Chapter 709 Grace
Yikun Palace, the second hall.

The game is over.

Concubine Yi was leaning on the kang, holding a pair of dice in her hand, and was playing with them.

Concubine Yi didn't sit up until the chief eunuch came in to deliver a message.

After listening, she nodded and told Pei Lan: "Go and ask later, if the nobleman and the concubine want charcoal, if so, send someone to get it together tomorrow..."

Pei Lan agreed, and said, "Then the main hall?"

Concubine Yi said: "Of course I want to, isn't this the old nine who has spoken? My mother-in-law wants to make a show..."

After a while, Peilan came back after delivering the message, "The nobleman and the concubine have already said they want it, and the side hall is indeed cooler."

The main hall and the back hall are fine, facing south, warm in winter and cool in summer.

The east and west match the hall, which is not warm in winter and cool in summer, which is very painful.

Especially before the earth dragon starts every year, the house is cold and gloomy.

"Master Jiu is careful, no one else would have thought of this..."

Perrin praised.

Concubine Yi snorted softly and said: "Who knows what monsters are going on? He is not that careful at all. Even if he loves his wife, there is no need to make such a fuss and make a fuss over the palace."

If there is no other reason, Shu Shu will stop her, it is not Zhang Yang's temperament.

The Qianqing Palace was the last to get the news.

Because the supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is according to the rules.

From the example of the harem, from the queen mother to ordinary palace ladies.

There is no exception for the charcoal of the Qianqing Palace.

In winter, there are two four-foot-high smokers in the warm pavilion, which are kept on day and night, making the room as warm as spring.

Kangxi knew about this and didn't say anything.

After all, the general ledger of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not changed, and the total amount of charcoal purchased each year remains unchanged.

It's just the silver left over from the remaining charcoal in the case...

"Nonsense! I don't know the sufferings of the world!"

It happened that Ma Qi, the prince's teacher, was here, and Kangxi couldn't help complaining: "He has a lot of money, so he thinks everyone else is rich? Don't think too much..."

If this rule is implemented, there will definitely be resistance from the hard-pressed young master in the harem.

But the concubines are young and weak, and when they get sick in order to save a few catties of charcoal, the loss outweighs the gain.

Ma Qi bowed and said, "Jiu Ye is kind-hearted, but he is too young to think carefully enough."

Although Kangxi was dissatisfied with this article, he didn't think about asking Brother Jiu to modify it.

Although Brother Nine has made a fuss several times and done a lot of things in the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year, he has not changed the original rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This is the first time, and it is also the time for Liwei.

Although there are deficiencies, there is no need to completely deny them.

Changing the order day and night will damage his dignity as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It's just that sometimes, good intentions may not be able to do good things.

In addition to Ma Qi, Minister of Rites Manchu Fulun and Han Shangshu Zhang Ying are also there.

Ministers died of illness, although there is no case of leaving the court, but Alantai died in office after all, and he was respectful in his work, so today he will stop working for one day.

Kangxi looked at the two ministers of the Ministry of Rites and said: "Let Ma Wu, one of the ministers and ten guards, go to drink tea and wine; give four saddle horses and 2000 taels of silver; You, the ten guards of the Qianqing Palace and the five guards are going to send..."

Each one is grace.

In particular, Ma Wu and the ministers of the interior liberated tea and wine. This is the visit of the holy car.

Finally, Kangxi said: "The Ministry of Rites proposes a posthumous title."

The two bowed and agreed.

Kangxi didn't have the heart to say anything else, so he waved his hand and asked people to kneel down.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are unstoppable events.

The ministers in the early years of Kangxi were all old and old, and they were at the end of their lives; but the ministers like A Lantai, who were promoted in the Kangxi more than ten years ago, also began to pass away.

Kangxi sighed in his heart.

It seemed like time was passing faster and faster.

I still clearly remember the situation of the Chinese New Year, but it turned out that it was the end of the year again.

He thought of the Queen Mother of Ningshou Palace, who was 59 this year, and the eldest princess of Princess Bieyuan, who was 68.

The eldest princess has been resting in the palace for the past few days, and Kangxi once sent the imperial physician to take a pulse.

The pulse condition is not good.

The eldest princess is old.

