Chapter 721 Brother
The second house, the main house.

Bright lights.

In the Xici room, the ninth elder brother raised his chin, looked at a few younger elder brothers and said, "What do you do with your face drooping? Think about it when you leave the palace in the future, you will have a place to go, aren't you happy? "

The second and third schools are packing their luggage.

Especially the second school, it didn't stop all afternoon.

When the little princes finished school, they all got the news immediately.

The fourteenth elder brother happened to come back with the thirteenth elder brother, and he knew it was right.

Everyone is reluctant.

Brother Twelve was silent.

The thirteenth elder brother still had a drooping face.

Brother Fourteen directly complained: "Brother Ninth, but we are in the study room, and we don't have a few days off in a year..."

Brother Nine pointed to Brother Fourteen and said, "Aren't you very reluctant to separate from Thirteen before? We moved, didn't we also make room for you?"

Brother Fourteen's eyes lit up, then dimmed again, and said: "But Brother Thirteen's prince's dining room is no different from younger brother's prince's dining room!"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Did I see it, or it's for eating."

He ignored the fourteenth elder brother, looked at the twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother, and said, "The twelfth should be out of the study next year, and the thirteenth is the year after the next year, and soon..."

The thirteenth brother glanced at the twelveth brother, and saw that he had no intention of speaking, so he asked: "If you come out of the upper study room, there will be no access control?"

Brother Jiu said: "Isn't that nonsense? At that time, the six departments will walk, and you can't go out of the palace gate. As for whether you will stay in the yamen after leaving the palace, or wander around in Sijiu City, who cares..."

The thirteenth elder brother said with some anticipation: "Then, can the prince's mansion of me and the twelfth brother be next to the mansion of the ninth brother and the tenth brother?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not possible. There is only so much open space in the north official house. There are four prince's mansions built in a row. How can there be open space?"

Although the fourteenth elder brother is only 12 years old, he couldn't help being interested when he heard it, and said: "Ninth brother, where is our future residence?"

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Either you are like Fifth Brother or Seventh Brother, in the place where the banner is located; or you are like Big Brother or Third Brother, renovating idle mansions in other banners; or you are like Fourth Brother and us. In the same way, choose a building in the official building of Shangsanqi..."

Fourteenth elder brother nodded and said: "In that case, I hope it will not be too far in the future, and we will all be in Beicheng in the end."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Stupid, when the time comes, whether you are walking in the six departments or entering the palace, you have to go through the Daqing Gate, and go around half of the capital city. If you can have a place in the east city and the west city, then it is best to go to the east city, West City..."

The fourteenth elder brother was also confused when he heard it.

Brother Nine couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

I want to leave the palace, but wait.

In Khan Ama's eyes, this crop is the real little elder brother.

To be honest, I and Elder Brother Shi were also included in this crop before.

After I got married, I was thrashing around, and the tenth child became more stable, and he only raised half a frame, not far from the brothers above him.

It will take seven or eight years at least to wait for this crop to leave the palace and divide households.

At that time, Big Brother and the others moved out of the palace, and there were other reasons as well.

That is, there are more wives, concubines and children in each family, and the elder brother's house is becoming more and more crowded.

It was the same situation at Yuqing Palace, Huang Ama then graciously pointed to Xiefang Palace to house female relatives in the East Palace.

But Elder Brother’s place, except for Ganxi’s four before, was full.

There was nowhere for them to move.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother who should have entered the elder brother's office long ago have dealt with each other in Zhaoxiang's office for several years.

Now that he and the tenth brother have moved away, there are only four younger brothers left in this elder brother's house. indivual.

It's too early to move.

Brother Jiu felt a little dazed when he thought of this.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother looked at each other.

Brother Fourteen no longer has any obsessive thoughts.

After thinking about it, I knew that there must be other reasons for leaving the palace in such a hasty manner.

Brother Jiu is probably in a bad mood.

Elder Brother Thirteen said, "It's getting late, let's see off Brother Nine and Sister Nine later..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "It's time to go to class, what should I get? From now on, I will go to the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs every day. If you want to find me, you can go there as soon as you lift your foot. It is more convenient than coming to the second school."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, but they really didn't think of this.

Brother Fourteen immediately smiled and said: "Then Brother Ninth will make some delicious food at home in the future, so I will ask someone to send more, and we will go eat later!"

Seeing his heartless appearance, Brother Jiu also smiled, nodded and said: "Okay, others are reluctant, but they are willing to eat a few bites!"

Shu Shuben was in Dongci, when he heard the movement outside, he knew that the elder brothers were leaving, so he came out to see them off.

Brother Jiu didn't wait for others to speak, and said: "Stay well inside the house, the wind is blowing outside, don't blow it."

Now it is late autumn, and the frost is coming, and the autumn wind is bleak after sunset.

Shu Shu didn't force her, she looked at the three elder brothers and said, "It's no different from living in the palace. If you have anything to ask your ninth brother in the future, just send someone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

The three listened with their hands down, bid farewell respectfully, and left the main room.

Brother Nine came out with the three of them, looked at Brother Twelve and said, "You will be [-]% next year, is there any place you want to go?"

