My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 725 No other traces

Chapter 725 No other traces
After hearing this, Yin De couldn't help being anxious, and said, "Okay, why did you get hurt? Where did you get hurt?"

After that, he left in a hurry.

The person in charge quickly chased after him.

Wang Changshou looked at Yin De's back, his face drooping.

It's really unreliable!
If he was on duty at the guard, how dare he leave everything behind like this?
The steward had already caught up with Yin De, and said cautiously: "Master, it's not that he was injured, the uncle died..."

Yin De stopped immediately, looked at the steward in shock, and said, "What kind of nonsense is this? It was fine yesterday, but this morning I gave orders through the window and still answered?"

The steward didn't know the details, so he said, "Madam invited relatives, and also ordered people to report the case to Beicheng Bingmasi..."

Yin De felt that his body was floating and his feet were weak. He was supported by the steward so that he did not fall down.

In Yin De's house, the east wing is full of people.

In addition to the ashen-faced Dong family, there are also people from Beicheng Bingmasi and several members of Niu Hulu's family. Da Gege was supported by the nanny with a dazed expression. Looking at him like that, he was already frightened by the accident.

A good child is not three or five years old, and it will die as soon as it is born.

After the initial panic, Mrs. Dong knew that this matter could not be hidden.

Otherwise, it is not clear what the plums in the melon field are.

She made a decisive decision, and besides inviting the relatives of her neighbors, she also sent someone to report to the Bingma Division in Beicheng, suspecting that someone had poisoned her.

I was fine last night, no sickness or disaster.

If he hadn't been killed, why would he be gone?
The Beicheng Bingmasi did not dare to delay, and the commander Jin Chengbi brought a veteran criminal case to work with him.

The family members in front of Niu Hulu's house also came.

Dong's eyes were red, and he said to the people in the clan: "At that time, before our master took Da Gege and Chint over, the people in the clan also witnessed that the dowry of the fourth house property and the fourth sister-in-law, the sister and brother's share, was sealed at that time. Well, it has already been handed over to Da Gege in July, otherwise, we really have a mouth and can’t tell, who the hell is it, can’t even tolerate a child?"

She was also terrified.

She mistakenly thought it was the government's attack, and she was terrified.

This time it is CHINT, so which one will it be next time?
She said: "Yesterday, my aunt came over and shouted for Jinzhu's marriage to the Bahrain Ministry. The two children were involved. My master and I were also afraid, and we discussed sending them to Shengjing for shelter. After avoiding it, I was originally scheduled to leave this morning, but the master is worried about taking care of things, I have a body again, and the tenth elder brother is going to open the house, so the master thinks about sending it off in a few days..."

She didn't hide it for the Duke's wife.

"It's true that Chint wrote a letter to the Bahrain Ministry, but it's not a crime that deserves death..."

Dong choked up.

No one has a heart of stone.

After all, he is a child who has been raised by his side for three years, and he is also a heartless and honest child.

If she hadn't seen Chint so simple and honest, she would not have nodded and agreed to let her nephew be raised under the husband and wife's name and become the eldest son of the family.

The masters of Niu Hulu's family were all shocked when they heard the inside story.

Dong's behavior is usually watched by everyone, and he is not lying with empty teeth.

Everyone looked at Faka, the third master of the concubine.

Faka's gloomy face flushed a little, he looked at Jin Chengbi, and said: "A good child, you can't die for no reason, what is the reason, please let the adults decide."

He hoped that Chint would really die.

It's just that I also know that there is little hope, that my younger brother is harmful, and he won't be so superficial and straightforward.

Although this person's title has been changed, he still has a prince's nephew, Jin Chengbi did not dare to neglect, bowed and said: "Listen to the third master's order..."

He signaled everyone to retreat to the main room and leave the bedroom empty, and then signaled Wu Zuo to check Chintai's body, and the head arrester also stepped forward to check.

Zhengtai was lying on his back on the kang, his body was covered with filth, it really looked like he had died violently.

Wu Zuo took the silver needle, first checked for filth, and then checked Zhengtai's mouth and nose.

The catcher's eyes fell on Chint's bare chest, and then looked around.

The weather is cold now, and when the earth dragon is not up, the doors and windows must be closed tightly to be warm.

The head catcher stood in front of the window, but found that the window was not closed tightly, it was loose.

He didn't move, but looked to the side again.

Not far below the window is the basin stand, with a washbasin on top and a foot basin on the bottom.

There is no water in the washbasin, but the head and foot basins are moist.

There were towels on the washbasin stand, most of which were completely dry, except for the small one next to the shelf which was not completely dry.

After a while, Wu Zuo has determined the cause of Chint's death.

Choked to death by the filth he spit out.

Because it is in a supine position, if you lie on your side, you should not die sideways.

The filth was almost digested food, and it matched what Dong mentioned last night, and no other abnormalities could be seen for the time being.

Dong frowned and said, "Okay? Why did you vomit? This is considered a cold and nausea, shouldn't you also vomit on your stomach?"

She just threw up this morning, and she really remembers it.

The clerk said: "The victim's mouth is dry and cracked, and there are bloodshot eyes. This is a sign of high fever. There are still sweat stains on the mattress underneath. It should be burnt..."

