Chapter 706 Irritability
When Brother Jiu came back from the yamen, Shu Shu brought up the matter of the Jin family's gift: "Why? If it's because of the lack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it would be a bit of a joke?"

Even if he was asking for help, he didn't ask for it.

It is common sense to always send brothers, nephews and nephews who can talk to the capital to pay respects to brother Jiu in person, instead of adding three melons and two dates to the "three festivals and two birthdays".

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "It's not because of lack, it's because I'm following Xiao Shiqi..."

Shu Shu came to his senses and said, "Accompanied by the prince?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "The Cao family and the Li family each have a son who entered the palace, so the Jin family is naturally not willing to be the queen."

The Jin family was originally an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because of the trust of the emperor, the father and son worked in Hangzhou weaving for more than [-] years.

Now in the younger generation, born and raised in Hangzhou, they have long been estranged from the palace.

Shu Shu said: "That's a long way to go. It will take several years for Brother Seventeen to enter the study."

Brother Jiu said: "It can be regarded as a report in advance. When the time comes to choose haha ​​beads, people will think of them."

Knowing the reason, Shu Shu let it go.

When it came time for the prince to choose a companion, they couldn't intervene.

As an adoptive mother, Concubine Yi can choose a companion from Guo Luoluo's family or her in-laws' family, but she is qualified to choose two of them, but Shu Shu and Brother Jiu have never seen a child from the Jin family, so naturally it is impossible to send a child who does not know their nature. The person who puts the seventeenth brother next to him.

Children lack xinxing and are easily influenced by the temperament of those around them.

For example, Akton was a little arrogant in his early years, but he looked well-behaved in front of others. He chose to study with him, and after entering the study room, he was bewitched by the people around him and became arrogant and arrogant, but he was at a loss.

The next day, Concubine Tong moved to Yongshou Palace.

It was still Nanny Qi who brought Xiaochun with Shi Fujin to give congratulatory gifts.

The next day is Jiugege's 17th birthday.

Under the imperial decree, the nine daughters of the emperor ordered the first-class bodyguard Buxi, the eldest son of Chengen Gong Erlundai, to be married, and ordered the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to start preparations for the princess's surrender.

Jiugege's marriage has now been settled.

As for the title of the princess, it will be canonized before the wedding.

Shu Shu got the news and let out a long breath.

She is also a little confused, whether this has changed history or not.

Jiugege's son-in-law is no longer Shun Anyan, but he is still a child of the Tong family.

She was happy on the face, and told Xiaochun: "Run here for me, go congratulate Gege..."

As for the others, it's not easy to use a girl to spread the word.

Daoxi didn't have empty hands, and it happened that Jin Ruyi was also ready.

Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to find it out, and directly used that as a congratulatory gift.

Although this was prepared as a makeup gift, it was also intended to be given privately before, for the sake of the friendship between the two of them besides sisters-in-law and handkerchiefs.

On the bright side, Shu Shu will still follow the example of her sister-in-laws in terms of adding makeup, and will not differ too much from everyone else.

So it is also appropriate to send Ruyi at this time.

Xiaochun took the people and set off.

Shu Shu counted the days.

25 The concubine Liang moved to the palace, and the harem was completed.

Brother Jiu can go to Yuqian and beg for moving at the end of the month.

He took Shu Shu and his own horoscope before, and went to Qin Tianjian again. After some calculations, he still closed the 29th day, and there was no collision.

Calculated in this way, the days I will stay in the palace will be less than ten days...

Ningshou Palace, Dongcijian.

The two concubines were the first to get the news of the marriage.

Because he lived here, when the angel came, he got the news.

Both of them sent Mammy to give congratulatory gifts, and then accompanied them over to congratulate the Queen Mother.

You know, Jiugege is not only a princess, but also a princess raised by the queen mother, the two princesses naturally get close to her when they see her.

This time I kept it in front of my eyes, and the Queen Mother's wish was fulfilled.

