My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 720 Backlash

Chapter 720 Backlash
Fu Song said: "Before, there were only a few rooms here, and people were looking after the house, and the kitchen was opened. Just now, I ordered a few steamed buns from outside, and asked someone to prepare soup..."

The fourth elder brother saw that he was well-mannered, slightly relieved, and said: "If there is still something missing, it's the same to go there to embezzle it first."

Fusong agreed.

The fourth elder brother was about to leave when the eighth elder brother arrived.

He also just came back from the outside and found out what was going on in the Prince's Mansion.

The two families lived next to each other, and the people coming and going here naturally couldn't hide it from the neighbor.

"Now tidy up the house, the ninth brother is going to move out?"

The eighth elder brother looked at the fourth elder brother, with a bit of anticipation in his voice: "That's great. In the future, we brothers will be next to each other, and there will be a lot of fun."

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and then relaxed, knowing that the eighth elder brother probably didn't know about Jiu Fujin's pregnancy.

This is the disadvantage of not having female relatives enter the palace.

The news is not very well informed.

The fourth elder brother didn't say anything, just said: "It's too hasty..."

The eighth elder brother pointed to the west side and said: "The ninth brother must have discussed it with the tenth brother, and there is also a move."

The fourth elder brother was a little surprised, looked at Fu Song and said, "Master Yin is next door?"

Fu Song shook his head and said, "It was Sun Jin who brought some people over to sweep..."

This time the fourth elder brother and the eighth elder brother were both stunned.

It is not uncommon for the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother to move together.

But it's not Yin De who is making noise next door, which is strange.

You must know that Yin De is the long history of the ten princes, and Yin De's house is just across the street from the Prince's Mansion, one mile away.

The fourth elder brother looked at Fu Song, and asked directly: "What's the matter? Why didn't you go to Mr. Yin?"

Fu Song said: "Master Jiu arranged for people to come out, and said that the two houses will be cleaned up together, without mentioning anything else..."

In addition to this, there is actually one more explanation, that is, there is not enough manpower to borrow people from Sibeile Mansion.

Naturally, he won't just look for trouble.

The eighth elder brother took a look at Fu Song and said: "If there is not enough manpower, just send someone to the next door to talk about it."

Since he heard someone report that there was movement here, and he also knew about the borrowing from the Sibeile Mansion here, he specifically mentioned this sentence.

Fu Song bowed and agreed.

Seeing this, the eighth elder brother sank in his heart.

He can still tell what is false response and what is polite.

But what do outsiders think of this?
The two princes' mansions were swept away, and people from Sibeile's mansion were found, but there was no movement on his side.

Later, those who didn't know thought that his brother was inconsiderate.

The eighth elder brother didn't say much, and when he returned to Baylor's mansion, he confessed to Zhang Zicheng, the haha ​​bead, and said: "20 people will go to the prince's mansion next door to help clean up."

As for Yaqibu, the general manager of the Baylor Mansion, he is not in the capital, but went to Baoding to inspect the village...

Four Baylor House.

The fourth elder brother and his wife also entered the yard.

The fourth elder brother asked Si Fujin, "You may have heard old ten Fujin mention why old ten alienated Yin De?"

Si Fujin shook his head and said: "After all, the ten younger brothers and sisters were married far away. I'm afraid they may not recognize all these relatives in the capital."

Yin De is the uncle of the ten elder brothers, and also the long history nominated by himself...

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "Is there something wrong with Yin De's recent actions?"

Si Fujin remembered that he had just met Fu Song, and said: "Before, it was shadowy. I heard that Fu Song and Mr. Yin were going to get married, but there was no movement afterward..."

The fourth elder brother heard this, and his face showed displeasure.

Fu Song's background, along with the lawsuit in the first half of the year, has already become known to everyone.

It is also the blood of the ancestors, the descendants of the exiled clan, and the Guo Luoluo family cheated to buy most of the family wealth in the early years.

He lost his biological mother in his infancy and grew up with Dong E's parents.

Whether it's based on his background or Fu Song's character and behavior, it's not Yin De's turn to be picky.

