My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 734 Dian Yi

Chapter 734 Rites

The eighth elder brother felt uncomfortable, nodded and said: "Well, my brother understands, please trouble the fourth brother."

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother also felt bored and got up, saying: "There is nothing else, I have gone to my house."

After that, he waved his hand and went back to the house.

The eighth elder brother looked at the back of the fourth elder brother, but his face showed suspicion.

He glanced at his mansion and felt a headache.

Mrs. Fucha refused to take over the management, and Nanny Yun was dragged back by Yaqibu's affairs.

There must always be someone in charge of general affairs in this mansion.

Originally, he thought that it would be good for Haitang to enter the mansion at this time, and the housekeeper's general affairs would be smooth.

But what did the fourth elder brother mean when he mentioned that sentence?
There are other reasons for Fujin's body?

She only thought about not taking responsibility and asking for help from the Sibeile Mansion, but she didn't want to think about it. If something was really wrong, she would just give someone a blame.

The eighth brother was a little irritable.

Thinking of Yaqibu whose arm was broken by Yunmao, and Yunmai who was pushed down and twisted by Yaqibu, he also felt disgusting.

Even with Haitang, he also felt a little displeased.

If it wasn't for the Yun family's disturbance yesterday, he wouldn't have been stumbling, and today's time was delayed...

Not only the eighth elder brother is irritable, but the fourth elder brother is also irritable.

When he returned to the mansion, he saw Si Fujin's nanny brought someone out with a food box, which was to deliver food to the two princes' mansions.

The servants can be fooled by ordering rice noodles directly from the outside; the masters' food is not easy to fool, so Si Fujin asks someone to prepare it in advance.

The fourth elder brother called people to stop and asked a few words. Seeing that he was well-dressed, his mood felt better, so he went directly to the main courtyard.

Sifujin was sitting on the couch, and the girl was rubbing her shoulders.

The fourth elder brother saw it and said: "Fu Jin has worked hard..."

Si Fujin waved his hand, sent the girl off, and said: "It's nothing, I just walked outside twice in the morning, and I guess I caught a cold on my neck."

So it was a little hard, so I let the girl pinch it.

The fourth elder brother said: "The two governments are not fully manned, and there will be chaos for a few more days."

Si Fujin nodded and said: "Well, it will take some time to sort it out, and it was only half a month before we sorted it out."

The fourth elder brother couldn't help it, and talked about the eighth elder brother and the Yun family.

Si Fujin frowned and said: "This family is not very appropriate."

She was worried that Fujin would be straightforward and not a match for the family.

The nanny is different from the nanny, the fourth elder brother also has a nanny, a very honest and responsible person.

Sister Yun's family controls the inside and outside of Babeile's mansion, which is already different from ordinary servants.

The fourth elder brother thought more.

You must know that the eighth elder brother and his wife were also famous for their affection last year, and they looked similar to the ninth elder brother and his wife.

But in a year's time, the couple broke up, and this situation is also eye-catching.

If there is a villain instigating it, it will make sense.

He sighed and said: "Lao Ba is so confused, he was fooled by the couple and treated him like someone close to him!"

Sifujin didn't answer.

She has learned a lesson and knows that she cannot speak ill of his brother in front of this master.

She changed the subject and said, "Today not only people from Zhijun Prince's Mansion, Wubeile Mansion, and Seven Beile Mansion came, but also a lot of people from Sanbeile Mansion. They are in charge of the mansion."

The fourth elder brother nodded, his face relaxed, and said: "I see, it's the third brother's Haha bead."

This is brother.

It is usually chirping chirping, but it is not vague when encountering things.

Although he didn't ask how much the third elder brother sent when the ninth elder brother borrowed money before, it was a decent number when he thought about it.

Otherwise, with that personality, he would have avoided Brother Nine long ago.

"This is brothers, connected by blood, different from your sisters-in-law..."

Si elder brother couldn't bear it anymore and said something to Si Fujin.

Sifujin felt that this was not pleasant.

What happened to sister-in-law?
They are like sisters when they get along well, but they also have a sense of face when they get along badly.

Brothers, have they been chirping less these years?
Why did Brother Nine and Brother Ten move out in a hurry...

