Chapter 726 Visiting

In Xici's room, Shu Shu leaned on the pillow and was pestering Mrs. Uncle.

"Anyway, I want Amu to accompany me. When I want to eat something, Amu will ask someone to prepare it for me..."

She swallowed the fragrant pine nuts in her mouth, took Mrs. Uncle's arm, and said bitterly: "Otherwise, Jiuye goes to the yamen every day, and I'm the only one at home, how pitiful..."

While helping her peel the pine nuts, Mrs. Uncle said lovingly, "Don't worry, it will be convenient when the time comes. If you miss me, send someone back. I'll take a car to see you..."

Shu Shu said with arrogance: "No, I can't wait! Now there is something wrong, if you want to eat, you have to eat it right away; if you want to see anyone, you have to see it right away, or you will feel bad..."

Jue Luo brought Fu Song and Brother Jiu in, and after hearing this, he gave her a look and said, "That's why I deserve a beating!"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Didn't you come back? Don't feel bad?"

Shu Shu: "..."

Mrs. Uncle: "..."

Shu Shu was afraid that he would not be able to get off the stage if he was found out, so she smiled and said, "Did you go to Qin Tianjian?"

Brother Jiu said: "Moving at the beginning of the 26th year, you can enter the house before noon."

Shu Shu stopped worrying and said, "Master, don't run here tomorrow, come pick me up the day after tomorrow..."

After all, the preparations for the move are cumbersome, and they can't be left to Elder Brother Shi to watch alone.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, a little worried.

Shu Shu said: "I'm not going anywhere, just staying at home with Ah Mou."

Brother Nine reluctantly nodded...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Brother Ten is apologizing to Kangxi.

"It's my son who is thinking about it. Seeing Mr. Yin De's honesty and honesty, I thought it would be a cheap thing to bring him up, but I'm not familiar with him, and there is something that I said before that I can't get married. It's awkward to get along with each other every day. Let's hang out together!"

Kangxi couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, he glanced at Elder Brother Shi, and said, "But now is the time for you to really employ people, do you have a long-term alternative?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "My son is not familiar with people outside, and he is young and lacks the knowledge to know people. Let Khan Ama point him out!"

Kangxi thought of the report from the Infantry Commander's Yamen in the afternoon, and said, "There is a funeral at Yin De's family today..."

Elder Brother Ten was stunned.

This is the inconvenience inside and outside the palace.

He really didn't know the news.

"Which one is it..."

Brother Ten asked.

If you are an elder, you have to send someone to offer condolences.

Kangxi said: "Yin De's eldest son died..."

Elder Brother Shi didn't think about anything else, he just sighed: "No wonder people say 'children are difficult to raise', this is enough to make people feel uncomfortable..."

But he didn't change his mind, and said: "Before Yan Zhu left a first-class bodyguard, my son thought about it, so he transferred Mr. Yin De..."

Kangxi nodded and said: "I understand, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will transfer him when I find a suitable person."

"Trouble for Khan Ama..."

Brother Ten said with shame.

Kangxi also felt a little uncomfortable.

Empress Xiaozhao and Concubine Wen Xi are not only his cousins, but also his favorite concubines.

Only the tenth brother's blood remains.

There was more kindness in Kangxi's eyes, and he said: "Brother Jiu is self-willed, and you are also messing around with me, but you don't want to think about opening a house to live, how can it be so simple!"

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Isn't this all supplied by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? With Khan Ama here, the sons don't have to worry about daily necessities..."

When Kangxi heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Can you always go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to supply?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth planned according to the ten-year-eight-year plan, and said that if there is less, it will be a loss!"

Kangxi snorted softly: "Where is this crooked account calculated?"

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Compared with Big Brother, Third Brother..."

Kangxi said: "You should cut off your supply and let you drink the northwest wind!"

Elder Brother Ten smiled and didn't talk too much.

If there is no royal salary, it must be used for daily use.

Choose one of the two, in fact, he and brother Jiu are not at a loss.

As for the population belonging to the flag, if there is no one, there will be no, and it will be worry-free.

When Elder Brother Shi retreated out, Kangxi was thoughtful, and said to Liang Jiugong: "Compared to Old Nine, Old Ten is more sensible, why do you keep messing around with Old Nine all day?"

This one is obviously smarter than Old Nine, but on weekdays when brothers get along with each other, they always follow Brother Nine to make decisions.

Are you not afraid of being led into a ditch by Lao Jiu?

Liang Jiugong thought for a while, and said: "Master Shi lost his mother, and it seems that he is very dependent on Master Jiu..."

There are so many princes and elder brothers, and it is not only the ninth elder brother who is similar in age, but the tenth elder brother is only close to the ninth elder brother.

Kangxi was silent.

It's also a bereaved mother, and he personally watched and raised the prince, so the ten princes are less concerned here.

At that time, after Concubine Wen Xi passed away, he also thought about whether to point out Brother Shi as a adoptive mother, and the candidates would be Concubine Hui, the head of the four concubines, and Concubine Yi, who was acquainted with Concubine Wen Xi.

Later, I felt that it was inappropriate, and the ten elder brother was already in his teens, not a few years old, so he let it go.

This long-historical candidate...

Kangxi was afraid that he would not be able to devote himself to using outsiders directly, so he planned to choose among the children of Niu Hulu's family.

The ten princes' wives are not in the capital, so they already appear to be weaker than others.

