My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 703 Kiss Khan Ama

Chapter 703 Kiss Khan Ama

After a few gossips, the sisters-in-law split into two ways.

Sifujin, Wufujin and Qifujin went to Shenwumen, and they will leave the palace through Shenwumen.

Shu Shu took ten Fujin and went to Ge Ge's office.

The three of them had been friends during their southern tour, and they were all familiar with each other.

After talking with Jiugege for a while, the sister-in-law went back to elder brother's place.

Ten Fujin knew that Shu Shu was pregnant before, and he came to congratulate him with ten elder brothers a few days ago.

Right now, she followed directly to the second school, and whispered: "Sister-in-law Jiu, I've been thinking about it for the past few days. Is it because I made a fuss about eating meat that time and angered the Buddha, so I was only willing to give Sister-in-law Jiu's doll instead of me? ?”

In front of all the sisters-in-law, she was smiling, but she also felt a little worried in private.

They all went to "beg for a child" together. At that time, I seemed to be insincere, so I just wanted to eat, drink and have fun.

In the past few days, Shi Fujin has been slow-witted, and has reflected on it for a while.

Shu Shu said: "This is because the Buddha is sympathetic to you. According to the doctor, it takes time to be happy, too early is not good, and it is easy to hurt your body. You are more than a year younger than me. What is there to worry about? "

After hearing this, Shi Fujin immediately said happily: "Then I don't worry anymore, when I am as old as Sister-in-law Nine, I will go to Hongluo Temple with Master Shi to offer incense."

After talking about this, she said: "Does Sister-in-law Jiu want to eat anything? I wrote a letter to Ehe before, asking people from the tribe to bring beef jerky. My dad is here, the end of the month is almost here..."

Shu Shu thought of his cart of beef jerky, and said, "I still have some here. Brother Wu brought it back. You can keep it for yourself later on."

Oddly enough, her sense of taste seemed to be sharper now.

I can't eat the original beef jerky because I feel it has the smell of beef.

It was Xiaotang who processed it again and made it into spicy beef jerky before he could eat it.

Shi Fujin said: "Isn't sister-in-law Jiu a bad mouth? I, Ehe, said that I had a bad mouth when I was pregnant, so I wanted to eat apricots, but it was winter, where can I find apricots? Later, my father asked After hunting down several tribes, I found half a jar of pickled wild apricot for her."

Shu Shu listened with a smile, originally wanted to shake her head, but when she thought of "Mountain Apricot", her mouth watered and she wanted to eat something sour.

I can't bear it for a moment.

She immediately ordered Walnut: "Let Xiaotang make two bowls of hot and sour noodles, one bowl of ordinary, and one bowl with an extra spoonful of vinegar."

Walnut immediately went down to spread the word.

Shi Fujin smiled and said, "I ate early in the morning, and I happened to be hungry too."

There are vermicelli and vermicelli in the dining room.

However, dry vermicelli cannot be boiled directly, it must be soaked first, and the time is too late.

Xiaotang made two bowls of hot and sour noodles with vermicelli.

In addition to two bowls of noodles, there are also four saucers, which contain vinegar, chili oil, fried beans, chopped green onion and chopped coriander.

This is prepared for two people to add.

When the hot and sour fans came up, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law buried their heads in eating hard.

The bowl of Ten Fujin was less sour and less spicy, which was just right for her.

There are limited seasonings on the prairie. The most commonly used food on weekdays is salt and spices for barbecue.

She likes to eat fried beans, which are crispy and crunchy, and the more they chew, the more delicious they become.

Seeing that Shu Shu only added chili oil and chopped coriander and nothing else, after Shi Fujin asked, he wrapped the remaining crispy beans into rounds.

Shu Shu ate the sour and spicy hot and sour vermicelli, and was satisfied, so she relieved her cravings.

