Chapter 717 The Suspenseful Liang Jiugong
Elder Brother Ten has gone back to the third institute, and he has to start preparing there.

The Second Institute also moved up and down, but did not move the decoration of the main room.

Instead, Xiaochun took people to count and pack the items in the warehouse.

He Yuzhu took his staff to tidy up the study in the front yard.

Seeing this, brother Jiu felt that it was inappropriate.

"The main room is going to move tomorrow, so I have to disturb you. How about I send you to Guining tomorrow?"

He thought about it, looked at Shu Shu and asked.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little unsure: "Is this good?"

Ninth elder brother took care of everything and said: "It's okay, I will accompany you!"

Shu Shu pointed in the direction of Qianqing Palace, and said, "What did Yuqian say?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Don't say it! Isn't the master just out of anger? Cut it first and play it later, what's the matter?"

Who doesn't have a temper?
Anyway, in the end, most likely he will be scolded, maybe he will be pressured to make an apology to Yuqing Palace, so he is naturally at ease now.

Shu Shu also knew that if she was there, it would affect everyone's packing, so she nodded and said, "That's fine!"

It's about Shu Shu, Brother Jiu thought more thoughtfully, and said: "Then I have to send someone to tell my father-in-law and mother-in-law, otherwise, the house has been empty for a year and a half, and I can't live in it directly."

Seeing that Xiao Song was the only one idle, Shu Shu called her over, and said: "Master will send me to Guining tomorrow morning, I will stay at home for a day and a half, you have to run..."

Having said that, she glanced at the clock, it was already the second quarter of the middle school.

She said: "It's getting late, you don't have to come back after you go back."

Xiao Song hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, Fujin will be alone on the road tomorrow, so I don't feel at ease."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "There is also my master, who will accompany me back home."

Xiao Song glanced at Brother Jiu, and said: "Then Fujin must keep someone by his side, the sisters all have errands, so the servants are idle."

Even if there is Nine Elder Brothers, it is not reassuring.

Nine Agora's five-strength bows are strenuous and useless.

Brother Jiu glared at Xiaosong unhappily, but listened to her words, and said to Shu Shu: "It's not a day, even if you are considerate and want to send her back to reunite with her family, it's not a day or a half. Yes, why can't we rest when we move out?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I forgot, Uncle Hei has already moved to the Prince's Mansion."

Although the Prince's Mansion has not been officially opened yet, there are still people guarding it.

Except for the guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were on duty in the past, it was Montenegro who brought his apprentices there.

They also moved there, in the small courtyard behind the Prince's Mansion
In addition to the Xing family, the Heishan masters and apprentices, and the Lin Momo family after moving to the prince's mansion.

Lin Momo's family is also Shu Shu's accompanying room, Lin Momo is her wet nurse, and Lin Momo's eldest daughter-in-law, Sister Lin, is Shu Shu's childhood maid.

Counting there were about ten people over there, plus the twenty or so people who were to be brought by the Second Institute, there were only about thirty people in total.

It is not known when the remaining coated population will be allocated.

Brother Nine said: "At that time, I really need to borrow some manpower from Fourth Brother, not only for sweeping, but also for stove..."

But Shu Shu thought of the Tenth Prince's Mansion.

It's fine to clean up the population, and borrow the population from the Sibeile House at the same time. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for the last three families to follow.

She said: "Tomorrow, I will tell Amou to gather the population of the uncle's mansion together, and take some there first. If it goes smoothly, it will be better than directly calling the people of the internal management!"

Brother Jiu also thought of Liu Mama's tricks, and said with lingering fear: "Yes, you have to watch the stove knowingly, and tell your girl that she doesn't have to worry about other things these days, she just stares at the things in your entrance."

Shu Shu nodded.

Even if he doesn't give orders, Xiaotang will not relax.

Last year, Mammy Liu's dishes made Xiaotang feel sick when she sat down.

At this moment, Xiao Song has already taken Brother Jiu's post, registered at Shenwumen, and left the palace in a hurry.

The guards on duty of Shenwumen couldn't help whispering.

This situation is not right.

This afternoon's effort was spent by people from the Second Institute going out.

The maids, eunuchs, and nuns are complete.

Shenwumen is one of the four gates of Miyagi. There are one guard guard, four guards from the military academy, two guards who read books, and ten guards on duty.

It's really unusual. The guards and leaders are afraid of taking responsibility, so they report to the headquarters of the guards of the banner.

By the beginning of You, the news spread to Qianqing Palace.

Kangxi was also annoyed when he thought about Brother Nine's angry words.

"This bastard doesn't know the seriousness. Even if he wants to be willful, he shouldn't ignore Dong E's family..."

He couldn't help complaining to Liang Jiugong: "He has a big temper and directly contradicted the prince. I didn't say anything. He didn't want to reflect, but he became more and more noisy."

Liang Jiugong thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, there may be other reasons. Master Jiu came here in the morning, and he seemed to be in a hurry, as if he had something to tell the Emperor."

Kangxi thought about the situation at noon, and it was true, but then the prince arrived and was interrupted.

He was a little worried and said: "Didn't you say that brother Jiu went to the imperial physician on duty before? Send the imperial physician on duty to see if there is something wrong with Jiufu Jin..."

Liang Jiugong responded, and went to the door to order someone to pass the message to the doctor Jiang who had gone to the second institute for pulse.

