My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 729 Midnight

Chapter 729 Midnight
Brother Nine has been in and out of Qintian Prison for the past few days, and listening to the words of Deputy Supervisor Zhang Yunshan, he feels that there are some godly words that he can't help but believe.

This Niu Hulu has a big personality, he is not like ordinary people.

According to Taoism, this fate is too hard.

He said fortunately: "Fortunately, you didn't deal with these two siblings directly at that time. This Niu Hulu is a big brother! Look at Yin De, he was not of high rank before, but he had a good reputation and a decent background. Anyone who mentions it will praise that his character is not bad, but now, who wouldn't say he is confused?"

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Ninth and said, "Could it be possible to free me?"

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten, and said, "Compared to Taiji from Bahrain, you are the real Gaozhi. Why didn't their family have any ideas about you?"

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and thought of something in his heart, which made him a little nervous.

That was at the beginning of the year, Yin De mentioned to him that Da Gege was going to be a filial piety, and he mentioned Tong's persecution inside and outside the words.

At that time, I wanted to ask myself to protect Da Gege.

At that time, when he said that after Fujin passed through the door, he would show a big grid to each other, but Yin De was still hesitant.

At that time, he thought he was embarrassed to bother him, but after seeing the operation of Niu Hulu's family, he had some doubts about Yin De's intentions in saying those words.

What would happen if I didn't take care of Da Gege's marriage?
What kind of asylum did their uncle and nephew hope for at first?
Even if Yin De can't think of clinging, what about that big princess?

So a snobbish woman would give up her No.1 choice?
Most of his previous guilt and restlessness immediately dissipated, and he said: "I'm free, I don't have anything to think about this. I didn't see them flattering me when I was in the palace earlier; after this year, only they have let me down, and I have let them down." .”

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course, if you change your master, with Yin De's virtue, you still want to make up for the first-class bodyguard. Just dream, you will be dismissed and go home!"

Brother Ten smiled.

Niu Hulu's family is also his power.

It's scary, but it's also a bit more respectful.

Don't have to be evil.

The tenth elder brother was in a much better mood, so he mentioned to the ninth elder brother that he went to the Qing Palace yesterday, and then said: "Khan Ama doesn't look too upset. Is it true that the ninth elder brother will not go to say goodbye tomorrow?"

Brother Jiu thought about the time to move tomorrow morning, and the time to go to the uncle's house to pick up people, it was a little tight.

But it's not impossible to take it out. Apart from picking up people, he doesn't have to watch him personally for other things.

He said: "Go, Khan Ama will also rise at that time, let's go over and kowtow before leaving..."


Elder Brother Shi nodded and said in a low voice, "You have to behave in a decent manner, so that you don't have to look back and make a note of it."

They don't know what happened to other people's Ama, and this one is not generous.

There was movement outside.

It was Elder Brother Shi who did not go back for a long time, so Fujin sent Wang Pingan over.

"Master, Master Fujin asked the servant to come over and ask, when will you go back?"

Wang Pingan greeted the ninth elder brother, and then said to the tenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Ten stood up and said, "Let's go back now..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "I've been watching it with my own eyes for half a year, and I'm still so clingy?"

It's too early to call someone before entering the watch, even if you want to resettle, isn't it?

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Wait for me to eat. I eat late at noon, and it will be late at night."

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said: "Go to bed early, don't mess around, and go there when Han Ama wakes up tomorrow morning, it's best if he stares in a daze and doesn't care about cursing."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Well, Brother Ninth also eats more in the morning, and he won't be free until noon."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Understood, do you still need to worry about this?"

When Elder Brother Shi left, Xiao Chun came over with clean water.

Brother Jiu glanced at her, and said, "Have you packed everything? The things in the main house will be put out immediately tomorrow. Excluding the time spent on the road, the new house will be packed within two hours."

Xiaochun bowed and said, "Master Jiu, don't worry, we have drawn the blueprints in advance, and numbered the furniture and furnishings. When the time comes, we will unpack and arrange them in order..."

