My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 707 stinky mouth

Chapter 707 Stinky Mouth

"You actually said that you want to be the help of the master. As a prince, what kind of help do you need?"

The fourth elder brother said bitterly: "This is the idea of ​​seizing the heir, no wonder Khan Ama can't bear it!"

The Tong family is too selfish.

With sweetness, a queen mother got a Cheng Engong, and a queen got another Cheng Engong.

This is to have another prince, so that the Tong family can go one step further.

It was for this reason that Concubine Tong was kept in her twenties before, and it is also for this reason that she came to bewitch him now.

"Could it be that the master is a fool? Can't see their wolfish ambitions? Don't say that the East Palace reserve is stable, even if there is an emergency, there is still a big brother..."

The fourth elder brother babbled, and said: "Fortunately, I am not stupid. I know that I am sending a letter to my confidant. If it falls into the eyes of others, what will happen to me?"

It's really a guilty conscience not to be a thief.

Letting outsiders know about it, they thought it was him who had some serious idea of ​​rebellion, and it would cause a lot of trouble.

Sifujin listened patiently and didn't comment much.

She knew that the Tong family was different in Si elder brother's mind.

The fourth elder brother continued: "You shouldn't even talk about Xiaojiu's marriage. The ups and downs of this honorable family are nothing. As long as the children and grandchildren strive for success, the next generation will rise up. They just don't follow the right path, so they think about these crooked ways... "

Speaking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the dust of Xiaojiu's marriage has been settled. Otherwise, if they don't give up, who knows what will happen!"

Si Fujin nodded and said: "Although rumors have surfaced a long time ago, it still makes people worry about it. Now I am really happy. After entering the palace in a few days, I will go to congratulate my sister."

The fourth elder brother showed disgust on his face, and said: "Buxi is a bit younger, and he is also cowardly. He is just an ordinary person."

Si Fujin said: "My younger sister is gentle, so the husband and wife are so kind, the elders don't have to worry about it."

The fourth elder brother knew that she was talking about Orondai's bad temper, so he snorted softly: "It's because Khan Ama was too indulgent, that's why she broke the rules! You're not a fool, how can you really not know the seriousness? In the past half a year, how come I haven't heard of any rampant and unruly things about him!"

Sifujin thought about it, it really was so.

In the past year, the Tong family has been quiet.

Even this father-in-law who loves to be a monster is extremely honest.

Not only the Tong family is like this, but the Hesheli family and Niu Hulu's family are also similar...

The eldest princess's other courtyard.

Princess Dachang and Princess Rongxian also got the news that Jiugege was referring to marry a child of the Tong family, and the grandparents and grandchildren had different expressions.

The eldest princess stretched her brows, and sighed: "It's great, the Qing Dynasty is strong!"

Marriage between Manchu and Mongolia is still a national policy, but it is completely different from the early years.

There is no longer a need for a Mongolian woman to be in the middle palace, and the emperor's princess will not be allowed to marry by the Mongolian tribe.

It's still Fumeng, but it's different after all.

Princess Rong Xian also smiled, not without sadness in her heart.

He himself was raised by the queen mother before, but he was different from Xiao Jiu who was raised in front of the queen mother.

Khan Ama is filial, Xiaojiu is blessed.

The eldest princess noticed the silence of grandson's daughter-in-law, and said, "What's going on with your mother-in-law?"

Even if you want to propose marriage to the court, shouldn't you be asking for the daughter of the clan?
What do you want a noble daughter to do?
Princess Rong Xian cheered up, and said: "I heard my mother-in-law mentioned twice that she is Ye Gong's granddaughter, her own niece, and now her parents are both dead, it's so pitiful, she just wanted to promise it to the third child, I wrote it once last year Letter, I didn’t agree with it for some reason, and then I sent a letter in Jingli, and I agreed with it again.”

The eldest princess showed her disapproval, and said: "It sounds weak, even if you miss your mother's family, you shouldn't use your son to make up for it."

