Chapter 737 Entering Fresh

After a while, Elder Brother Shi wandered over, looking for Fu Song, and asked about dressing up and serving in the government.

When he knew Brother Nine had drawn up the number of people, he took a look at the list and said: "It's very good, you can make a copy and send it to me later, our house will also use this number."

It seems that the manpower is half less than that of other Baylor houses, but it is enough.

As for whether the Ministry of Internal Affairs will cover it or not...

You can't just make up for it without spending money now. When the time comes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not cover it. If you want to reduce it, you will just complain.

First fill up the manpower roughly, and then adjust where there is more or less.

"Brother Mo Ruodi", the tenth brother immediately understood the intention of his ninth brother, and felt that he could directly follow suit.

Fusong agreed.

Elder Brother Ten knew that everyone was tired after tossing around all day today, so he went straight home.

Elder Brother Ten is a bit reticent, but because of his status, he has nothing to do with Jieao.

Brother Jiu was a little dazed, looking at the big room in a daze.

After all, it is next to the Royal Hot Spring, so even if the place sells out according to the distance and the number of hot springs, it can't really be sold indiscriminately.

Zhang Tingzan nodded and said: "I guess it's the villain who caused the trouble. My son is not ostentatious when he sees the two of you doing things, and Brother Jiu is quite humane."

She said: "In two days, I will ask the world to get some seedlings, and ask my fifth sister-in-law to take them with me when she enters the palace, and send them to the elders."

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu about his plan.

There are so many places, and it doesn't take much for the brothers to keep one.

This refers to Ningshou Palace, Yikun Palace and Yanxi Palace.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I've had enough sleep, I'm a little hungry."

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "It's a neat one, it's pretty good, and it will save me a lot of worry in the future."

In front of Fu Song and Gao Yanzhong, it was not easy for him to say these things, but when he returned home, he couldn't help talking to his old man, saying: "Father, why are there such words as 'Jiu Ye is arrogant' and 'Shi Ye is arrogant' outside?" Rumor has it that my son saw the two elder brothers today, and they are different from the rumors, the ninth master is humble, and the tenth master looks lenient..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and remembered that there was a plate of radish sprouts in sesame sauce last night, which tasted just right, so he nodded and said, "Okay..."

It's different now, near Zhu Zhechi, who learned from Sister-in-law Jiu, is really like a big brother.

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "Not a lot. We are the same as you, and we have nothing to do. There are only three people. Now these populations are enough, and it will be convenient to add more in the future."

Zhang Ying stroked his beard. He had met these two elder brothers several times.

Zhang Ying is an old man, so he naturally knows that among the two elder brothers, it seems that the ninth elder brother is the dominant one, but the slander should be due to the tenth elder brother.

After the two of them finished grooming and had breakfast, Brother Jiu was about to go out.

Brother Nine thought for a while and said, "Faka over there..."

He dismissed the duke and fell silent. The eldest son in the family is also going to be a son.

The curtain is still the same as before, and the furnishings in the room look familiar, but they are different after all.

My eldest son has been in the Hanlin Academy for a long time, so he is a little naive.

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said: "In their current situation, if they are exalted, they will cause trouble. It is not a bad thing to be silent."

Shu Shu also didn't expect that Kangxi not only didn't reprimand Brother Jiu this time, but also paid for the opening of the mansion, and sent the son of Shangshu as a pawn.

In this "fundraising", the profit distribution is not thin, and there is no need to give it to Zhuangzi for nothing.

It wasn't until this time that he really felt like moving.

Elder Brother Ten said: "My haha ​​beads make up for the bodyguards, Dianyi is not needed for the time being, and I will talk about it later when there is something suitable for Baoyi."

Shu Shu said, "That's what it should be."

The roof is also much higher.

The emperor couldn't bear it in the end, not necessarily because of this.

When Brother Jiu was short of manpower, Gao Yanzhong seemed to have surrendered, but he wouldn't really suffer.

Elder Brother Shi had a smile on his face when he heard this.

If Elder Fourteen moved to the west by himself, it would not be good to keep Xiao Shiwu alone; if he brought Xiao Shiwu to move here, Xiao Shiliu would also move the palace within two years.

After all, Elder Brother has lived here for more than ten years, and he is used to seeing everything he sees.

The ground is much empty.

Brother Nine was troubled, and said: "I want to leave a good place for them, but how do I calculate the money? Based on the cost, I definitely won't do it. Based on the market price in two years, it doesn't seem too much. it is good."

At that time, the royal family must be along the royal soup spring, and the noble family will be on the outer layer.

Thinking of the Qianqing Palace, he said: "Master, I will bring some later and send a copy to the Qianqing Palace."

Brother Nine said: "That's fine, he's the biggest over there, and he should learn how to be an older brother."

Seeing Brother Nine coming out, Brother Ten got into Brother Nine's carriage, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I didn't wake up this morning, and I feel that the room looks more and more unfamiliar."

Brother Nine also thinks this is good, at least he won't be at a disadvantage, and said: "That's all right, and when we can't talk about it, I can ask my brothers to make a sample and give you a price."