Physician Jiang entered the Xinuang Pavilion respectfully and said: "Jiu Fujin started to get sick today and vomited a few times. Master Jiu seemed to be frightened and thought of the other side."

It was only then that Kangxi understood why Brother Jiu said something about coating without thinking.

He looked at Imperial Physician Jiang and said, "How about the pulse of Jiufu Jin? Look, how is the emperor and grandson safe?"

Physician Jiang said: "Jiufu Jin's veins are healthy, and the emperor's grandson is also well. It's just a little autumn dry. Eat more soup to nourish the lungs."

Kangxi nodded, relieved, and sent Doctor Jiang down.

"Who did this follow? A little bit of courage, and panic when encountering things, no one to take responsibility..."

He complained to Liang Jiugong, but felt ironic in his heart.

If you don't raise children, you don't know your parents' kindness.

If you don't tell this kind of thing to yourself, Khan Ama, who else will you tell?
Even if there is an old ten by his side, he is still a half-grown child.

No wonder I was so annoyed at noon, and I couldn't choose what to say, because I was already scared in my heart.

He found an excuse for Brother Nine.

Hearing this tone, Liang Jiugong let go of his heart.

This cannibal has a soft mouth and short hands.

He is not a hard-hearted person either, feeling the closeness of Brother Nine, he is naturally a bit partial in his heart.

This afternoon, he was sweating for Brother Jiu.

Not to mention that the prince is the emperor's Nilin, he is almost the same.

The emperor himself picked up a prince, and he would not allow others to offend the majesty of the prince.

That is to say, the ninth elder brother is here at this age, and he has not been conferred a title and opened a mansion. If he is another elder brother, if he dares to contradict the prince like this, the emperor may not be as simple as scolding him.

Now that there is an antecedent again, even if Brother Nine is irritable and rude for a while, it is justifiable.

Kangxi also felt a headache when he thought of Brother Nine's capriciousness, and said, "Concubine Chuan Yi is here to accompany you..."

Liang Jiugong responded and went down to the West Sixth Palace.

Looking at it like this, I'm afraid there will be a lot of thunder and rain today.

If Concubine Yi is passed on, there is no intention of punishing Brother Jiu.

Yikun Palace, Dongci Room.

Concubine Yi tilted her head, her heart was empty, and she was still thinking about it.

She told Pei Lan: "I didn't expect to move in such a hurry. I thought it would take two or three years before, and at that time, Xianglan will also be free..."

Xianglan just got married at the beginning of the year, and she is not too young. The next two to three years are the time to have children.

When her son and daughter landed, she would go to Shu Shu's side to be a nun, which was safer than outsiders.

He has been trained in the palace for more than ten years, and he is loyal and reliable.

It's a pity.

You must know that in the past few years since the founding of the mansion, it was the time when the shortage of manpower was the most.

Looking back, the prince's mansion is in order, and the personnel are complete, and Xianglan will be dispensable if she goes there.

Peilan knew that Concubine Yi didn't want to interfere in the internal affairs of the Prince's Mansion, it was because the nuns around Fujin were dull and the maids were young and worried.

She thought about the personnel affairs of the second institute, and said: "There is a girl over there, who was born as an internal supervisor under the name of the empress, or should I pick a proper nanny from her family?"

Concubine Yi shook her head and said, "That's not right, when the time comes, she will follow the flag. Xianglan is alone, her son-in-law is recruited, and she can make decisions. Others drag the family and lead the mouth, so it's better to be consensual..."

Besides, it is inconvenient to involve a lot of outsiders.

She didn't dare to use the real loner.

Concubine Yi thought for a while, and said: "For now, it's better to be silent, and wait until the emperor's grandson lands, if there is still a shortage of manpower, then we can talk about other things."

The coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not proper, but there should be proper people around Dong E's house, that Duo Luogege.

Regarding the personnel affairs of the Prince's Mansion, Shu Shu did not hide the truth from Concubine Yi, but told the people who were in charge of the house over there.

One room is the dowry given by Mrs. Uncle, the other room is my nanny, and the other room was begged from my Ama by Master Jiu before.

If it is another narrow-minded mother-in-law, she may not be happy, thinking that the relationship between the son and daughter-in-law is too close to the in-laws.

Changing to Concubine Yi, I can only feel grateful.

What else?

People from the uncle's family are useless, and if the in-laws' family doesn't use it anymore, let the young couple fumble by themselves?
On the contrary, at the Fifth Prince's place, the queen mother made comprehensive arrangements, and the young nurse and nanny also followed.

Brother Jiu is here, but it is his own fault.

Brother Nine was young at the time and was fooled by Nanny Liu; but he himself was careless and didn't notice Nanny Liu's insidiousness.

Although Concubine Yi didn't say anything about it, she still felt ashamed in her heart.

Originally, she thought that if she became the prince's nanny, all the wealth and glory belonged to the prince, she would serve the master with all her heart, but she forgot that "the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant".

She thought of Brother Jiu's original nanny, who had a good character.

If looking back, the young couple is really short of manpower, you can ask the big babysitter to sit in the town.

As she was thinking about it, she heard the report from the palace servants that Liang Jiugong had arrived.

Concubine Yi sat up and said: "Please..."

(End of this chapter)

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