Chapter 735 Choice

Shu Shu started to feel sleepy after eating.

She stayed in the west ear room for a while, then came out, feeling bored.

Jue Luoshi touched her palm, it was hotter than usual.

She said: "It's with me. When I was pregnant with you guys, I was too dry. I couldn't wear thick clothes, and I didn't need to cover them. It saves me from sweating, and it's easier to catch cold when I go out."

Raising children here in the capital is also used to "covering in spring and freezing in autumn".

I am afraid that the weather will change sooner or later, and I will catch a cold easily.

Jue Luoshi gave a few words of advice, and said, "At this time, you can't be too careful, let your nanny come in as an errand..."

The girl next to Shu Shu is loyal because she is loyal, and she also has abilities. After all, she is young, so I am afraid that she may not be careful.

The relationship between Shu Shu and the wet nurse is just ordinary. After thinking about it, she said, "Why don't you let Gingko come in, it's the same."

Ginkgo is her concubine wife and her eldest maid when she was a child. She married her nanny and is now called "Sister-in-law Lin" by everyone. She is the eldest daughter-in-law of Nanny Lin.

"With an identity like Master Jiu, I'm also a husband and wife, and you belong to me, so you can't bend down outside..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and signaled Xiaochun to bring Madam Xing in first.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The main reason is that Master Jiu has a noble status, and there are many people outside. I'm afraid that someone with malicious intentions will come up to him. If the fence is not tight enough, Master Jiu will not like it if there are disputes later."

Therefore, even if Nanny Lin is her wet nurse, she would rather lift up Nanny Xing who has outstanding ability.

When Nanny Xing came in, she still looked neat and her hair was smooth and sleek.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

As for the responsibility, those who have taken the monthly payment are not any qualifications that can be relied on.

Shu Shu said: "It's good to write down the rules. From now on, most of the people in this mansion will be enlisted and enlisted. The only ones I can rely on are you old people..."

Even if it is to make money, you have to straighten your back to make money.

This is also a clear responsibility.

Clan guards, Xiaoqi School, Zuo Ling, Guan Ling, etc.

She is in charge of a lot of things, and it is a business she likes, and she is also very busy.

Ever since they transferred Nanny Xing's family back to Beijing, they have not been idle.

But in front of Xiao Yu, she changed her rhetoric and said: "If there are people who are not open-eyed, don't bear it, my people will not be angry."

But Xiao Yu could understand clearly that if she really wanted to marry a bureaucrat in the mansion, then she would marry a high-ranking official, and there would be more rules.

Shu Shu said: "I am also in need of envoys around me. The mammy is here, so I can save my energy. From now on in the mansion, the mammy doesn't have to worry about miscellaneous things. She just teaches the little girls how to behave, or goes to Ning'an Hall to accompany Ah Mou. That's fine, if you have an errand to go out, please trouble Mammy."

She didn't say anything else.

As for the few people waiting outside to say hello...

It was Nanny Lin who used to squeeze out Nanny Qi because of her status as a wet nurse.

In addition, Nanny Lin gave birth one after another, and Shu Shu didn't come back until she was very old. Naturally, in her heart, she couldn't compare with Nanny Qi who was always by her side.

Now working in the Prince's Mansion, Nanny Xing is also like a duck to water, with ease.

After Shu Shu arrived at the door, she was dissuaded and could only go back to Dongci Room.

When Xiao Yu came in, Shu Shu realized something was different, and waved her hand to beckon her to sit closer.

Nanny Xing just sat on a stool, leaned over and said, "It's all the old slave's business."

Pai girl seemed contemptuous, and Pai eunuch was also inappropriate, and she needed a respectable nanny to act on her behalf.

She was dressed as an unmarried girl, with long braids, and a pair of golden bean earrings on her body, without other accessories, but her demeanor was different.

Here in the Prince's Mansion, there are limited vacancies for civil servants, only four positions, but there are many military officers.

Sister-in-law Lin said sternly: "Well, the servants have made a note, if they can't work hard for Fujin and cause trouble, then the servants will have no face to make up for the errands."

It was the same when I saw her in Baiwang Mountain before, she didn't get disheveled because she lived in a remote country, this is also a habit developed over the years, she grew up in the palace, she was Mrs. Uncle's girl, and the rules were engraved in her bones.

Shu Shu exhorted.

Xiao Yu is already dexterous, she is Shu Shu's hair-combing girl, and she is also the one who maintains her beauty every day.

Nanny Xing bowed and said, "This old servant must do his job well."

Xiaochun said frankly: "The slaves will not leave Fujin again, and when they get married, they will also come in to work as servants. With Fujin as their backer, can they still be bullied?"

Xiao Chun came in and said, "Fu Jin, Nanny Lin brought Sister-in-law Lin here, and Xiao Yu and Nanny Xing are waiting outside to greet Fujin."

This is the prince's mansion, and the rules passed down in the same line as in the palace are different from those of Dong E's family.

After a warning, she asked Xiaochun to release the reward, and then she told the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to go down.

But in Shu Shu's eyes, it doesn't matter whether it's a nanny or a wet nurse.

Except for the daughter-in-law taking care of the children, the other five are busy in the house.

Nanny Qi has a suitable status, but she is not articulate; there is also a wet nurse, Nanny Lin, who is also of adequate status, and Shu Shu doesn't intend to be too flattering.

Sister-in-law Lin bowed and said: "The servant will write down these two items, and then he will talk to the servant and man about it."

This is because Xiaoyu endured some grievances.

Although late marriage is popular in the Eight Banners, it is relatively speaking.

Eighteen and nine are not small, and twenty is barely enough, and no matter how big it is, it will be big.