The eldest princess lost her husband in her early years and lost her son in old age, so she is very close to her grandchildren.

Princess Rongxian said: "It's practical inside, this cousin is the granddaughter of the Tong family, and her biological mother is the concubine sister of Empress Xiaoyi."

The eldest princess sighed and said: "You all know that the Tong family is rich and the daughters of the Tong family have a generous dowry, and other people also know that this eating is so ugly that it makes people laugh."

Princess Rongxian didn't care much about the choice of the younger sister-in-law.

It is impossible for the left and right Bahrain to drop another princess, so even if you ask for the princess, the status is also below her.

The daughter of a mere honored nobleman, let alone take it seriously.

The Eldest Princess said helplessly: "Since I handed over the book early, I guess the Emperor has already made up his mind, and we are just waiting for grace."

While the grandparents were talking, a eunuch sent a message in.

Someone sent a greeting card, wanting to ask to see the eldest princess, and to greet the eldest princess.

After hearing this, the eldest princess became interested.

Although the brothers and sisters of the older generation are almost withered, there are still some.

"Is it Chang Shu?" The princess leaned forward and asked.

This is her only surviving brother, and he will be in his sixties this year.

The eunuch said: "It's a member of Niu Hulu's family, Shi Yinde, the head of the palace, wants to bring his wife and daughter to greet the eldest princess and the princess..."

After hearing this, the Eldest Princess lost her spirits, looked at Princess Rong Xian, and said, "Is that their family?"

Princess Rongxian nodded, and said: "After the death of both parents of that cousin, she brought her compatriot's younger brother to her uncle's house. This is Mr. Yin De, and there are three Shu brothers who are still on the side of the Duke's mansion. "

The eldest princess waved her hand and said, "I'm impatient to see you. I'll see you later when the marriage is finalized. Otherwise, outsiders will think I'm an old fool and focus on the honorable daughter in Beijing."

How many families are willing to part with each other?
There is no other way for the eldest daughter, whose surname is Aixinjueluo, to be provided by the imperial court, and she should also be caressed for the sake of righteousness.

But the honorable daughter, why should she sacrifice her marriage?

Mongolia attaches great importance to the marriage between Manchu and Mongolia, but that is only limited to the clan daughters.

The Borzigit family and the Aixinjueluo family are compatible in blood and have been dependent on each other for generations, so that the grassland and the court can be more stable.

Princess Rong Xian knew it well, and told the eunuch: "Let's say that the Eldest Princess is resting, impatient to see outsiders, please trouble them to think about it."

After all, it is the mother-in-law's family, Princess Rong Xian replied more politely.

However, this invitation card that was sent back made Yin De and his wife's expressions change drastically.

Yin De's wife, in her 30s, has a long face and Danfeng eyes. She looks capable and comes from a good family. She is the daughter of the late Governor of Huguang Dong Weiguo.

Her husband is kind-hearted, and Mrs. Dong is not a cruel person. Helping orphans is also a due duty.

But what happened this time caused the trouble between them and their husband and wife.

Since the letter from Prince Tai Fujin arrived, saying that he had asked the emperor for an order, the husband and wife have been waiting for the order to come down.

When the time comes, send it to the Bahrain Ministry as soon as possible, and forget about it.

Now, are you going to smash your hands?

Dong said anxiously: "Could it be that someone said something? The eldest princess lived in the palace before."

Yin De shook his head and said, "It shouldn't happen. If Jiu Fujin intervenes in this matter, the past few months will not be peaceful."

Mrs. Dong said with a headache: "Today, I only promised the master to come to the door this once, but now I refuse, and I don't have the face to stick to it, and the master don't count on me, you are willing to take the blame and be an uncle who trades your niece for a hat, I'm not willing to be that black-hearted aunt..."

Speaking of this, she paused, and said: "Since I feel that I am old enough, then let her make up her own mind. Don't you think little aunt is good? Then go to the Duke's Mansion!"

