Chapter 704 Xiao Family
After trying hard and softly, Brother Jiu finally got Kangxi's letter.

With a wide smile on his face, he put it away carefully, and said, "Nahhan Ama, you should be busy first..."

Kangxi looked at him, frowned and said, "What else are you busy with?"

Brother Jiu said: "My son will go to the House of Internal Affairs and ask my aunt and second sister if the carriages are ready. My aunt is used to being at ease, so I'm afraid she is impatient to live in the palace."

In the past few days, they were waiting to recognize their relatives before staying in Ningshou Palace temporarily.

Ningshou Palace greets you today, and I have seen my nephew, granddaughter and daughter-in-law. The eldest princess is probably about to leave the palace.

Kangxi's expression slowed down a little, and he said in a deep voice: "The eldest princess has a noble status, she is the daughter of the Emperor Taizong, and she is still living in the imperial court. She should do kindness, and all the supplies will be supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Brother Jiu listened with his hands down, and said, "Ama Khan, what is the standard for the aunt to provide?"

Kangxi thought for a while and said, "It's [-]% more than the concubine's case."

Brother Jiu wrote it down, and said again: "Where is the second sister..."

Kangxi said: "Follow the rules of last year's elder brother and third elder brother."

Earlier, there were only princes and grandsons in the palace. Last year, the elder brother and the third elder brother became the queen of the county, and the supply of the two also increased a lot.

Brother Jiu had nothing to ask, and withdrew from Qianqing Palace.

When he went out, Kangxi complained to Liang Jiugong: "I learned to be narrow-minded, and I thought that learning to do business is the first thing, and the result? Is it for the face, or for the money, come here to fool me..."

Liang Jiugong didn't know how to answer the conversation, brother Jiu is really outrageous these days.

50 taels of silver, just grind it away!
What kind of plan to make a fortune, let's not talk about pulling yourself quietly!
But thinking about the small card of "Day Jin Dou Jin", Liang Jiugong still said: "Jiu Ye is a servant after all, he has learned to be tactful..."

Kangxi smiled and nodded and said: "That's right, he's going to be around the corner now, and he won't be straight to the point and say what he wants; it's just that his temper is still impatient, it's really cheap for him..."

Coming out of Qianqing Palace, Brother Jiu was relieved.

It's safe!

If you want to add more later, it will not work!
As for the matter of moving, wait until the 21st, when Concubine Tong finishes moving to the palace.

With a plan in mind, he went to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

He asked people to pass Gao Yanzhong on, first he told about the carriage between Princess Dachang and Princess Rongxian, and then asked him to take Kangxi's letter to the inner treasury to pay money.

Gao Yanzhong didn't leave right away, but hesitantly said: "Master, take out this money, where can I send it?"

This is not 500 taels, 5000 taels, but 50 taels!

Thirty-one thousand two hundred and fifty catties.

Even if it is pulled by a large cart, a large cart with a weight of 30 kg must be pulled more than [-] times.

Pile it there, I'm afraid it will take half the room.

Brother Jiu thought about it, but he was really embarrassed.

If it is transported to the palace, not to mention the conspicuousness, it will be moved again when the time comes.

He thought for a while and said: "In the spring, the Household Office divides the property among the princes. If there are any riches, they will be sent to the Lord's bank, and the banker's ticket will be issued, and you will directly give it to Gao Bin later."

Gao Yanzhong almost fell over when he heard this.

Brother Jiu is too casual in employing people, isn't he?

Gao Bin only took 10 taels of banknotes to leave a few days ago, so there is still more this time?

60 taels of silver, let a half-grown child buy it, Gao Yanzhong's father is not at ease.

Brother Jiu looked at him, and said with a smile: "I'm timid, both Master and Gao Bin are not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Gao Yanzhong bowed and said, "The servant is afraid that Gao Bin will not live up to expectations and delay Jiuye's arrangement."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "There is a way to be upbeat, and there is a way to not be upbeat. In the hands of the master, the child will be the envoy of the adult, and the adult will be the envoy of the donkey. Anyway, don't be idle..."

