Chapter 724 Dear Grace
Jue Luo took Mrs. Uncle's hand and whispered about Shu Shu and Brother Jiu's opening tomorrow.

"What kind of grievance is this? It's been less than three months?" Mrs. Uncle frowned and said, "What does the child say?"

Although Shu Shuda was spoiled, he is a sensible and caring child, and he would not make such a fuss for no reason and let everyone worry about it.

Jueluo said: "Xiaosong said it was because of brother Jiu, hmph, I'm sure the girl has been teasing her a lot!"

Mrs. Uncle was worried about Shushu, so she went directly to the Kuayuan.

Shu Shu leaned on the kang, with a Western blanket under her body, and a small brocade quilt covering her body.

She squinted her eyes and opened them when she heard some movement, and saw two elders coming hand in hand.

"Amu, Ernie..."

With joy, she sat up and was about to get up.

Mrs. Uncle took two steps forward, pressed her arm, and said, "An Sheng is sitting."

Jue Luo also glared at her, and said, "Honestly, why do you have to move at this time?"

Shu Shu didn't answer immediately, but looked at Xiao Song and Hua Sheng beside him, waved his hands, and said, "Okay, you guys go to the east room to rest first."

The two went down in response.

Shu Shucai said in a low voice: "It's the ninth master who choked with the crown prince at Qianqing Palace at noon yesterday. When Suo'etu was inquiring about the crime at the beginning of the year, the emperor was afraid that the Ministry of Internal Affairs would not treat Yuqing Palace well, so he arranged for a child from the Hesheli family. After hanging up with the manager, Master Jiu was also happy and relieved, and handed over all the errands of Yuqing Palace to that person..."

"In the end, that person didn't know what he was thinking. Maybe he wanted to use Master Jiu as a ladder to climb to the sky. He monitored his whereabouts and reported it to the East Palace..."

"The crown prince went to the imperial court yesterday to pick on our master's incomprehension, and met a merchant in the south of the Yangtze River..."

"It's really nitpicking! That's the emperor's business during Shengjia's southern tour. The garden newly built by the Empress Dowager Haidian is the flowers and trees that their family gave as a tribute. The ninth master met people because of business..."

"Master Jiu was annoyed at the time, and he directly said about moving in front of the imperial court. I went to discuss it with our empress, and if I think we should move, we can't really match up with Donggong..."

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle's faces were very ugly.

They had personally witnessed the beating incident of the Big Brother in the Eastern Palace's accompanying reading in July.

Although it was said that the concubine sent the mother to visit the house, but I didn't hear that the elder brother was punished, it was just changed to a companion.

There are also rumors about Brother Nine chopping up horses, but they knew that it was Donggong who was rude.

"Is this a vengeance? For Brother Nine to wear?"

Jue Luo sneered, "If it wasn't for the order, how would a servant have the guts to monitor the prince?"

Mrs. Uncle was a little worried, and said: "This time, two times, the rift between you and the East Palace will grow deeper and deeper..."

That is the prince, the future emperor.

Seeing that she was worried, Shu Shu said in a low voice: "Amu, the emperor is in good health, 20 years without worries..."

Mrs. Uncle looked at her and said, "Who said that?"

Shu Shu said seriously: "Our empress said it, so she is not very worried, she thinks we should come out when we come out, or else we will really be together with the little brothers below, I am afraid that if I want to go out of the palace again, I will have to go out." After several years, the emperor dotes on his son very much, and he doesn't like to let go..."

She was the first favorite concubine in the palace, and she had just given birth to the youngest son of the emperor a few months ago.

With Shu Shu playing the title of Concubine Yi, Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo Shi really felt much more at ease.

Jueluo pondered and said: "The prince is 25 this year, and in another 20 years, he will be 45..."

As she said that, she gloated and said, "That's why you don't need to confront him, just keep a respectful distance from him!"

From ancient times to the present, not to mention the 40-year-old prince, even the 30-year-old prince is rarely heard of.

What the sister-in-law and sister-in-law are most worried about is that Shu Shu's recklessness will offend her mother-in-law.

As for the father-in-law, after all, he is far away, and he can't get along with him on weekdays.

This mother-in-law is different, even if Shu Shu opens the mansion, the greetings from the palace cannot be stopped.

The Eight Banners still have the rule of drafting once every three years, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs' show girls are selected once a year.

Jue Luo remembered that tomorrow was 25, and felt something was wrong, and said, "Why do you move on this day?"

Shu Shu recounted what Qin Tianjian said, and also said Brother Jiu's decision.

Brother Jiu decided to go to Qin Tianjian in the afternoon, find Deputy Zhang in person, and choose a time on the 26th.

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle looked at each other, neither of them objected.

When it comes to Shu Shu, naturally, the safer the better.

Even if there is a way to crack it, there is no need to rush to move at 25.

Although these old sayings passed down are so old-fashioned that you can't believe them all, but you can't believe them...

Outside Di'an Gate.

Elder Brother Ten looked calm when he saw Yin De waiting outside.

Yin De went to the clan's mansion in the morning, and when Sizheng didn't see Elder Brother Shi, he went to inquire and found out that Elder Brother Shi had asked for leave.

He went around to Di'anmen again, and found a familiar guard and leader to help pass the message to the palace.

He has worked as a bodyguard for more than ten years, and he is familiar with the guard camp and the bodyguard office. He is also the uncle of Elder Brother Shi, so he naturally has people to help.

