Chapter 727 Injury to its Kind
Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't expect this to be the reason.

But Qifujin was pregnant before, knew the kind of uncomfortable feeling, and said with lingering fear: "When you hurt your mouth, it's uncomfortable enough, tears come out when you say you are wronged..."

Wu Fujin was puzzled and said: "Then why did Brother Jiu get involved, saying that he was reprimanded in front of the emperor?"

Shu Shu said: "I originally wanted to move on the 29th, but the emperor probably didn't allow it. Our master was self-willed. At that time, he came back full of anger and said that he would move immediately. I had no other choice, so I went to Yikun Palace I asked the empress to make the decision, but in the end he didn't listen to what the empress said, and I had no choice but to marry and follow my husband..."

Brother Nine's temper is right there. When he offends the donkey, the brothers say he will be angry, and it is not uncommon for him to be disobedient in front of the imperial court.

Qifujin looked at her flushed face and her high spirits, stretched out his hand to pinch her face and said: "Don't take advantage of it and act obediently, but you have the heart to let Lao Jiu take the blame, this time at home is it a rest?"

Shu Shu proudly said, "I slept with Er Nie last night, and I will be with Amou tonight..."

Qi Fujin snorted softly and said, "You're already in your teens, and you're still pretending to be a kid, and you're not ashamed? When you become an Ernie next year, let's see how you still have the nerve to act like a baby?"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Don't say I'm an Ernie, even if I'm a mama, I'm still a sweetheart when I'm in front of the elders..."

Seeing that she was still in the mood to joke, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin felt relieved.

After a while, the table called in the morning will arrive.

Shu Shu went to invite Mrs. Uncle.

Mrs. Uncle shook her head and said, "I have to eat fast these days."

Shu Shu looked at the girl next to her.

The girl said: "Madam has been a vegetarian for a while."

Shu Shu took a few glances at her and saw that she looked fine and didn't force herself, but felt sore in her heart.

I never heard Mrs. Uncle become a vegetarian before. A few days ago...

Apart from being pregnant, what other important thing can I ask God to worship Buddha?
Before this child fell to the ground, the elders were afraid that they would feel uneasy.

Now that there are guests, and it is not the time to persuade them, Shu Shu went to the front.

The sisters-in-law and the others took a seat, and they agreed that tomorrow both families will send people over to help them move.

As for the dinner, put it in a few days.

After Shu Shu passed the residence and rested for a few days, they came to warm up the pot again.

None of them are outsiders, so there's no need to get together until tomorrow to make a fuss.

Shu Shu would like to thank you again and again.

After sending off the two princes Fujin, Shu Shu went to Mrs. Uncle's house.

Mrs. Uncle also ran out of food.

Shu Shu said: "What did Ah Mou eat?"

Mrs. Uncle said: "Eight-treasure rice..."

Shu Shu frowned and said, "It's enough to eat two bites as a dessert, but it's not easy to digest it as a meal!"

Mrs. Uncle smiled and said, "It's okay to have a meal at noon."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "If Ah Mou wants to eat sticky food, I will ask someone to make rice cakes for you later."

It's not the old yellow rice and red bean rice cakes like in Beijing, but the water-milled rice cakes in Jiangnan that have two portions of rice and one portion of glutinous rice. They are also glutinous, but they are better than pure yellow rice and pure glutinous rice.

Mrs. Uncle shook her head and said, "I just think of a meal once in a while, so I don't need to make special preparations. I will always prepare it in the twelfth lunar month."

Shu Shu said: "If Ah Mou wants to become a vegetarian, the first 15 days of the first day of junior high school is enough, and he can't always be a vegetarian..."

Mrs. Uncle said: "I didn't like to eat meat at first, so I would be a gluttonous girl who likes you."

Shu Shu said: "The milk and eggs must not be broken, or else hair will fall out, and Ah Mou will be old..."

Mrs. Uncle laughed and said, "I'm already old."

Shu Shu said: "That can't be done, the little elder brother will have to be taken by Amu later."

Mrs. Uncle couldn't help reminding: "There is no patriarchal rule in our family, don't learn from the gangsters outside..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Just following Master Jiu's wishes, just to ask for a 'look', if you give birth to a little elder brother, you will save a lot of worry after all, and you can wait a few years before talking about the next one; give birth to a little princess, worry about it More, I have to think about the next time..."

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said: "It's good to know what's in your heart. You can't be sure about it. You can't guess it before you hit the ground. Anyway, you can't be biased."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Amu can't be biased, he will still love me the most..."

Mrs. Uncle said helplessly: "Still competing with the child for favor?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Of course, my Amu, of course he will love me the most..."

Mrs. Uncle felt a headache because of her trouble...

Four Baylor House.

Sifujin was exhausted, helped the girl, and came back from outside the mansion.

She was still wearing the big clothes that entered the palace, and her feet were also flag shoes, but compared to the radiant look before she went out in the morning, she was much more lethargic, and her footsteps were even quieter.

Si elder brother has come back from outside and is in the study, waiting for Si Fujin for a long time.

Hearing that Si Fujin was back, the fourth elder brother came out of the study.

The fourth elder brother was impatient, and said: "Okay, what did Mrs. Fucha ask you to do? Even if you are not comfortable, why can't the doctor outside call you, so you have to call the government doctor?"

Because the youngest elder brother Hongpan died in the mansion at the end of February, the fourth elder brother was worried about the eldest son and eldest daughter, so he hired an old doctor to make offerings and raise them in the mansion.