Gao Yanzhong sneered, he really had to get busy.

It is He Yi who sits in the yamen at the yamen today.

Knowing that elder brother Jiu was coming, he came to invite Ann before going back.

But after returning to his own room, his complexion became heavy.

The day before yesterday the crown prince sent someone to tell him to go to Yuqing Palace, and he went honestly.

In the end, the crown prince ordered to keep an eye on brother Jiu...

What is this called? !

Ever since he was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the first lunar month, Brother Nine has treated him politely, not to mention, with the utmost benevolence.

She also sympathized with him and asked him to be responsible for the supply of Yuqing Palace.

It can be seen that Brother Nine treats both Hesheli's family and Yuqing Palace with kindness, and has no intention of any evil.

When the prince mentioned this matter before, he also praised elder brother Jiu Quan, why did he change his mouth now?
You know, the ninth elder brother is not just the ninth elder brother, he is the elder brother of Yikun Palace, he also has a brother from the same mother, a younger brother from the same mother, and brother ten who is like a twin brother.

If this is right, Ningshou Palace and Niu Hulu's family will be involved behind the scenes.

He Yi didn't want to obey orders, but it was the crown prince's order.

The emperor promoted him to the House of Internal Affairs just to serve the prince.

He could only order the chief attendant: "Keep an eye on Gao Yanzhong..."

Everyone in the Ministry of Internal Affairs knew that Gao Yanzhong and Zhang Baozhu belonged to Brother Jiu.

The two of them are outsiders and insiders, and they are very thorough in their actions.

Just now when he went to pay respects to Brother Nine, he happened to meet Gao Yanzhong face to face...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

The atmosphere in the room is no longer the relaxation it was before.

Kangxi looked at the folding page in his hand, with a gloomy face, and looked at Zhao Chang: "Who is Shuer Tutu? Why is the land bought by the crown prince listed in his name?"

Is there such a person as an official of Zhan Shifu?

Kangxi wondered if he was old?

He obviously pointed out the people in Zhan Shifu himself, but he has no impression of them at all.

Zhao Chang bowed and said, "Your Majesty, this is Li Gege's father..."

Kangxi's face became more and more ugly.

At that time, the conflict between Yuqing Palace and Nine Elder Brothers was the result of the concubine's concubine taking over some of Li's private properties that the prince subsidized.

This is to take four small properties and post them back to two big ones? !
He was blinded by the fact that he did not think that the prince was prepared for the Akdon brothers, but only as a subsidy for the concubine's room.

The private treasury is less than 20 taels in total, and I took 10 taels to buy property for my concubine?

Is this "returning to the palace for punishment"?
Kangxi felt blocked.

The decent Yue family didn't see him getting close, but they regarded the concubine's natal family as in-laws, so they trusted him so much.

Finally, he knows how to save face, and knows how to ask someone to buy it in private, otherwise, it would be a big joke to say it out.

The brother begged to come to the door, only 5 taels; to appease the little wife, directly 10 taels.

Brother Jiu was also worried about the amount of money and the embarrassment of Yuqing Palace, so he concealed everyone's share.

If he knew the whereabouts of the crown prince's 10 taels of silver, he would have to be careful to write it down.

Kangxi was a little worried about the Crown Princess, and said, "How is Mrs. Li doing now? Can you treat the Crown Princess respectfully?"

Zhao Chang bowed and said, "Li Gege lives in Xiefang Palace now..."

Because Yuqing Palace is narrow, the crown prince is getting older, and there are more and more family members, so he pointed to the Xiefang Hall in the southeast of Yuqing Palace to accommodate the prince's family members.

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

What is this called?
Although Li's share has been reduced, she is still No. 1 under the Crown Princess, and she doesn't live in one place, so there is a tendency to fight against each other.