Elder Brother Ten originally wanted to send Wang Pingan to meet people, but after thinking about it, he decided to come out by himself.

"Master Shi, I heard from Brother Fusong that Master Jiu ordered the two mansions to be cleaned, is he going to open the mansion?"

Yin De asked a little cautiously.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "It's the day after tomorrow."

Yin De wanted to ask someone else, but seeing Elder Brother Shi's expression, he put down his words again.

Elder Brother Ten didn't look at him, but looked back at the guard at the door, and said, "My lord is very popular..."

Yin De murmured: "It's because I have been with the guards for a long time..."

Elder Brother Ten pondered and said: "The first-class bodyguard left by Uncle Yan Zhu was idle before, but was replaced by Shun An Yan, and now it is vacant. When you turn around, you can go back to the bodyguard!"


Yin De looked at Elder Brother Shi, with pleading eyes, and said: "The slave made a mistake before, and did not act well, which hurt Jiuye's face and brother's heart, please give this slave a chance. There will never be a next time..."

Elder Brother Shi glanced at him and said, "Yesterday, Khan Ama proposed marriage to the Bahrain Ministry, and the master's previous plan also failed. Where will Gao Zhi climb next time?"

Yin Dexao blushed, and said: "I dare not let elder brother bother, I have discussed it with my wife, and if I want to send my niece and Chint to Shengjing, I also have to guard against the government's anger."

Elder Brother Shi raised his eyebrows and said: "Your Excellency has thought carefully this time, and it is safe to find a backer, but the two siblings have their own ideas, will they agree? No matter how the Tong family is a relative of the emperor, they are now just criminals." ..."

Yin De hurriedly nodded and said: "They are not foolish children. If you explain it clearly to them, you will understand the truth."

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly, and left and right were none of his business.

He said bluntly: "Your Excellency is a good person, but I can't trust you, so let's do it like this, so we can get together and get together, and we don't need to let others see jokes..."

After all, he didn't bother to talk any more, turned around and went into the palace.

Wang Ping'an came out with his attendants, but he was holding back hard.

When Elder Brother Ten turned around, he gave Yin De a hard look.

ungrateful dog thing!

Cheap him!

In less than a year, he lost a first-class bodyguard!
But Wang Ping'an also knew his master's scruples, he didn't have to get close to Niu Hulu's family, but he couldn't tear himself apart.

It's just that in the future, my master shouldn't be so honest with others.

He promoted people without any credit.

In the end, he was not grateful and didn't take Master Shi seriously.

If it was another prince, elder brother, would he dare to indulge his niece's incompetence like this?

But relying on being Elder Brother's real uncle, he was courageous.

I don't even look at my own virtue in the mirror, so I am qualified to be an uncle!
Yin De was startled by Wang Ping'an's resentful expression, and he froze.

When he came to his senses, Elder Brother Ten was already far away.

He had no choice but to watch Elder Brother Shi enter the gate of the imperial city.

Yin De left the imperial city in a daze.

Although his future is fixed, he is still a third-rank bodyguard, but it is different after all.

He panicked and felt uneasy.

Brother Ten really blamed him.

From the looks of it, I will never pay attention to him again.

He didn't mean to be negligent, but he was ashamed at the time, and he didn't know how to mention it to Elder Brother Ten. He thought that things would turn around, but he didn't expect Dong E's family to take back the meeting gift so quickly.

When he was about to get home, he thought about it, but he didn't go back. He continued to walk north and went to the Prince's Mansion.

What his wife said was right, no matter what happens in the future, now he is still in front of a long history, so he should fulfill his responsibility for a day.

When we arrived at the Prince's Mansion, there were crowds of people inside and outside, and many people were sweeping.

The leader is Wang Changshou, the eunuch who is next to the ten princes.

Seeing Yin De approaching, Wang Changshou looked up at the sun.

It's almost noon.

He smiled on the surface and said: "I thought that my lord would come over in the morning when he knew what was going on here, but I didn't expect my lord to be quite busy!"

Yin De hurriedly explained: "I just went to see Master Shi..."

Only then did Wang Changshou respectfully say, "Have you ordered anything, Master?"

Yin De: "..."

He only mentioned the lack of guards, but didn't say anything about the Prince's Mansion.

Wang Changshou looked away, and said: "Then find a place to sit and drink tea, and the younger ones go to work first?"

Yin De looked at a lot of people and people dressed as guards, and asked, "Who are these people?"

Wang Changshou raised his chin and said: "The people from Sibeile Mansion, Eight Beile Mansion, and Five Beile Mansion, the palace also sent people over..."

Only the members of Niu Hulu's family seemed to be dead.

He obviously lived in the front and back streets, but no one came to ask.

Wang Changshou felt wronged for his elder brother.

Especially this Lord Changshi, apart from coming over to click Mao during the construction of the Prince's Mansion, what else has he done?

Yin De was also a little at a loss, knowing that he should help, but he didn't know how the arrangement was going, so he shouldn't intervene rashly.

At this moment, I heard someone screaming: "Master, master, it's not good, something happened at home..."

Yin De couldn't help frowning.

This street is full of Prince's Mansion, who is so unruly and yelling loudly.

He looked over with displeasure, and saw someone trotting over, but he looked familiar, it was not someone else, it was his porter in charge.

The visitor was sweating profusely, and said, "Master, I am sad..."

(End of this chapter)

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