Chapter 731 Ruyi
Uncle's mansion, Mrs. Uncle's bedroom.

Shu Shu woke up naturally, turned over and sat up, and stretched comfortably.

Seeing the person sitting on the small stool beside the kang, she asked unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

Here comes the walnuts.

Walnut got up and said: "Sister Xiaochun has arrived at the prince's mansion, don't worry about Fujin, and send servants to serve here."

Shu Shu reproached, "Really, this is home, not nearby, and Xiao Song and Peanut are still here..."

After a brief grooming, Walnut took Prince Fujin's suit, and stretched out her arms to put it on comfortably.

Wearing it like this is because there is a dragon on it.

Taking advantage of the royal spirit, it means "a hundred evils do not invade".

Walnut fastened her purse again, which contained amulets and birth-safety charms.

Shu Shu said, "Where's Ah Mou?"

Walnut said: "The county lord and his wife are talking in the Xici room, Master Jiu is here."

Shu Shu glanced at the clock and said, "So early?"

Walnut said: "I think I want to have breakfast with Fujin, and I brought the chess pieces and biscuits..."

Shu Shu listened, feeling a little hungry.

Chess pieces pancakes are delicious with poached eggs, and beef with sauce is even more delicious!
It is the kind of beef tendon, soaked in blood, and then sauced, there is no smell at all, it is meaty, and it is particularly chewy.

Everyone was waiting for her to have breakfast. After she finished packing, she went to Xici Room.

Seeing her, brother Jiu got up quickly and helped her to the side of the kang, let her sit down, and asked with concern: "Have you rested yet? Are you tired?"

Shu Shu blinked her eyes, and yawned appropriately, saying: "I'm still a little sleepy, I slept late last night..."

Mrs. Uncle urged her several times, but she got excited, and told Mrs. Uncle about the Prince's Mansion, the disappearing summer garden in Haidian, and the planned hot spring village in Xiaotangshan.

It's about to be four o'clock, and Mrs. Uncle will be annoyed, and she won't talk to her anymore, so she will be honest.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, but his eyes were dripping water, and said: "I didn't sleep well yesterday..."

Jue Luo Shi and Mrs. Uncle were beside, the two sisters-in-law looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

Young couples, it's good to be sticky like this.

Especially now that Shu Shu is pregnant, when she is the most delicate and picky, if brother Jiu really wronged her, she will not know how to make a fuss later.

When the dinner table was set, besides the chess piece biscuits brought by Brother Jiu, there were also pancakes and steamed buns.


Shu Shu thought she was wrong, what was that plate?
The beef tendon meat with a refreshing sauce color is still hot!
Shu Shu looked at Jue Luo Shi and said, "The one brought by Er Nie..."

Jue Luoshi snorted and said, "You, A Mou, asked someone to prepare it. I was afraid that you would not be full after eating too much vegetarian food all day long, and also that you would smell the meat and feel uncomfortable, so I asked someone to sauce the beef tendon..."

Shu Shu happily said: "Just now I heard that Walnut mentioned that our master brought chess pieces of biscuits, so I thought, it would be even more beautiful if there is beef in it. Today is a good day, and my wishes come true!"

As she spoke, she urged everyone to move their chopsticks.

After everyone moved their chopsticks, she couldn't wait to pick up a piece of beef and put it in her mouth.

There is no spice flavor of ordinary sauced beef, only a relatively simple sauce, but because the beef is tender, it is still delicious.

Comfortable and satisfied.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The bad eloquence starts, and you can't stop eating meat forever.

It’s good if you can eat it like this. You can also try other meat in sauce to suppress the smell of meat.

After a bite of beef was finished, there was an extra sesame seed cake in Shu Shu's bowl.

It was handed over by brother Jiu. The middle has been cut open and several slices of beef have been stuffed.

Shu Shu smiled at Brother Jiu, and directly grabbed the biscuits and ate them.

This is the taste.

The biscuits are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a rich sesame sauce fragrance. The bottom itself has a slight salty taste. It is just right to mix with sauced beef, and there is no need to eat side dishes.

By the time she finished eating one sesame seed cake with meat, the second one was already waiting.

So she ate four of them in one go.

When it came to the fifth one, brother Jiu didn't dare to pinch her, he hesitated.

Seeing this, Shu Shu said, "That's enough..."

She wiped her hands and started to drink millet porridge.

But when she watched others eating sesame seed cakes with meat, she couldn't move her eyes.

Brother Jiu couldn't bear it when he saw this, and said: "Then eat another one, and you will have to toss for a whole morning!"

Shu Shu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Well, then I'll take Amu around the garden and take a few more steps."

Although there are only a few clumps of bamboo and two trees, there are nothing beside them.

After breakfast, it will be the beginning of the day.

Zhou Song was sent by Xiaochun to pass on the news that the main room has been laid out and started to be cleaned, and it can be finished before it is upright.

Shu Shu pulled Jue Luoshi's arm, and said in a low voice, "Enebiesan, I will be a month old later, so you can take Xiaoqi there with you."

Jue Luo gave her a sideways look, and said, "I've been bothering me for more than ten years, enough is enough, so I don't bother to come closer."

Shu Shu sighed, took out a plum candy from her purse, stuffed it into Jue Luoshi's mouth, and said, "It means that my daughter can bear it, and you will be embarrassed. When my sister-in-law comes in, you should learn to praise others!"