Yin De said helplessly: "It's just a child. If you care about it for a while, you will be confused and lose your sense of proportion. What do you care about with her?"

No matter how good-tempered Mrs. Dong is, she couldn't stand this. She stood up and said, "Master, keep it for yourself, I dare not have such a child... Does that only involve Dong'e's family? I thought that Shangsanqi and Zhenghongqi couldn't get along. Then there will be no scruples and backtracking? Then there will be Nine Brothers and Ten Brothers behind!"

Yin De blushed and said, "My elder brother will understand, the two elder brothers have the best relationship..."

Dong said with a sneer: "The master also knows that the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother have the best relationship. If you are considerate and inconsiderate, others don't know, and the master doesn't know either?"

Yin De said helplessly: "The matter has come to this, what else can we do?"

He is not a fool, how could he not notice the indifference and alienation of Elder Brother Ten.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival ceremony, which is very different from the Dragon Boat Festival ceremony in the first half of the year.

Dong said: "What can I do? I'm afraid that the position of the long history of the master will not be stable..."

After all, she threw down the curtain and went out.

Standing at the door was a young girl, fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a pink flag dress, braided hair, tall and handsome, with arrogance in her eyebrows and eyes.

Dong Shi looked over, her face flushed, and she was a little ashamed to see the girl.

Everyone talks about people behind their backs, and everyone is talked about behind their backs.

It is also embarrassing to be met by the Lord like this.


The girl looked directly at Dong Shi without avoiding it.

Dong said angrily: "Da Gege is fifteen years old, and he still doesn't know the principles of life? Don't listen to injustice, don't look at injustice, what are you doing with such a sneaky appearance?"

The girl said frankly: "My niece didn't eavesdrop, I just saw my uncle talking to my aunt, so I didn't bother."

When Yin De heard the movement in the room, he hurried out and said, "Da Gege is here, but is there something wrong?"

Da Gege said: "My niece wants to ask about going to the princess's courtyard to pay her respects..."

Yin De said with a sneer: "Princess Eldest is tired from a long journey, so I don't see any guests for the time being."

Big Gege looked at him and said, "Is it the niece who caused the fourth uncle? Then the niece is going to make amends to Master Shi?"

Dong sneered and said, "Who are you? Men and women like this can't help but want to join Elder Brother? Do you really think of yourself as the prince's cousin? When you slap Elder Brother on the face, why didn't you think that she was Cousin? "

Da Gege still stood straight, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "My niece has already explained it. It was Chint who heard the gossip of Mammy and misunderstood it. My niece has already told him."

Dong said with a sneer: "At this time, Chint misunderstood? How did Chint know how to deliver the letter to the inner hall at his age?"

Yin De stopped him and said, "Just say a few words less, your heart is kind, and you opened your mouth..."

Dong rolled her eyes and said: "I fed the dog kindly, I regret so much that my intestines are green..."

After all, she didn't continue to argue with her uncle and nephew, and turned around to go out...

The second house, the main house.

Shu Shu glanced at the time, estimated that it would be the second quarter of noon, and urged the dining room to prepare the meal at noon.

Pinch it, now the hot water is ready.

When Brother Jiu came back, he could just cook the noodles directly and serve them quickly.

Today I ate soba noodles with sauerkraut topping.

Shu Shu suddenly remembered that she just wanted to eat this bite, but she held back and wanted to wait for Brother Jiu to come back to eat together.

After all, this is fresh food, which has never been eaten in the second dining room before.

Because brother Jiu has a bad stomach, he can't eat too hard, but this noodles uses blended noodles.

Three-point buckwheat noodles, with seven-point white noodles, is to borrow a taste.

She also specially ordered that they meet separately when the time comes.

I want hard noodles for this bowl, but Brother Jiu wants soft noodles for that bowl.

After waiting all morning, I was not hungry, but I was hungry.

She gnawed on the dried sago, thinking about the aroma of the sauerkraut soup, she couldn't hold back her saliva...

Everyone, don't forget to add updates in the morning, roll around, thank you for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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