My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 723 The Mother

Chapter 723 Loving Mother

Back to the capital?

Kangxi thought of the nagging Qi Xi and felt a headache.

"Really, even if you want to avoid the mess of moving, can you still go to Lao Wu's house, or the nearest Lao Si's house?"

Kangxi said with dissatisfaction.

Why did you go to a relative's house?
Can't tell the distance?
Concubine Yi said: "If it's half a day, it's fine, if you spend the night in the middle, after all, the government will be more comfortable."

Kangxi didn't say much, and just snorted coldly: "I thought I was playing a house, and if I said to open the mansion, I would open the mansion..."

Last year, the eldest brother and the others, although the move was hasty, and the servants were transferred later, but the banner was transferred long ago, and there was no shortage of manpower.

Lao Jiu here, is he thick-skinned and looking for people from Yue's family?
Kangxi ordered Tuo Lun: "Send two guards to the Prince's Mansion to see if you want to help."

Torren went down.

Concubine Yi saw that Kangxi didn't mean to be annoyed, so she felt relieved.

Kangxi, however, showed his embarrassment, and said: "Lao Jiu, a coward, was frightened by Bao Yi. This is someone who doesn't believe in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then how do you dial the number of people in charge of the internal affairs?"

The emperor's households are divided into the coated population according to the king's rule, that is, one manchurian assistant leader, one Qiguzuor leader, and one inner management leader.

It's a matter of state affairs, Concubine Yi sincerely said.

It's just that she was a little sad in her heart, she believed her daughter-in-law's words before, she really thought it was because the young couple felt uncomfortable in the palace and didn't want to confront Yuqing Palace, so they left the palace in a hurry, so there was such a reason.

If she hadn't been negligent and misjudged the wrong person back then, brother Jiu would not have suffered for several years.

Eleven brothers...

Concubine Yi lowered her eyes, but her heart seemed to be enlightened, and she remembered a lot.

She clutched the veil tightly.

At the end of last year, the fourteenth elder brother moved to the fourth branch in Ganxi, and then moved to the fifth branch in Gandong.

Years later, Dasuo in the palace...

Suo'etu questioned the crime, Tong Guowei suspended the lord...

In the imperial dining room, the relatives of Wu Ya, the Zhang family, and the Wei family's concubines withdrew from the palace...

Concubine Yi's heart was clenched, her eye circles were red.

Seeing her silent for a long time, Kangxi looked over, noticed her strangeness, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Concubine Yi raised her head and said with tears in her eyes: "It's all the concubine's fault. I almost killed Lao Jiu. If Lao Jiu Fujin hadn't found out last year, I really wouldn't dare to think about it..."

At that time, not to mention heirs, even the lifespan of Lao Jiu will be affected.

Kangxi coughed twice, and said: "I can't blame you. I moved out of the palace, and I didn't see him a few times. It's my negligence. It's common in the study. I only think it's because of his thinning."

After all, the elder brothers follow his Amma more, and his stature is mostly thin.

There is only one fifth brother who is stronger than the other brothers since he was a child.

Even if Brother Jiu is thinner than others, he can't think of others.

Even if there is no division of flags at the moment, the coated population will still be divided.

Kangxi thought for a while, and then told Liang Jiugong, "Send Ma Qi to see you later..."

Liang Jiugong went down to deliver the message.

Kangxi signaled Concubine Yi to come forward, and the two had breakfast.

After putting down his chopsticks, Kangxi comforted him: "Don't worry, leave this matter to Ma Qi, Ma Qi is the most cautious and mature..."

Concubine Yi nodded and went back to Yikun Palace.

Pei Lan stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Ten Fujin sent his nanny over to ask her if she is free next afternoon, and wants to come and kowtow to her."

Concubine Yi was taken aback when she heard this, and then she understood.

This is farewell.

The ten princes and his wife will leave the palace tomorrow morning to open the house.

She said: "Go over and have a look, just say that I have free time here, don't worry, ask her if the manpower is suitable, and if there is not enough, go tell the princess..."

Having said that, she paused for a moment, and said, "I'll go see what's going on at the second institute too, the heartless thing, I guess it's time to give up again..."

As for Concubine Yi's own dressing and collar population, she didn't mean to give orders.

The disputes between the prince and the prince are all sons, no matter how annoying the emperor is, he can't get annoyed there.

But if he wants to interfere with the prince's affairs and embarrass the princess, that will only do more harm than good.

It's also not good to pull the old ten to the opposite side of the East Palace because of the friction between Brother Nine and Yuqing Palace.

Perrin responded.

Ten Fujin's room is a mess, and it has already started to tidy up.

After listening to Pei Lan's words, she looked around, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, there's still a whole day left, just pretend."

As for the time to go to Yikun Palace...

She said frankly: "Then I will go to Ningshou Palace to kowtow to the Empress Dowager and the Concubine, and then go to Concubine Yi's mother, it should be before Shen Chu."

Perrin wrote down that he came out of the third institute and entered the second institute.

When Xiaochun heard about it, she rushed out to welcome her.

Peilan saw that beside her, there was only one Xiaotang who was familiar to her, and the others were all unfamiliar nuns, and asked, "Where are the others?"

Xiaochun said: "Walnut took two young ones to tidy up the prince's mansion with the nanny, and Xiaosong took one to serve Fujin. Everything is planned here, and there is nothing to worry about."

