Chapter 732 County Lord
At this moment, Shu Shu followed Brother Nine and passed through several doors all the way to the main courtyard.

The upper room is the same as what my elder brother said, it is five rooms wide.

It's just that Miankuo Wujian is different from Miankuo Wujian.

The five rooms my elder brother lived in were about seven feet long, but the five rooms here are nine feet two feet long.

The depth is not one room by one foot and five feet, but two rooms by three feet.

In terms of area, the current total area is more than two and a half times that of elder brother's place.

Therefore, even though the furniture is fully furnished, it looks much more spacious than when Elder Brother lived.

Shu Shu smiled when he entered the room.

There is only Nankang here, not Beikang.

There is a screen on the north side.

Behind the screen, there is a wardrobe and two drawers, which are filled with seasonal clothes and clothing.

This is a small changing room.

The Xici room is also the South Kang, on which there are small tables and brocade mats, which are used by Shu Shu to entertain close guests on weekdays.

There is also a screen on the ground as a partition, and on the back is a round table and four chairs.

The west room is still a study, and it still has the same layout as the northern and southern kangs, so that if it is inconvenient, the husband and wife will separate the room.

Between the bookshelf and the Beikang, hung a long picture scroll three feet wide and two feet high, which was a picture of Mount Tai watching the sun.

This is actually a secret door leading to the side room next to it.

This west ear room is made in the style of a warm pavilion, with a flue connected to the outside, in addition to the heated kang, there is also a fire wall, and it is warm now.

The windows in the side rooms are also bright, using bright tiles instead of wallpaper.

Brother Nine said to Jue Luo and Mrs. Bo: "During the day, Fujin reads and takes a nap here. It's also warm and doesn't tire your eyes..."

As for the East Room and the East Side Room, they are the bedroom and clean room for two people, so no one is allowed to enter.

Everyone sat in the Xici room.

Shu Shu put down Ruyi, and refused to wear the collar.

Little two catties, the neck is sore from the pressure.

Seeing the elders of Dong E's family here, Si Fujin said to Brother Jiu: "You talk to your wife first, I'll go back first, the food is prepared over there, and someone will bring it over later, no need to call outside."

Brother Nine said: "Please trouble the fourth sister-in-law, then the younger brother will not be polite to you. I will treat you in two days, and I will personally treat you a few cups..."

Shi Fujin also said: "Then I'll go back too, our side is still in chaos, and we need people to watch."

Shu Shu stood up and thanked the two of you.

Si Fujin took her hand and said: "Why are you polite? The days to come will be long, and people from other prince's residences will also come. I know that you are busy today, and you didn't come to make trouble. It's just that the steward brought the people who did the work." come over……"

In fact, the fifth elder brother also came in the morning, and left after seeing that it was almost packed.

Shu Shu said gratefully: "It's only half a day's work. Without the help of my brothers and sisters-in-law, I wouldn't have put them in such a neat place."

Si Fujin said: "What's the matter, I just rushed here, it's good that there is no delay."

The two left hand in hand, and Xiaochun sent it out.

Shu Shu said to Brother Nine: "I have Er Nie and A Mou to accompany me, master go ahead, and the stewards of each family should also reward them well."

Brother Jiu glanced at Mrs. Uncle and said, "Don't worry, let's accompany the county master to Ning'an Hall..."

With this title, Shu Shu glanced at him.

Before, he thought it was too far away from his cousin, so he used to call her madam directly, and sometimes called aunt after Shu Shu, if I remember correctly, he was still aunt at dinner last night, why did he change his name now?

It's just that Brother Jiu sent someone to Ning'an Hall...

Shu Shu thought about it for a while, and here in the Prince's Mansion, Brother Jiu is the head of the family.

It's still different for him and himself to accompany Amu to Ning'an Hall.

She nodded and said: "Let's go, I ate too much in the morning, and I was a little tired from the car just now, so I just went around."

Going out of the east corner gate of the main courtyard is a corridor.

To the east of the corridor is Ning'an Hall.

Although the yard is small, it has everything you need.

There are more than 20 rooms in total, with separate kitchen and small warehouse.

When they saw the plaque hanging in the main room, both Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle were stunned.

Jue Luoshi had a smile in his eyes.

Mrs. Uncle's eyes were moist.

Brother Jiu said to Mrs. Uncle: "Auntie, Fujin is pregnant, we both have no idea, so we are hanging on, I want you to spend more time with Fujin..."

Mrs. Uncle is open-minded, seeing Shu Shu's face full of anticipation, Brother Jiu is also full of sincerity, the "County Lord" came out, nodded and said: "Then I will stay longer, or I will think about it when I am not at home. "

It can be regarded as a promise to accompany the childbirth.

This time without Shu Shu's urging, Brother Jiu made a complaint and went forward.

Shu Shu pulled Jue Luoshi with one hand, and the uncle with the other, and said, "This is the yard I designed..."

The general situation is similar to the two-entry courtyard outside, that is, there is one more "uninvited guest" in the main room of the courtyard.

It's a black and white cat.

Hazel hugged and waited beside her.

Jue Luo's eyes were erect, and he glared at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu put down Jue Luo's hand, walked up to Mrs. Uncle and said, "I've wanted to raise a cat for a long time, but the palace was worried that it would be inconvenient. Ah Mou is here, just in time to bring me a bunch of small flowers, and Ruyi also has many friends... ..."

Now she is only two months old, and there are still seven months before giving birth, so she can't let Ah Mou sit idle all day long.

Although Ah Mou raised a puppy, Ruyi, he taught him to be very well-behaved, quiet and not noisy.

This time, Mrs. Uncle refused to take it with her and stayed at home.