The queen mother was really happy and smiled from ear to ear.

She herself was married far away, and she knew the pain of a woman marrying far away.

There is no lack of prosperity and wealth in these years, but thinking of the comfort when I was in my mother's house, it also makes people dream back at midnight.

In addition to the life and death of relatives, in the early years, half a basket of tears was shed.

Now that Jiugege has indicated marriage, staying in Beijing is a foregone conclusion.

"Xiao Jiu has a gentle temper and is a rigid person inside. Even when it comes to Horqin, I don't feel at ease..."

The Empress Dowager chatted with the two concubines: "He is a filial child. When the time comes, he will 'report good news but not bad news'. It is not to feel sorry for the dead. How good it is now, right under your nose, and you can often see it on weekdays... "

Concubine Duan Shun said: "I thought the emperor would change his mind and choose someone else, but I didn't expect it to be theirs."

Orondai was notoriously bad tempered, he was a jerk, and he dared to stick his neck out in front of the imperial court.

Although it is not popular in the Eight Banners to beat their wives, Elundai's posture of attacking at the slightest disagreement makes people worry whether he will beat his wife.

This dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix...

Concubine Shuhui said: "The emperor misses the past..."

Tong Guogang also gave a lot of help when the emperor was in charge in the early years.

The queen mother smiled and said: "The emperor sent Bu Xi to pay my respects. He is a shy child, and he behaves differently from his father."

Speaking of this, she looked at Concubine Duan Shun and Concubine Shuhui and said, "It's rare for the emperor to enshrine the harem, and the next one will probably be ten or eight years later."

The faces of the two toffees were all pale.

This time, the concubine Xianfu and Concubine Tong fell into the ceremony.

Although they can see it openly, they still feel a little uncomfortable.

In the early years, the harem of the Qing Dynasty was dominated by Mongolian women, but as they got older, it would be difficult for the concubines to enter the harem of the Qing Dynasty.

The queen mother looked at the two of them and said: "The emperor started to like the young concubine, and the Qing Palace has promised dozens of times. If someone is happy later, his status is too low, and he is not qualified to raise him. If you want to raise little Gege and little elder brother, It's about time..."

Concubine Duan Shun immediately shook her head and said: "I don't need to worry about that. When I turn around and close my eyes, I will give my private house to Xiao Buyin."

Concubine Shuhui hesitated.

It's not that I didn't have this idea in the early years, it's just that the princes and princesses are precious.

If the future little elder brothers and little princesses are all from the same background as the fifteenth elder brothers, it would be the best of both worlds to raise one.

Concubine Shuhui said: "Then wait for the concubine's little elder brother, don't be a little gege, it's hard to bear it when you grow up with people separated from each other..."

The old people all laughed. If they could live for more than ten years and catch up with the life span of the Empress Dowager, that would be their blessing.

The queen mother nodded and said: "Then I will beg the emperor..."

This parenting has the joys of raising a child.

When the little baby smiles "haha", people will laugh along with it; when the little baby cries "wuwu", the heart will be crushed.

In their life, they have not received the favor of their husbands, have not had children, and when they are old, it is not a sin to want to enjoy family happiness for a few days...

Gege place, Jiugege place.

Jiugege looked at the golden Ruyi in the brocade box, and said to Xiaochun: "Sister-in-law Jiu is too sincere..."

Such a big Jin Ruyi, even if it is filigree and hollowed out, it looks exquisite, but gold is gold, so the weight will not be light.

Xiaochun said with a smile: "It was planned to be delivered next year, but Fujin sent slaves to deliver it first."

Jiugege's face turned red, and said: "I also have something to look for Jiusao, when will Jiusao be free tomorrow, I'll go over and make trouble."

Xiaochun thought about his daily life in Fujin, and said: "Chen Zheng will be free until the beginning of noon, and I will take a nap before Shenchu ​​at noon, and I will also be free from Shenchu ​​to Youchu."

