My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 736 The Humble Brother 9

Chapter 736 The Humble Ninth Brother

When Xiao Yu went out, Shu Shu yawned, and lay down in Dongji, taking a nap in the afternoon as usual.

When she woke up, Brother Jiu had already returned, sitting beside the kang table, flipping through the brochures.

"What about Ama and Ernie?"

Shu Shu sat up and asked.

Brother Jiu said: "I went home when I was not upright, my mother-in-law didn't call you, I sent you out."

Shu Shu nodded.

If it was someone else, it would be impolite for her not to come forward to see her off, but Kissing Ama and Kissing Enie would not pick her reason.

In the future, there will be more opportunities to meet in the Prince's Mansion.

Looking at the thick brochures in Brother Jiu's hand, she asked curiously, "What is this?"

Now there are 96 men and women in service.

Brother Nine wants to make decisions for himself.

Both Shu Shu and Brother Nine have the same idea, they don't support idlers.

Unexpectedly, Brother Jiu was in a hurry, got the coated population booklet, and gave out the number of people to be used.

Who would dare to come to the Prince's Mansion to make trouble?
These are paid for by the Ministry of War.

This blacksmith is really wrong.

Shu Shu was embarrassed.

There are eleven rooms in total, and there are only three masters and servants, Zhaojiagege.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then said, "Master, do you want to add a small kitchen over there..."

Fu Song shook his head, took out a pocketbook from his sleeve, and said, "This is the population of Baylor Mansion that I asked the Master of Ceremonies of Four Baylor Mansion..."

The last time I talked to Zhaojia Gege was during Chinese New Year.

That is also a matter of no solution, as there are several ancillary rooms at the back of the Prince's Mansion, and it is impossible to arrange all the coat-coating population.

It is separated from the main courtyard by a corridor, forming a whole of its own.

This is a field that Shu Shu has never been in contact with. She didn't intervene indiscriminately, but said: "Ask the fourth brother and the fifth brother? These two places are also Baylor's residence, and there should be a similar ratio."

Turn around and select the people who will come to serve, and they will come to serve as errands.

"These six people are not selected from the coats. The black guards will directly make up for the second-class bodyguards, and then give the teacher's family a third-class bodyguard, and let's talk about the rest..."

He has not been knighted, but the regulation of the Prince's Mansion is Baylor's regulation, and Fu Song has already replaced the master of ceremonies, so the personnel of the Prince's Mansion can also be allocated according to Baylor's rank.

Now that the flag belongs to the population regardless of the population, how much percentage should be chosen in the coating, Jiu Age can't make up his mind.

There are more than a hundred servants in Wujin's house.

Zhaojiagege didn't feel happy, but was like a frightened bird.

Although the positions are different, she is also afraid of being surrounded by people like this.

The Ministry of War has a total of [-] rations, of which [-] are guards and [-] are vests.

In this way, the daily allocation of cases, and the arrangement of two stove masters, will be self-sufficient.

Brother Nine handed her a book and said, "At noon, the teacher came and passed on Khan Ama's oral order, and we have chosen our coat population, but how to choose people to order, I'm still not sure..."

The fifth elder brother is the elder brother, and the fourth elder brother is the elder brother in front of him. Both of them are good elder brothers who love to worry.

Zhang Tingzan and Gao Yanzhong read the folder, but Zhang Tingzan misunderstood.

Zhaojia Gege brought two maids and lived in a small courtyard on West Road.

Buy four people.

According to the usual practice, it is selected from the banner population and the coating population of Jiua Ge.

It's not that Shu Shu and Brother Jiu are extravagant and wear new clothes every day, but it's the current rule that these people in the mansion want to reward them with clothes for the four seasons.

Speaking of this, he thought of his plan again. In the spring of next year, he will try to grow peanuts, corn, and potatoes in the Zhuangzi. At that time, the Zhuangzi will also need people to watch.

West Road, small courtyard.

Gao Yanzhong looked at Fu Song.

He said: "It seems that the rumors outside are wrong, Master Jiu is acting modestly..."

Brother Nine said: "It's okay, let's see if we can change it to bronze ware, if not, forget it..."