Afraid of Shu Shu's weight, the puppy's noise startled her.

Shu Shu ordered Walnut to bring it to the car behind.

With just a little flower, this day can be enriched a lot.

Mrs. Uncle said helplessly: "Okay, find me another job..."

Even if it is a kitten or a puppy, it takes a lot of effort to raise it.

I just raised Ruyi, and this time I added another little thing.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I still want to raise a parrot, I'll look for a brighter one later, it can raise a year..."

Mrs. Uncle laughed, and said: "What kind of parrot can live for so many years, so it can't become a sperm?"

Shu Shu only remembers that the lifespan of a parrot is related to its size. Large parrots have a long lifespan, but I don’t know if there are any now.

Jue Luo said: "Don't be a monster anymore, don't think that once the mansion is established, no one will care about it, just have fun..."

Shu Shu hurriedly begged for mercy: "Just this time, I have been thinking about raising a cat for a long time. Every time I go to the Empress Dowager's palace, I will drool when I see a cat..."

Mrs. Uncle glanced at the kitten and said, "Have they been cleaned up? Have you caught fleas?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The cat and dog room is booked, clean it up early, I am most afraid of fleas!"

The furniture in the room is basically complete, and a set of huanghuali furniture is used.

Shu Shu said: "If it's useful and you're not used to it, Ah Mou can send someone home to pick it up. It's not like staying for a day or two. You have to agree."

Mrs. Uncle shook her head and said, "It's already very good, I'm not that picky."

Jue Luo recalled the little woman above the door just now, and said, "That's Ge Ge in your mansion, why is there only one?"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "It's Gege Zhaojia. There's another Gege Wang who didn't show up. I don't know why. I'll ask Xiaochun later."

When the group returned to the main courtyard, Shu Shu called Xiaochun and asked, "Where is Wang Gege? Is he sick?"

Xiaochun said: "Last night, he made a fuss about seeing Master Jiu, and Master Jiu got annoyed and sent someone to the Department of Punishment."

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle were stunned.

The two looked at Shu Shu, both a little confused.

Could it be that there are some rules in the palace that they haven't heard of, and it's against the law for this concubine to flatter her?

After thinking about it for a while, Shu Shu knew why brother Jiu gave it away for a reason.

She told the two elders about the relationship between Wang Gege and Liu Momo.

Although Nanny Liu had a lot of plans and wanted to let her daughter enter the palace, but she was too young, and she was not the same age as Brother Jiu, so she chose Wang Gege, who was of ordinary background and appearance, to be the mother of the eldest son.

Shu Shu wanted to keep someone to make up for it before, but she didn't ask anyone to deal with it.

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle listened and looked at Shu Shu with disapproval.

Jue Luo said: "You have to pick people to make up the numbers. Who knows what kind of bad ideas come out of those who are so sluggish. If there is any negligence, there is no place to regret it..."

Mrs. Uncle also said: "There is no need to take the false name of being virtuous, but there is such a hidden danger, it should have been dealt with long ago."

Shu Shu listened honestly.

Jue Luo wanted to ask about Zhao Jia's temperament, but he swallowed it again.

It's not wrong for her to discipline the girl, but it's annoying to talk about other things.

It is not appropriate to fall into the eyes of others.

Mrs. Uncle didn't mention Zhao Jia's anymore, she just said: "As long as you live a good life, few elders will be idle to stare at your backyard. If someone wants to enter one day, it will be because of Brother Jiu himself. , when that day really comes, you don't have to stop..."

"Well, I know."

Shushu said.

She is not the temperament of a dodder flower. Now that husband and wife live in harmony, there is a way to live in harmony;

Don't embarrass others, and don't embarrass yourself.

In front of the Prince's Mansion, the ninth elder brother heard that the fourth elder brother said about the coming of Niu Hulu's family, he was immediately annoyed, and said: "What's the matter with Yin De? Chang Shi can't do well, and the parents can't do well either? "

What a hang, it was only half a quarter of an hour before and after, and it was about to collide with Shu Shu!

Although there was no head-on collision, it was unlucky to think about it.

Yin De just got the news and came over to make amends, and said with shame on his face: "It's a slave who is incompetent and can't restrain his family!"

Brother Jiu didn't save face for him, and said: "You are incompetent, you should stay away from Lao Shi in the future, including your precious big Gege, if you dare to speak under the guise of Lao Shi outside in the future, I will call you Someone slapped her big mouth!"

Yin De's face was flushed, and there was no reason to argue.

Because Elder Brother Ten was going to move, he went to the Prince's Mansion early, and forgot to tell the concierge, he didn't expect Da Gege to come out.

Brother Jiu felt something was wrong after finishing speaking. He looked at Yin De with a dark face and said, "Before you were too busy not to show your face, why are you so courteous today? Don't you know how to avoid it?"

Yin Defang just came out of Tenth Prince's Mansion!

Yin Deshang's unusual son is his eldest son.

According to the law of etiquette, the eldest son Shang, the father must obey.

The Eight Banners may not have paid much attention to this in the past, but now the Eight Banners are sinicized, funeral rites are getting more and more important, and more attention is paid to it.

Yin De was embarrassed, unable to speak.

Ninth elder brother fell on his back in anger, and scolded: "Hurry up and get out of here, you're dirtying my land!"

Yin De didn't dare to stay any longer, and backed out with shame on his face...

Nine made a mistake, the lottery egg chapter came out automatically, called "Rabbit Year Lucky Red Envelope", before this chapter, the posting chapter said that you can receive the prize directly, the maximum starting point is 6666 coins, interested book friends can go to participate , ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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