Sifujin sighed, looked left and right, and said: "I also have something to talk to my master about."

The fourth elder brother pursed his lips, knowing that this was something private that should not be said outside.

He frowned, thinking of Eight Fujin.

When the couple entered the study, Si Fujin said: "The eighth brother and sister passed out, and the eighth elder brother was not at home. The Fucha family didn't dare to take responsibility, so they asked someone to come to me..."

It turned out that today was the day for her to pay her respects, and the stewards of the mansion didn't dare to delay, so they went directly to Di'anmen and waited.

The fourth elder brother remembered the howling sound he heard last time in the prince's mansion, although he was not happy with Guo Luoluo, he couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic, and said: "It's okay, why did you faint? It's because the people around you didn't take good care of you. Are you still angry?"

Si Fujin sighed a little: "It's starving and dizzy, I don't want to eat, I only drink water every day, according to what the nanny said, it took seven or eight days without a drop of rice..."

The fourth elder brother's sympathy immediately disappeared, and he said impatiently: "You bastard! This is ruining yourself, so don't talk to her anymore!"

Sifujin looked troubled, and said: "It's not for no reason, it seems that the eighth elder brother thinks that the younger brother and sister are obese, and asked her to eat less, and said that when she loses weight, he will buy her the medicine to remove the scar."

The appearance of the eighth Fujin was originally counted among the prince Fujin, but in June, Mrs. Guo Luoluo injured his face. From the corner of the mouth to the direction of the ear, there was a two and a half inch scar, and there were a few sporadic damages on the corner of the mouth. .

Since then, Bafujin has not appeared in front of anyone.

Si Fujin was also taken aback when he saw her this time, he never thought that it had only been a few months, and it seemed like a different person.


Si elder brother heard this word, all he could think of was Shi Fujin, and said: "Even if you are fat, you still have a strong body, and you didn't eat it overnight. How can you think about starving directly? Isn't that just nonsense?"

Si Fujin shook his head and said: "It's a bit too much, it looks like Wu Baylor..."

Fourth elder brother: "..."

The fifth elder brother is indeed the fattest among the princes, but he is not overweight.

A woman who is about the same size as the fifth elder brother, with big arms and round waists, really can't be seen.

The fourth elder brother said: "What did the doctor say?"

Si Fujin said: "The doctor said that the younger siblings' appetites have grown, so even if you want to reduce the amount, you have to do it slowly. If you are starving like this, you can't stand it, and you will be confused..."

The fourth elder brother rubbed his forehead and said: "Wait for Lao Ba to come back and persuade me, I can't starve people to death."

It's really wrong.

Because the ninth elder brother moved ahead of time, the fourth elder brother also ordered the people who were watching Yaqibu to do it in advance.

He still remembered that elder brother Jiu was timid and worried that he would live here in the future. Fusong was not Yaqibu's opponent and was bullied.

Thinking that it should be resolved, she asked someone to pass the news of Yaqibu's adoption of a foreign house to Nanny Yun.

Thinking that Lao Ba cherished his reputation the most, when the couple started to quarrel, he would naturally not keep Yaqibu by his side.

Afterwards, Yaqibu's corruption of ink will be uncovered, and how to deal with it is Lao Ba's own business.

As a result, Sister Yun listened to the girl's words, directly brought the matter to the eighth elder brother, and followed the eighth elder brother out of Beijing this morning.

There are many people in the capital with miscellaneous eyes, but Yaqibu is obedient and raises people in Tongzhou.

In the past few days, it happened that the youngest son of the outer house caught Zhou, and Yaqibu left Beijing on the pretext of inspecting the Huangzhuang.

Si Fujin smiled wryly and said: "There is no need to persuade, the eighth brother and sister woke up and wanted to eat. I was afraid that she would not be able to bear it for a long time, so I didn't dare to give anything else. I only gave porridge and cried while eating. After drinking five The bowl, you have to force it to put down the chopsticks!"

How can there be any demeanor of a lady of the Eight Banners in that trembling, sincere and fearful appearance?
"Brother Eight is warm-hearted and cold-hearted, I'd better stay away from my grandfather..."

Si Fujin couldn't bear it anymore and said something.

Even if Ba Fujin is ignorant and has broken the teaching precepts, he should be punished, and it should not be such a punishment.

The eighth elder brother treats his wife like this, which makes people's teeth cold.

The fourth elder brother impatiently listened to these words, gave Si Fujin a glance, and said: "You can't blame the old man, Guo Luoluo's temperament is eccentric, and he has come to this point today, most of it is his own fault..."

Si Fujin said: "If King An and the eighth brother and sister hadn't fallen out, would the eighth elder brother dare to do this? Snobbishness is not a disadvantage, but it should be divided among others. The eighth younger brother is not good to others, but to the eighth elder brother Brother is sincere."

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said: "In the future, you are not allowed to talk about things like this. What about our brothers, you don't need to talk too much!"

Si Fujin was also annoyed, and said: "My lord is considerate of my brother, am I hurting him..."

I also have no backing.

It was not too early for Ama, and the half-brother and sister-in-law were in charge of the house.

Thinking about it, Si Fujin felt sore in his heart, and his eyes were red.

The fourth elder brother said helplessly: "My lord, this is for your own good. If you say something outside and spread it to the imperial court, can Ama Khan forgive you?"

In an ordinary family, if a daughter-in-law dares to alienate her brother, she has committed the "seven outs"; if it is a royal family, the emperor's father will not tolerate it...

Oh my god, it's dropped to 11, and I'm begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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