The fourth elder brother snorted softly: "I don't know what it means, no wonder the old ten doesn't want to see you."

If the marriage came to fruition, it would be a good thing; if the marriage failed, it would hurt the dignity of Dong E's family and Fu Song.

In the eyes of the tenth elder brother, this cheap uncle must be better than the ninth elder brother who grew up together.

Sifujin also nodded.

If Gege from Yin De's family is not worried about getting married, then Fusong will be the one to climb; but the big Gege is also troubled by his biological mother, and the marriage is difficult, so there is really nothing to criticize Fusong's elder brother.

In the prince's mansion, the soup in the kitchen is ready.

Everyone also divided the buns and each served soup.

Yin De also got the news and rushed over.

The first thing he went to was Ten Prince's Mansion next door.

Only the janitor was left in the tenth elder brother's house, and all the people who cleaned up the house before came back to eat here.

Yin De also wanted to ask what happened.

This is the two elder brothers wanting to split up?
Has Qin Tianjian accounted for good or bad luck?
Is the coated population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs delineated, and when will it move?

Seeing Fu Song, he was a little embarrassed, but he still stepped forward and said, "Brother is here too, so... what's going on here?"

Fusong's expression remained unchanged, but he was actually a little surprised.

Is it so cold now?
Why is Yin De wearing a collar around his neck?
It looks like it's trying to cover up.

Was this caught by the Hedong lion at home?
He didn't hide it either, and said: "Jiuye sent someone out and ordered the two mansions to sweep and clean."

Yin De hurriedly said: "Then, what is Master Shi's order?"

Fu Song shook his head and said, "Master Shi didn't send someone out, so I don't know."

Yin De was embarrassed.

In this way, it makes sense for elder brother Fusong to bring people to sweep the two mansions.

But, can't you send someone to tell yourself?

I am the long history of Master Shi, am I not?
He remembered his wife's words, felt uneasy, and said, "Then I'll ask Master Shi tomorrow..."

Fu Song nodded and said, "Then, my lord, please do your own thing."

Anyway, there is no intention to keep people.

It's cold now, and the food cools down quickly, so don't delay him from eating.

After eating, he will go back to the Dutong Mansion and talk to his family well, so as to save the family from worrying about what they don't understand.

When Yin De came home again, he seemed to be out of strength, with a bit of trance on his face.

Seeing this, Mrs. Dong said, "What's wrong? What's wrong with the Prince's Mansion?"

Yin De looked at her and said with a wry smile, "Master Shi is moving out..."

Mrs. Dong was silent, restless, and knew it was too late to say anything now, so she just said: "Master, do your duty as a servant, and leave the rest to Master Shi!"

Yin De rubbed his face twice, tiredly, and said, "Who would have thought it would be this trouble..."

Dong pointed to the front and said: "Master, let's think about the government. If the tenth master gets annoyed again, he will just transfer him away; as for that one, Jin Zhu is the eldest daughter of the couple. She has been spoiled all these years. If it wasn't for the inappropriate age, I wish I could send it to Yuqing Palace..."

Now it's time to touch Meng, A Ling and A couple will hate the instigator to death.

That is the nature of a poisonous snake, one bite will penetrate three points to the bone.

Yin De was startled, and then worried: "What about Zhenglan? I'm afraid they won't let Zhenglan go!"

Dong's heart raced.

She knew that her husband was soft-hearted and a good man, even if he had some dissatisfaction with his niece, he would not really ignore it.

She said: "Or send it to Shengjing, to Tong's house..."

Although Tong Guowei has stopped being a noble, he is still the emperor's uncle and the Ama of Empress Xiaoyi.

The emperor can deal with it himself, but he will not allow others to offend.

When Tong Guowei is gone and the emperor's anger dissipates, this branch of Cheng Engong will still be passed on.

Yin De frowned and said, "It's not appropriate. Back then, the old Duke over there didn't have any kindness towards the Zhenglan siblings..."

Dong said: "At this moment, at that moment, it's not just Zhenglan, but Zhengtai also recognizes the family from the past. After all, they are relatives and grandparents, and people can't be picky about snobbery and unfilial piety."