Fu Song saw it in his eyes, and he was also paying attention to the character of this family, and he was very careful and appropriate.

As for Shu Shu's other married girl, Sister-in-law Wu, she also has a pregnancy letter, so she can't work in the house for the time being.

Jue Luo said: "Then use it, Ginkgo's character is also prudent."

Sister-in-law Lin has given birth three times, and she has rich experience in childbirth.

Hazel is young but clever.

Shu Shu also signaled Nanny Lin to sit down, and said: "Mama came just in time, and was about to discuss with Nanny, and now I have separated from Master Jiu, and I am short of manpower, so my nurse brother will come in and give Fusong a call." Let's start, hang out with an outside manager and help me keep an eye on the shop outside; my sister-in-law also came into the house and took care of the sewing room, so I don't have to worry about it."

Perhaps it was a matter of the order of entering the room just now, Nanny Lin lost her previous joy and was a little more careful.

If there are unmarried children, they should be happy to marry her eldest girl.

Shu Shu glanced at Mrs. Lin, and there was a tacit understanding between the master and the servant, and said: "Master Jiu has no other rules, but he is used to being in charge of the House of Internal Affairs. He's not picky either, as the tide goes."

With a smile on her face, Nanny Lin said: "After two years of idleness, I have grown lazy. I am afraid that I will not be able to do the errands, and I am timid."

Xiao Chun couldn't help but touch her face, and said with a smile, "It's as tender as egg whites. This has become a living sign. This face cream, hand cream, etc. are designated to sell well..."

Xiao Yu said with a smile: "Sister, don't be upset, I know that my sister is loyal, Fujin will have a young master next year, and he can't do without someone, even if he wants to point someone out, he will have to go the next year, that's what I thought of, let me tell you in advance..."

It wasn't because she was narrow-minded and disliked Nanny Lin and didn't want to accompany her into the palace last year.

This is because Mrs. Uncle is new here and it is inconvenient.

It's just that although the guests are all female guests, the identity of this unmarried girl is still not very convenient. People always ask about the marriage, and occasionally inquire about it, and they are all yin and yang.

Walnut agreed and accompanied Mrs. Uncle and the others out.

Xiaoyu listened with a smile, glanced at Xiaochun, and said: "Don't worry, Fujin, this servant is stubborn and dare not lose Fujin's face, it's just that this servant and sister Xiaochun are in the same age group, and they will be twenty in the next year. When Sister Xiaochun chooses a son-in-law, she also chooses an honest one for her slaves..."

The one who came in again was mother-in-law and daughter-in-law Lin.

It's scary.

Shu Shu thought of this, and said: "It just so happens that the second half of the year will be free, I will choose someone for you, and we will have a marriage in the second half of next year, but it has been agreed, and you have to see for yourself, whether life is good or bad, when the time comes Don't rely on me."

The Eight Banners family also gave the little master's wet nurse a lot of face.

This is the son of Dong E's family. If he hadn't been optimistic about his character, Jue Luo wouldn't have made Shu Shu a big girl.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Those who wear makeup and powder all day can be counted as raised."

She went out in the first month and was managing Shu Shu's rouge shop.

Just now, in front of Nanny Lin's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Shu Shu repeatedly restrained her, fearing that Nanny Lin would take advantage of her status as a nurse.

Shu Shu touched her hand, and it was smoother than when she was in the palace.

Sister-in-law Lin said: "Don't worry about Fujin, I'll turn around and make inquiries with Xiao Chun and the others, to avoid Master Jiu's taboo, and not to embarrass Fujin..."

Shu Shu admired such a person more, and it can be regarded as making up for Nanny Qi's shortcomings.

Mrs. Uncle said: "You see people, I will go to the east courtyard with you Enie."

Shu Shu nodded, motioned for Walnut to accompany her, and then said, "Hazel stays in Ning'an Hall to run errands."

Shu Shu signaled Xiaochun to reward the purse.

After following Shu Shu into the palace for half a year, he also cultivated a bit of tolerance.

Xiao Chun glared at her, and said, "It's not ashamed to be ashamed, and you mentioned that you want to find a son-in-law?"

Now that Shu Shu has left the palace, she has to move around in human relations.

After hearing this, Nanny Lin's expression was embarrassing, and she was really a bit afraid.

Shu Shu felt a little displeased, so she distanced herself.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's okay, outside it is said that Master Jiu likes to send people to the Criminal Justice Department, it's mostly a rumor, and he only sent it three times..."

She doesn't look like a girl, but rather a little aunt who is the head of the house.

Plus Madam Uncle's affection, she was very polite, asked Xiaochun to move the stool, and asked Mammy Xing to sit down, saying: "The past few months have been messy, Mammy is troublesome."

If it wasn't for her character, Shu Shu wouldn't have let her go out to be a shopkeeper.

Xiaoyu is the granddaughter of Mammy Wu, and she was a errand for Jue Luoshi when she was in her teens. She was originally steady and demure.

Shu Shu looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Your little sister, Chun, is thinking about becoming the imperial wife. At that time, I will choose someone from the guards and guards in the mansion. Apart from asking your son-in-law to be honest, do you have any other ideas?"

Since Shunzhi, the respect for breast protection is mainly due to the importance of wet nurses.

Whether you are a husband and wife, or whether you are happy with your heart, you can't have both.

Under the influence of her grandmother, Xiao Yu felt that relying on a man is worse than relying on herself.

She said: "This servant is a carefree person, and she still wants to be the shopkeeper for Fujin, so Fujin can just be honest..."

The names of Jingba and Mrs. Uncle’s puppies in the second institute were re-named, and the front part was revised, and the puppy in the second institute was changed to "Shunxin".

(End of this chapter)

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