Seeing this, Pei Lan asked, "Have you made a decision on the population of the two schools that followed you? Remember to submit the list to the internal management office to withdraw the palace registration and revoke the palace registration..."

Xiaochun nodded and said: "The manager is pointing it out, it has been written, and it will be handed in tomorrow."

Pei Lan said: "That's good, so that the empress won't worry about it."

She glanced in the direction of the backyard, thought for a while and said nothing.

Xiaochun smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

The matter of the two cases is the internal affairs of my elder brother.

It's not their turn to talk too much as slaves.

Pei Lan left after saying a few words, and Xiaochun personally delivered it to the door of elder brother's office.

When he got back to Yikun Palace, Peilan told about the second and third schools.

"Second is very orderly. In the front is Director Cui leading people to seal the box, and in the back is Xiao Chun. Even the furniture is wrapped and numbered. It looks very neat; the third is not so good. The tenth master is not here now. The tenth Fujin's command was a bit chaotic, but Shi Ye's wet nurse is here, so it seems appropriate..."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "That's a really naive guy, but it's the luck of the old ten, it saves a lot of worry."

Change to a high-minded person, I am afraid that the days will be unhappy in the future.

As for his daughter-in-law, she knows it well.

Just look at the few girls who are dowry, and they are the best to use, and they have all been trained.

"The last two aren't naughty, are they?"

Yifei asked.

At that time, she picked someone, and she picked someone with an ordinary appearance. She looked at An Fen, but she didn't expect to be taken by Madam Liu, and she almost had troubles before.

Perrin said: "You should be sensible. I saw that no one was assigned to watch in the backyard, and I just let them pack their luggage."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Let's make up the numbers, it's not a bad thing for the young couple..."

Dutong Mansion, Dongkuanyuan.

Shu Shu looked at her room and stretched herself.

In the morning when the couple's carriage left Di'anmen, Qi Xi brought Zhu Liang and waited outside.

After returning to Dutong Mansion, the couple went to the room first.

Shu Shu reunited with her parents and brothers before returning to her old yard.

The last time I came in was the time I "returned" after the big wedding.

It has been more than a year.

Shu Shu glanced at her bedroom, then turned to the study.

It is obviously a familiar display, but it feels strange.

Her eyelids were heavy and she was sleepy again.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu said, "Then take a nap and talk to your father-in-law and mother-in-law when you have lunch."

Shu Shu didn't force herself and nodded.

Brother Jiu glanced at Xiaosong and Peanut.

One is reckless, and the other is boring.

He was really worried.

Xiaosong said very responsibly: "Jiuye, go and do your work, the maidservant will be guarding Fujin by the side."

Brother Jiu nodded. He did have something to discuss with his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

In the main room, Qi Xi and Jue Luo Shi also felt uneasy.

Brother Jiu can be self-willed because he is a prince when he lands, and his awe of the emperor is different from that of his subordinates.

Qi Xi and Jue Luo were more scrupulous.

"It won't implicate Shu Shu, will it?"

Qi Xi said with anxiety: "Babeile Mansion, it's a lesson from the past..."

Given a high-ranking Fujin, the decent Fujin "can't recover from illness".

Jue Luo stared at her husband, and said: "What nonsense? Even if brother Jiu is reckless, Shu Shu is a fool? Since he dares to come out directly, it's no big deal."

Qi Xi glanced at his wife and said calmly, but who was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep last night?
At this moment, the girl came to report: "Master, madam, Master Jiu is here..."

Qi Xi nodded and said, "Please!"

When Brother Nine came in and took his seat, he explained his plea: "We should have waited for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to call out the coater to come down, but after all, it is raw or not familiar, so I was thinking about whether I could discuss it with my uncle and mother-in-law, and draw a bag from the next door. Some people passed by."

Qi Xi and Jue Luoshi looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jue Luo said: "No need, I will assign a few more people here to serve you as envoys, and send them back after Fujin gives birth."

Qi Xi also said: "Yes, this is more convenient."

Brother Jiu said: "It's my son-in-law who didn't explain clearly. Fujin and I are both young, and there are no old people around us, so I want to trouble my uncle and mother-in-law to stay here and accompany Fujin to wait for delivery."

Qi Xi: "..."

He glanced at his wife, this might be a way to get the best of both worlds.

Jue Luo said happily: "Okay, I'll go over and talk to Auntie about this in a while."

Not to mention that she still has a young son by her side, even if she doesn't, it is impossible to leave this big family and go to the prince's mansion to accompany the delivery.

I asked Mrs. Uncle, and there was someone staring at Shu Shu, so I didn't have to worry about Mrs. Uncle being alone.

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and swallowed the rest of the words first.

That is, after the delivery is over, the child must be watched by reliable elders, and Mrs. Uncle is asked to continue to "live".

But before Jue Luo went to the uncle's residence, Mrs. Uncle got the news and knew that Shu Shu was "returning to Ning", so she couldn't hold back.

Jue Luoshi got the news and went out immediately.

Seeing Mrs. Uncle's hasty footsteps, her expression was a little anxious, she hurriedly said: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, Shu Shu is fine..."

"What are you fussing about before it's been three months? Come back in such a hurry, is this homesick?" Mrs. Uncle said.

Jue Luoshi just remembered that he got news from Xiaosong in the afternoon yesterday, and he was only worried about it, but he didn't tell Mrs. Uncle.

Therefore, Mrs. Uncle only knows that Shu Shu is bad, but she doesn't know that they are going to open the house...

(End of this chapter)

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