Brother Jiu said: "That's good, don't make a mess and delay Fujin's return home."

Xiaochun said: "According to the calculations of the slaves, if Maozheng starts here, the furnishings can be completed at Sichu there, and the rest of the time can be cleaned."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's good, anyway, tomorrow will be over, the main courtyard will be the main one, and the rest can be released."

Xiao Chun made a note of it and withdrew.

Brother Nine wiped his face.

He Yuzhu came in again with water for washing feet, followed by Cui Baisui, holding a kettle in his hand.

"Grandpa has been running around a lot these two days, why did you massage me for you?"

He Yuzhu said politely.

Brother Jiu was surprised and said, "Is this a change in the shell? Why are you so winking today?"

He Yuzhu said with a smile: "It's not that Fujin is worried about the master. He specially instructed the slaves in the afternoon, fearing that the master will be tired for the past two days and will not be able to rest at night."

For other people, if they are tired, they will sleep more soundly at night; but Brother Jiu, on the contrary, is coquettish, and if he is tired, his whole body will be sore and he will not sleep at night.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and said: "You're so stupid, you won't think about it yourself, and ask Fujin to remind you, but you still don't put your heart into it..."

With that said, he sat on the edge of the kang, looking like he was waiting to serve the uncle.

He Yuzhu admitted his mistake honestly, and said: "The slave is careless, he is not as careful as Fujin and will love others."

Brother Nine smiled even wider, and said, "Finally, I still have self-knowledge..."

He Yuzhu had already pulled Xiao Wuzi to sit down, and took off Brother Jiu's shoes and socks.

Cui Baisui placed the footbath in a good position, poured hot water, and retreated.

Brother Jiu is indeed tired, and he has been running around a lot in the past two days.

Putting his feet into the footbath, he sighed comfortably, and said, "I don't know how Fujin is doing now? Hey, without Master by my side, I really don't feel at ease..."

He Yuzhu bowed his head, slandering in his heart.

Fujin's favor in her natal family is obvious to all. When this little aunt goes home, she is the little ancestor of the whole family, and I'm afraid she won't be able to remember her grandfather.

But he nodded on his face and said: "Yes, Fujin can't live without Ye, and he must be missing Ye now..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Tomorrow, remember to remind Master to buy some Qian's sesame seed cakes. Fujin likes to eat their chess piece sesame seed cakes, and it happens to be eaten with eggs in the morning."

He Yuzhu said: "I have made a note of it, when the time comes, add a few more fruits, and Fujin can still eat with fruits."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "That won't work, the fruit outside is very oily, Fujin's taste is light now, I can't bear the greasy taste, it makes me sick to smell it."

The master and servant ground their teeth without saying a word, and He Yuzhu pressed his toes for him.

Seeing that the water is getting warmer.

Brother Jiu said: "Okay, I'll pick a few young eunuchs from the House of Internal Affairs later, and find someone who specializes in pinching feet, Shu Tan..."

Thinking of Fujin, he said: "When the time comes, I will pick a foot-washing girl for Fujin."

He Yuzhu agreed.

According to the current rules of the capital, eunuchs are allowed to be used in the residences of first-rank officials and above, and eunuchs are allowed to use eunuchs above the Duke of the People's Republic of China and above the eighth cent of the clan.

Brother Nine is not knighted, so he can use 40 eunuchs on the same level as the prince according to the prince's rule; he can also use 20 eunuchs according to the current regulations of the prince's mansion and Baylor's rule.

Either way, there's a big gap.

This time there are seven eunuchs who followed Brother Jiu out of the palace, and there are more eunuchs who can be recruited from the respect room.

Ninth elder brother beat Xiaochang in the palace, besides the mother and mother, there were eunuchs, so it was easier to use eunuchs.

It's just that the smooth relocation is a big deal right now, and the manpower will be added later.

The sound of drums came from the Bell and Drum Tower, and it was even more exciting.

