Chapter 716 Not used to it
"It's been a day and a half..."

Concubine Yi was also a little disappointed.

The young bird left the nest. Although it had known that day would come, it did not expect the sudden parting.

Shu Shu looked at Concubine Yi and said: "By this time next year, the daughter-in-law will be able to bring the grandson of the empress..."

Concubine Yi glanced at Shu Shu's stomach, and hesitated for a while whether to remind her.

Whether it's a man or a woman depends entirely on God, and Lao Jiu's nonsense talk is not guaranteed.

But she knew that the couple were having a good time, so she didn't want to disappoint, she just nodded and said: "Then I'll wait, I'll be able to sit when the time comes..."

This is what it means to turn three times, sit six times and climb nine times.

Shu Shu's due date is at the end of April, and by this time next year, she will be half a year old.

Not only Brother Nine can pinpoint Kangxi's pulse, but Concubine Yi, who has been standing for more than 20 years, can also pinpoint the pulse.

She thought for a while, and said: "For the past two days, the old nine-seven-seven-feeling will be on the top. Even if you want to have fun, you have to hold it back. Let's talk about it in a few days..."

Since that Heyi was trying to curry favor with the prince, he took the ninth elder brother as a certificate of honor, so it would not be wrong to put on him the hat that would force the prince away.

If you don't clean up once, no one will dare to bully Brother Jiu in the future.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, and Shu Shu saw the sharpness in Concubine Yi's eyes.

Shu Shu lowered her eyes and said: "I listen to my mother, and let my mother worry about it."

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "Children are debts, you will know in the future."

Brother Jiu was still waiting at the right door of Guangsheng, Concubine Yi didn't keep anyone else, she personally sent Shu Shu out, and said: "Since you have asked Qin Tianjian, follow the corresponding rules, it is better to believe it than not No matter how careful you are, you should.”

Shu Shu responded honestly, very well-behaved.

Seeing her appearance, Concubine Yi couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Okay, I won't scold you..."

Shu Shu held Concubine Yi's hand and said in a low voice: "I just think we are unfilial, for the sake of being comfortable outside, but not taking care of your empress."

Although living in the palace, the number of times mother and child meet is limited, compared with Wu Fujin who has already left the palace, this daughter-in-law doesn't come to Yikun Palace a few more times.

But in the end it is different.

Whether it was Yikun Palace who sent people from the palace to elder brother's office, or the second office sent people to Yikun Palace, it was all a matter of raising one's feet.

Concubine Yi snorted softly and said: "Okay, who cares that you are here, far away from me, and you can stop worrying about you!"

"Lao Jiu, that bastard, spends all day with big and small things, and when I'm not safe, I'm really annoyed by it..."

"From now on, I will guard the little eighteen, and Brother Jiu will leave it to you..."

At the end, there was sadness in her voice.

Shu Shu listened quietly, without speaking.

This is the rule of heaven.

Adult princes should stay away from the inner court.

The concubines in the harem, even if they see their own flesh and blood, are numerous.

If you want to get together as a family and enjoy family relationships, you have to wait until the century of Kangxi. Even if you have that thought, you can't show it.

Brother Jiu stood outside the right door of Guangsheng, holding a pocket watch in his hand, watching the time.

Although it was less than a quarter of an hour, it seemed like a long time.

Seeing Shu Shu coming out from the Yikun gate, although he was still sullen, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But seeing Concubine Yi was beside Shu Shu, he felt a little uneasy.

Outside the right door of Guangsheng, there are the guarding military academy, pen post style and guarding army on duty.

Inside the right door of Guangsheng is the eunuch on duty.

Adding up the inside and outside, there are about ten people.

There are too many people here, and it is not a place to talk.

Concubine Yi's expression became serious after leaving Yikun's gate.

When she was approaching, she stopped, glared at Brother Nine and said, "Brother, just be self-willed, I can't control you!"

After finishing speaking, she squeezed Shu Shu's hand, turned and left.

Brother Jiu looked at Concubine Yi's back with apprehension on his face.

The couple left Yikun Palace silently and returned to Elder Brother's place.

