Chapter 718 Motherly Heart
When Liang Jiugong came in, he found that Concubine Yi was different from the past, she lacked the usual freshness and was a little unhappy.

He said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the emperor has uploaded that Your Majesty will accompany you in the Qing Palace!"

Concubine Yi got up and said: "I'm holding back my anger and want to talk to the emperor."

Liang Jiugong whispered: "Just now Shenwumen handed over today's palace entry and exit brochure to Yuqian, and the emperor was also annoyed."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi understood, and nodded slightly, as she had received Liang Jiugong's favor.

Pei Lan was smart, and had already prepared a purse, which contained nothing but a thin banknote, and respectfully said: "The manager has worked hard!"

Liang Jiugong accepted it with a smile.

The shoulder chariot outside is already waiting.

Concubine Yi added a padded cloak and put it on the chariot.

After a while, a group of people arrived at the gate of Qianqing Palace.

The eunuch, the head of the food service, has brought his men over.

It was the time when Kangxi used it later.

The meal table is very simple, there are only four side dishes of two meat and two vegetables, pickled melon diced chicken, five-spice chicken breast, dried shrimps and cabbage, and dried eggplant in soup.

There is also a soup, shredded chicken and morel mushroom soup.

One meal, red bean old yellow rice.

Two dishes of steamed buns, vegetarian assorted siu mai, and steamed buns with millet noodles.

Kangxi was already sitting at the dining table, seeing Concubine Yi coming in, said: "If you catch up, let's have a few bites with me!"

Concubine Yi bowed her knees to thank her.

Liang Jiugong was so obedient, he had already brought clean towels, and asked someone to place brocade mats by the side of the kang.

Concubine Yi took it and wiped her hands, but she didn't sit down immediately, but said to Kangxi with her chopsticks: "It's been a long time since I served a meal, the emperor will introduce my concubine to serve..."

Kangxi nodded.

Concubine Yi spread out a circle of vegetables before sitting by the kang.

The emperor and concubine waited silently.

Take the dining table down,
After the two rinsed their mouths, Kangxi complained: "That bastard Lao Jiu is going to move! Ignorant things are wasting his meticulous service on weekdays. Fujin is not considerate at all!"

Concubine Yi had a frosty face, and scolded: "It's just too stupid! The donkey's temper comes when it says it, and the emperor is used to it. When you turn around, ask someone to knock it twice with a board, and you will be honest!"

Kangxi glanced at her and said: "Why is there such a hurry, you are still young, you have to reason with him properly."

Concubine Yi snorted coldly: "When was a child who was disobedient, teased cats and dogs, and went to the house to expose the roof tiles, since when was he obedient?"

Speaking of this, she looked at Kangxi and said: "Brother who is full of palaces, who is so scavenging? They are all set by the emperor. They eat boards three times a day. How dare you be so disobedient?"

Kangxi was dissatisfied, and said: "Who disciplines children like this?"

Hit or scold, not a stepfather!

Concubine Yi said: "How many families are like this, the concubine remembers it really, the concubine Ama disciplined the concubine brothers in the same way, and other families are also like this, how could any son dare to stab me in front of me..."

"It's the rules in the palace. It's different from the outside world. The emperor dotes on his son like he dotes on his daughter. If he doesn't beat or scold, it's not just because he's spoiled. One is more tempered than the other..."

Kangxi sighed: "I don't have close kinship, so I hope that my elder brothers can live freely in the palace, and I also hope that this father-son relationship will last forever."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "These years, the concubines have taken it seriously, the emperor is really not easy, from the prince down to Xiao Shishi who has just entered school for a year, everyone's actions are all watched by everyone , the fifth and the ninth were born by concubines, but concubines can't say that they are promising, but apart from the two brothers, the other elder brothers are also considered talents..."

Kangxi was not happy to hear Concubine Yi belittle her son, she shook her head and said, "How could a mother despise her son? I see that Lao Wu is not bad, with a generous personality and good popularity. It is not a shortcoming if he is not good at reading; He is young, fluffy, but he treats people with sincerity, and he is not entirely to blame for what happened today, but he was in a hurry, so I reprimanded him..."

Concubine Yi said bitterly: "The lesson is still light. The emperor reprimanded him because he was willing to take care of him. Let alone a reprimand, even if he beat him, he should accept it honestly as a son...

"Still playing with your temper? Who's stopping him from moving..."

"I'm going to be Ama's people too, and I don't have to take responsibility when things happen. Let them go on their own, and when they look back, they will know that life in the palace is better..."

Kangxi disapproved: "That can't be at this time, even if he wants to let him stand on his own, he has to wait for Dong E's to give birth, this baby is rare..."

When referring to the marriage, he looked at Shu Shu's birthday and said that he is blessed, but he did.

Concubine Yi said: "Even if it didn't happen today, that stinky brat would have moved in a hurry. He lived in Haidian in the summer, so he was impatient to live in the palace... Huh! It's a good idea, but there is no one outside. People are in charge, and you can go in and out freely, but living at home is not as easy as you think, now that he is happy in Fujin, and he has to figure out things by himself, the emperor just waits to see the joke, there will always be a time when he comes back to ask for help..."

However, Kangxi remembered the phrase "Uncle Coated" that brother Jiu said, and he thought too much.

He defended Brother Nine by saying: "It may not be because of fun, the heirs are the most important thing, no matter how fun you are, this is not the time, you should still be afraid!"

This son has a bad temper and a hard mouth, but he is really timid.

Since Brother Nine took charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has made several rounds of big moves.

