My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 738 Atmosphere

Chapter 738 Atmosphere
The crown prince's expression remained unchanged, and she said: "My lord, they all came here as usual. Last year, the king of Zhijun and the others opened the mansion, and it was the same..."

Here in Yuqing Palace, even if no one was sent to see him off, a housewarming gift was given afterwards.

This is a human relationship.

The prince said displeasedly: "That's different! Boss and the others were originally conferred nobles, and they stayed in the palace for half a year; but the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are going out of the palace at this time, deliberately to embarrass Gu!"

That's all for the ninth elder brother, a willful bastard, unreasonable; tenth elder brother shouldn't be like this, pretending to advance and retreat with the ninth elder brother.

Since he doesn't put Yuqing Palace in his eyes, what kind of courtesy is there on his side? !
In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that he has no temper.

The Crown Princess had no choice but to say: "My lord is 26 this year, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are only seventeen, elder brother and younger brother, where is the time to vent your anger?"

There is also the emperor.

There was friction between the brothers, and it was vague, but if they insisted on breaking it up, what would the emperor think?
The prince said with a dark face: "Not to mention moving, what does it mean to send Fujin out in advance?"

After hearing this, the crown princess glanced at the prince.

It turned out that the radish tassels were one piece, with a half-inch-long pink radish underneath.

Although it is impossible to be virtuous and magnanimous and separate the nine princes, it is still possible to raise your hand to let the other party live a more relaxed life.

Brother Jiu thought of his own greenhouse, and proudly said: "Not only the radishes, but also the cucumbers are blooming, too fast, and there are also a lot of coriander. When you drink mutton soup in winter, it tastes better than dried coriander..."

Thinking of Mrs. Uncle's age and her own age, she wrote down the words "menopause".

Ernie's side is okay, her husband and son are there, and there is a little Qi who has to worry about it. She has no time to be idle, and she doesn't have time to grieve over the spring and autumn; Amou's place has been tortured by her, but she is still alone. More time.

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "What is this?"

The Crown Princess said: "Concubine Yi's mother is not picky, that means Jiufu Jin's behavior is still within the rules."

These two families, as well as the concubine's relatives...

Zhao Jia didn't dare to refuse, and didn't dare to sit upright, so he just sat there, like a quail, with his neck drooping slightly.

Seeing that Shu Shu was amicable and didn't mean to be annoyed, she breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while and said: "It's not certain, sometimes I read idle books, sometimes I do needlework."

Shu Shu had no choice but to be obedient and said: "Be obedient, I am the most obedient, where is there a time when you are disobedient?"

It would be great if a medicine could be made by then.

I didn't pay attention to it earlier, but now that I think about it, the unusualness of the first half of the year can be seen together, which makes people mutter.

Liang Jiugong complied, and sent a message with a small vegetable basket...

Mrs. Uncle insisted, saying: "Listen to me, I stay here to take care of you, not for you to take care of me, if you are disobedient, I will go home and live..."

The answer is obvious.

Shu Shu nodded, knowing it well.

These three things should be symptomatic.

The other prince elder brother gives a gift once a year, a gift for longevity.

Brother Nine said: "Don't waste it, these are thinned out seedlings, and the decent ones are still kept! When they grow up, the master will send them back, and then I will leave a portion for Wenda."

Liang Jiugong looked at the novelty and said, "Isn't it a pity for this little radish, the bottom is full of radishes?"

Shu Shu calculated the distance, and said: "It's only a hundred or so steps in total, can you still get tired enough to blow it?"

Shu Shu told Xiao Chun, "Move the stool for Ge Ge."

After staying with Mrs. Uncle for a whole morning, the two of them had lunch together before Shu Shu returned to the main courtyard.

When Kangxi finished seeing the officials who had turned over the signs that day and was waiting for breakfast, Liang Jiugong brought up the small basket.

The Crown Princess's face drooped as well, and she looked to the southeast, which was where the Palace of Harvesting Fang was located.