Jue Luo snorted softly, "Qing Ru is acting well, why should I pick her?"

Shu Shu stopped talking.

At the age of Er Nie and A Mou, when they are both sensitive, they coax them by themselves.

It's as clear as this year's fourteenth and next year's fifteenth.

According to the current custom of marrying late for clan girls, it will take Kangxi 40 years at the earliest to discuss the date of marriage.

That's fine, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to marry at the age of 15 and be the eldest sister-in-law or daughter-in-law.

When he was about to arrive at Sizheng, the carriage was already waiting outside.

Besides Mrs. Bo, Qi Xi, his wife and Zhu Liang also accompanied him.

In order to prevent bumps, the carriage moved very slowly.

A total of six or seven miles, the carriage traveled for three quarters of an hour.

When we arrived at the prince's mansion, there was still a quarter of an hour at the beginning of noon.

Sifujin and Shifujin got the news and came over.

Fourth elder brother and tenth elder brother are also nearby.

When Brother Jiu helped Shu Shu out of the car, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law both laughed.

On Shu Shu's neck, there was a shining seven treasure gold collar, and he held a half-foot golden ruyi in his hand, and a golden sachet was also hung on his waist.

It's really a posture of spending a lot of money to ward off evil spirits.

From the entrance of the Prince's Mansion, a red carpet has already been laid out.

Because Shu Shu came to the new house according to the time, and he didn't have time to greet his sister-in-law, so he nodded and followed Brother Jiu into the house.

At the gate of the Prince's Mansion, Fu Song and Cui Nanshan led the crowd, separated from left to right, and welcomed Shu Shu into the mansion.

Shu Shu's eyes fell on Zhaojia Gege, the head of the female family.

Zhaojia Gege stood in front of Nanny Qi and Xiaochun, which is also the rule.

It's just that Zhaojia Gege was alone, Shu Shu was a little surprised, and took a second look, but now is not the time to ask.

When the couple passed by, Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luoshi invited Sifujin and Shifujin to accompany them.

Fourth elder brother and tenth elder brother talked to Qi Xi.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth is usually impatient, but today he is holding back a bit. Just now he was worried that he would miss the auspicious time..."

Qi Xi expressed his gratitude, and said: "Jiu Ye is a careful person and sympathetic to Fujin. Just now, he ordered the carriage three times on the way to slow down..."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said: "I think that's the reason, nothing else, last night I was talking about having breakfast with Sister-in-law Nine this morning."

The fourth elder brother was by the side, but he felt that the ninth elder brother was too mother-in-law.

But looking at the mansion in front of him, he suddenly became angry, and the move went smoothly, and the fourth elder brother also heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, there was movement not far away.

You must know that the guards and guards who accompanied the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are still there this morning.

Seeing someone approaching the entrance of the Prince's Mansion, someone immediately stopped him and said, "Who is it?"

The one who came was a girl in plain white clothes. She was in her teens and well-dressed.

In addition, all the people living in this area are noble families, so the guard said politely: "The nobleman is here, girl, please stay away..."

The girl looked over, and her eyes fell on the two yellow belts at the entrance of the Prince's Mansion.

She hurriedly said, "I'm from Niu Hulu's family. I have something to see Lord Shi..."

At this moment, the fourth elder brother, the tenth elder brother and others also noticed the movement not far away and looked over.

Seeing that the man was completely white, the fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Qi Xi was also shocked.

After hearing the girl's self-report, the guard didn't dare to stop her, and didn't dare to let her go, so she motioned for her colleagues to report.

Another guard trotted up to Brother Shi and said, "Master Shi, he said he is from Niu Hulu's family, come to see Master Shi!"

Elder Brother Ten said without changing his face: "No, I'm kicked out!"

The fourth elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother and said, "That princess from Yin De's family?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "This makeup, it should be!"

Although he has been to Yin De's house, he mostly talked to Yin De outside, and never met this cousin face to face.

The two are similar in age, so this is a relationship that should be avoided.

The ones living in Front and Back Streets, and the Shang ones are the grandsons of the Tong family, and the fourth elder brother planned to go there himself.

After asking someone to inquire about it and figure out the cause and effect, he put out the idea.

Seeing Brother Ten's handling, he didn't say a word either.

With tears in his eyes, Da Gege was still thinking about how to ask for help, but he didn't expect that the result would be to disperse.

Her face was flushed, her neck was straight, and she refused to move.

There is a difference between men and women, and the guards can only stop them, but dare not do anything.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother gave some instructions to Su Peisheng who was behind him.

Su Peisheng went into the prince's mansion, and called the first few rough envoys and nuns to come out.

These are all the people from the Four Baylor Mansion today.

Su Peisheng brought a few rough envoys and nurses and said, "Prince Niu Hulu, please, on a day like today, this is not the place where you can make noise!"

When Niu Hulu saw that those rough envoys and nurses looked like they were going to do something with a single order, how scrupulous they were, turned around and left.

The fourth elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother and said: "You will send someone to tell Yin De to manage the family well..."

The girl who was all Jiji went directly to the prince, what was she trying to do?
Now I'm still a bereaved family, so I'm not afraid of offending the nobleman...

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Well, I'll let someone go for a while..."

This big Ge Ge is a calculating person, she can't be allowed to rush around outside...

(End of this chapter)

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