Fu Song thought for a while, and said: "Since the guards and vests eat the royal rations, they should follow the rules of the Eight Banners to select the armor, directly assess and select the best..."

The family always needs to make up for an errand and receive a share of money and food. Otherwise, if they don't take care of the jobs here, how can they obey them?

Shu Shu didn't answer, and said, "Let's talk about it later."

There are 16 people in the sweeping area, divided into outer and inner courtyards.

Gao Yanzhong also looked at Fu Song.

That's all I can think of for now.

Zhang Tingzan was a Jinshi in the 18th year of Kangxi, and then a Shujishi, who taught editing in the Sanguan Museum, and then spent the next 20 years in the Imperial Academy.

Brother Nine decided on the approximate population, and sent He Yuzhu to the front.

Prince's Mansion, main courtyard.

For the remaining places in the mansion, Brother Nine directly wrote down a list according to the errands that Brother had at that time.

As for the ratio of filling the vacancies, there is no way. It cannot be used to keep vacancies for the population of the Banners who are far away, and they will not have enough people at hand.

Although Zhang Tingzan is the oldest among the three, he can do things with a sense of proportion, knowing that although Fu Song is young, he still has a master of ceremonies, so he said: "How do you choose people?"

Did the Department of Punishment send it casually?

Zhang Tingzan watched from the side, feeling something was wrong.

He also remembered that there were already two Dianyis in his family mansion, and Fusong and Gao Bin were also surrounded by polished generals.

For the rest of the serving population in the mansion, first divide the number of men and women, and then select those with crafts, needlework, stoves, stables, accountants, etc., and the rest will be selected as rough envoys.

The two palace people didn't know that Wang Gege had shortcomings, and they only thought that Brother Jiu was cold and ruthless.

Eight people on the water.

Although the yard is small, there are many houses.

There are eight people in the laundry room.

The Prince's Mansion is currently understaffed. Fu Song, Zhang Tingzan, and Gao Yanzhong are all in the front yard, and they are also talking about the executive population of Baylor Mansion.

In a word, it stopped Gao Yanzhong from asking.

Gao Yanzhong added: "Jiuye asked me to pick 50 people, then I will choose ten more people as spares. If there are any vacancies at that time, I will fill them in directly, so as to avoid re-examination."

After writing this, he said: "The guards will make up half, first ten people will make up, and the vests will make up forty. They can be divided into two shifts..."

The population of Baoyi under the nine elder brothers includes one Manzhou Zuoling with 65 households; Qigu Zuoling one with 57 households; and Neiguan Ling one with 35 households.

Brother Jiu only gave a total number, and there was a limit of one person per household, and did not explain the rest at all.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "If they ask, they will worry again, so let's forget it. I want to see how many people are needed in the mansion first, but I can make up for those who need it. As for the population of the banner in the future, let's talk about it at that time." ..."

Shu Shu is silent, she hasn't thought about this yet.

Why do you think this manpower is tight?
Although his father was a Han official and not in the banner, he was given a mansion in the inner city, and it was in the imperial city, just inside the Xi'an Gate.

The current Prince's Mansion, with its brick and wood structure, is most afraid of fire.

She was willing to make a display and didn't make any fuss. She only hoped that Fujin would be as magnanimous as ever.

Brother Jiu glanced at her and said: "You are really big, how can you set up a kitchen casually? What if someone makes trouble?"

There are ten guards at the Baylor level, including four second-class guards and six third-class guards.

She plans to meet tomorrow.

There are four people in the warehouse.

There are tentatively 16 people in the sewing room.

The girl put down the lunch box, with lingering fears in her heart, said: "The servant asked Miss Tang, and said that Lord Jiu ordered to send Wang Gege to the Department of Punishment, and the two palace servants returned directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

She was apprehensive, and her voice trembled.

"For the rest, just pick some half-grown boys to fight with Xing Quan, and go to the Zhuangzi to be on duty in the next year..."

Shu Shudao: "The bodyguards and guards around the master are necessary. From now on, when you go to the House of Internal Affairs every day, you will also need someone to accompany you."

The two went to the study and talked about the manpower needed in the mansion.

