Chapter 741 One size fits all (the first update asks for a monthly pass)

On the next day, Brother Nine and Brother Ten went to the Yamen together.

Brother Jiu said: "For the treat, do you two have any ideas?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "No, isn't this waiting for you? At that time, the invitations will definitely be similar, it's just that the in-laws are different here."

Brother Nine said: "I plan to invite for two days, brothers and in-laws will be invited separately."

This is not Shu Shu's suggestion, but Brother Jiu thought of it himself.

If you get together, how can you entertain them?
Everyone's identities are also divided into grades and grades.

Not comfortable at that time.

Two days are divided, one day is divided between brothers and clan relatives; one day is divided between in-laws and nieces.

Elder Brother Shi stroked his chin and said, "That clan is full of people, can we invite them together?"

The apricot is not big, only the size of a thumb cap, round.

Shu Shu said: "The side dishes are still tender, it's a pity to eat them fried, and eat them wrapped in pancakes..."

As for Dong E's house, Guo Luoluo's house, and Prince Kang's mansion, it was the post from Brother Jiu's side, and the time for the treat was the third day of October.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Well, don't eat consecutively..."

Shi Fujin laughed and said, "I can't eat this year, but my sister-in-law catches up, so I'll eat it for my sister-in-law."

how to say?

Otherwise, the division by the color of the flag would be the general standard for the relationship between the clan, plus the two cousins ​​of Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion.

The two brothers made an appointment to go back at noon.

After a while, Elder Brother Shi and Fujin came over.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, it's not bad, why is it all meat?
Shu Shu smiled and said, "Perhaps I've been too vegetarian recently, I want to eat meat..."

Since then, he has been trembling, waiting for the crown prince's appeasement, and also waiting for Jiu elder brother's censure and the emperor's anger.

Ten elder brothers agreed.

Shi Fujin thought for a while, and said: "Then what gift should I give back to Sister-in-law Jiu? I don't have a better recipe than here?"

After all, it's the precious prince. If you have nothing to do, you can go out for a stroll.

Brother Ten lowered his head and smiled.

Shi Fujin said proudly: "Master Shi also praised me for being smart and knowing the distance! Hee hee, who doesn't know this yet? Treat us well and stay close, and if we don't treat us well, stay far away!"

Brother Nine curled his lips, selected the relevant official documents, called a pen post, and said, "Send it to Director He."

Mountain apricots are picked when they are tender, and the almonds in them are not mature yet, so they can be eaten.

They are all brothers of their own family, so naturally they come as they please.

Seeing Brother Nine, he smiled and said, "Brother is happy to move in, when will the wine be served?"

The sister-in-law was talking and came to Dongci room.

He stood up, wanting to apologize to Brother Jiu, walked to the door, and backed away.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Okay, I want a piglet under fifty catties."

Take a bite, first salty and then sour.

Shu Shu ate four or five before putting it down.

There is a bit of bitterness in this sourness.

Go to the study.

Shu Shu wants to eat fat, which is similar to beef breast oil, which has both chewy texture and the feeling of bursting fat.

My ninth brother is really strong without desires.

As a result, nothing...

When we arrived at the Prince's Mansion, Brother Nine said to Brother Ten, "You bring your younger siblings over for lunch, and then let's discuss how to treat guests together."

Niu Hulu's house, the Duke's Mansion, and the Abahai Department of the Neiguan, here are the posts of the ten princes.

Shu Shu said: "In addition to the sugar, it is also because the milk tofu has not been dried. I will ask someone to give you the recipe later. If you want to eat, ask someone to make it."

The tenth elder brother just came out, listened to the conversation between the two, and when Sunu left, he asked the ninth elder brother in a low voice, "Don't you invite your clan relatives?"

It is the joint name of Brother Nine and Brother Ten.

The crown prince will leave for Shengjing at the end of next month, and the palace along the way must be prepared to welcome him.

Sunu didn't expect brother Jiu to react like this, "haha" smiled and said, "brother is sympathetic..."

Shu Shu praised: "That's right, this way of distinguishing is straightforward and worry-free."

Brother Nine said: "I've finished dealing with the affairs of the yamen, I called Lao Shi and Lao Shi Fujin to have lunch together later."

Shi Fujin whispered: "I, Ehe, said, don't tell me to take advantage of others, for fear of being looked down upon."

Brother Jiu said distressedly: "Then there is no need to wait for the treat, just ask people to prepare a few more dishes in the evening."

Brother Jiu laughed and said, "The elders are all busy, so don't disturb them..."

Hearing Brother Jiu say that the clan's family is not invited, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "It's just right, otherwise, many elders are not familiar with each other, so it's hard to think about it."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Isn't it the closest? They're all next to each other, just separated by two walls..."

Shu Shu was bored and followed Xiao Chun to cut clothes for Xiao Hua.

Men and women are still separated, and the princes go to the Ten Princes' Mansion.

