiu is not tired, can I walk over like this?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "It's only a few steps? I haven't shown my bosom yet, so I'm not tired."

Jiugege hurriedly ordered people, saying: "Remove the tea and replace it with honey water."

Shu Shu said: "It's fine, it's fine, there's no taboo now."

As she spoke, she remembered that the gift hadn't been given yet, so she looked at the walnut.

Today, Walnut and Xiaosong followed.

Walnut holds a brocade parcel in his hand.

Shu Shu signaled her to come forward, took the package, opened it, and inside was a brocade box, said: "I prepared a birthday gift for my sister, do you like it?"

Jiugege took it with both hands, and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law Jiu."

Shu Shu urged: "Look quickly..."

When the nine grids were opened, one could see that inside was a tin, and on it was a row of "blessing" characters inlaid with gold and red coral.

The red coral is used, the color is very bright, and the workmanship is also exquisite. From a distance, it looks like a red flower, but when you look closely, you can see the characters clearly.

Jiugege saw it and said, "It's so delicate..."

As she spoke, she blushed.

Women only wear it when they are married, and it can only be worn after marriage.

She couldn't bear it anymore, she glared at Shu Shu, and said coquettishly: "Sister-in-law Jiu learned from Brother Jiu badly, and she also likes to make fun of people!"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's not your fault, Brother Ninth, it's all because of my stinginess. At that time, I was hesitant to make a flower crown for you. Later, I thought about it. The little girl's style can only be worn for a year, and I will put it at the bottom of the box." , it's better to give this, it's more affordable..."

Jiugege asked someone to collect it carefully, looked at Shu Shu's stomach and said: "Then sister will take it away, and prepare a good one for my little nephew later."

Shu Shu calculated the time of her childbirth and confinement, and said, "I don't know when my sister's wedding is scheduled..."

I hope that if it is the second half or the first half of the year, she will not be able to catch up.

Jiugege endured his shyness and said: "It should be after next year's birthday, our empress mentioned it a few days ago, saying that Khan Ama said it once."

After next year's birthday, Jiugege will be born.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Congratulations sister, then I will prepare two gifts at this time next year."

The sister-in-law was joking, and most of the time passed by.

Shu Shu brought a pocket watch, and when she saw Chenzheng at three o'clock, she got up and said, "I'm going to meet our empress..."

Jiugege said worriedly: "I may not have seen my concubine for a long time, go over and say hello."

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law came out of Gege's office and waited in front of Ningshou Palace.

At this time, almost all the concubines who came to pay their respects have come, and the front has quieted down.

My sister-in-law just stood there for a while, when Concubine Yi came over in a chariot, with Wu Fujin and Chen Guiren beside her, and all the palace people behind her.

Jiugege went forward to invite Ann, and Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Xiao Jiu looks better and better, today your sister-in-law Jiu will trouble you to take care of her."

Jiugege hurriedly said, "You are being polite."

Wu Fujin had already held Shu Shu's hand, and said, "Congratulations, my wish has been fulfilled..."

Seeing that her eyes were sincere and without any haze, Shu Shu held her hand back and said in a low voice, "While it's still not cold, Fifth Sister-in-Law and Fifth Brother should go to Hongluo Temple, it will work."

She is not idealistic.

The reason for such persuasion is also because of the title of "seeking a child".

With the same goal, the couple will always share the same room, right?
If you come and go again, you will have more chances of winning.

Otherwise, Wu Fujin is not an active one, the fifth elder brother is a prince and has his own arrogance.

The husband and wife were polite, so naturally others became caring people.

Wu Fujin nodded slightly and said: "Thank you, brother and sister, I will discuss with Master Wu..."

After the sister-in-law finished their small talk, they stood neatly behind Concubine Yi and followed Concubine Yi into Ningshou Palace.

In addition to paying respect to those people last time, there are also three Fujins.

Sanfujin was already pregnant, sitting on the round stool behind Concubine Rong.

She returned to the palace like this, probably to show respect to the Eldest Princess.

There is also an extra stool behind Yifei's seat.

Seeing Sifu Jin, she knew what she was doing and smiled kindly at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu smiled back at Sifujin, looked down, just in time to see Sanfujin looking at her stomach.

Concubine Rong is at the head of Concubine Yi's seat, so Shu Shu and San Fujin are right next to each other.

Sanfujin said in a low voice: "How long has it been, why don't the outside know?"

Shu Shu also whispered: "In less than three months, the empress won't let you say..."

Sanfujin nodded and said: "The concubine is sympathetic."

This is not the place to talk either, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law will stop after a few words of pleasantries.

Sanfujin has already looked towards the last seat.

To the east is still the concubine Wei, and to the west is the concubine Zhang.

The nobleman Guerjia has no seat yet, but he has already been made the head of the nobleman.

Everyone looked at this one more or less.

A nobleman is different from a concubine.

The Guarjia family is generous, with a calm face.

To be honest, among the Manchurian concubines in the harem, apart from Concubine Tong, this one was of high birth, and she was indeed somewhat arrogant.

Forget about the fourth concubine, at this age, her sons and daughters are older than the Guarjia family, she just smiled warmly, who would put down her social status to compete with the young concubine for favor?
Concubine Tong smiled a bit reluctantly.

She has already got the news that the Ministry of Rites sent people to Qixiang Palace and Chuxiu Palace.

Did not come to Gyeongin Palace!

The emperor asked people to move the palace, but he didn't have a title. Could it be that he just moved the palace?
Concubine Wei is still docile, but Concubine Zhang, who can see that she is really happy, has a bigger smile on her face...

The next update will be at 1:6 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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