Because of the reputation of his nephew and niece, Yin De hesitated, and said, "Then it's going to be cold now, isn't it convenient to travel?"

Dong said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, it's better to avoid it, otherwise if Ah Ling'er is really angry at their siblings, I'm afraid they will talk about their reputation again."

Aling'ah's behavior is indeed vicious.

Yin De, the concubine brother, felt apprehensive when he thought of this younger brother.

He said helplessly: "There is no other way, it can only be like this..."

Zhenglan is fifteen this year, and Chint is twelve. Both siblings are not children.

When the couple went over, they called the siblings and explained the reason.

Yin De said it tactfully, but Dong Shi said it bluntly, saying: "It's not that we don't want to protect, it's just that we know ourselves. When we confront the government, we can only suppress and beat those who have no power to protect them. Go to your natal family. It can also make the government more scruples."

Da Gege's face turned pale, with a bit of uneasiness.

Chint was about to burst into tears, pointed to the north and said, "Isn't there still Shi Ye? Can you tell Shi Ye that I will be his bodyguard when I grow up, and protect us now?"

Yin De let out a long breath.

Dong said with a cold face: "That's the prince, who are we? We don't have that much affection, and we don't have that much face."

Zhengtai looked at Yin De and said, "Ama, aren't you the chief minister of the palace, are you begging Master Shi?"

Yin De smiled bitterly: "It should be soon."

Zhengtai's face turned red and he said, "Just because my sister's marriage with Fusong's elder brother failed, the tenth master will erase your history of the palace? How can there be such a reason?"

Yin De didn't explain.

Dong said: "There's no need to mention this matter anymore, Master Shi doesn't owe our family anything at all, only kindness..."

Otherwise, Yin De would never be able to leave the bodyguard's office under the pressure of A Ling'a, let alone the fifth-rank promotion to the third-rank.

Zhengtai burst into tears, and said: "I really didn't mention Jinzhu to my aunt, I only mentioned my sister..."

Yin De and his wife naturally knew this.

Tai Fujin also mentioned Zhenglan in his letter before.

So what went wrong in the middle?

There was silence in the room, only the sound of Chint's weeping.

Yin De rubbed his face and said, "Okay, let's ask someone to pack your luggage. You don't need to pack too much. When the time comes, bring more money, and you'll be back in a year or so."

In fact, Da Gege's marriage has become a difficult matter.

Yin De thought of the children of the Tong family, and couldn't help but have an idea.

When the couple left and returned to the main room, he said: "Speaking of it, Shun Anyan's age is suitable for Da Gege."

Mrs. Dong glanced at Yin De, and said: "Then the master will write a letter to the old man to mention this matter!"

It's no wonder that Tong's family can nod their heads, they have already prepared for Shangzhu.

Even if Jiugege's marriage is now settled, it's hard to guarantee that they won't miss the princess below.

When Tong Guowei is seriously ill, or what, can the emperor be so cruel?

Yin De felt that it was just right.

Although Tong's family is a descendant family, but that family is really guilty.

Shun Anyan also lost her bodyguard, her future is uncertain, and she and Da Gege are cousins ​​and not outsiders.

In the big grid room.

Da Gege looked at Chint and said, "I'm afraid we are causing trouble to uncle and aunt."

Zhengtai thought for a while, and said: "Are they disgusting us, afraid of getting involved? Then let's go to Shengjing, far away from the capital."

Da Gege shook his head and said: "If you really want to leave, even if you plead guilty, the government will still place the charges on our siblings without evidence."

Zhengtai said in a low voice: "But it is true that I wrote the letter to Auntie, and it is my fault..."

Da Gege shook his head and said: "It's not your fault, it's the Duke's wife's bad intentions, God opened his eyes, let them suffer the consequences, don't listen to uncle and aunt, they just want to leave us, we can't go... "

Zhengtai was puzzled and said: "Doesn't it mean that we leave early?"

Da Gege hesitated for a moment, and said: "There is only one way..."

(End of this chapter)

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