We can't let outsiders see that Elder Brother Shi has no relatives and friends to rely on, and be treated with contempt and underestimation.

Kangxi thought about it among the children of Niu Hulu's family, and thought of one person.

It is the first-class bodyguard Bose, who once accompanied the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother to the south, and is the son and grandson of the eighth house of Niu Hulu's family.

This person is still He Yi's sister-in-law...

That's fine too.

He Yi, he wanted to transfer him, but not at this time, otherwise, it would only make the crown prince hate Brother Jiu.

We still have to pass this period of time and find someone who doesn't have an attack.

This boser is quite thorough in his actions, and now he is also a master of martial arts in the study.

The long history on the tenth elder brother's side is easy to change, but the ninth elder brother's ritual.

From Wupin...

If the position of master of ceremonies is still there, Kangxi's candidate will not be so difficult to choose.

But at this level, it is difficult to find an old adult.

Officials of too low a rank can't get in touch with Yuqian...

25 On this day, Shu Shu followed Mrs. Uncle to the uncle's residence.

Unable to bear her moaning, Madam Bo finally nodded and agreed to stay with her for a while.

Shu Shu began to summon people, and packed all the furnishings in Mrs. Uncle's living room.

Mrs. Uncle didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Where is the need to bother, just stay for a month..."

Shu Shu counted with her fingers: "One month later, it will be Winter Moon, and we are starting to prepare for the New Year. This year is the first year we celebrate the New Year outside. This kind of favor is a gift, how can there be less people staring at it? I'm afraid I'm going to be tired..."

Mrs. Uncle disapproved: "It's not that there are other Fujins around, you just follow the rules when the time comes, what are you going to do with that effort?"

Shu Shu said: "But all the money is spent, even if you don't pay attention to it, you can see it. You can't pay the ceremony in vain."

Mrs. Uncle scolded: "It's another crooked word, so useless force!"

Shu Shu said: "My son didn't grab the top and take the lead, he just wanted the golden mean..."

Mrs. Uncle snorted softly: "Your way of the mean is a bit fake..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Medium is middle, and upper middle is also middle. Naturally, upper middle is better."

The two of them were chatting, when a girl came in from outside to report, "Madam, Fujin, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin are here..."

Today is the day of Ningshou Palace's greetings, and the two of them have already received news that the Prince's Mansion has started sweeping and is preparing to move.

Yesterday afternoon, the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother went to the prince's mansion successively, but they didn't ask anything.

Before the two of them entered the palace this morning, the masters of each family raised their mouths.

Even if they don't mention it, they should pay attention to it because of their sister-in-law's affection.

He thought he could ask Shu Shu this morning, but only after seeing Shi Fujin did he realize that she had left the palace.

After the two sisters-in-law left the palace, they became uninvited guests.

On the other hand, Si Fujin was supposed to come, but because of something urgent, he was guarded outside the palace by the people of Sibeile Mansion, and he was invited back directly.

Mrs. Uncle looked at Shu Shu.

Although there is no post like this, it would be presumptuous to visit directly as a guest.

But there are also divisions. If it weren't for the fact that they are really close and friendly, the two princes, Fujin, would not be so reckless.

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Needless to say, Seventh Sister-in-law, Ah Mou watched her grow up, and Fifth Sister-in-law treated me kindly and kindly..."

She didn't push her too much, and followed Mrs. Uncle to welcome her out.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin took their seats in the flower hall in the front yard.

Wu Fujin was worried, Qi Fujin knew Shu Shu's details, knew that he was not a person willing to suffer, comforted Wu Fujin and said: "Don't worry, it's not that pitiful, I decided to take this opportunity to go back to my mother's house for two days..."

When Mrs. Uncle and Shu Shu came in, they both got up.

This is also a family aunt.

Mrs. Uncle met with the two of them, and said: "Your sisters-in-law are talking, and you can go after lunch."

Shu Shu didn't give the two a chance to decline, and said directly: "I just want to eat Lu Helou's table, and I sent someone to order two tables in the morning, the two sister-in-laws are blessed."

The time-honored restaurant on Luhelou Xisi Street is very famous for its noodles.

Seeing that she was in good spirits, Wu Fujin didn't disappoint, so he nodded.

Qi Fujin's saliva was about to come out, and said: "Their family's grilled sea cucumber is a must, but I haven't eaten it for a few years..."

Mrs. Uncle found a reason to go out and left the flower hall for the three of them to talk.

Only then did Wu Fujin worry and say: "Everything that was said outside was out of the question. The fifth master caught Brother Jiu yesterday, but he didn't ask why. He was worried for half a night like a pancake. Why? what?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu knew that Brother Nine was worried about Fifth Brother's seven feelings, and confronted the prince, so he changed his rhetoric, concealing the matter between the prince and He Yi, and said: "It was planned early, since summer I lived in Haidian before, so I don’t want to go back to the palace, and when I caught up with me again, I started to hurt my mouth, and I felt uncomfortable. Thinking of the elders crying twice, our master loves me, so he plans to move out before the earth dragon..."

What she said was true.

What else?

It's not appropriate to tell the prince's matter from her mouth with Brother Jiu, otherwise, what would Kangxi think?
It seems that they bear a grudge against the prince and provoke the prince's relationship with other princes.

Even if the matter is not hidden, there is no need for them to advertise it.

(End of this chapter)

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