He was a little tired and rubbed his forehead.

He has already mentioned to the crown prince that he doesn't like Li's mother and son, but the crown prince still favors him.

Could it be that what my old Ama said just fell into my ears?
Kangxi felt dissatisfied in his heart.

He looked at Zhao Chang and said, "Okay, this matter ends here..."

Earlier, he was still worried that the crown prince would be tight, and he was hesitant to give out another 15 taels of silver so that the prince's share would be equal to that of the elder brother.

For now, forget it.

The prince has his own little family, and protects his own little home...

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Bring over the new jewelry list made by Neizao Office in the past few months..."

Now the skills of burning blue and red are becoming more and more mature.

Others mixed other colors.

The finished jewelry is recorded in the internal warehouse.

After a while, Liang Jiugong came over with a jewelry brochure.

There are shadows on the top, and the geometry of the material and the weight of the gold are recorded below.

This is to pick up rewards for the concubines in tomorrow's book.

Kangxi looked it over, picked out a few samples, and asked Liang Jiugong to write them down.

"Burnt the red Ruyi card for the Guarjia clan, burn the Lanji character card for Wei Concubine, and burn the red An character card for Zhang Concubine..."

The emperor's rewards are definitely not just rewards. Jewelry, ornaments, clothing materials, gold and silver all have approximate fixed numbers.

Today, this is an extra reward.

Thinking that next year will be Concubine Rong's full birthday, Kangxi said: "This red five-blessing birthday pair bracelet is given to Concubine Rong, the blue eighteen-child bracelet is given to Concubine De, and the red-burned lotus and golden purse is given to Concubine Yi. , the burnt-blue blessing word Bianfang rewards Concubine Hui..."

The fourth concubine thought about it, Kangxi pondered for a moment, turned a few pages back, and said, "This red-hot pomegranate earring rewards the king..."

After speaking, he closed the jewelry booklet.

Liang Jiugong took the brochure and was about to turn around and leave.

Kangxi thought for a while and said, "Bring it back, I'll pick another one..."

Liang Jiugong didn't have anything to say, and handed it back respectfully.

Kangxi looked at the front, thought for a while, pointed to one and said, "Just this one, the red-burning Xiangyun Ruyi lock."

Liang Jiugong went down.

Kangxi glanced in the direction of Yongshou Palace.

After all, it is the Tong family, and they are related by blood.

You can not be close, but you can't be neglected.

that's fine.

With the lessons learned from the past, he will never allow his relatives to interfere in the affairs of the palace...

That afternoon, Liang Jiugong was like a butterfly. After finishing the East Sixth Palace, he ran to the West Sixth Palace; after finishing the West Sixth Palace, he went to the East Sixth Palace.

Who calls the rules in this palace, the order is the most important.

The first place is the Yanxi Palace in the East Sixth Palace.

The second place is the Yikun Palace in the Sixth West Palace.

The third place is the Yonghe Palace in the East Sixth Palace.

The fourth place is Zhongcui Palace in the East Sixth Palace.

The fifth place is Jingren Palace in the East Sixth Palace.

The sixth place is the Qixiang Palace of the West Sixth Palace.

The seventh place is the Chuxiu Palace of the West Sixth Palace.

The eighth place is the Qixiang Palace of the Sixth West Palace.

The ninth place is the Yonghe Palace in the East Sixth Palace.

As for what to run through the East Sixth Palace first, and then go to the West Sixth Palace, there is no such rule.

Even if I went to Qixiang Palace and Yonghe Palace twice, I didn't mention a palace, so I sent them together.

Unhappy with it.

After a while, Liang Jiugong felt that his legs were going to be thinner.

But this half-day reward is worth his annual salary for several years.


Liang Jiugong couldn't help but touched his sleeve pocket, and the gold plaque of "Ridical Advancement and Fighting Gold" was placed inside.

Don't say it, it's really a good sign...

(End of this chapter)

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