Men are used in the outer court, and servants are used in the inner court.

Even these 16 people are not enough. We will see more people at that time, or go to an outside shop to order some ready-made clothes.

These places are for the imperial food.

The former is from the fourth rank, and the latter is from the fifth rank, half a level lower than the palace guards.

Over there is the coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It's just that I'm so busy today, I haven't had time to give it to Brother Jiu.

There are eight people in the carriage and stable.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Well, when it is handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there must be a pair."

The silversmith is okay, a craftsman, and the counterpart of the silver building.

Brother Nine said: "First choose one person from each household to go to work..."

In this way, almost one family can have one vacancy, and one and a half more Dingkou.

For a Hanlin, it was the first time that such a down-to-earth job was done.

Brother Jiu said: "Go back and ask for some eunuchs from the respect room, and just assign a little eunuch to order over there. Tell her not to come out, so as not to hinder your eyes."

A total of 150 seven households.

Zhang Tingzan was born in the imperial examination and was used to taking exams. He also felt that the exams were the fairest, so he nodded in agreement.

But Shu Shu can also understand.

After the couple finished their gossip, Shu Shu remembered Wang Gege's matter, and said: "Zhaojia Gege is not courageous, this time it's time to be honest."

He usually reads and compiles books in the Hanlin Academy, but he never thought that he would be arrested and appointed as a prince.

Except for the guards, guards, and vests, which are in two shifts, the dining room and porter are in two shifts, and the others are in one shift. Even in places like carriage and stables, there must be a person on duty to guard against the master's orders.

Zhaojia Gege's body was weak, and she couldn't help bowing in the direction of the main courtyard.

He is quite willful.

Brother Jiu nodded, took a note, and said: "Then the guards will make up six people, and they will be divided into two teams, with three people in each team..."

Shu Shu said: "There are still about ten vacancies..."

It's just that on her side, there must not be just two girls.

The number of guards, waistcoats, and officers on duty is now 140 and six people.

There are four concierges.

Not to mention death, but also half life!
Even the palace servants who returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not end well. According to the rules, most of them were sent to Jingshan to sweep.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "That's fine, Master Huitou will also take a look at the manpower arranged in the tenth younger brother's house, and see what we left behind."

When the sun was setting, a girl came back from the dining room to pick up food, Zhao Jiagege couldn't wait, and said: "I got it, what about the three?"

And when he took office, the first thing he did had nothing to do with Dianyi, it was to work with Fu Song and Gao Yanzhong to select the population of Fuzhong.

Shu Shu naturally had no objection.

"There are still a few households that are herdsmen. Now that we don't have our own horse farm, we will raise pigs and sheep first, and the horses will also be raised here and there in Zhuangzi as spare horses..."

This is the inner city, and the guards and vests are all about the portal, and more about the form.

The room fell silent.

The dining room is also divided into inside and outside, with eight people in the inner dining room and 16 people in the outer dining room.

Brother Jiu flipped through the brochure and said, "There are five silversmiths here, and two blacksmiths. These seven can be transferred to the silver building first..."

"Choose a few more literate servants, and divide them into two to run errands..."

It's self-contained, but it's more comfortable than the cat in the backyard when I was at Brother's house.

There are three main rooms in the north, five rooms in the two ears, and three wing rooms in the east and west.

There is no need for three shifts like the one in the palace.

The majestic Prince's Mansion has a population of less than a hundred men and women?
He was puzzled and said: "Is this an example from the Baylor House?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "It's true that you have raised three people for nothing."

There are four people in the account room.

There are more than 100 households, most of whom live in or near the imperial city.

It turned out that by mistake, Brother Jiu and Shu Shu agreed on the number of officers, only [-]% of the population of Baylor Mansion.

In addition, the previous guards and vests were also selected according to [-]%, Zhang Tingzan thought that Brother Jiu took the initiative to reduce the rank because he was not knighted.

Gao Yanzhong is more familiar with Brother Jiu, and I always feel that there are other reasons, the word "humility" does not match Brother Jiu...

The next update is at 1:16 noon on January 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read,

(End of this chapter)

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