He Yuzhu went out with the footwashing water, and then came in with his luggage, and said, "The slave is still on duty for the master tonight..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, pointed to the next room and said: "Lie down on the kang in the outer room, don't lie on the ground, snoring is making noise."

He Yuzhu laid out the bed beside the kang in the outer room. Hearing this, he felt disbelief, and said, "I will coax the slaves, and the slaves don't snore."

Brother Nine said: "Why don't you fight? Mommy heard..."

He Yuzhu: "..."

That was when brother Jiu was assigned to elder brother's office, and there were a few more little eunuchs around him, all of whom were in their teens.

Brother Nine loves to play with the older children the most, and is very close to them, especially He Yuzhu, who is smart and lovable.

He also kept He Yuzhu on duty at night, but he was persuaded by Nanny Liu the next day, with the excuse that He Yuzhu was snoring.

Brother Nine felt a little frustrated when he remembered what happened when he was a child. From then on, Nanny Liu began to lie to him.

The house was silent.

Until the sound of the second watch drum, Brother Jiu still hadn't fallen asleep.

There was a faint noise in the yard.

Brother Jiu rolled over and sat up, feeling irritable, and said, "Go and see what's going on! It's midnight, why are you making such a fuss!"

He Yuzhu responded, got up and went out.

After a while, He Yuzhu came in with a frown and said, "It was Wang Gege who wanted to come, but was stopped by Miss Xiaochun and Miss Xiaotang..."

Brother Jiu's face turned black, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I thought I was being honest, so I was waiting here!"

He still remembered clearly that this Wang Gege had no good intentions. He had directly bribed Nanny Liu before, and was the mother of the eldest son of the second school chosen by Nanny Liu.

Regardless of whether she knew about Liu mama's drug administration, she was an accomplice.

"Fu Jin is tolerant, pampering her, but I don't pamper her..."

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "It's just right, new and old accounts will be settled together..."

As he said that, he looked at He Yuzhu and said, "Tell Xiao Chun that the three masters and servants will be removed from the roster of going out of the palace. Mrs. Wang will be sent to the Department of Punishment tomorrow morning, and the two palace servants will be returned to the House of Internal Affairs..."


He Yuzhu responded, and went down to talk to Xiaochun about it.

After hearing this, Xiao Chun said, "Tell Master Nine that I will definitely handle it properly."

Mrs. Wang was at the side, twisted by the two rough eunuchs. Hearing this, her body became weak, and she said in a trembling voice: "Eunuch He, I am not trying to flatter and compete for favor, but I just want to ask Lord Jiu, can I go home?" ..."

Xiaotang rolled her eyes, took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, and covered her mouth.

I thought I could make a new pattern.

Wang Gege struggled, Xiaotang said to the two eunuchs: "Tie it up, put it in the firewood room!"

Since Fujin was born pregnant, the people around them just waited for the rabbits, waiting for the two Ge Ge in the backyard to jump around.

I can bear it.

Just jumped out now.

It is estimated that it was the Anniversary of the year, and the two princesses forgot that they were both guilty.

Wanting to clean up is just a matter of saying...

When He Yuzhu came back and conveyed Xiaochun's words and Xiaotang's handling method, Brother Jiu felt at ease.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Look, Master Fujin, even if he is not at home, he still arranges for the gatekeeper to guard him!"

He Yuzhu echoed: "That's right, among so many princes in Fujin, Master Fujin is the best. I really have nothing to say about my master..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said: "Clumsy and clumsy, can't speak, Master treats Fujin poorly, shouldn't you continue to say that among so many princes, Master loves Fujin the most..."

He Yuzhu patted his mouth lightly, and said: "This slave's mouth, when you talk again, you must keep talking..."


Zhaojia Gege lived opposite to Wang Gege, so she naturally knew about her going out.

When there was a commotion in the front yard, she also sent the girl out to check, and knew that Wang Gege had been stopped.

no one came back...

What's going on here?
Thank you, the leader's father, and thank you for your monthly pass!

The next update will be at 1:14 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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