My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 719 Red-billed Suzaku Day

Chapter 719 The Day of the Red-billed Suzaku

Brother Nine is economical, so he naturally knows that prices are not static.

He thought for a while and said, "My aunt was asking for one talisman, and my father was asking for three, so let's pay 360 taels!"

The late Princess Heshuo Heshun was the adopted daughter of the emperor Shizu. In terms of her seniority, Brother Nine would call her aunt.

As for her being the aunt's mother, that was a mess.

Many relatives of the Eight Banners talk about several weights.

At the beginning, Princess Heshun gave 80 taels of silver, but now Brother Jiu directly adds [-]% to each one.

Would rather have more.

Don't miss it.

Manager Cui also thinks this amount is decent.

Shu Shu took a look at Xiao Chun, who went to fetch the purse, which contained banknotes.

Brother Jiu asked Cui Nanshan to go to Qin Tianjian.

Cui Nanshan called a young eunuch to follow and went to the front court.

Shu Shu couldn't help but said: "'s quite profitable..."

She has seen this kind of talisman before, it is a piece of yellow paper, made of cinnabar, folded into triangular pieces.

If you really want to talk about the cost, the dozen or so pennies are top-notch.

Whether it is the Huoju Taoist of Qintianjian or the Zen eminent monk of Hongluo Temple, they are all good at making money.

Brother Nine nodded, he felt the same way.

He just wanted to make some complaints, but felt that it was inappropriate, so he reminded Shu Shu, "Don't slander, you should be more respectful, 'Believe is the spirit'..."

Shu Shu responded.

Whether it is metaphysics or Buddhism, they are all fields that she is not enlightened on.

A few years ago, when I was crazy about reading "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" at home, Er Nie almost burned the book.

Later, Amu also told her a lesson, because he was afraid that she was young and unstable, and she would read books in a wrong way.

In fact, it is because the age in the shell is not young and the world view has solidified that "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" has become a book that she cannot digest.

Now in the eyes of outsiders, she is not too small.

Do you want to learn too, and you don't need to ask for help in the future.

She looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Your master studied "Book of Changes" in the study room, how did you do?"

Brother Jiu coughed lightly, and said, "Don't mention these boring things, it's over!"

Shu Shu smiled and understood that it must be because she didn't learn well.

Brother Jiu looked at her and said: "What's the use of learning it well, but you can still play with the gossip disk? It's nothing to learn metaphysics outside, the royal family should taboo this..."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Is it because of worshiping Buddha?"

It seems that there have been several disputes between Taoism and Buddhism caused by the preferences of the superiors in history.

From the beginning of Emperor Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the palace was mainly dedicated to worshiping Buddha.

Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "Because the Buddhist family is honest and blessed by the Buddha, no matter whether it is a real blessing or a fake blessing, it has no power to hurt people; it is hard to say that the Taoist gods are gods and gods. There are many ways to say it. Harmful to others..."

Shu Shu was speechless and remembered a big event.

That is, in history, when the elder brother's nightmare demon abolished the prince, the person involved was not a Taoist, but a foreign monk.

Kangxi regretted abolishing the prince, but when he was "abandoned" earlier, he scolded the prince severely again, turning him into a cruel, unfilial and crazy person.

After the third elder brother reported on the eldest elder brother, the prince of Nightmare Town, there will be a blame man.

All the evil deeds of the prince that were stamped by Kangxi before became the insidious harm of the elder brother.

Not kind.

Since it's a royal taboo, don't worry about it yourself.

Shu Shu said to Brother Jiu: "Just pay it back this time, it's all because of me, let's avoid it in the future."

Brother Jiu glanced at her, and said: "It's fine here at Qin Tianjian, money and goods are cleared, but at Hongluo Temple, there are vows to be fulfilled, not only Hongluo Temple, but also several ancient temples on the southern tour in the first half of the year. , I will take you back to fulfill your wish..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, then said: "Then pay homage to the Buddha, be more pious, and don't mix the two, it doesn't look like it."