Except for the original Xinggong, Xingzai and Zaosi corruption cases, the others are actually not related to Brother Jiu.

Kangxi knew in his heart that his son was taking the blame for himself.

In the eyes of those eunuchs who were dismissed from the House of Internal Affairs, it was Brother Jiu who took charge of the House of Internal Affairs, and only then did the next few rounds of tossing, fearing that the grudge would be placed on Brother Jiu.

Cutting off one's future is like killing one's parents.

If someone does something bad, there are so many people in this palace, it's really hard to guard against.

Thinking of this, he also stopped thinking about keeping people.

However, he was still a little uncomfortable, and said: "Monkey's impatience, I don't think about the total number of people under the name of their husband and wife, how can a prince's mansion be supported..."

Concubine Yi was also depressed, and said: "Lao Jiu is not careful, but he is a rough boy, no matter how much he tortures himself, he is afraid that there are few people to take care of him in Fujin, so the concubine is thinking about sending someone to Dong E's house tomorrow. , tell Dorogege, and ask Dorogege to take care of it for a few days."

She used this to make it clear that Mrs. Uncle's past stay in the Prince's Mansion was brought to light, and she also took it upon herself.

Forget when Kangxi became picky and disliked his daughter-in-law for being close to her natal family.

Kangxi knew that his cousin was Shu Shu's adoptive mother, and now she has no step-heir, so she nodded and said, "That's fine, there must always be a proper elder watching over her."

People are far and near.

Compared with his son and daughter-in-law, that confidant Qi Xi took a step back.

Since the title inheritance of this branch of Dong E's family has been determined, the previous uncle's house can't pass the step-heir, so it has nothing to do with the court.

No way, but a step-heir is more stable and safe, so as not to cause troubles in the future...

Dutongfu, Shangfang.

Jue Luo felt his scalp tingling, and he just came back from seeing Nanny Qi at noon, so he knew that Shu Shu was uncomfortable.

She asked someone to invite Mrs. Uncle over, and the sister-in-law discussed some side dishes for Shu Shu.

A jar of pickled ghost ginger, served with porridge, can prevent vomiting.

A jar of capers, this fried, not greasy and appetizing.

A jar of pickled cucumber twists, this taste is refreshing, and it can be used as pickles directly for cooking and sauce.

A jar of pickled eggplant buds, this is Shu Shu's favorite pickle when she was at home.

There is also a packet of sesame salt made by Jueluo, which can be directly dipped in eggs and boiled meat.

Mrs. Uncle prepared a pack of eight treasures sweet tea.

As a result, Nanny Qi had left for less than an hour when another person came to the palace.

Move the day after tomorrow!

Brother Nine will send Shu Shu back tomorrow morning to stay temporarily, to avoid the hassle of moving, so as not to disturb the fetal god.

Shu Shu will not be able to enter the residence until noon the day after tomorrow when the prince's residence is finished moving.

Jue Luo felt his head was going to explode, and asked Xiao Song, "Is Fujin making trouble again? Do the Emperor and Concubine Yi know that they are going to move?"

Another person might not be able to answer carefully.

When she arrived at Xiaosong's place, she herself was also confused, but she knew it wasn't because of Fujin, she shook her head and said, "Master Jiu is making a fuss about moving, before the maid came back, Fujin had already been to Yikun Palace, and the empress was also annoyed, why don't you move?" Come out and reprimand Master Jiu..."

Jue Luoshi snorted lightly, but he knew it well.

My daughter only got angry at noon, and brother Jiu made a fuss about moving in the afternoon. It would be strange if it wasn't because of my daughter.

If the daughter is in front of her, she will start.

I really don't have the slightest patience.

Can't wait another month?

When it comes out in March, it won't cause people to worry about it.

She said to Xiaosong: "Understood, I will ask someone to tidy up her house."

Shu Shu's yard is still there, but it has been vacant for two years.

After Xiaosong delivered the message, he hurried back to the palace.

Second, the upper room.

Brother Nine realized later that he remembered that there was still one important thing to do.

That is the town house talisman, talisman, and birth-safety talisman mentioned by deputy supervisor Zhang. He has not yet sent anyone to get them.

He wanted to go by himself, but he was a little scared when he thought of the position of Qin Tianjian.

If this is blocked by the fourth brother, it must be a lot of chatter.

But sending He Yuzhu directly felt less respectful.

The Deputy Superintendent Zhang came from Zhang Tianshi's lineage, so it's better to be more respectful to this nagging.

He asked someone to invite Director Cui to come over, and told him about inviting talismans from Qin Tianjian.

Director Cui looked at the ninth elder brother and praised: "My elder brother is thoughtful, at this time, Fujin's health should be the most important thing."

Ninth elder brother was a little uncertain how much thank you should prepare for it, and said, "Anda, how much money should I prepare for this?"

Director Cui thought for a while and said: "I have heard before that when Prince Chunjing passed away, Prince Chunjing Fujin's fetal appearance was a bit unstable, Princess Heshun once went to Qin Tianjian to ask for a fetal talisman for Fujin, and she gave 80 taels of silver at that time. "

That was in the 18th year of Kangxi, and it has been more than [-] years.

He was afraid that Brother Nine would follow the rules, and said: "Over the past few years, Fujin has been honored, so elder brother can increase it appropriately..."

The emperor's younger brother is different from the prince.

In terms of seniority, the emperor's younger brother is probably ahead of the prince.

But the dignity of the royal family comes from the emperor, so naturally the prince is more noble...

Rolling around begging for a monthly pass, I lost 11 several times a day, and I was nervous.

The next update will be at 1:11 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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