My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 733 Dependents

Chapter 733 Dependents

The fourth elder brother persuaded: "Okay, I don't talk about strange power and confusion."

Today's situation is special, he has held back before, otherwise, he would have reprimanded Brother Jiu long ago.

Their current identities are not suitable for these gods and gods.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "It's really not worth it! I didn't see him when I was busy a few days ago, but now he seems attentive and puts on airs!"

The fourth elder brother said: "It's just a fool, don't worry about it."

Brother Jiu is not magnanimous.

Thinking that Yin De just came out from the prince's mansion of Elder Brother Shi, he felt uncomfortable.

In the future, if there is something wrong with the tenth old man, it may be that he was bumped into.

Thinking of Yin De's first-class bodyguard, he said, "Fourth Brother, now that Khan Ama has pointed out Bose to come over to do a long history for the old ten, and he is also from Niu Hulu's family, so Yin De should come from somewhere more?" Go? Old Ten was thinking of helping him make up Yan Zhu's first-class bodyguard, that would be too cheap for him..."

The fourth elder brother glanced at him, frowned and said: "Since the old ten has arrangements, you should not interfere, even if you are a real brother, you should behave properly!"

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "I and Lao Shi don't need to care about this."

The fourth elder brother said: "Then the old ten directly intervenes in the affairs of Dong E's family, are you willing?"

Brother Nine nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course I do, don't I feel relieved? I'm not an outsider either. My younger brother is willing to discipline my brother-in-law. Isn't that a burden for me?"

Fourth elder brother: "..."

Elder Brother Shi happened to come out of the mansion. Hearing this sentence, he smiled and said, "Okay, in the future, if any of Fusong's younger brothers fail to succeed, Brother Qiancheng will take care of them!"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, then don't worry about it."

The brothers said it was an understatement, like playing a house.

The fourth elder brother disapproved of this kind of big package, but he also envied the friendship between the two of them.

He glanced at Babeile Mansion.

Brother Ba didn't show up today, did he not come back from Tongzhou last night?

Just as he was thinking, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance.

It was the eighth elder brother who came with a few guards on horseback.

"I'm coming back late..."

The eighth elder brother got off his horse and walked towards several people.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning.

Tongzhou is forty miles away from the capital, even if you rested in Tongzhou last night and came back on horseback in the morning, you would have already returned...

It's already the second quarter of the afternoon, when did you get up from Tongzhou?
Brother Jiu said with a smile: "It's just moving house, it's not a big deal, the other brothers didn't bother, you are busy with your work, come back and drink after warming the pot."

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak, but just looked at the carriage at the street.

From far to near, there are also a few riders around the carriage, dressed the same as those on the eighth elder brother's side.

The fourth elder brother was already very depressed.

Opening eyes for grandma is more important than helping brothers move?

How do you talk about the distance?

Seeing the reaction of the tenth elder brother, the eighth elder brother also looked over, and explained to everyone: "It's something at Yunmao's house, so I followed him to Tongzhou."

Ninth elder brother and tenth elder brother of course know who Yun is.

The ninth elder brother resisted not looking at the fourth elder brother, but only looked at the eighth elder brother, and said: "Let me tell you in advance, so as not to cause any discomfort in the future, that Yaqibu does not match up with my younger brother, in the future, there will be people in your house. Don't send him here, or I'm afraid I won't be able to bear my temper..."

Brother Ba didn't expect him to speak so bluntly, with a forced smile, he said, "Well, I've made a note, and I'll send him to Zhuangzi."

Brother Nine was a little surprised when he heard this, and glanced at Brother Eight.

The eighth elder brother smiled bitterly: "A slave, how can he compare with you and my brother?"

If it were two years ago, brother Jiu would definitely believe this; but now, he feels a little fake.

If brothers are really that important, then this person should get out in the first half of the year.

The fourth elder brother was beside him, making him even more disturbed.

He knew the reason why Eighth Prince went to Tongzhou.

A slave who is greedy for ink, lies, and fools his master, he will be dealt with as soon as he is dealt with, so what is brotherly love?
If people who don't know listen to it, they will think that the ninth prince is so domineering, even the eighth prince's nanny can't tolerate it.

The fourth elder brother immediately reprimanded the ninth elder brother: "How do you talk, the personnel affairs of the elder brother's family are up to you to dictate?"

As he said that, he said to the eighth elder brother: "You can use it as you want, it doesn't have to be like this, it will make him look even worse!"

If the eighth elder brother still wants to keep Yaqibu, then he can ask someone to directly sue Yaqibu for "infringement".

Anyway, the evidence is sufficient.

The ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother have a "little secret". After hearing this, they know that there is something inside, and they are very honest: "Then the starling can do whatever he wants, brother, I just owe it!"

The eighth elder brother was very surprised, the fourth elder brother intervened in this matter, and the ninth elder brother was honest and obedient.

He thought about it: "Yaqibu is recovering from his injuries in Tongzhou, so I had to find someone to take over his errand."

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, but his eyes turned cold.

Bystanders are clear.

He saw the reason why the fourth elder brother stopped him halfway, and he also saw the eighth elder brother's intentions.

They lived next to each other, and he was too lazy to deal with Brother Ba's hypocrisy, so he said directly: "Brother Ba, you are not being kind! If you want to change the manager, just do it, why push it to Brother Nine?"

The eighth brother was even more surprised.

It was the first time he saw Elder Brother Ten being so sharp.

