My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 728 Annoyed

Chapter 728 Annoyed
In Mrs. Uncle's room, she slept soundly in the afternoon, and when she opened her eyes again, Shu Shu saw a familiar figure sitting beside the kang.

She felt warm in her heart and had a smile on her face.

It's brother Jiu who's here.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Shu Shu asked with a smile.

Brother Jiu said: "It's nothing."

Beside him is a basket of tangerines.

Seeing this, Shu Shu's mouth started to feel sour, and she was about to reach out her hand immediately.

Brother Jiu hurriedly stopped her and said, "Be careful, your finger hurts, I'll peel it off for you."

Oranges are as big as a child's fist, Shu Shu ate two in a row before she was satisfied, and said: "Why are you so old?"

It's not yet time for the tributes to go to Beijing, and the fresh tributes in the Northeast are in October, but there are no oranges.

When he was in the palace before, brother Jiu asked people to buy it outside a few times, but there were not many.

Brother Jiu said: "That kid Ji Hong has a full basket, and he really has a lot of connections..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu became more at ease.

Although the etiquette is lower than that of others, there must be something to ask for.

But it also depends on what the other party is asking for.

Like the Jin family in Hangzhou, those who seek a future for their children should be respected and kept at a distance.

Because he is Kangxi's confidant, he is definitely not happy to see his son get involved, and the vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all fixed, and if one is raised, the next will be squeezed out, so there is no need to offend people for no reason.

As for the vacancies that Brother Ninth had made up for himself, it was not enough for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to sell favors between brothers, and it was not up to an outsider with no connection to share.

It is much simpler for an imperial merchant like the Ji family.

The other party did not dare to extravagantly ask for a deal with the prince.

As long as Jiu elder brother gave him face and accepted his filial piety, it was a grace to him.

In this way, he will not be embarrassed by the boss and the doctor below when he reconciles the account and collects the ticket from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But in the end, people are soft-mouthed and short-handed, so Shu Shu said: "When there are more oranges next year, I will also make some oranges in syrup and put them aside. When I want to eat, I don't have to bother."

Brother Nine said: "It's just Zhang Luo, it's not a rare thing..."

Speaking of this, he remembered that when he drank Feilong soup on the northern tour last year, Shu Shuduo drank a bowl and said, "Do you want to eat Feilong? The fresh tribute from Shengjing will come over in October, and then the master will ask people to stay in Shengjing People from the General's Mansion, grab some tribute..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu quickly shook her head and said, "Master, don't mention the meat, it's hard to hear, if only there are wild fruits to grab some..."

In fact, this is not the case, but after all, it is game. She is afraid that there is something inappropriate, so she can't eat it casually.

She thought for a while, and said: "After three months, if I don't vomit, then I will kill two of the piglets on the Zhuangzi..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Their tribute is chilled, and they will store some in the freezer when the time comes, and you can eat it when you want to eat."

Shu Shu recalled the delicious food she ate on her northern tour last year. Among other things, venison was indeed more delicious than beef and mutton, especially when it was roasted.

Spicy Venison...

She was greedy again, nodded and said: "Then I want venison, deer tongue and deer tendon are also fine..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Okay, let someone prepare it when the time comes."

Brother Jiu came here at this time, and he must have left a meal.

Pianshengbo's mansion is full of vegetarian dishes, Mrs. Uncle will send someone to the restaurant to order dishes.

Shu Shu stopped her and said, "We're going to eat with Ah Mou, and I also want to eat the vegetarian buns at home..."

Although it is vegetarian, there are vermicelli, eggs, and shaved seeds in it, and it tastes delicious.

Vegetarian buns, millet porridge, and four side dishes.

Tiger skin eggs, sesame sauce radish tassels, spiced tofu, fungus yam.

Brother Nine was still worried about Shu Shu's mouth, but he just watched her eat five big vegetarian steamed buns, two tiger skin eggs, and two bowls of porridge...

He looked worried, and looked at Mrs. Uncle, hoping that Mrs. Uncle would stop her.

Mrs. Uncle smiled and said to him: "Now is the time to eat, you can't be hungry, you don't eat much..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "Didn't you say you should eat more meals? Now that you have eaten so much, what should you do before going to bed?"

At that time, it is easy to get hungry if you don’t fill your stomach, and it’s easy to get full if you eat.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Then I will eat chicken cakes and have a mouthful of water. At noon, my fifth sister-in-law and seventh sister-in-law are here, and I am not very full. I won't eat like this tomorrow!"

With Qifu Jin's lessons learned, it is not only Shu Shu who is afraid, but also Brother Jiu.

The main reason is that if you don’t inquire about this, you don’t know.

If you don't control it and let go of eating, the child in your stomach will grow up, and when the time comes, it will be a punishment if it is light, and it will be fatal if it is heavy.

Brother Nine was worried, and then the mother-in-law got up.

Shu Shu was not bothered, and said patiently: "I only ate a few extra mouthfuls of vegetarian food tonight. It's okay. If you don't mix it up, you won't gain weight."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "If you want to eat any favorite food in the future, you should put it in the morning and noon, and eat less at night..."

Shu Shu obediently agreed.

Mrs. Uncle watched the interaction between the two with a smile, but she was really worried.