The one from Yuqing Palace is also a brother...

Prince's Mansion, lunch time.

It is directly divided into seats.

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle accompany Shu Shu to have dinner.

Si Fujin has a considerate temperament, so it should be because Xiao Chun is now comfortable and taboo after asking.

On this table, there is no big meat, but it is also fine.

Rock sugar bird's nest, millet sea cucumber, white-cut beef, and five-spice smoked chicken are all light-tasting dishes, and there are a few side dishes.

Shu Shu hadn't digested what she ate in the morning, after eating a bowl of bird's nest, she put down a few mouthfuls of side dishes.

There is another seat in the front yard, where elder brother Jiu and Fu Song accompany Qi Xi.

As for the servants in charge of sweeping and sweeping from various mansions, they directly called the people outside to come in.

Looking at the manpower in the Prince's Mansion, Qi Xi couldn't help but worry, and said to Brother Jiu: "Should the number of people who are coated be divided?"

The people who work here and abroad today are all sent by other palaces and Baylor's mansions, so it's not easy to keep them around all the time.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "I guess it will only be two days, tomorrow my son-in-law will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ask..."

Qi Xi said: "If the inner courtyard is not enough, and Master Jiu speaks, I will pick the honest ones from Zhuangzi."

That's to serve his precious girl, good morning.

Brother Jiu thought about the current manpower, and said: "I don't need it for the time being, everyone around Fujin is there, so it's all right, just add more staff later."

As for the population of his father-in-law's family, he thinks it's better to restrain himself, otherwise he will use it smoothly, and others will find fault with Fujin later.

It's okay for others, if Khan Ama thinks that way, it's not good.

Except for the inner courtyard and the dining room, other places are not important, so the coating is just coating.

Although it has only been half a day since we moved out, Brother Jiu feels that he has thought everything through.

Perhaps it was also because he was far away from Qianqing Palace, and he was worried that someone would slander Yu Qianjin, so he wanted to be more considerate.

Qi Xi saw that he knew what was in his mind, so he didn't tell the internal affairs, but reminded: "My elder brother doesn't enter the court, and he doesn't take shifts in front of the imperial court, so he should also go to the imperial court for three or five days. This kind of province is the filial piety of a son of man."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Father-in-law don't worry, son-in-law will save it."

Can this shameless prince be the same as the shameless prince?

My own situation in the past two years is a real experience, which actually took a lot of advantages.

The timing was just right, I took over the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and just in time for my brothers to move out of the palace, I became the prince elder brother who showed his face the most in front of the imperial court.

But this time Khan Ama is also open about things, all inclusive...

Thinking of this, he told Fu Song about it, and said, "So it's not easy to delay the roster of servants in this mansion for too long. I will go to urge the coated people tomorrow..."

When the coating population arrives, just pick someone from it to fill in the errands.

Water, needlework, sweeping...

All classes are fully staffed, so you don't have to worry.

Fu Song stood up and answered.

When the three of them were almost used, Cui Baisui came in and said: "Master, Master Ma Qi is here, and he brought several people with him."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu didn't hold back, and hurriedly got up to greet him.

This person is not only an important official of the court, a celebrity in front of the imperial court, but also his own teacher.

Qi Xi and Fu Song also followed.

There are three people behind Ma Qi, one is an old acquaintance, Gao Yanzhong, one of the other two has seen and met each other, it seems to be a doctor at the collar of the internal management; the remaining one, in his 30s, is unfamiliar to him , not the old man of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Teacher, why did I alert you to come over..."

Brother Jiu bowed his hands in salute and greeted Ma Qi to enter the mansion.

Ma Qi turned sideways, cupped his hands in the direction of the Forbidden City, and said, "Master Jiu, I came here following the emperor's orders..."

Brother Jiu stood upright and said, "I don't know what orders Khan Ama has?"

Ma Qi pointed to the unfamiliar one and said: "This is Zhang Tingzan, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and Zhang Xueshi, the ceremony chosen by the emperor for Lord Jiu..."

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Is it a ceremonial ceremony, should a Hanlin bachelor serve as it?

Is it too good to be useful?

