Chapter 739 Reciprocate
Zhaojia looked at Gege, reluctant to move his eyes away, looked up at Shu Shu, his eyes sparkled, and said: "Master Fujin, this slave wants to learn how to make gold..."

Shu Shu: "..."

I really didn't expect this turning point. It's common for women to love jewelry, and Jiu Gege couldn't move his eyes when he looked at this booklet.

But playing gold requires energy, it is not a woman's job...

Zhaojia Gege's eyes were already red, and he said: "The ancestors of the slave family were silversmiths, and they had no sons, so I, Ama, adopted my cousin..."

No matter how much the family loves her, they still abide by the rules of the ancestors, and this skill is "passed on from male to female".

She was young at the time, had a hot temper, had a quarrel, and was finally sent to the small election...

"My slave wants to learn how to strike gold. When I was a child, I also made silver slippers, and even polished earrings. Later, I figured out a new look and worked for Master Fujin..."

Speaking of her beloved, Zhaojia Gege's voice was clearer than before.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "If you want to learn, just try to learn. If you feel hard in the middle and don't want to learn, you don't have to force it, just let it go."

Otherwise, if she eats and drinks well, no one can say that she treats her concubine poorly, so there is no need to worry about it at all.

I think Brother Nine is like this, but Brother Nine may not think that I am not like this.

The Crown Princess shook her head and said, "I'll go see..."

Xiaochun said: "This is consummation, Zhaojiagege has something to do, and Fujin doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

Shu Shu said to the nanny: "It's inconvenient for me to enter the palace now. I thought I'd wait until the twentieth greeting day to bother my ten younger brothers and sisters for help. Since my nanny has caught up, I have to trouble my nanny once."

When Shi Fujin saw the nanny, he started chirping: "Oh! I was negligent. Before leaving the palace, I only went to say goodbye to the imperial grandmother and concubine Yi, and didn't go to the second sister-in-law's..."

Shu Shu motioned to Xiaochun to reward her, and said: "October is about to come, and these gold and silver zippers will be ready in another month. If you have nothing to do, just think about the new look of this year. If you paint well, you will be rewarded at the end of the year and asked to follow suit."

The walnuts went down.

She told Walnut: "Go to the greenhouse and give an order, and then pack four side dishes, one according to the morning's portion, and three portions will be halved."

The princess said: "Think about what she said before..."

"Putong", Zhao Jiage knelt down and said with a little excitement: "Master Xie Fujin..."

Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to move the stool, let the nanny sit on it, and said: "It's mine, isn't it, I should have bid farewell everywhere..."

Compared with Jiu Fujin's sensuality and thoughtfulness, Ten Fujin's innocence and romance are also approachable.

The nanny smiled and said: "Before the old servant came out, the mother mentioned Fujin, afraid that the newly built earth dragon outside would not be warm, and you would not be used to living there..."

Everyone is vulgar.

Although Shu Shu agreed frankly, she also knew that women's strength was limited, and now it was not the kind of gold-making equipment used in later generations to assist, but it was completely hand-made gold.

After Walnut left, Shu Shu said to Xiao Chun: "These two live together, if there is someone else between them, someone will always feel uncomfortable."

It's just a thought, and when it's solved, it's consummation.

Xiaochun said with a hearty smile: "Fu Jin, don't worry. With you as your thigh, the servant is bullied. Wouldn't that be embarrassing for you? If there is a day when a slave man takes a concubine, that's because I nod, I don't like it It's only when you have a baby, or if you don't like the two of you sleeping together, this slave won't let yourself feel aggrieved."

When she backed out, Shu Shu sighed.

In case it does come, everyone will be uncomfortable.

In fact, it was more troublesome, and I changed the prescription of the medicinal bath several times, and the prickly heat on the armpits and thighs disappeared.

The two grew up together, Xiaochun's temperament is really round on the outside and square on the inside, with its own edges and corners.

Shu Shu said: "The garden here is empty, so I asked someone to build a greenhouse and grow small vegetables. The whole portion is for me to honor the Ningshou Palace. I didn't greet the imperial grandmother when I came out in a hurry. Wait until Halloween. I'll go in and kowtow..."

It was still Nanny Xing who sent it out in person, and sent it directly to the tenth prince's mansion before leaving.

Xiaochun whispered beside him: "Jiuye took Fujin out of the palace that morning, and didn't give us Fujin kung fu to kowtow to the elders, and didn't even bother to go to Ningshou Palace..."

She didn't know how she chose.

Ten Fujin was bored, and when he heard a guest came, he hurriedly invited him in.

After marrying low, with her as the master backing her up, her husband's family can only coax Xiaochun.

This is human nature, and there is a bit of "loving the new and loathing the old" in the bones.

It is definitely not possible to invite Yuqing Palace, and I am not willing to invite him.

Shu Shu touched his face and said: "Please tell the princess, I am fine now, I eat five meals a day, catch up on sleep in the morning and catch up in the afternoon, my natal aunt also came over, nothing more Don't worry."

Zhao Jiage hurriedly said: "Your servant must study hard and never give up halfway."

Shi Fujin nodded, with Qi Qiran on his face and said: "Yeah, it's itchy. Fortunately, sister-in-law Jiu gave peppermint oil, and it will be fine after applying it..."

