Chapter 722 Different Houses
Yin De's house, the main house.

Yin De baked pancakes, still restless at night.

Dong Shi held back and said impatiently: "What is the master worried about?"

Yin De sat up and said, "Don't worry about asking the butler to deliver it, why don't I make a trip."

Not only is the capital city thousands of miles away from Shengjing, but also because only the steward sent it there, it seemed too negligent. When he arrived in Shengjing, he might be looked down upon by the Tong family.

Although the family status of Niu Hulu's family is no less than that of Tong's family.

But they are concubines, and the other side is the direct branch, which is a big difference.

The Eight Banners have a clear lineage.

Dong Shi also sat up.

The room was dark, and she didn't intend to get up to light the lamp, she just said: "But isn't the tenth master going to open the mansion? At that time, there are many things inside and out, and the third-rank officials will be in front of you, all thanks to the tenth master's grace, not to mention rewards Others, this internal matter must not be slack too!"

Yin De struggled: "Then why don't you tell Fifth Brother?"

Dong frowned and said, "Master, don't cause trouble for others..."

The brothers were originally the same, but they have been divided over the past year, and the relationship has long been awkward.

Yin De said in dismay: "Then what should we do? Chintai is only twelve years old, and he is still not very useful, so he can't just be a slave to accompany him!"

Mrs. Dong felt that her heart was burning, suppressed her anger, and said: "There is no reason to abolish the public for private reasons. Otherwise, the master will ask Master Shi tomorrow when the mansion will be opened. There is really no way. I can send it off in a few days."

Yin De nodded and said, "That's what you said..."

He put his mind to rest and lay down to sleep.

Dong Shi followed and lay down, but her eyes were wide open for a long time.

As long as she doesn't have a girl, she won't care about Da Gege.

But she has a daughter, and the eldest daughter will also have a haircut...

Thinking of this, Dong's back molars were about to bite out.

How dare she let Da Gege toss about in the capital, turn around and make troubles, implicate her daughter, and regret it too late.

Now she doesn't ask for anything else, just throw this hot potato out.

At dawn the next day, Yin De woke up early.

When he saw that his wife hadn't moved, he pushed her.

Dong yawned and sat up, feeling limp and dizzy.

Seeing her ugly face, Yin De asked, "What's wrong?"

Dong Shi felt a nausea in her chest and quickly covered her mouth.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yin De hurriedly got down to the ground and brought the spittoon over.


Dong shi bowed his head and vomited.

The two are old husband and wife, and have several children.

This kind of reaction is well known in the heart, and this is again.

Although there are already several sons in the family, besides the adopted son Zhengtai, there are two legitimate sons, but no one will dislike having too many sons.

Yin De was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Dong's heart is bitter.

There are a lot of children, but this is a place to spend money in the future.

To say that the thing she regrets the most in her life is that she promised her husband three years ago to take Zhenglan and her siblings over to raise them.

At that time, I thought simply, because Ah Ling was an internal minister, he suppressed the fifth and sixth concubines for more than ten years, and her husband was also the son of Duke Kexi and the grandson of Duke Hongyi, so why should he be bullied all these years in vain? ?

There is no hope for the future, could it be that A Ling'a has harmed her two elder brothers, and dare to continue to harm others?
Half of them really feel sorry for Zhenglan siblings, and half of them are selfish.

The result is the current situation.

Her temples were "buzzing", and she was tired, she said in a low voice: "Master, I'm not feeling well, I went to bed late last night, I need to take a rest..."

Yin De nodded, and said: "Then you should take a good rest and go back to sleep, you will be fine today."

It's getting late now, and it's going to be the beginning of the morning when it's only getting light outside.

Yin De couldn't go directly to his niece at the back, so he went to the window of the East Wing and whispered, "Chint, Chint..."

Someone inside responded vaguely.

Yin De said: "Don't rush out, I'll be free in a few days and I'll take you there."

There was another sound from inside.

Yin De felt relieved and went out to the clan mansion.

In the East Wing, Zhengtai's face was red, he was already confused with fever, and he murmured: "Ama...Ama...Ene...don't go..."

The gate of Shenwumen.

The carriage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is already waiting outside.

Ten Fujin took Shu Shu's hand, and whispered: "Sister-in-law is leaving now, and won't say goodbye to the emperor's grandmother and empress..."

Shu Shu shook her head.

There's no way to say goodbye in advance, it's not good to be too calm.

When the time comes, will the elders open their mouths to stay, or not?
Are you obedient or not?
She said softly: "If younger brothers and sisters go to Ningshou Palace to kowtow today, remember to kowtow for me, and say that I will kowtow to the emperor's grandmother to ask for a red envelope after the Chinese New Year."

At that time, she was slightly pregnant, but she was not clumsy yet.

As for the Empress Dowager's birthday, it was at the beginning of October, so it was too late.

Shi Fujin then asked: "Where is the concubine?"

Shu Shu said: "Please also trouble my brother and sister to go through it for me and sue for my crime."

Shi Fujin shook his head and said, "Not bad sister-in-law, it's all for my little elder brother."

As she said that, she looked at Shu Shu's stomach with awe, and said, "Emperor Grandmother and Concubine will be considerate."

Shu Shu nodded.

The tenth elder brother was beside him, also talking to the ninth elder brother, and said: "Otherwise, the ninth elder brother should not worry about coming back, and spend a good day with the ninth sister-in-law. I just keep an eye on it, and don't go to the clan's mansion for a few days."