Is this because Niu Hulu's family didn't pick a mistake?

Just in front of it is a garden, all of which are open spaces, where the puppies can have fun.

For a while, Zhaojiagege followed Walnut, looking at his nose and heart, looking very honest.

In front of Qianqing Palace, Liang Jiugong got the news. He looked at Brother Jiu with some surprise, and said, "Master Jiu, did you pass the wrong message? Why don't you want to see me, but you want to see your servant?"

That's all for Suo'etu, because of the "partisan struggle" in the early years, Khan Ama has long been dissatisfied.

"Slave please greet Master Fujin..."

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

She was very surprised, couldn't help but look up, and carefully looked at Shu Shu's face.

She has no intention of "fishing for law enforcement", and she will not kill people before disposing of them.

He complained in his heart, but said on his face: "The servant is just waiting for Jiu Ye's water radish."

She said: "Jiu Fujin is a heavy body now, avoid collisions, moving house is messy, so we must avoid it..."

In that case, one will ebb and flow, and the relationship between myself and the tenth...

Sure enough, more than 30 years of master and servant are not done in vain.

She said: "Like doing needlework? Is this what you figured out by yourself?"

Shu Shu glanced at her. She was wearing a half-new satin robe, with the neckline pinched three times and the waist tucked in the middle. It looked exquisite.

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Is this calling people tossing about warming the house again? It's useless, and I just think about these appetites all day long."

The prince didn't think of this at all.

She calmed down a bit, and said, "On weekdays, what do you like to do for entertainment, reading, sewing, or what else?"

Zhao Jiage saluted in a dignified manner, and her voice trembled.

He was stunned, and snorted softly: "I shouldn't be messing around! It's like being a scapegoat for Gu. If someone outside doesn't know what's going on, he thinks Gu Gu can't tolerate brothers."

This is also someone's daughter.

Liang Jiugong said: "There is nothing left, the strong wind has almost blown the past few days."

It was an ordinary wicker basket covered with a faded blue cloth.

It seems that what happened to Wang Gege not only frightened her, but also frightened her a lot.

The prince was a little ashamed, got up and said: "It's up to you!"

When she met Kangxi before, it was a similar scene.

Not only is it short-tempered, but it is also easy to be depressed if you are not careful.

Shu Shu thought about it, and said: "A good person can't be idle all the time. It's not that I'm bored. I'll allocate a shop for you later. You can think about it yourself. When you see it, it's a silk and satin shop or a clothing shop. It's a good job." Yes, I will give you dividends..."

Kangxi laughed and said: "This is playing house..."

She thought for a while, and told Walnut, "Please come over here..."

Shu Shu praised: "It's pretty good, showing off your figure, looking thin..."

Shu Shu hugged Xiaohua, touched Ruyi, and told Zhenzi, "Bring Shunxin here later, and get to know Ruyi, and when we get acquainted, we will have friends."

no need.

Not even serious seedlings.

This is also in line with the sentence "the etiquette is light and the affection is heavy", the emperor will be happy.

The Hesheli family is guilty instead? !

She planned to turn around and talk to Brother Jiu, and ask Brother Jiu to ask.

But with Tong Guowei, it was Khan Ama's respected uncle...

Mrs. Uncle touched the silk clothes on her body, and said: "It's okay these two days, if you want to take a walk, you can take a walk, after two days it will be cold, don't come out in the afternoon, if you feel bored, I will go and talk to you , if you want to come, you also come in the afternoon..."

The crown princess lowered her eyes and said: "Regular people, who dares to talk about the royal affairs? As for those coats who provoked you in front of you, they probably have a grudge, but you also know in your heart that cleaning up the House of Internal Affairs at the beginning of the year was ordered , Brother Jiu is only the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and has no right to directly remove the relatives of the palace concubine..."

Brother Nine made pies, and planned to give them out often.

After all, it is a real person, and she is seventeen or eighteen years old, she can't bear to treat it like an object and ignore it.

The prince was lost in thought.

