Chapter 705 Courtesy
The next day, September [-], is suitable for moving and celebrating.

This day is also the day when concubine Wei, concubine Zhang and nobleman Guerjia hold a ceremony.

The related ceremonies were still somewhat cumbersome, but it was not Prince Fujin's turn to watch the ceremonies.

In the former Taihe Hall, there was a festival case, and the concubine's decree was placed on the left side.

In the middle of the palace, there is also a festival table and an incense table.

What Shu Shu wants to prepare is several congratulatory gifts.

The fourth elder brother sent someone to bring in the gift list, which was copied from the governor of Zhijun Wangfu.

Everyone will reduce according to the rule of Zhijun Wangfu.

The congratulatory gifts are also relatively simple, such as gold and jade ornaments, clothing materials and so on.

Seeing this, Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to find some bloodstone ornaments in the warehouse.

This is purchased directly from Hangzhou.

The material used for carving is the kind of powder frozen Chang fossil with little cinnabar, which looks delicate and lovely.

But seeing Shu Shu, think about it or forget it.

What if the other party thinks the name is unlucky?

She picked a peach blossom jelly and asked Xiaochun to put it on the Duobao Pavilion, and told Xiaochun to put away the others.

In the past few months, I have been burning blue jewelry, and I am in Xiaotangshan, so I didn't pay attention to those chicken blood stones.

Following the above example, Brother Jiu has already ordered the craftsman who made the jade work to start carving.

When the time comes, just "sincerely", except for the mountain in the Xinuang Pavilion, the rest are a few small ornaments.

Shu Shu looked at the list in her warehouse, and said: "A few concubines sent a makeup mirror and French perfume, a roll of western velvet, and two bolts of Ning silk..."

As she spoke, she continued: "One gem bonsai, a pair of paperweights, two rolls of western velvet, and four bolts of Ning silk. Prepare these and send them back to the Empress of Yongshou Palace..."

Xiao Chun wrote it down, and said: "Fu Jin, in a few days, will the good concubine move to the palace and send it?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Send it, prepare two copies according to the congratulatory gift from Chuxiu Palace last time, one will be sent to Changchun Palace today, and one will be sent later."

People do not blame.

Less courtesy is a slap in the face, not necessary.

It's just that other concubines can send people around them to give congratulatory gifts, but Shu Shu and Shi Fujin, two juniors in the palace, are not suitable.

But Shu Shu is in the early stage of pregnancy, it is time to be careful, going to congratulate her in person will only cause trouble for the other party.

So, Nanny Qi took Xiao Chun to give gifts with Shi Fujin.

Today's volume three concubines, the order has not changed.

Concubine Liang is the first, followed by Concubine Min, and concubine He is the last.

This is also a due gift.

If the concubine and concubine are in the front, I am afraid that the government and the public will criticize the emperor for widowhood.

For this reason, the ten Fujin and his party first went to Qixiang Palace, then to Chuxiu Palace, and finally to Changchun Palace.

When he came back after turning around, Shi Fujin was already out of breath, slumped on the kang, and complained to Shushu: "These flag shoes are really terrible. If I wear boots, I won't be tired after walking for a day..."

Since it was a door-to-door congratulations, she also changed into a flag dress and flag shoes, and dressed properly.

I thought it would not be too tiring to be in the West Sixth Palace, but it was uncomfortable to walk around like this for a few times.

Shu Shu couldn't help reaching out and pinching Shi Fujin's arm, it was solid, it was all flesh.

In the first half of the year, I lost the meat due to traveling south, and I have returned since autumn.

Shu Shu couldn't help but said: "Sister and sister, don't you want to go to Hongluo Temple to ask for a child next year? If that's the case, you have to restrain yourself..."

It wasn't obvious before the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it might be cold and eat too much. Ten Fujin should have gained a lot of weight.

Shi Fujin said with a bitter face: "Then sister-in-law, I'm hungry..."

Shu Shu felt that Shi Fujin had a big appetite, and said, "I'll eat more meat and less fruit later on."

The meat is more filling.

Ten Fujin nodded happily, "I'll listen to my sister-in-law."

The next day, the three concubines went to Qianqing Palace and Ningshou Palace to salute.

This is no longer the business of juniors.

Shu Shu listened to it, then put it aside.

In the past few days, when she was free, she took the drawings of the Prince's Mansion to make plans.

In the back room, one is for the Xing family, and one is for Nanny Qi and Manager Cui.

Of the six second-entry courtyards, the one on the east side and the one diagonally opposite to the backyard gate of the Wangfu were reserved for Fusong.

There are still five main rooms in the main courtyard of the middle road, which can be the same as the current layout of my brother, and I will get used to living in it when the time comes.

It's just that there are two side rooms on each side, and the west side room is intended to be a clean room.

The back cover room behind the main courtyard, the building.

Shu Shu planned to use the rooms on the east side as internal storage, and leave the rooms on the west side empty.

The wing room in the backyard can be allocated to Xiaochun and the others.

The east wing of the main courtyard is reserved for the baby in the stomach.

At that time, the nurse and nurse will be placed in the east wing.

After seeing several small yards on West Road, Shu Shu was silent.

She is not a cruel person, but she dare not slack off.

Who told them to stand differently.

Shu Shu will not pretend to feel guilty.

Since the family has reported to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a small election, if it is not referred to the elder brother's office, it will be assigned to be a serving maid. Like Xiang Lan, she will not be able to leave the palace until she is 25 years old.

Now half the master is also the master.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu rubbed her stomach.


If according to the plot in the novel, the jealous mistress is pregnant, the concubine's room will be messed up.

I don’t know if Zhaojia Gege and Wang Gege were scared, but this year is very peaceful.