Listening to the time, Jiu Gege couldn't help laughing, and said, "Brother Jiu is going back to brother's house at noon?"

Xiao Chun smiled and said, "Jiuye is worried about Fujin eating alone..."

Jiugege was a little bit worried, but he also knew what to do, and said, "Then I'll go over to talk to my sister-in-law tomorrow morning..."

While the two were talking, there was movement outside.

It was the concubines of the palace who got the news and sent people to send congratulatory gifts.

Xiaochun left and went back to the second school.

When Shu Shu heard that Jiu Gege was going to be a guest, she was only happy.

She was bored to be alone, Shi Fujin came to sit occasionally, but it must be ordered by Shi elder brother, each time it was only two quarters of an hour, and did not sit for a long time.

Shu Shu felt that she needed a friend.

She wanted to prepare refreshments, but Jiugege didn't care too much about her appetite, so she told Xiaochun: "Then bring out some of our fruits to entertain guests tomorrow."

This is Jiugege saying that he is looking for something, so what is it?
Four Baylor Mansion, at the entrance.

The fourth prince reined in his horse and arrived, threw the reins to the porter with a black face, and strode into the mansion.

He went directly to the study room, and seeing the benevolent eyes of the Buddha on the altar, his restless heart gradually calmed down.

People are far and near.

For him, even though he has a normal relationship with the Tong family on the surface, he still thinks of Er Nie's affection in his heart.

It's just that Tong Guowei's attitude towards him is mediocre, not much different from that of other princes, and he didn't use the pole to heat the stove before.

Looking at Tong Guowei's appearance, he doesn't seem to think that the fourth elder brother who was raised by Queen Tong is the "Queen's adopted son".

The fourth elder brother was ashamed and angry, and rarely took the initiative to contact them.

In addition to Longkodo,
Long Kedo has always been close to him, and his uncle and nephew had a lot of walking around in the early years.

Tong Guowei was convicted in the first month, and the fourth elder brother didn't feel it was a pity. What he wanted was to find an opportunity to transfer Longkoduo back to the capital.

Before Er Nie was alive, it was this younger brother who worried him the most.

As a result, when I received a letter from Longkodo today, I actually talked about Jiugege, saying that if I want to appease the emperor, only Shun An Yan Shangzhu can get the Tong family out of trouble.

Longkodo begged the fourth elder brother to facilitate this matter, otherwise, this branch will be silent, and the fourth elder brother will not be able to help in the future.

Simply inexplicable!

The fourth elder brother read the letter and was about to explode with rage.

It is true that Longkodo is his uncle, but Jiugege is also his sister.

How could he intervene in his younger sister's wedding for the sake of Tong's family's wealth?

How can there be such a reason?
And that helper?

As a prince, what help do you need?
Tong Jia's intentions are not good, and his heart can be punished!
Si Fujin got the news and knew that his grandfather had returned in anger.

She didn't come to the study in a hurry, but asked the dining room to prepare almond tea, as well as a plate of ready-made Shaqima and sesame candy, and then led them to the front yard.

Hearing that Fujin was coming, the fourth elder brother swallowed the words of driving him away.

This is the first wife, not someone else, and the fourth elder brother also wants to find someone to talk about the depression in his heart.

Si Fujin came in, took the food box from the girl behind him, and waved his hand to send him out.

The fourth elder brother took a look and said, "I don't want to eat..."

Si Fujin said softly: "It's not something else, it's just a bowl of almond tea, which nourishes the lungs. It's dry now, and I coughed several times in the morning."

Fourth elder brother stopped talking, Si Fujin took out the almond tea and two trays of refreshments, set them up, and went to throw in a clean towel and hand them to fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother picked it up, with a more relaxed expression, wiped his hands clean, took up the almond tea and ate it.

There is icing sugar in it, which is sweet to eat.

The fourth elder brother ate a bowl, and his mood calmed down.

After putting down the bowl and rinsing his mouth, he complained to Si Fujin: "Why do you think there are such people in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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