Just such a stupid woman can persuade the prince to neglect his brother.

Shu Shu still remembered that when she first met her, even though she looked ordinary, she still had a bit of freshness. It's only been a year and a half, and there is not much of that freshness left.

Hazel complied.

However, it would be a pity to fry such a fresh and tender side dish, so he ordered Liang Jiugong: "Ask the imperial dining room to add some pancakes and eat them with cabbage."

It's really time to clean up the Ministry of Internal Affairs, just after dealing with Suo'etu and Tong Guowei...

Zhao Jia was at a loss for what to do.

Liang Jiugong: "..."

Zhao Jia stood up and said tremblingly, "I'm idle, I'm just thinking about it..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's right, I just want to see Wenda directly! I haven't finished tidying up the mess, I will report to Han Ama after finishing it in two days. Today is a side dish for the greenhouse." Come down, just add a side dish to Han Ama, and say hello to Wenda..."

As he said that, he took the small basket from He Yuzhu, uncovered the cloth on it, and showed it to Liang Jiugong, "Look at the tender cabbage, and the radish tassels are also good. The taste is not worse than in spring... now Dryness, eating some side dishes just happens to defeat the fire..."

With distaste in his mouth, he leaned forward, took a closer look, looked at Xianlingling, thoughtfully, and said: "It's all frost, and the leaves in the imperial garden are almost gone?"

Although I haven't experienced it personally, the various information in later generations is also worrying.

Liang Jiugong said: "Master Jiu respects fresh vegetables..."

I don't know if Lejia's recipe has been improved.

The prince's heart trembled, looking at the princess, he really wanted to ask if she had noticed something was wrong earlier.

The Crown Princess didn't take Li Gege seriously, but she couldn't show respect for such a Crown Prince...

Seeing Shu Shu, she felt very complicated.

After all, he flung his sleeves and left.

The prince's eyes are high, if no one puts maggots in his ears, he won't care about the female relatives.

Li Gege lived in Xiefang Hall.

Zhao Jia was stunned, looking at Shu Shu speechless.

Xiaochun responded and moved a round stool over.

Zhao Jia thought that what he was waiting for was an admonition, but he didn't expect it to be a gossip.

She remembered that Tongrentang's "Liuwei Dihuang Pill" nourishes yin and nourishes the kidney, there is also "Zhibai Dihuang Pill" that nourishes yin and reduces dryness, and "Xiaoyao Pill" soothes the liver and invigorates the spleen.

Xiaochun whispered beside him: "Fu Jin can't be too lenient. This servant is watching, Zhao Jiagege is not a smart person, what should be restrained should be restrained, and we should also be careful not to push our noses in the face."

Zhao Jia is not fat, but she is tall and has a big frame.

The elders are more comfortable, and she has less to worry about.

Both families were punished, and of the three descendants, only Niu Hulu's family was not dealt with.

If you don't hide from your mother's house, where can you hide?
Although there is an uncle and sister-in-law outside, but they are similar in age, and it is fine to be a guest in the past, but it is not suitable for staying overnight.

Master Jiu's level of gift giving is getting higher and higher, and he is becoming more and more frugal.

As for the sentence about defeating the fire, he swallowed it and didn't mention it.

Still hoping to find a balance.

Liang Jiugong listened to the excitement he said, and also jokingly said: "Master Jiu is filial, the emperor must be happy."

North Official House, Prince's Mansion, Ning'an Hall.

Shu Shu looked at her and said: "I thought, it should be considered your good luck that the empress picked you out. Otherwise, if you become an ordinary court lady and leave the palace at the age of 25, your youth will be delayed."

Zhao Jiagege felt that he had memorized every sentence of Fujin, but he was so clouded that he didn't understand a single word.

But Shu Shu knew the point-and-stop principle, so she didn't say any more, she just motioned to Xiaochun to hand her her jewelry brochure, and said, "This is my daily pastime..."

Zhaojia Gege took it with both hands, and opened it carefully, unable to move her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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