My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 708 Unfilial Son

Chapter 708 Unfilial Son

Ordinarily, Brother Nine came back from the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs with a troubled face on his face.

Shu Shu looked at him with such an expression, a little curious.

Is this happy, or not happy?

It seems very complicated.

Brother Jiu rubbed his face and said: "I want to be happy, but I think it's inappropriate. Teacher's bachelor degree should be taught."

As early as the first lunar month, there was news that Ma Qi had joined the cabinet.

It is now September, and there is no movement.

"Isn't this a good thing, why is it out of date?"

Shu Shu felt that she might have become really stupid, and she couldn't find the logical relationship in it.

"Alantai is dead, this morning..."

Brother Nine said, with a toothache on his face, and said: "The Grand Master is about to die, and Khan Ama will not love anyone anymore..."

There was a man who was seriously ill and recuperated, and he did not go to court for a long time.

There was also a man who was implicated by Suo'etu in the first month and took the initiative to sue his old age.

There are also two nominal bachelors, both of whom are old and frail. They only retain the title of bachelor and do not go to court.

Alantai was originally a fruit that only existed in the dynasty, but it was withered by a cold wind.

"Khan Ama didn't expect it to be so fast. In the morning, I got a copy from Alan Tai's family. I sent my elder brother to take the imperial doctor to visit. I planned to go there in person at noon. However, when my elder brother and the others passed by, they were already in a coma. When my elder brother came back Reporting, the news of mourning came back and forth..."

Brother Jiu said: "Really speaking, it's only sixty years old, and it's a few years before retirement."

A bachelor is a prime minister. Although the monarch is more powerful than the prime minister, he is also the backbone of the country.

No wonder Brother Jiu had that look on his face.

Shu Shu said silently: "Seeing that it is winter, this winter is colder than every year."

The end of the year is sad, that's what I said.

Every winter is a difficult time for the elderly and infirm.

When Brother Jiu heard this, he looked at her with concern, and said, "Do you think it's cold in the room? Tell someone to start burning the charcoal basin, and you don't have to wait for Dilong."

Shu Shu looked around, and said, "How many charcoal basins are needed for such a big room? It's full of smoke and fire, and it won't get much warmer."

Brother Jiu glanced at her, pointed to the study room and said, "Isn't there a study room, where the heat can be isolated in summer, and the air-conditioning can be isolated in winter?"

Shu Shu gave Brother Jiu a white look, dissatisfied, and said, "Master, what kind of eyes is that?"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "I just think why you are so rare! You can't think of it for a while, and there is nothing. I help you think of it. Isn't that good?"

The prince and prince Fujin provide charcoal every day in winter, but it's not the time to supply it yet.

Shu Shu thought of the east wing of the Prince's Mansion.

In the past, we only planned to use the west side room as a clean room, but not the east side room.

Now it seems that it is just a warm room.

It is connected to the study room, where you can read in winter and escape the heat in summer.

Burn a warm kang below, and before winter every year, you can ask people to burn it in advance, and you don't need to use charcoal directly in the house.

Shu Shu told Brother Nine, and Brother Nine smiled and said, "We can do whatever we want in our own house, and we'll stick to it."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and said: "You don't have to worry about the charcoal. It's late, and the charcoal storehouse has been prepared. After a while, someone will move the smoker to the study. The master sent Sun Jin to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send some. silver……"

This is equivalent to buying charcoal by themselves.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Master, is this inappropriate?"

In the imperial palace, the old ones are old, the young ones are young, and they belong to the young and strong.

Even if someone engages in special treatment and uses the charcoal basin in advance, it will not be their turn.

Brother Jiu smiled badly, and said: "It's better if it's not appropriate, and you will be picked on by others, and you will send Xiaohua to the imperial court later, and we will be famous when we move."

Shu Shu felt that elder brother Jiu was not kind, so he grabbed the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and licked it.

But they were not wronged, that is, they spread all the gossip in the palace to the outside world.

Regarding the reputation of Brother Jiu, there are mixed reputations, and they are all credited.

Brother Jiu wanted to do it, so he gave orders to go on.

After giving the order, the dining table was set up.

Today's lunch was very good, Brother Jiu also felt good after eating the noodles.

"It's good to eat in winter, but the soup base is not good, and it's a bit vegetarian. It should be better if it is replaced with mutton soup or chicken soup..."

Shu Shu felt tired after listening to it.

But when it comes to mutton, she wants to eat kebabs with kebabs, sprinkle a lot of chili powder, don't use lean mutton, and want to connect the tendons.

If you think about it, you will be hungry, Shu Shu immediately ordered Xiaochun to send a message, saying: "Go and grill a few skewers of mutton, don't sprinkle cumin, just sprinkle chili powder and salt, and roast two bunches of cabbage core..."

Brother Jiu didn't care about eating noodles anymore, and said with concern: "Is this a bad taste? What else do you want to eat, tell me, I will buy it for you..."

Now Shu Shu's mind is full of the smell of spicy meat tendon, she shook her head and said, "Just these two things first..."

Brother Nine saw this and waited with her.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiaotang quickly brought in the food box.

Inside was a ruler plate with a handful of mutton skewers, two bunches of cabbage cores, and two millet pancakes.

The scent immediately hits the nostrils.