After returning to the upper room, Shu Shu looked relieved, nodded to Brother Jiu and said: "Your Majesty is sympathetic, she didn't stop her."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It's the father who is not filial, and I will be filial to my mother in the future."

Shu Shu glanced between Xiaochun and Walnut, and then said to Xiaochun: "When you go out of the palace the day after tomorrow, take someone to pack your luggage, and the furniture and furnishings are also numbered. When the time comes, just go and arrange them according to the number, so as not to make a mess .”

When she said she was going to move, she took Xiaochun and the others to draw a sketch of the layout of the five upper rooms.

In the prince's mansion, there are also five upper rooms, which are wider in width and deeper in depth.

The current layout is Shu Shu's dowry, and she will continue to use it when she gets there.

In this way, the sketch is drawn and numbered. When the time comes, according to this display, it will be restored as much as possible, and it will be comfortable and convenient to stay.

Xiao Chun agreed, and did not leave immediately, but looked at Brother Jiu, and then said to Shu Shu: "Fu Jin, there are two Ge Ge over there..."

Shu Shu said: "Then you go to pass the message first, and pack up after you are told, and take two nuns and two rough envoys and eunuchs over there, so that their master and servant will not be left alone."

Xiaochun agreed, and went down to pass on the message.

Shu Shu looked at the walnut again and said: "You take two hazelnuts and longan, go out of the palace with Sun Jin and Li Yin, go to the prince's mansion first, and bring people to sweep it today and tomorrow, if you are short of manpower, go to Sibeile mansion Borrow some people from Sifujin."

There are quite a few eunuchs and nuns coming here on shifts at this elder brother's office, but when they really want to move out of the palace, the manpower they can bring is limited.

Apart from Director Cui and Nanny Qi, there are eunuchs under the name of Brother Jiu, the daughters and palace maids under the name of Shu Shu, and the six masters and servants in the backyard.

Add up, there are only twenty people in total.

The prince's mansion is so big, it will definitely need to be cleaned by hand.

Nanny Qi just came back, and when she heard this, she said, "Fu Jin, follow me, this old servant..."

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Don't go to the Dutong Mansion to call someone, lest Ama and Ernie be anxious, it's just a coincidence, 25 days are better."

Nanny Qi nodded and said, "Don't worry, Fujin, this old servant won't go."

If it's an ordinary family, the young couple are separated, and it's okay for the mother's family to help; but this is the royal family, and there are many rules, so it is out of date.

Nanny Qi and Walnut also went down to get ready.

She knew that Fujin's eyes were reddened with anticipation of moving. Although she didn't know why it was ahead of schedule, she was happy to see the result.

As for the unhappiness, she brought back some side dishes from the Dutong Mansion, and they had already given them to Xiaotang when she passed by the dining room just now.

Brother Nine got up and said, "Master, go to the household department to find Fourth Brother, and tell him that you and Old Ten Fujin are going to be guests in the next morning..."

Shu Shu hurriedly stopped him, and said: "Master, don't go there, just send He Yuzhu there, otherwise fourth master will see something, if you stop the matter of leaving the palace, there will be disputes at that time."

The couple moved with determination.

Now or never.

That being the case, it is better to avoid trouble.

Brother Nine thought about it, so he told He Yuzhu: "Then you run for a while, you don't need to go to the Ministry of Households to find Brother Si, just go out of the palace and go to Sibeile Mansion, please see Fujin, and say that Fujin and Fujin will go the morning after tomorrow Be a guest."

He Yuzhu didn't respond, and said: "Master, but the last 25 is the day when Fujin masters go to Ningshou Palace to pay their respects..."

Sanfujin and his own Fujin were exempted from greetings due to pregnancy, but the other Fujin masters still had to go as usual.

The princes Fujin will leave home almost at the beginning of the morning, and they can only leave the palace when they arrive at the beginning of the day, which is half a morning's work.

But elder brother's move here has a certain time, and the move must be completed before the beginning of noon, and the move must begin after the palace gate is opened.

Brother Jiu and Shu Shu looked at each other in blank dismay, but thought of changing the date temporarily, but forgot about it.