When Shu Shu followed the southern tour in February, he didn't go to the front yard either.

When Shu Shu came back, they each asked someone to send a reward.

It's been less than three months now, even the people that Elder Brother loves, only the people around Elder Brother Jiu and the servants in the main room know about her pregnancy.

After three months, the two of them know that the mistress is pregnant, and they are still willing to settle down, which is really peaceful.

Shu Shu lowered her head with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Good morning.

Turning around and taking Amu into the house, he is still a big baby.

In a blink of an eye, it was September [-]th, and it was the day of the Ningshou Palace to ask for peace.

Shu Shu doesn't have to go this time.

But she didn't get up too late, Chenchu ​​also woke up.

After the couple had breakfast, Brother Jiu went to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

This can be regarded as the end of the ten-day period, and his "foot ban" will be nothing.

Shu Shu called Xiaotang over to prepare refreshments.

"Ten Fujins like to eat crispy ones, let me have a portion of dried red dates, and a portion of dried apples..."

"Qi Fujin loves meat, so here's a piece of spicy beef jerky, and a piece of braised duck liver from yesterday..."

Qi Fujin used to be a sugar bodhisattva, but his taste changed after giving birth to a daughter.

"Si Fujin eats vegetarian food, so let's have a piece of milk and corn cake, and a piece of red date cake..."

"Wu Fujin prefers to eat dried fruits, so I serve a plate of crystal walnuts and a serving of pine nuts..."

According to everyone's preferences, Shu Shu gave careful instructions to prepare for the upcoming tea party with sisters-in-law.

The sisters-in-law have a good relationship, she didn't show up today, and the sister-in-laws would come over for a walk before leaving the palace.

When it was about to arrive at Sishi, there was movement outside.

Everyone Fujin is here.

Shu Shu rushed out to greet her.

Seeing this, Si Fujin walked a few steps quickly, took her hand, and said, "It's not someone else, what are you doing out here? It's windy today, go back to the house..."

Shu Shu was also not polite to her sisters-in-law, and directly led everyone to Xici Room.

There were too many people, and it was inconvenient to sit on the kang and talk, so Shu Shu asked someone to set up a round table and refreshments.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help laughing.

Qifujin smiled and said, "Not only is the little padded jacket of the imperial grandmother, but also everyone's little padded jacket!"

Shu Shu invited everyone to sit down, served tea, and then said with a smile: "This little padded jacket is very precious, sister-in-law Seven should coax me more, otherwise it will be a little padded jacket with air leakage..."

In a word, everyone laughed after hearing it.

Shu Shu knew that among the sisters-in-law, Sifujin was dignified, Wufujin was reticent, and if he wanted to inquire about gossip, he still had to look at Qifujin.

She said: "Sister-in-law Qi, tell me, how is today? Ningshou Palace needs an extra chair..."

Qi Fujin shook his head and said: "You really, why don't you know how to count? There are still ten, but Concubine Liang moved one step, and Concubine Min followed suit, and Concubine Concubine is at the bottom."

Shu Shu felt that she was beginning to be stupid.

Ten Fujin whispered: "The concubine is really young, with the good concubine, it seems like two generations..."

Qi Fujin also winked, and said: "The concubine Liang has always been kind, and looking at the concubine He is also like a spring breeze today."

Shu Shu thought about everyone's ranking.

The concubine Liang is the fourth in the west, and the concubine He is the fifth in the west.

These two are really destined.

Both lived in Qixiang Palace before, and both lived in Changchun Palace in the future.

There are elders in the palace, and everyone gossips, but they don't stop.

Shu Shu looked at Si Fujin and said: "Sister-in-law Si, the eldest princess lives in the princess courtyard, so will you and fourth brother still use it to pay their respects?"

Si Fujin shook his head and said: "No need, Princess Dachang is still in court to sacrifice to the Empress Dowager, and she is already preparing to go to the imperial mausoleum."

Shu Shu nodded.

No matter how old you are, you will always miss your mother.

The reason why she asked this question was not because she had nothing to say, but because the eldest princess's princess house was Suo'etu's former house, which was less than a mile away from the prince's mansion.

If the fourth elder brother and his wife went to pay their respects, they would have to go after they left the palace.

When the Fujins left, Xiao Chun came over with a stack of gift slips.

Shu Shu's birthday will be next month, which is one of the "three festivals and two birthdays". The birthday celebrations of the staff inside and outside the House of Internal Affairs began to arrive one after another after the Double Ninth Festival.

"These are made by three people from Jiangnan..."

Xiao Chun handed it over, and said with a rare expression: "The Cao family and the Li family are fine, but the Jin family has increased by [-]% this time..."

Shu Shu frowned and said, "Where is Jiu Ye's gift list?"

It is said that it is not surprising that many people are courteous, but there is also the saying "be polite to others, and you must ask for something".

Xiaochun said, "It's also more than the other two."

Shu Shu said: "Since when did there be more?"

Xiaochun thought for a while, and said: "It was a bit high during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but it was not out of the ordinary, and the slaves didn't take it seriously..."

Shu Shu thought about the impression of Hangzhou weaving the Jin family, it seems that the sons and daughters are flourishing.

Is it because of the lack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Shu Shu instructed Xiaochun: "The things in their house are left alone, and the Mid-Autumn Festival list is also found, and there are two other families."

The three major weaving liaisons have relatives, and it is unkind for the Jin family to give gifts like this.

I just thought that by giving more gifts, I could win favor from the prince, that was too beautiful.

Shu Shu had already reminded Brother Jiu not to interfere in the personnel affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

Ho Ho, it's another [-] day, proud, ask for a monthly pass with your hands on your hips!

The next update will be at 1:7 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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