All internal organs are faulty.

Especially gas disease, very serious.

This can make her sleepless at night.

This is a chronic disease, which is difficult to treat. The imperial doctor prescribed prescriptions for nourishing the lungs and sleeping, but the effect was weak.

Since he didn't want to deal with state affairs, Kangxi ordered Wei Zhu to find out the notes of Tai Fujin from the Bahrain Department.

That's it.

To finalize this matter as soon as possible will also let the eldest princess feel relieved.

Kangxi picked up a pen and wrote a few strokes on Tai Fujin's notebook.

Immediately, he asked Wei Zhu to take two new imperial decrees, and wrote the marriage decree, but put down the pen when signing the money underneath.

Since it is said that there is a special suspension of work today, it is better to send someone to pass the order tomorrow...

The next day, Wei Zhu took the imperial decree and went to the other courtyard where the eldest princess was.

Princess Dachang and Princess Rongxian accepted the marriage proposal on behalf of Sandaiji, the same mother and younger brother of King Bahrain.

After listening to it, both grandparents and grandchildren were a little confused.

Of course the two of them knew who A Ling's eldest daughter was, she was Ge Ge, the direct descendant of Niu Hulu's family, and the niece of Concubine De.

The eldest princess is still pondering, but Princess Rongxian has already accepted the order.

She recognized Wei Zhu, although he was a young eunuch, he was someone who could be used by the imperial court.

A few days ago, when Shengjia arrived at Ningshou Palace, Wei Zhu also accompanied him.

Princess Rong Xian signaled the housekeeper to bring tea money, and said with a smile: "I never thought there would be such a happy event, Xie Han Ama is sympathetic, and our Tai Fujin's wish has been fulfilled, 'kissing and kissing'..."

The silver seal was thin, and inside it was not gold or silver, but banknotes.

The second princess acted very differently from her younger brother.

Wei Zhu was also willing to sell well. Seeing that the eldest princess's face was still a little confused, she explained: "The emperor thinks that Gege from A Ling's family has a more decent background, and is more suitable to be the granddaughter-in-law of the eldest princess..."

For the rest, he refused to say more, took his leave and left.

Princess Dachang and Princess Rongxian looked at each other, what does the emperor mean?
This one is more decent, so the one in front is not decent?

What is this called...

Although Princess Dachang didn't like this marriage very much, she never doubted Tai Fujin's vision.

After all, that is her most beloved young son, how can she find an unsuitable daughter-in-law?
Princess Rong Xian said: "I'd better ask someone to inquire about it, I'm afraid there is something inappropriate, the capital is hiding it..."

Bahrain is thousands of miles away from the capital, and the two of them had the impression that the Gege in front of them was the daughter of the side branch of the concubine...

After coming out of the eldest princess's other courtyard, Wei Zhu went to the house of the first-class public, Ling'a.

Niu Hulu's family also lived together as a family, and the front and back streets were filled with the population of each house.

When Wei Zhu left, the lady-in-law almost cried to death, holding her eldest daughter in her arms, reluctant to let go.

A Ling'ah also had a gloomy face, and ordered the manager: "Go to the Duke's mansion, please come back to the Duke's wife!"

The eldest sister in Bahrain is withdrawn and far away from him in age. There is no friendship between siblings, and there are few letters between them in recent years.

On the other hand, the Duke's wife has correspondence with the Bahrain Ministry.

In less than half an hour, the Duke's wife came back.

A Ling'a looked at her younger sister with a gloomy face, pointed at the imperial decree and said: "What's going on, how could Jin Zhu be involved?"

Jinzhu is the nickname of his eldest daughter, which means pearl in the palm.

The Duke's wife stepped forward in a daze, took a look at the imperial decree on the incense table, and said in shock: "Tai Fujin, please refer to the marriage, isn't it mentioned Zhenglan? How could it be Jinzhu?"

It turned out that the imperial decree stated that at Tai Fujin's request, the marriage was authorized and the family reunited, so as to comfort Tai Fujin's homesickness.

Wu Yashi was at the side, couldn't bear it anymore, let go of her daughter, threw herself on her sister-in-law and began to fight, and said bitterly: "What did you tell my aunt? Why did my aunt change her mind? Please refer to Jinzhu for the booklet. ?”