Brother Nine said: "Yesterday Gao Bin sent someone to deliver a letter, and when he comes back today to pick up the banknotes, he has to ask how things are going over there..."

The matter of Xiaotangshan is indeed not a trivial matter.

Do it beautifully, and when the time comes, the brothers will owe a big favor, and they can even slap Yuqing Palace backhanded.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Then Brother Ninth, don't be in a hurry to come back, there is still time to come back after lunch."

Brother Jiu said: "Meet Gao Bin, arrange the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I will go there in the afternoon."

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

It seems to be a waste of worry.


He suppressed a smile and said, "Brother Jiu intends to stay in the Dutong Mansion tonight?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course, leave your sister-in-law alone, I don't worry..."

He is already an adult prince, has a family and a career, so can't he still sleep out?

Elder Brother Ten said: "But Brother Ninth, there seems to be a rule that husbands and wives are not allowed to have sex in Guining."


Brother Jiu asked in surprise, "Where does the master sleep?"

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while and said, "The guest room?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "Okay, what are you doing asking about this? Are you planning to go to Abahai?"

There are many restrictions on the clan going out of Beijing.

Unless you are a retinue or on an errand, stay in the capital.

Elder Brother Ten coughed lightly, and said, "On the way to the south, I heard Fu Nai talk about the wedding customs in the capital, so I just remembered a few words."

At that time, he was newly married and was on his way.

Fu Nai was a good talker, so he mentioned a few words about the current wedding customs to him.

Brother Nine heard this, and he believed in Brother Ten, but he still refused to give up, and moved to Shu Shu's side and said, "Have you heard the rule that husbands and wives are not allowed to have sex in Guining?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "There is such a rule, it seems to say that husband and wife having sex will tarnish the ancestors and gods of their mother's family and ruin their luck."

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, feeling unhappy.

These gods and gods talk about it, but they can't see the love between husband and wife.

However, he didn't intend to fight with the customs, he just said: "Then what are you going to do tonight, without the master in front of you..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It should be Er Nie who came to sleep with me, tomorrow I will go to Bo's mansion to sleep with Ah Mou."

Brother Jiu also wanted to stretch out his hands to twist Shushu's waist.

Ten Fujin enviously said: "If I go back to Abahai, I will do the same. One day I will sleep with Ehe, and one day I will sleep with my grandma."

Amoge means grandmother in Mongolian.

Brother Jiu and Shu Shu got into the carriage.

Xiaosong took Peanut and got into the carriage behind.

He Yuzhu took Zhou Song to sit beside the carriage.

The guard of the Shenwu Sect saw it, and stepped forward and said, "Master Jiu, do you want me to send someone to inform the guard?"

There are no guards.

That means not reporting to the guards.

Brother Jiu picked up the curtain of the car, glanced at the leader of the car, and said: "No need, turn around and ask Shi Hujun to follow."

The chief attendant watched Brother Jiu's carriage go away, but he was worried.

After thinking about it, he went to the commander of the banner guard on duty.

The news in this palace always spreads fast.

Last night, many people got the news.

Ninth elder brother was reprimanded and clamored to move out of the palace.

The leader didn't dare to hide it, he was just worried about it.

The guard commander didn't dare to hide it, and went directly to Qianqing Palace.

I reported it yesterday, but I didn't hear that the emperor summoned the ninth elder brother, but it was the empress of Yikun Palace.

Jiuye's status as "beloved son" is still very stable, so it would be a bit pitiful to leave the palace like this.

If they kept it from the truth and turned back to the emperor to vent their anger, they would have no good fruit to eat.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Breakfast was just served, Concubine Yi stayed overnight yesterday and was serving the meal next to her.

Liang Jiugong came in and said, "Your Majesty, Tuo Lun, the Commander of the White Banner Guards, is asking to see you."

Kangxi glanced at the clock, it was only the second quarter of the lunar calendar.

Is there anything important to report at this time?
"Let's pass it on!"

He put down his chopsticks and said.

Concubine Yi got up, trying to avoid it.

Kangxi said: "No, just sit down."

Concubine Yi left the dining table and sat on the small stool.

When Tuo Lun came in, he slapped thousands of words: "Slave Tuo Lun please greet the master..."


Kangxi said: "What is it, come here at this time?"

Tuo Lun said: "My lord, Brother Chen Chu Jiu brought Jiu Fujin out of the palace, did not call for guards, only brought two palace servants and two guards, and called a guard at Di'anmen..."

Kangxi frowned.

He looked at Concubine Yi with questioning in his eyes.

Isn't 25 a good day?
Why did you move today?
The point is that he is extremely unfilial, and he didn't come to the imperial court to say goodbye!
Concubine Yi was also surprised, she looked at Tuo Lun and said: "Is there only Brother Jiu and Fujin Jiu? No Brother Shi and his wife?"

Tuo Lun didn't dare to look directly at Concubine Yi, but he also knew that there was no one else who dared to directly intervene about Brother Jiu's affairs in front of the imperial court, except Brother Jiu's mother.

He said respectfully: "Master Shi and Fujin sent people out of Shenwumen and returned."

Concubine Yi looked at Kangxi with an exquisite heart and said, "It should be that Brother Jiu is worried about Jiu Fujin and sent Jiu Fujin back to the Dutong Mansion..."

The next update will be at 1:12 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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