The dining table was moved away, and Shi Fujin thought of the fried beans just now, and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu, I asked the dining room to fry the beans, why don't they taste like this? Once it's cold, it's still soft, hard and not crunchy... "

Although Shu Shu doesn't go to the dining room, she is a theoretical school.

She said: "It needs to be soaked first, then boiled, then dried and then fried. It is crispy beans. After frying, let it cool and store it in a jar. It can be stored for a long time."

Shi Fujin rolled his eyes in circles and said, "It's so troublesome..."

Shu Shu said: "Since you like it, I will ask the dining room to send you some..."

Shi Fujin shook his head and said, "No, let the people in the dining room take care of it later."

Feeling sleepy after eating, Shu Shu felt a little lack of energy.

Seeing this, Shi Fujin got up and said, "Sister-in-law, please rest, my house is gone."

Shu Shu stood up and said, "Come back when you have time."

After all, she wants to see him off.

Stopped by Shi Fujin, he said: "It's not someone else, so don't send..."

Shu Shu was also not polite to her, and ordered Xiao Chun to give it away on her behalf.

After a while, Xiaochun sent the man back.

Shu Shu has cleansed her face, changed into homely clothes, has many small scarves around her neck, and has extra cotton slippers on her feet.

The scarf is not the usual Ronghua, but a small cotton scarf made of silk, which was conceived by Xiaochun.

In addition to the narrower ones used at home, there is also a wider one that can be worn when going out to prevent coughing after eating cold air.

Although there are earth dragons in the palace, they all start burning at a fixed time, just like outside, every year on the first day of October.

In late autumn, when the sun is shining outside, it is still warm, but the house is beginning to be shady and cool.

Shu Shu also changed into a thin cotton vest.

The old saying is good, "spring covers autumn and freezes", but her situation is different now, so she is treated specially.

Shu Shu took a nap and woke up feeling refreshed. Thinking of the reward from the Eldest Princess, she said to Xiao Chun, "Take it and have a look."

Although she didn't rush for this this morning, it is still a joy to get a reward.

The box had a sense of simplicity, and when it was opened, there was a pair of gold bracelets inside.

The style is simple, just a pair of simple horseshoe bracelets, not the style of filigree inlaid jewels.

But Shu Shu couldn't help it, picked it up and looked at it.

The weight is not light, one foot has two taels.

Seeing Xiaochun and Walnut confused, Shu Shu said: "This is an old item, I guess it is still in the style outside the pass. I also have a pair in Ernie, which was left by my great-grandmother."

Xiaochun said: "If you say that, isn't that the princess's dowry?"

Princess Dachang married twice in total, one was in the Taizong Dynasty, and the other was in the fifth year of Shunzhi, when she was married from the capital.

But according to the usual practice, her dowry should only be one part, and the second time is probably an addition to the first dowry.

Shu Shu said: "Even if it's not a dowry, it's an old thing given by the Empress Dowager, so keep it safe."

Xiaochun put it away carefully.

Shu Shu had a bad premonition in her heart.

It feels unlucky for the eldest princess to use these rewards to her younger generation...

She looked at Walnut and said: "I estimate that the Eldest Princess will take Princess Rong Xian out of the palace to the Princess' Courtyard in the next two days. You should make a note and prepare an extra copy when you prepare for the New Year's ceremony."

The New Year's gifts had to be given in advance, especially for the young ones, who were about to start preparations, and gave them at the end of winter.

Walnut agreed, thought for a while, and said: "Fu Jin, what about Da Gege in Shuncheng Palace? Will her family be included in this year's annual ceremony?"

Shu Shu thought that Guizhen's Ama was unreliable, and Chengjue's younger brother was not a fellow brother, so she nodded and said, "Add it..."

Although this moment, that moment.

The two of them are no longer sisters-in-law, and Shu Shu is also ready to add makeup and go back, not intending to make Da Gege suffer.

But favors don't count.

It's not that when you do business, you come and go, and you settle the bill.