While speaking, she patted the Duke's wife.

Mrs. Guogong couldn't dodge in time, she pushed her away several times, and said with displeasure: "What's the matter with me? I'm fine, what are you doing with the gold beads?"

Wu Yashi gritted her teeth and said: "You did it on purpose, to spoil Jin Zhu's marriage. Last year you proposed marriage to your step-son, but I didn't respond. You have revenge!"

Mrs. Guo couldn't help being anxious, she looked at her brother with suspicion, and hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law also knows that it is my stepson! Is it my stepson or my niece? I am not a fool, I don't know the distance?"

Wu Yashi sneered and said: "My niece?! The one in the back street is also called your aunt, and I haven't seen how you kiss her! It's your aunt who broke her marriage and sent her to Mongolia. Is it?"

Mrs. Guogong was also annoyed, and said indignantly: "Who am I for? It's fine if Zhenglan married lowly. She is far away from everyone and can't get along well, so no one mentions her parents; but she wants to marry her." Brother Nine's master of ceremonies said dear, do you want the brothers in the royal family to talk about her parents again?"

Wu Yashi sneered and said: "For whom? Don't keep your mouth shut. For our master, fight the autumn wind and fight the autumn wind. He is a hard-working person. He wants to be soft and tough, and he will do everything. He even supports you with food and clothing. Vengeance is coming!"

Mrs. Guogong was very angry, but she also knew that her mother's family should not be offended, so she stood up and said, "I'll go to the back street and ask, what did you do?"

After finishing speaking, she came out of the mansion angrily and went to Yin De's house in the back street.

The door slammed "bang bang".

When the concierge opened the door to ask, Mrs. Guo rushed in.

Yin De is taking a rest today, and the couple are arguing in the upper room.

After the imperial decree came down, it didn't take long for it to spread throughout the Niuhulu clan.

The eldest daughter of the government, refers to marriage to Taiji Sandida of the Ministry of Bahrain.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ministry of Bahrain, that's not where my great aunt got married!
It's just that in Yin De's family, the husband and wife are honest and aggressive, but they are not sociable.

Yin De is dull, while Dong's sons and daughters are inseparable from each other, and the couple have not heard of it.

Here, when Yin De took over his nephew and niece, under the witness of the tribe, he sealed up his sister-in-law's dowry and most of the property of Sifang.

He wanted to give Tong's dowry to his niece, and he planned to add another one himself.

Mrs. Dong refused, and said: "I have saved most of the money in the family over the years, so that my children will have to spend money in the future. If the master wants to be decent, let's borrow it from outside, and return it with the master's salary. , Don’t worry about these things at home!”

Yin De flattered and said: "You can't just add nothing, it doesn't look like it, after all, it's been raised."

However, Mrs. Dong did not move like a mountain, and said: "If the master can't get rid of his face, then go to pawn. If you fiddle with the things in the study room in the front yard, you can get some money back! It's just that the master is optimistic, whether the things belong to the master or me. Yes, my dowry items are only passed on to my flesh and blood, if the master thinks that my rule is wrong, he will send someone back to Dong’s house and ask my brothers to come and explain the truth to the master..."

The husband and wife were still arguing, and the Duke's wife came out in a rage.

"What about that damn girl Zhenglan, and that damn boy Zhengtai, hurry up and call me!"

The Duke's wife is obsequious in the palace, but she is high-spirited towards Yin De and his wife.

Dong said with a sullen face: "Who did my aunt say 'you' or 'me' with? We are your slaves, what are we doing here and there?"

Yin De frowned and said, "Chint is at school and not at home, what are you looking for with two children?"

The Duke's wife scolded: "What child, this is a debt collector, I don't know which bastard I learned from, it will make you dirty..."

Tomorrow's first update will be delayed. I will go to take CT in the morning, and I should still be on the way at noon. I will try to do it before [-]:[-] pm.

I went to bed early these few days, but I still had a low-grade fever and was a little scared. The respiratory department of the nearby hospital did not have an account until the 14th. A friend reminded me in the afternoon that I made an appointment for the Yangkang package at the physical examination center, and I can do CT tomorrow morning.

Thank you book friend for your monthly ticket, happy weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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