But the four houses in Ganxi haven't been repaired yet, so it's obviously uninhabitable.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and then said: "Then set it aside and keep it, and don't apportion it, and don't give it for free. If you want it, you can pay [-]% or [-]% according to the market price; if you don't want it, you can sell it later. , not bad."

In the early years, Brother Jiu also acted like an elder brother in front of him, but he was just like an elder brother, and most of the time he had to coax him, more like a younger brother.

Brother Jiu didn't try to persuade her, but said: "The dining room has also been reorganized, ask someone to prepare more food for you, so that you don't have to wait if you want to eat."

Suo'etu acted too domineeringly in his early years.

Zhang Tingzan felt that he had grown up in the world today, not only because Brother Nine was gentle and humble, but also the son of the noble concubine was different from the rumors.

It's good to have contacts.

When Qi Xi and his wife left, Brother Nine sent them out in person. In front of Mrs. Qi, he was as respectful as an ordinary son-in-law.

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said, "I probably won't move, I'm sensible, and there's Xiao Shiwu, I can't leave it alone."

The former patriarch of Niu Hulu's family, the retired first-class public Faka, is the same mother and brother of Empress Xiaozhao and Concubine Wen Xi.

And Gao Yanzhong, seeing Master Ma Qi's familiarity with him, knew that it was a manpower for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but because of the lack of manpower for Brother Jiu, he asked to come out and downgrade to fill the vacancy.

Brother Ten is already outside.

The next morning.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course, Gao Bin has bought all the land in Changping in a few days, and I plan to go to Changping in person to see how the plan will be..."

Zhang Ying glanced at his son and didn't explain much.

Speaking of this, she thought of the small greenhouse at home, and went to have a look with Amu and E Nie yesterday, and the small water radish tassels were about the same size as the small cabbages, and they could be thinned out.

Shu Shu said: "As long as the master has done his errands, there is no need to suffer in the yamen."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Well, I'll ask someone to arrange..."

Brother Jiu swallowed the words of refusal, and said: "That's fine, when I'm in the afternoon, I'll come back earlier, so that you won't be bored by yourself."

If you raise it again, if you don't give up on the title, you will have trouble again.

Brother Jiu said: "What about the guards and Dianyi, do you have anyone to choose?"

The fifteenth elder brother has moved to Gandong No. [-], and lives next to the fourteenth elder brother.

He said: "The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother only became adults last year, and they only started working as errands in the second half of the year, but these gossips came out a long time ago, so they can't be taken seriously."

At the first moment of the morning, Brother Jiu went out.

Human relations are not like this.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "It's the same with the master, I don't know if the old fourteen will move to the second school..."

But that must be the best land boundary, and it could have been sold at a high price.

Shu Shu whispered: "You must let the emperor see how virtuous I am as a daughter-in-law, so as not to turn around and criticize me for not being virtuous, not to mention being a side Fujin, even if there are two extra characters, I will be ashamed to death..."

The two brothers were chatting and listening to the hustle and bustle on the road outside, they also found it very novel.

Elder Brother Shi knew in his heart that the ownership of Niu Hulu's family's title may have been calculated by Ah Ling's mother and son, but the real decision was made by the emperor's father.

The two brothers did not ask people to prepare horses, but prepared carriages.

At this moment, it can be said that he is a loving father.

Brother Jiu just mentioned this, and didn't worry about anything else, he just said: "Fu Song said you followed the number of people in our mansion to choose the number of officers, isn't it too small?"

If Elder Brother Ten wants to praise his cousin, this is the right time.

He was a little worried about Shu Shu, and said: "Master comes back at noon, if you are bored this morning, you can go to Ning'an Hall to talk and relieve boredom."

As for the inferior family, no matter how much money is given, they can only buy the ones located farther away.

Faka's reputation was ruined and his future was ruined.

Bosse status is enough, but young, only 27 or [-] years old.

Seeing that Shu Shu was also getting up, he hurriedly said: "It's still early, you go to bed..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I sent Zhou Song to deliver meals at noon, please don't come back..."

Elder Brother Ten said, "When will Brother Ninth treat you?"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, she really reacted quickly, and she planned to use the princes as a pawn.

Zhang Tingzan said: "It must be because of Brother Jiu's sincerity to be able to get such capable subordinates."

Nine princes don't have a city mansion, so they are not close to these veterans, but they are also polite.

In that case, it would be messy and outrageous.

Brother Jiu frowned, not very happy.

That's fine, that elder brother acts under the eyes of the emperor, and the eldest son's innocence is not a bad thing...

Brother Nine looked at him and said, "What are you laughing at? How about that Boser?"

Shu Shu heard the "clan" and asked, "What about the princes?"

Brother Nine said: "That's right, so you don't have to worry about messing around."

Brother Jiu said: "Let your sister-in-law rest for two days, it will be at the end of the month..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Well, then we will have a treat at the beginning of next month..."

In Yuqing Palace, the main courtyard.

The prince looked at the concubine with a gloomy expression, and said: "The master said, don't pay attention to Brother Nine and Brother Ten..."

(End of this chapter)

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