Xiaotang said: "If Fujin thinks the chili is too hot, eat it with pancakes."

Shu Shu nodded, eagerly picked up a bunch, feeling a burst of satisfaction at the entrance.

In my previous life, when I was a child, I thought that spicy was the same taste sensation as sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Only when I was older did I realize that it was pain.

The feeling of chili roasting on the taste buds is too enjoyable.

No spices are added, and the chili is enough to alleviate the fishy and greasy mutton.

The fat part of the mutton kebabs is grilled to a golden brown with a burnt aroma.

Shu Shu ate three skewers in one go, her tongue became numb, she looked at Xiaotang and said, "I want to eat sweet Jie Jie Lai, do you have any more peaches in syrup?"

Xiaotang said: "There are still several jars left unopened, I will fill them up now."

After Xiaotang left, Shu Shu slowed down, and killed a few skewers of mutton and two skewers of cabbage.

At this moment, peach meat in syrup is also served.

It's just right to eat cold silk now.

Brother Jiu was beside him, seeing that his stomach was becoming uncomfortable, he said with concern: "It's hot and cold, is it okay to eat?"

Shu Shu said: "It's okay."

Seeing that Brother Jiu's noodles were soaked even softer, Shu Shu said: "Let's cook another bowl for you, it's all delayed..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "I've almost eaten enough."

This meal, Shu Shu ate to her heart's content, but Brother Jiu felt distressed.

He thought for a while, and said: "You can't always think about what to eat. Waiting like this, how can you stand it? Why don't you write a list later, listing all the things you want to eat and what you might eat, and call it a meal." The room is ready, so you don’t have to wait so long for what you want to eat..."

Shu Shu also felt that it was hard to order like this.

Waiting so long every time.

What would she like to eat?

Boiled fish...

hairy blood...

Spicy Chicken...

Little crispy meat...

There are some on the menu of the Sichuan restaurant, and she wants to eat them all.

Brother Jiu saw her move, and said: "What did you think of? Just eat what you want in turn. Anyway, I am not picky about food, so just deal with two bites."

After hearing this, Shu Shu calmed down again.

If she ate it alone and let Brother Jiu watch it, it would be less enjoyable.

She said: "I want to drink old duck soup. I ask the dining room to stew it in the afternoon. It's just right to drink it in the evening."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "Didn't you like to eat fried bean curds when you were shabu-shabu before, you can also deep-fry some of them."

This is what Shu Shu said.

Shu Shu said to eat more eggs, tofu and meat, and more dried milk, so that children can grow up well.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then add one."

When the dining table for two was removed, the smoker was already placed on the kang in the study.

The wool tapestry that had been put away after the beginning of autumn was also taken out and put back on the Duobao Pavilion in the study.

That is, two baskets of the high-grade red snail charcoal used in the house were carried back.

But it's noon now, it's warm outside, and it's not cold in the house, so Shu Shu didn't ask someone to light the fire.

She laughed to Brother Nine and said, "It won't take two days, the master will be unfilial."

Years later, Kangxi cleaned up the House of Internal Affairs and dismissed many people.

Especially the natal family of the concubine of the harem, and several families in the imperial dining room were all cleared.

If you understand people, you will naturally know that this is the holy order; but if you are confused, or bully and fearful, you will have to put this account on Brother Jiu.

That is to say, in the past six months, brother Jiu has become the "beloved son", and he has not made any mistakes in his actions, so no one dares to make trouble.

But if this "unfilial" act is done, how can it be easier for him?
Criticism is indispensable.

Brother Nine stroked his chin and said, "Master is digging a hole for them, not falling into the hole by himself, so it should be a preparation."

In the afternoon, when I went to the House of Internal Affairs, Brother Nine sent Sun Jin to bring two notes to start from the Ningshou Palace, one by one, please see the chief eunuch and pass on Brother Nine's words.

There are plenty of charcoal fires this winter, and the weather is cold early. If any elder feels that the house is shady, they can send someone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to withdraw the charcoal fires in advance, and wait until next spring to calculate the excess amount and deduct it from the charcoal fires for the next year.

If there is any surplus, it will also be converted into cash and paid according to the book price of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Now the East and West Twelve Palaces, the Chengqian Palace and Jingren Palace in the East Sixth Palace are empty, and the Jingyang Palace is used as the inner library.

In the remaining nine palaces, there are leading concubines.

That afternoon, I learned about the "New Deal" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year.

Yanxi Palace, main hall.

Concubine Hui nodded and said: "It's different to have someone of your own staring at it. Foreign officials don't know whether it's cold or hot in the palace. It's really cold early this year."

The maid said: "Your Majesty, shall we get the charcoal in advance?"

Concubine Hui nodded and said: "Let's take it, or the few behind will not dare to act rashly."

The rare thing about Brother Nine is that he not only mentions that charcoal fire can be withdrawn in advance, but also explains the accounting of charcoal fire.

In this way, even if someone is sent to collect the charcoal in advance, there is no need to worry about being blackmailed by the servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If you are really struggling, you can spend less charcoal every winter, and you can still have some spare money in the spring of next year.

As for whether it is cold or not...

Anyway, there are earth dragons in October, even if the house is not warm, it won't freeze people...

(End of this chapter)

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