She had never given birth herself, and neither did Sister Qi.

I'm afraid that when the time comes to take care of it, I won't take care of it well.

She said to Shu Shu: "When you move, ask your wet nurse to work as an errand..."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Let's see what Momo means when the time comes."

Brother Nine knew that Shu Shu still had two companions, so he said to Shu Shu: "Everyone is ordered to come over to order me. I don't need to be on errand at this time. Whenever I am on errand, it's better than strangers..."

Speaking of this, he said to the uncle: "Auntie, I don't trust those people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even if they are assigned to coat the population, they will definitely not dare to order them directly. But here, if there is a trustworthy Zao Shang, please borrow them first." A few are at our disposal, the kitchen is no better than the other places..."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Uncle became more serious, and said, "Where is the previous manpower, elder brother?"

Brother Jiu said: "Those who followed out of the palace were all served by the side. The stove, needlework, and sweeping are all people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If they are not under our name, they will be returned directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Mrs. Bo is really worried.

The entrance thing is naturally the most important thing.

She looked at Shu Shu and said: "Then I'll pick a few people from the stove to go, it's a pity that there are a few masters in the sewing room who are left for nothing."

In the early days, there were four masters in the uncle's mansion, and the mansion in this mansion was naturally complete.

Now she is the only one left, and most of them are idle.

Shu Shu smiled and nodded, "All, all, the more the better..."

Mrs. Uncle doted on her and said: "Even if you have ready-made manpower at your disposal, you can't be lazy. Later, when you are confinement, you still have to train some manpower yourself."

Shu Shu snorted softly, "I don't like to worry about it, as long as someone makes me do it."

Mrs. Uncle shook her head, looked at Brother Nine and said: "Brother will be divided into households later, and the coat-coated people will become servants of the household, so they will obey. Brother can't always be on guard."

Brother Nine said: "Well, I will look at it when the time comes, and I won't let them idle if they can use it."

It's getting dark early now, and it's already dark outside.

Shu Shu urged Brother Nine to go back to the palace, saying: "My Lord will pick me up again tomorrow..."

Brother Jiu instructed: "Take the talisman and birth-safety talisman carefully and put them in your purse."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Tie it up tomorrow morning, and Ruyi is ready."

Only then did Brother Jiu reluctantly leave the uncle's mansion and return to the palace.

When I entered the corridor of elder brother's office, I saw a person standing at the door of the second office.

It's Elder Brother Ten.

I didn't know what to think there, and Brother Jiu didn't notice when he came over.

Brother Jiu looked at him carefully, and found that his face was not very good-looking, so he frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Elder Brother Ten was awakened, looked at Elder Ninth, and said, "Elder Brother Ninth is back..."

Brother Jiu said: "This is because you are reluctant to move, are you uncomfortable?"

While talking, the brothers entered the second institute.

Shu Shu was not there, and the things in the main room were sorted out pretty much. Brother Jiu was resting in the study in the front yard these two days.

He directly brought the tenth elder brother in, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Or is it because of other reasons, that Khan Ama told you?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head, and said: "It's not for these reasons, I sent someone to Beicheng Bingma Division in the morning to inquire about Yin De's family..."

Brother Jiu said: "The eldest son who died? Could it be an accident or other reasons?"

Although he heard Fu Song say something yesterday, he didn't take it too seriously.

If there was no previous repentance, maybe he would send someone to visit the funeral for the sake of brother ten; but after repenting, even brother ten didn't bother to talk to uncle Yin De. What cards.

Elder Brother Shi smiled wryly and said, "This is something wrong, it seems to have something to do with me."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "I have never met twice with people who are not worth mentioning. What has it to do with you, don't be fooled!"

Elder Brother Ten took a long breath and said, "I was thinking of Uncle Yan Zhu's kindness, so I felt that Yin De, who would rather offend the government than caress the orphan, is good. I recommended him to be a long history, and even intervened in Niu Hulu Gege The marriage, the result seems to be counterproductive..."

As he spoke, he talked about the reasons behind Chint's unjust death.

Niu Hulu is hateful, but the death of this little one is too unfair.

Brother Jiu heard this, frowned and said, "How can there be such a stupid and vicious sister? Are you sure she is a sibling? Maybe one is named?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "They are indeed siblings..."

Brother Nine took a look at Brother Ten and said, "From now on, you should keep a respectful distance from Niu Hulu's family. Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. There is Linga at the front. The younger generation will still be like this. Who knows?" Others are people or ghosts..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "I didn't want to talk to him at all, but it's a pity for Uncle Yan Zhu, there's only this one son..."

As for the three concubine sons who were raised in the public house, they recognized the thief as their father, and they raised them for nothing.

Brother Jiu said: "Then what should Niu Hulu's family do? This big brother has killed people?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "I heard that Yin De's wife brought her children back to her mother's house..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Even if you don't send it to Shengjing, you should send it to Zhuangzi, right? How dare you stay at home?"

Elder Brother Ten sneered and said, "So he's a nice guy..."

A good old man has soft ears and is easy to be led astray.

In addition, Niu Hulu Da Gege is now in a desperate situation, and I am afraid that he will be even more reluctant to deal with it cruelly...

(End of this chapter)

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