Dong muttered: "I was fine last night, my throat wasn't hoarse, and I didn't hear a cough, and I changed into padded clothes a long time ago, why did I have a high fever?"

Everyone also felt like a conspiracy.


The nanny in the corner screamed.

Everyone looked over.

Big Gege had already fainted, and Nanny barely hugged him.

Everyone watched, showing some sympathy.

Losing his father, mother, and younger brother, no wonder he couldn't bear it.

Dong Shi noticed that something was wrong, she looked suspiciously in the room, and there were all the usual furnishings.

There was a small ornament on the Baibao Pavilion before, which was carved by Yan Zhu for his son, and Chintai regarded it as a treasure, and even felt the patina.

If you pack your bags, shouldn't you put these few away?

She looked at the nanny and said, "Has Da Gege's luggage been packed?"

The nanny didn't dare to look directly into Dong's eyes, but hugged the little master tightly.

Dong Shi looked at Da Gege, thinking of a possibility, his eyes almost burst into flames.

At this moment, Yin De has arrived, looking at Dong Shi: "What's going on?"

Dong said with a sneer, "Master, don't ask me, ask your good niece! It was agreed last night that I will go to Shengjing this morning and tell them to pack their bags. Is there such a thing?"

Yin De nodded, hesitated for a while and said: "It is my grandfather after all, since he is a filial piety, he should go to pay his respects..."

Dong said angrily: "The master couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and he was worried about the butler sending him off. He changed his mind and planned to send it off by himself, right?"

Yin De said: "Yes, I told the butler this morning that there is no need to prepare the carriage."

Mrs. Dong pointed to the room and said, "But Zhengtai didn't ask someone to pack their luggage, and even sent away the nurse who was on duty at night; it was the same with Da Gege, and they didn't pack their luggage either..."

Yin De: "..."

The Niu Hulu family members who were watching also understood.

Here are two kids who don't want to go...

The head catcher had already checked the yard.

But this is the main courtyard, someone sweeps it, but nothing can be seen.

He just looked at the window, and there was no sign of it being pried open.

Jin Chengbi heaved a sigh of relief.

Accidents are good!

Don't be a conspiracy!
This kind of internal strife with a high surname is not something he, a sixth-rank official, is qualified to get involved in.

The policeman also came to a conclusion, and said: "The window was opened from the inside, and the cracks in the bricks on the floor were still somewhat wet. Water flowed through this position. He picked up the towel again, turned it over, and said, "This is the place next to the shelf. , not completely dried, someone should have used a towel in the middle of the night, the buttons of the deceased’s coat are intact, and the nose buttons have not been torn, they should have been untied by themselves, and there are no other traces..."

Wu Zuo also checked Chint's whole body, focusing on the soles of Chint's feet.

There is still some sticky dust on the top.

Must have walked barefoot.

Comparing the two, there is a direction.

Mrs. Dong called Chint's nanny over again, and asked, "Did the uncle call for water last night?"

The nanny said: "The uncle said that he wanted to soak his feet, so he ordered the old slave to bring more water, and the old slave mixed the hot water, and filled half of the basin, one bar deep."

It was Chint who stepped on the ground with bare feet, opened the window, let in the night breeze, and wiped his body with cool water, developing a high fever.

Beicheng Bingma Division gave a conclusion.

Yin De shook his body, with tears in his eyes, regretting too much, and said: "It's all on me, I just didn't say to send them to Shengjing last night, the child was scared..."

He spoke decently, but he didn't know that the Dong family and the people in front of him had already "spoken the truth".

The clansmen looked at each other in blank dismay.

Looking at the gloomy Faka, and then at the dying Chint, I doubled my guard against A Ling'a...

Although this didn't directly harm anyone, it was somewhat involved.

As for Big Grid...

no one has asked...

Chint is ignorant, is she still ignorant?

Even if she pretends to be sick, shouldn't her elder sister pretend to be sick? She is stupid and vicious...

Because of alarming the soldiers and horses of Beicheng, the tragedy of Yin De's family spread rapidly.

Brother Jiu went back to the House of Internal Affairs, met Gao Bin, and then went to the Qin Tianjian, and confirmed that the 26th Maochu is also a suitable time to move, and it will not conflict with the horoscope of several people, and will not disturb The fetus god went out of the palace again to the Dutong Mansion, intending to go back after dinner.

Fu Song has already returned, avoided Shu Shu, and was telling Jue Luo about the change of Niu Hulu's family in the main room.

"It's too scary, this is sad..."

He didn't gloat, but had lingering fears in his heart, and said: "From now on, the younger brothers must stay with those who are on duty at night, and check one or two at night."

Especially Xiaoqi, who is only half a year old and can't speak yet. He is uncomfortable and doesn't know how to find someone.

Although the Jueluo clan didn't like Yinde's family, but human life was at stake, he also chanted "Amitabha".

When Brother Nine came over, he found that the two women were talking small things in the main room, and something seemed wrong.

He glanced at Fu Song, curious, and whispered: "What is it that your sister doesn't like?"

Shu Shu was not in the main room, she was talking to Mrs. Uncle in the next room.

Fu Song whispered why.

Brother Jiu covered his mouth, nodded and said, "Don't let your sister hear this, it makes people uncomfortable..."

12 years old...

He listened, feeling uncomfortable...

The next update will be at 1:13 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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