Brother Jiu thought about it for the same reason, nodded and said: "Well, then this time..."

After a while, Director Cui came back from Qin Tianjian and took a brocade box.

In addition to the three talismans, there is another talisman.

"What sign is this?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

Is it buy three get one free?

Mr. Cui said: "This is the evil spirit talisman..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Brother Jiu and Shu Shu, and said: "Master Zhang said that September 25 this year is different from other months, and because it is in harmony with the fate of the masters, he mentioned this date and changed it to the horoscope. It's light, I can't hold it back, the red-billed Suzaku moves every day, it's easy to hurt people and lose money..."

Brother Jiu frowned when he heard this, and said angrily, "Then what was he taking up this day for?"

This day is handed to the emperor!
Khan Ama also chose this day to move the concubine Liang to the palace!
If it's because of the bad choice of the day, it's like he's dereliction of duty.

Mr. Cui said: "Don't worry, elder brother, the old servant asked a few more questions, and the people from Qianqing Palace sent the horoscopes of several empresses to Qin Tianjian, and it is really not a problem."

Brother Jiu held back his anger and said: "Well, Wen Da has worked hard, Wen Da should go and rest first..."

Manager Cui went down.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Tomorrow, I will take you home. If I don't move the day after tomorrow, I will change someone else. Do you know if there is any good time on 26..."

Otherwise, knowing that 25 is not appropriate, you will continue to move, and you will feel uncomfortable in your heart.

Shu Shu was also a little speechless.

If there is no suitable day, it would be fine to just take up three at that time. Why would adding this cause trouble?
Is this "seeing the mountains and not liking the flat"?
An Sheng's life is boring, so do you have to increase the difficulty?

She thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry, sir, if it's not possible, just wait until 29..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's too late, Han Ama's mind is always changing, if you can pamper me in two days, you won't be sure in two days."

Shu Shu didn't know how to reschedule.

If you don’t know these taboos, it’s fine, if you know it, you still don’t want to commit it.

Four Baylor House.

The fourth elder brother just got off the horse and handed the whip to the chief attendant, the porter said: "Master, Fujin sent someone to say, if the master comes back, please go to the main courtyard to talk."

The fourth elder brother nodded, but guessed in his heart.

So eager to find himself, is there something wrong in the mansion?
Big elder brother, big princess is uncomfortable, or something else?
Ever since his second elder brother died, Li Gege has been a little mentally weak.

Da Gege, who was born by Li Gege, is now being educated in the main courtyard.

The fourth elder brother didn't delay, and went directly to the main room.

Here in Sifujin, Da Gege and Da Gege are both here.

Big Gege is already five years old, two years older than big brother, very much like a big sister, teaching big brother how to do jigsaw puzzles in a childlike voice.

"This is a puppy with two ears..."

"Laifu..." Honghui said crisply.

"Laifu" is the name of the puppy in the mansion. It is a white Pekingese, very well-behaved.

It's just that it's a puppy, so I'm afraid that Honghui will be in pain, so I still keep it in the front yard.

Occasionally hug me and let the little sister and brother touch it.

Big Gege thought for a while and said: "It's not the same, this is when the big dog was young, Laifu is that the puppy has grown up, and his body is not as long as this puppy..."

"Is that Xiao Laifu?" Hong Hui was a little puzzled.

Da Gege said: "No, no, it's another kind of dog, different from Laifu..."

Chattering, the two siblings made the room full of excitement.

The fourth elder brother came in and saw this scene with a smile on his face.

"Ama is back..."

Da Gege cheered and put down the jigsaw puzzle in his hand.

Hong Hui also laughed and said, "Ama, Ama..."

The fourth elder brother picked up Da Gege, weighed it, and said: "Not bad, it looks solid..."

Da Gege giggled and said, "Ene has prepared something delicious."

The fourth elder brother smiled and glanced at Si Fujin, put down Big Gege, picked up Honghui again, touched his bulging belly, and said, "Has Honghui also eaten delicious food with sister?"