Also, if he remembers correctly, the Hanlin bachelor is from the fourth rank, but the Dianyi in his mansion is from the fifth rank, one person, and the sixth rank, two people.

Brother Jiu said to Ma Qi: "Teacher, Khan Ama is kind, I am grateful, but this is an overkill, right? It's not good to delay Xueshi Zhang's future..."

I just want more managers, not more teachers.

There was a smile in Ma Qi's eyes, and he said: "Jiuye is at ease, the emperor is sympathetic, and has no intention of demoting Zhang Xueshi, it is a supplement..."

Nine princes feel more at ease now.

He didn't want to offend people for no reason. These Hanlin were all born in imperial examinations, so they were high-spirited.

Ma Qi pointed to Gao Yanzhong again, and said: "There is also Gao Langzhong, who knows that there is a lack of ceremonies in Jiuye's residence, so he asked himself to be a ceremonial instrument, and the emperor agreed."

Brother Jiu was even more shocked. He looked at Gao Yanzhong puzzled, and said, "Old Gao, why are you tossing so hard? If you had this idea before, just tell me no..."

Gao Yanzhong bowed and said: "The slave originally thought that Master Jiu had a suitable man here, so he didn't dare to think too much about it. He knew there was a vacancy, so he wanted to come here..."

The point is, don't worry if you don't watch by your side.

The land in Xiaotangshan was bought more and more, and as far as he knew, it reached [-] mu.

If he didn't keep an eye on it, he was afraid that if he made a mistake, he would not be able to pay for it even if he had no family membership.

As for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, unless there is a vacancy, there is still room to fumble, otherwise, his rank and status will almost come to an end.

There is little room for advancement.

As for the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sometimes he would choose from among the experienced doctors, but how many years would he have to wait for seniority?
If he surrenders, he will surrender, and he will go back and finish the errands in Xiaotangshan, or he will have restless sleep at night, and he will lose a lot of hair.

Brother Nine sincerely welcomes her.

He looked at the remaining person again. Could it be the ceremony chosen by Khan Ama?
But is it not good to choose from the rank officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

My prince's mansion is not a place where the officials can make money.

Ma Qi had already talked about another person and said: "The emperor asked his ministers to choose the population of the two masters. This is Shi Langzhong from the collar of the internal management, and he sent the population booklet to the ninth master."

Brother Jiu said: "There is a shortage of people, please trouble the teacher."

As he spoke, he motioned for Fusong to take the population booklet.

Ma Qi clasped his hands and said: "I still have to go to Master Shi, and talk to Elder Brother when I turn around."

Brother Jiu said politely: "Thank you for being tired, I will come to thank Teacher later..."

He still remembers to reciprocate, pick one of Ma Qi's sons, make up a guard, and give him a future, which is considered a return.

When Ma Qi left with Shi Langzhong, Brother Jiu looked at the two newly released rituals and didn't know what to say.

That's all for Gao Yanzhong, he is also an acquaintance, he will help himself for a few years later, fill in his vacancy by himself, and pass the fifth rank.

This Zhang Xueshi, could not have offended Khan Ama, was sent this errand, right?

Although it is supplementary, but I am short of people here, and the prince's mansion will definitely be the main one in the past two years.

Can you calm down?
Brother Jiu looked at Zhang Tingzan.

Zhang Tingzan looked at him in his early forties, with peaceful brows and eyes.

But at this age, in the prime of life, and then promoted to Xiao Jiuqing, it is the time when the future is right.

When Qi Xi saw this, he knew that Brother Jiu didn't know Zhang Tingzan's identity, and said: "This is the eldest son of Mr. Zhang, the Minister of Rites. The previous few times when the holy cavalry went to war, he appointed a follower..."

Zhang Ying's entry into the cabinet is imminent, and father and son must not hold high positions at the same time.

The eldest son's official career will be delayed for a few years.

Although Brother Nine did not enter the court, he also knows that Han officials avoid more taboos, unlike the Eight Banners officials, father and son brothers do not have any major taboos...

Rolling around asking for a monthly pass, it dropped to 11. If you still have a monthly pass that you haven’t voted for, please help to vote. If you don’t have a monthly pass, book it at the end of next month!

(End of this chapter)

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