He hastily said: "That's the end of the story, it's my fault, it's time for Yaqibu to make amends to the ninth brother..."

Elder Brother Ten said indifferently: "A slave, if it weren't for the power of the starling, would he dare to call the prince around?"

The eighth elder brother said in shame: "It's because I don't manage the family strictly."

Ninth elder brother was listening, rolled his eyes, and whispered to fourth elder brother in a low voice: "Mynah is more like the nephew of Niu Hulu's family..."

Same as Yoon Deok.

Before, I only thought that I was a modest gentleman, who was not in a hurry, did not fight or grab, and was not angry or angry at all times.

Look at it now, it's fake!

Fourth elder brother glared at ninth elder brother.

Brother Jiu didn't dare to say much, so he hurriedly moved his eyes away and found something was wrong.

The carriage at the street crossed from far to near, and stopped in front of the west gate of Babeile Mansion.

A person descended from above, with a curvaceous silhouette, it can be seen that she is a young woman in this dress.

Brother Jiu thought it was funny, and said, "Myna, did you go to Tongzhou with Grandma Yun, or did you go to Tongzhou with Grandma Xiaoyun?"

The fourth elder brother took a look and saw that the woman was already on top, he scolded the ninth elder brother: "That's a female relative, don't be rash!"

He thought it was Fucha side Fujin.

Brother Nine nodded, with a bit of banter, looked at Brother Eight, and said, "Congratulations Brother Eight, lovers will finally get married!"

He recognized that this person was none other than the old girl from the Yun family.

The eighth elder brother blushed and said: "Nurse is not feeling well, she has gone out of the house, and asked me to take care of Haitang..."

The fourth elder brother was by the side, only then did he realize that he had misunderstood, and his face turned black.


After walking out of Tongzhou, instead of disposing of this family, they even took the Yun family's daughter as a concubine!

Brother Nine laughed, but it was disgusting.

He has decided that in the future, not only the stewards of the Babeile Mansion will pick and release people, but also the female family members.

This Begonia girl, obviously the daughter of a servant, is indeed acting like a master, pretentious, and even named the silver building "Qianjinfang"...

When he thought of this, his face drooped, and he said seriously: "Brother, there is no second time about the 'Qianjinfang'! If this Yun family dares to use the power of mynah to provoke me, Fujin, then let's talk directly in front of the imperial court !"

Seeing Brother Nine's serious look, Brother Eight also became serious and said, "Don't worry, I will restrain myself well."

After hearing this, Brother Nine became more and more confused, and said: "Anyway, you know my temper. I don't want to provoke others, but if others approach me, I won't tolerate it..."

Brother Eight nodded and said, "Well, I know..."

Because of this episode, Brother Jiu lost the interest in chatting with his brothers, and said: "Then let's break up, everyone is very busy."

The tenth elder brother responded, and said to the fourth elder brother: "Today, please trouble the fourth elder brother."

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said, "It's nothing."

After they were gone, the fourth elder brother remembered that he hadn't mentioned the eight blessings to the eighth elder brother.

He motioned for Eighth Brother to follow.

The two brothers walked to the middle of the eight beile mansion and the four beile mansion, where there was no one around.

The eighth elder brother was a little apprehensive. My fourth brother has a "cold face and a warm heart", but he will not preach for no reason.

I'm really not doing well today, I should come back earlier.

Fourth elder brother whispered about the matter of Ba Fujin's fainting yesterday, and said: "I didn't call the doctor outside, and your fourth sister-in-law is not talking too much, but you have to control these servants in your house."

Eighth Prince's face turned pale, and he was afraid after giving birth.

I haven't eaten for seven or eight days...

Fortunately, he fainted. If he really starved to death, then he, Baylor, would be the end of it.

The fourth elder brother looked at him and felt pitiful, but he couldn't help but said: "The tutor of Ma Qi's family can't be wrong, and the Fucha family has nothing wrong with it these days. Seeing that life is smooth, you messed up again. Come to the Yun family, do you think the mansion is not lively?"

The eighth elder brother was embarrassed, and said: "It's my younger brother who was soft-hearted for a while, and didn't refuse Mammy's begging."

The fourth elder brother disapproved: "It's not a bad thing to be emotional, but you have to share it with someone."

The eighth elder brother nodded and said: "Well, my younger brother wrote it down, thank you fourth brother for reminding me."

Si elder brother remembered Si Fujin's words.

Bafujin himself is not a fool, the most beautiful person, how can he tolerate himself being eaten into a fat man?
She suspected that Nanny Yun did it.

As for Fujin Fucha, he mentioned it frankly in front of Fujin Si, and did not take over the internal affairs of Babeile Mansion.

Besides the housekeeper's nanny Yun, who else could fatten up the eight blessings in a few months?
Before, the fourth elder brother thought that Si Fujin was thinking too much, what a nanny would do to the mistress.

Si Fujin mentioned the old girl of the Yun family.

Unexpectedly, I can't help but mutter, today is the right time.

The fourth elder brother felt a headache.

He had just reminded the ninth elder brother not to meddle in the tenth elder brother's affairs at will, but he still couldn't help reminding the eighth elder brother: "Guo Luoluo needs someone to take care of him now. Since the Yun family has become your Gege, then the relatives of the Yun family will take care of you." It is inappropriate to take care of the hostess any longer, you need to avoid suspicion..."

Thank you, the leader's father, for your help, and thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and rewards!
The next update will be at 1:15 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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