The grandma saw that Madam Xing was strange, but she was no less imposing than the mammy in the palace, and said, "Old sister is..."

Although there are also silversmiths among the coaters assigned this time, Shu Shu feels that it is better to use her own people to save worry.

After leaving the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the nanny had to go to the next door.

Walnut also said: "Fu Jin is kind."

She put away her warm expression, looked at Zhao Jia and said, "You should have known after you made some inquiries yesterday. Mrs. Wang was sent to the Department of Punishment by Lord Jiu. I don't like to bother, and I am most afraid of trouble; Grandpa is also impatient, and he doesn't like other people's affairs..."

Nanny Xing said: "You're welcome, I'm Master Fujin's companion, and my family used to be the coat of Prince Shuncheng in the early years..."

After talking a few gossips, the nanny left the gift slip and went back to the palace.

The nanny said: "Oh, that's a shame."

The nanny said: "This dish is fresh, should I send it around?"

The nanny felt relieved, and said with a smile: "You are being polite, no one in the palace knows that you are the most generous, and the old slave runs errands for Fujin, so I can't lose."

Hearing the words, the grandma was about to shed tears.

The concierge passed the news to the main room, and Nanny Xing welcomed him in on behalf of Shu Shu.

Maybe in order to maintain his status, he has done well on the surface, but whether he will feel disgusted in his heart is not guaranteed.

Everyone can see the goodness of their master, but the crown prince can't see it as if his eyes are blurred...

After taking a nap and getting up, someone from Yuqing Palace came, she was the nanny of the Crown Princess.

But the family has also moved, and this relationship can't be stagnant.

"Second sister-in-law, how are you, miss me?"

Shu Shu looked at Xiaochun and said, "Don't even think about being a good wife, what's the point of that? The husband and the little wife are warm, and you work hard to be a big housekeeper. If that's the case, I'd rather you marry low... "

Zhao Jiagege took the purse with both hands, feeling the heavy feel, he knew that there were two pairs of gold lockets inside, and they were not light.

At that time, the money for the art teaching will be given directly, so as not to be reluctant.

Shi Fujin shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of the cold, our winter is much colder than the capital's; I'm afraid of the heat, I've had prickly heat this summer..."

Shu Shu also smiled, and said: "Don't worry, I'll prepare double tea money for Nanny."

The imperial palace, Yuqing Palace.

She thought for a while, and said: "In a few days, some young eunuchs will come from the respect room, and I will assign two to your yard later. If you need to do heavy work, you can order them to do it. As for the master, you can't go into the inner house when you are young. , I will find you an old priest in the silver building to be your master later, you can learn from it for a while and see..."

After a while, Walnut came back, followed by Longan, and the two of them came back with a few small baskets.

Although Zhaojiagege made a strong promise, but who knows that she can persist for a few days, it is not good to make a big fanfare...

Seeing the four baskets of side dishes, the princess had a smile on her face.

Speaking of this, she remembered the matter of serving wine.

After entering the main room and seeing Shu Shu, the nanny gave the gift list and said: "Our empress is still feeling uncomfortable, I don't know that you are leaving the palace, otherwise it will be given as a gift."

As he spoke, he pointed to the other three copies and said: "These copies are for Concubine Hui, our empress, and the Crown Princess. I have been in the palace for a year and a half, and the Crown Princess has taken care of me. I will remember it in my heart. I don't care what you do outside, I only think about the love your mother treats me..."

Shu Shu signaled Xiao Chun to help her up.

The nanny knew in her heart that this person was born in the royal palace, so it should be the population given to Jiu Fujin by Duo Luogege from Dong E's family.

She thought of the nuns that Jiufujin brought into the palace last year, and one of them was also from the palace of Prince Kang's palace.

The nurse was also not good at commenting on Brother Jiu, and said: "Our mother only cares about Jiu Fujin's body, and when sending this old slave over, she also asked the old slave to look at Fujin more."

Xiaochun nodded and said: "That's right, let's talk about people's greed, if Fujin lets go, even Zhao Jia's next step will be thinking about having a child; when a son is born, who knows what thoughts will arise..."

The nanny thought for a while, and said, "I wanted to ask Shi Fujin to run errands..."

Shu Shu said: "After a few days of busy work, let you take two days off. You also go back to stay with the family, and then go to the Shun'an Bank to meet the shopkeeper and ask him to choose one of the older masters. Enter the palace to make offerings."

Zhaojia Gege nodded honestly and said: "The slave knows that the master of Fujin is generous, the slave will definitely not cause trouble, and will not cause trouble to the master of Fujin..."

Xiao Chun and Walnut looked at each other, and they both knew that although this man acted straightforwardly, sometimes he was easy to soften his heart towards women.

The nanny hesitated and said: "Then the empress is running errands for Jiufu Jin?"

Shu Shu thought of her body now, Brother Nine looks good-looking now, his body is not fat, and his age is just right, if he really gets fat...

She jumped with joy, hurriedly nodded and said: "Your servant must think carefully, must think carefully."

The Crown Princess nodded and said, "What's the point of honoring the elders, what's the point if I come here?"

In this way, it is enjoyable, and the past is smoothed out.

The Crown Princess sent someone to deliver the "housewarming gift" today, in accordance with the rules, and it was also for the inside and outside of the palace to see.

Unexpectedly, Shu Shu "reciprocated"...

(End of this chapter)

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