Shu Shu said: "Forget it, let's go directly to the Dutong Mansion. It will take half a day before this, so it's more comfortable..."

I took it for granted before, and being a guest in the past early in the morning also disturbed others.

Brother Jiu also knew that Shu Shu was getting tired recently, so he said: "As for the moving, let Lao Shi watch over it, and I will send you there..."

Shu Shu hesitated, "Isn't this appropriate?"

When Big Brother and the others moved, they went over to see each other off, and the ladies also sent people over.

If the master of the second school does not stay, it will be a bit neglectful.

Brother Nine waved his hands and said, "Let's move before dawn, we don't need them to come and deliver..."

The main reason is that he is worried about his wife returning alone, and he is not willing to let others watch and speculate.

Shu Shu also knows the current rules, Gui Ning alone is easy to be noticed by others, so she nodded and said: "It's time to trouble the tenth master and the tenth younger siblings!"

Listening to this, Brother Jiu said to He Yuzhu: "Okay, then don't be idle, go and call Lao Ten back, time is running out, they should also get ready."

After getting the approval letter from Qin Tianjian, the ninth elder brother told the tenth elder brother about the move on 29.

But in order not to show his whereabouts, he didn't pack his luggage much.

If there is only one and a half days left now, the time is really tight...

Yuqing Palace, flower hall.

Looking at the bank note presented by Manager Cui, the prince looked a little ugly, waved his hands and said: "Your master misunderstood, Gu Qu Yu premised his inappropriateness, because he was afraid that he would be fooled and suffer, not for the 5 taels of silver. .”

You have borrowed all the money, so why send it back?
Is this a vengeance?
Draw a clear line with Yuqing Palace? !
Still think it's too little, and deliberately use it to play?

Manager Cui said respectfully: "Our master was so annoyed that he ordered the old slave to bring the Zhuang ticket when he returned, and the old slave did not dare to disobey."

The prince glanced at Director Cui, his face became even more ugly.

Just knowing that this is not an ordinary eunuch, but the chief steward next to the prince, who was pointed out by the Qianqing Palace, he held back his anger and said: "Then let it go!"

Do you still want to bow down and apologize to the dignified prince?
What happened last time was that Akdon was rude in the first place, even if Brother Nine was out of line, he could be forgiven.

What about this time?

I tried to reason with him, but he was acting weird and flirtatious, so why should I spoil him?
Director Cui put down the banknote respectfully, and said: "The old slave will go back and return first!"

The prince nodded, rubbed his forehead, stopped when he wanted to say something, waved his hand and said, "Go down!"

Manager Cui came out and straightened his waist.

This is Yuqing Palace, the chief eunuch of my elder brother's institute had to stand outside the door for a quarter of an hour before being called in.

No wonder Brother Jiu withdrew the money from Yuqing Palace, he was really not the same person.

He will know the year of destiny, but he doesn't understand anything else, but he knows that there is only one master in this palace.

It was like this during the time of Emperor Shizu.

It's been the same since going to Yuyu today...

When Director Cui arrived at Elder Brother's office, Tenth Elder Brother also got a message from He Yuzhu and hurried over.

Elder Brother Ten's expression became even uglier, and he said bitterly: "What does he mean, sending someone to monitor Brother Ninth, with such a big face, does it really mean that the palace is his territory?"

Nine princes have already passed the strength, only feel that there is no taste, but the anger has almost subsided.

When I was young, I encountered a lot of injustice.

The father is kind and the son is filial, so he is fooling himself, making himself believe it.

With a sneer, he said, "What else? It's because of the silver, and he regards the internal treasury as his own!"

Others don't know the financial situation of Yuqing Palace, but Brother Nine knows.

Yuqing Palace is poor now!
Otherwise, with the prince's temper, on the premise of knowing that the elder brother has lent it to the ninth elder brother, can he only take out 5 taels?

He rubbed his chin, feeling a little regretful.

5 taels of silver is still too early!

It should be returned after a year!

Let Yuqing Palace prepare the New Year's ceremony everywhere, and they have to rush to collect money...

(End of this chapter)

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