The Daxing Xiaozhuang at the beginning really solved the urgent needs of Dong E's family.

Otherwise, the elders will have to worry about it.

If Gege Guizhen felt embarrassed, she would stay away from her in the future; when she first married into her in-law's family, she stood behind her to show the elders of Shu Mulu's family.

Even though Guizhen Gege has a normal relationship with Shuncheng Palace, she still has her cousin who is the prince Fujin...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

His Majesty the Ninth Elder Brother came here, and he was talking about whether the Guerjia family moved the palace in advance.

You must know that with the appointment of the Guerjia family, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also increase the number of court ladies as usual.

In the past, there were four ladies in the palace under the nobleman Guerjia's name, but now it can be increased to six.

And because she was promoted to the concubine, she is also qualified to make up a woman from the family to enter the palace.

How to make up for these two vacancies depends on Guarjia's own decision.

There are also eunuchs here, and there must be one more chief eunuch.

"The side hall is narrow, and I'm afraid it will be inconvenient when the time comes, but the apse of the Changchun Palace has been laid out according to Khan Ama's instructions."

Brother Jiu said.

The levels of the harem were incomplete in the early years, and they have gradually become complete in recent years.

From the number of people used, to the daily supply, to the furnishings, they are all hierarchical.

Kangxi thought for a while, and said: "Since tomorrow is a good day to move, let's move tomorrow, let the Ministry of Rites go directly to Changchun Palace to pass the decree..."

Brother Jiu agreed, and said: "Then son, go and ask the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare."

It's fifteen today, and the move to the palace will be rushed tomorrow.

The only advantage is that there is no need to move the large furniture, only the soft and soft clothes that the nobles of Guerjia often use.

Kangxi glanced at him angrily, and said, "Isn't it 'grounded'? Is it impossible to stay?"

Brother Nine took Laipi and said, "Ama Khan's eyes are as bright as a torch, isn't my son waiting for the silver envoy? Just waiting for Ama Khan's 50 taels!"

Kangxi was surprised and said: "The more than 100 million taels of silver have been spent?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It's about the same. Anyway, we have a plan, and we can't move it. This is called earmarking..."

This word was learned from Shu Shu.

Kangxi saw through his small thoughts, and said with a cold snort, "Can I still go back on my word?"

Brother Jiu flattered him and said: "Khan Ama, the son of heaven, keeps his promises. He is not someone who waits for his words to go back on his word. If his son cares about him, he will be in chaos. I am afraid that if the news is revealed, others will also miss Khan Ama's money, so they want to go back sooner." It's safe to put your son in your pocket!"

Kangxi laughed angrily, and said: "You are safe in your bag, what will I do then?"

Brother Jiu patted his chest and said, "Son, isn't this a role model? As long as others dare to follow my son's example, agree on a time to repay the money, and honor Khan Ama's bonus one to one, then let them borrow it." !"

Kangxi sneered and said, "You're not ashamed of your big words, so you're not afraid that you'll be exaggerated and be laughed at by your brothers?"

Brother Nine put his hands together and said: "So you are my son's dear Khan Ama, how can there be any guarantees in this world? My son is only telling you this, and when it is finished, you can give him a good compliment; if it is finished No, if you teach a few words in private, no one else will know..."

Kangxi scolded: "Do you still know that there is no guarantee in the world? You dare to toss such a big stall, and you are really going to be at a loss. If you lose your capital, what do you pay for it?"

Brother Jiu said "hehe" twice: "Isn't this my son's 23 taels of household silver in the future, plus the 23 taels of the tenth brother, and the fifth brother's, this is 69 taels, no matter how big the deficit is, It's almost done..."

Kangxi pulled his face and said: "It's kind of embarrassing for you, you should know that 'brother, you will settle accounts'..."

Brother Jiu said: "You can see that the third brother dared to lend 15 taels to his son. You should know how good his reputation is. Don't worry..."

Don’t miss out on the Gagen in the morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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