Hong Hui was itchy, and laughed too, and said, "I ate cheese..."

The fourth elder brother was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Si Fujin.

The current crispy cheese is stuffed with fermented wine, which is not suitable for children.

Si Fujin shook his head and said: "It's not shortbread cheese, it's stewed eggs with milk. The recipe from the Ninth Brother and Sister's side is similar to chicken cake, sweet."

Honghui shook his head and said, "It's not too sweet..."

Da Gege said from the side: "Ene said, we can't eat too sweet, toothache..."

Hong Hui nodded half understanding.

After coaxing the children a few words, Si Fujin motioned for the nanny to carry the two siblings down, and said: "This afternoon, someone came from Brother Jiu's Prince's Mansion, who came out of the palace, and borrowed someone from me to sweep the house. , Said that the ninth elder brother and the ninth younger siblings will move here in the future!"

Both the couple knew about Shu Shu's pregnancy.

Because of this, Sifujin was worried that something happened in the palace.

"Master, have you heard any rumors? If there is no other reason, they will not insist on moving at this time..."

The fourth elder brother frowned tightly.

What can happen in the palace?

Even if Lao Jiu was reprimanded for his willfulness, Dong E's should not be affected, right?
After all, everyone knows that no matter how precious the couple's heirs are, they should be careful.

The fourth elder brother remembered the "deficiency" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This borrowed a circle of money, and it should be made up. Khan Ama is still angry for this?
The fourth elder brother couldn't guess.

He was impatient and glanced at the clock.

At this moment, it was too late to enter the palace, so he got up and said, "Master, go to the Prince's Mansion to have a look and ask what's going on..."

Si Fujin said: "I'll go with my master, or I'll just wait."

The couple came out together.

There is an eight-beile mansion between the four beile mansion and the nine prince's mansion.

In less than half a mile, the couple strolled over.

It was dark now, and it was already evening.

The Prince's Mansion is already brightly lit, and the dust is still being removed.

Seeing the fourth elder brother and his wife coming, someone informed them inside.

Fu Song came out in a hurry and said, "Fourth Master, Si Fujin..."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "What is the reason? Why are you moving?"

Fu Song didn't rush to answer.

The violent dust in this yard is not the boundary of speaking.

He led the two of them to the small sitting room, and then said in a low voice: "I've already asked a round. The one who came here today is Sun Jin, the Haha Zhuzi eunuch who went out with Master Jiu. I heard that Master Jiu was beaten in Qianqing Palace reprimanded, and then made a fuss about moving..."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Nonsense!"

The king is the guide for the subjects, and the father is the guide for the son.

No matter how willful this is, you should know the seriousness, and don't make trouble to the imperial court.

Fu Song continued: "I asked the girl next to Fujin again, and they said that Fujin had already gone to Yikun Palace to report, and Empress Yifei also came out to scold Lord Jiu..."

The fourth elder brother frowned when he heard this, but began to think about it.

Even though Brother Jiu and Dong E's are young and vigorous, and Concubine Yi has been favored for decades, they are still smart people.

Concubine Yi came out to "curse" brother Jiu, not "stop".

That is, in the eyes of Concubine Yi, it is more appropriate for Brother Jiu and his wife to leave the palace as soon as possible.

What happened in the end, even Dong E's pregnancy can't be taken care of?
The fourth elder brother thought of one place directly, feeling a little heavy.

Fu Song said in a low voice: "I heard that when Lord Jiu went to the imperial court at noon, the crown prince also left. I don't know if there is a reason..."

He was apprehensive, and he was also looking forward to getting a confirmation letter.

The fourth elder brother glanced at the prince's mansion, and said: "Let's sweep it first, tomorrow the master will go to the palace to ask..."

Fu Song hurriedly said, "Please trouble fourth master..."

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said: "Don't be an outsider, how is the kitchen here? Has someone prepared the charcoal fire or something? If there is anything lacking, just talk, or just ask the other side to arrange the food for the next few days. It is more convenient some……"

(End of this chapter)

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