Brother Twelve shook his head and said, "No..."

Brother Nine said: "Then I'll ask Khan Ama later. If it doesn't work, I will come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and start to learn errands. I am not afraid of mistakes here. No one will dare to bully you with me."

Brother Twelve didn't nod, and said, "Brother Ninth, don't worry about it, just follow Ama Khan's orders."

Brother Jiu said: "That's right, it's better to study in the six departments of Jiuqing's yamen, that's to enter the court, and you can learn something."

He is at ease with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the brothers may not be like this.

You must know that the six departments and nine ministers are all supervised by the clan princes.

The brothers have been studying for more than ten years, and they may be more willing to enter the court.

The fourteenth elder brother said: "Ninth brother, when the younger brother becomes a adult, if the seventh brother's current vacancy is vacant, you can help the younger brother to beat the side drum."

Brother Nine smiled and said, "The Three Banners Guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? I will tell Brother Seven later that you miss his absence!"

The fourteenth elder brother hurriedly begged for forgiveness: "Ninth brother, please don't, the younger brother is afraid, think I owe you all, can't you?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously, "Why don't you miss going to the Ministry of War?"

Elder Fourteen curled his lips and said, "It's more like grabbing Big Brother's job. Big Brother is scarier than Seventh Brother."

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing, and said: "Look at your tone, it seems like you can beat it!"

Elder Brother Fourteen raised his arm, waved it and said, "It doesn't matter if Brother is strong now, he's almost thirty, he's a little old man; when I'm as old as him, he'll be an old man!"

Brother Jiu pointed to the direction of Qianqing Palace, and said: "Okay, if you have a clue, go back to Qianqing Palace and talk about it."

Brother Fourteen immediately covered his mouth and said: "That's different, Khan Ama is the emperor, so he's different from others!"

After a few words of argument, the fourteenth elder brother followed the thirteenth elder brother to the head office, and the twelve elder brother also returned to the fifth office.

Brother Jiu glanced at the three institutes.

The news here should be known by the three institutes, but brother ten didn't come over.

Compared with his wantonness, Old Ten always thinks more.

Isn't it a good thing for brothers and sisters to be respectful?
Why can everyone else do it, but Elder Brother Ten can't?

Brother Jiu frowned, turned and went back to the upper room.

Shu Shu was bored and was thinking about going home tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is only 24, and if 26 is really suitable for moving, then I can stay at home for two days.

mother's family...

She doesn't like that word.

It's obviously my own family, how come it became my mother's family?
Brother Nine just said a lot, came in and drank a bowl of tea, and then said happily: "I just counted the courtyard where brother lives and the prince in the palace, plus me and the prince. There are only nine old ten, do you think you are afraid..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little confused, and said, "Nine is still less? In the future, there will be nineteen elder brothers and twenty elder brothers. Who knows how many can be sequenced..."

Brother Jiu's thoughts were misled, and said: "Khan Ama has been an Ama since the sixth year of Kangxi, and has given birth to a total of 33 sons and 28 daughters in 30 years. In [-] years, it may double. ..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened.

In the known history, Kangxi has a total of 35 sons, from the first to the 24th elder brother; twenty emperors, starting from the second princess, and nine.

35, twenty...

Although Kangxi did not continue to reign for 30 years, he had 23 years.

In the next 23 years, only seven princes and three princesses were added.

Only from the number of heirs, it can be seen that the aging of the emperor has begun.

Brother Jiu had recovered his composure, and said, "What I said earlier was about the division of households. If it wasn't for my master's plan to build the Prince's Mansion, I'm afraid it will be the same as the next wave. When will I go? Even if I don't." Those little ones who wait until fifteen, they will die when they wait fourteen, at least six or seven years..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened, there is really no historical record about the time when the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother left the palace.

If counting from the start of the knighthood, then they lived in the palace until the 48th year of Kangxi?
However, some people also speculate from the documents compiled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the ninth prince and the tenth prince opened the mansion before the 43rd year of Kangxi, but they have not yet been knighted.

Because at that time, a document that made warm hats for the princes in 43 recorded the warm hats of the princes, the [-]th prince, the [-]th prince, the [-]th prince, the [-]th prince, and the [-]th prince.

If the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were still in the palace, there was no reason why they would be left behind.

As it is now, it's good.

I have to get up early tomorrow, so the couple will go to bed early...

Inlaid yellow flag, Yinde mansion.

In the east wing of the backyard, Chint sat up.

There was the sound of drums in the distance, and it was already four o'clock.

He tiptoed out, opened the window, and took off his clothes casually.

A cold wind hit.

Chint shuddered and hesitated.

Niu Hulu's family is a family of military exploits, and his children, like other nobles of the Eight Banners, studied both literature and martial arts.

His body is solid.

He was also afraid of wasting his troubles, remembering what his sister said, he glanced at the washbasin in the corner.

Inside was a whole basin of clear water.

He walked over, dipped a towel in water, and wiped it all over his body.

Standing in front of the window again, it will be different...

(End of this chapter)

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