Shi Fujin watched from the side, hurriedly asked Walnut to take down the small bowl, and said: "You can't eat it continuously, it will make your teeth sour..."

Elder Brother Ten here, besides Niu Hulu's house, also has his aunt's house. At that time, he also showed up when he was engaged to get married. The people from the Abahai Department who went to Beijing for shifts also came to Beijing. It was his brother-in-law, and he wanted to invite him too. .

Shu Shu smiled, nodded and said: "My concubine is right, there is that kind of person who is helped by others, but does not know how to be grateful, but thinks that it is his own ability, and he still wants to laugh at others, so he should stay away."

Today is September 28th, and I want to treat guests on the second day of October, and I will send a post tomorrow.

Hearing that elder brother Jiu was back, Shu Shu brought joy and said, "It's so early today?"

The fourteenth elder brother took the invitation card sent by Sun Jin, looked at it over and over again, and brought a little novelty.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "That's good, it will save my brothers trouble, or else we will have to join the dinner of the two families..."

Here, Brother Nine handled the official affairs almost well, so he went out of the yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, and went to the yamen of the Clan Mansion to wait for Brother Ten.

From Zhijun Prince's Mansion down to the fifteenth elder brother, posts are prepared.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten went to Xici Room.

When Shu Shu heard Shan Xing, her saliva flowed wildly, but she still endured it and said: "This is prepared by the princess for the younger siblings, the younger siblings should keep it well, I have something else to eat here."

Shun Xin and Ru Yi both have small clothes, but Xiao Hua does not.

Only put salt, nothing else.

Ten Fujin took Shu Shu's hand, took a careful look at her belly, and said, "My elder brother has arrived in the capital, and besides beef jerky and milk tofu, he also brought a jar of pickled wild apricot. I asked someone to share half of it over here." , put it in the front dining room..."

Brother Jiu agreed.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then said: "The bacon is also steamed on a plate, I want the kind of cured pork belly, fat and thin."

After hearing this, Shu Shu ordered Walnut to say: "Ask the dining room to add some dishes, cut the beef tendon into two plates, heat up two egg rolls, bring two plates of shredded milk tofu, and add two pancake platters..."

Shu Shu is a loving person, so she just muttered a few words, Xiao Chun took a ruler, and the master and servant discussed how to do it.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "There is no need to return the gift, if you insist on reciprocity, it is also the return gift from Shan Xing just now."

The next day, September 29, the posts from the Ninth Prince's Mansion and the Tenth Prince's Mansion were sent out.

After lunch, Brother Nine brought Brother Ten over and talked about the treat on the second day of October.

Said he was helpless, did he follow orders?
It feels even more boring...

Elder Brother Shi didn't arrive, but Beizi Sunu came out.

This is the disadvantage of the two brothers not entering the flag, and they have no affiliation.

Class break.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No, there are so many clansmen, who should we invite? The post is sent out, but the other party has no time to come, we feel uncomfortable; if they all come, we will accompany them..."

She had eaten it at the No. [-] Institute before, and she liked the texture and chewiness of the brushed sugar outside and the milk tofu inside.

She knew that Shifu Jin had a lot of private houses, and there were almost a lot of foreign goods shops, and now outside the palace, she had contact with more people than inside the palace.

That's fine, everyone is treated equally, and no one can pick out the shortcomings.

Brothers say goodbye for now.

Shi Fujin blinked, and said: "I, Ehe, also said, don't let others take advantage of me, so as not to be regarded as a big fool..."

Since there are no outsiders, then the second year of junior high school will be a small feast.

When Brother Nine arrived at the House of Internal Affairs, he got an errand in the Qing Palace.

In the past few days, he has had trouble sleeping and eating.

Ten Fujin was beside her, drooling already...

Seeing the milk tofu with shredded milk, Shi Fujin smiled, and said, "I never thought that milk tofu can be eaten like this, it's better than eating directly..."

Shu Shu's saliva became more and more, and he glanced at Walnut.

That post style took the official document and took the order to go.

She hasn't eaten less beef in the past few days, but because they are afraid that she will be hurt, everyone prepares lean beef for her.

Shu Shu said again: "Then you can also bake pies, stuffed with mutton and green onions..."

Because the Eight Banners have a lot of in-laws, they are basically the uncle's family, aunt's family, aunt's family, and Yue's family.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Well, but you can't be too generous and let others take advantage of you."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Your sister-in-law said the same thing, so we don't have to worry about it, we will invite you together, your male guests, my female relatives and children; the next day, we will invite each other for half a day." .”

Shu Shu remembered the taste of suckling pigs, which were charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and said, "Ask Zhuangzi to send some piglets to roast..."

He really didn't expect the prince to ask him to go directly to the imperial court to make trouble after checking the ninth elder brother, and he didn't expect the ninth elder brother to be so tough and move out of the palace directly.

Brother Nine said: "What is a pancake platter?"

Speaking of this, she thought of Brother Nine's delicate stomach, and said, "Master, just take a couple of bites and try it, don't eat too much..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "There is an oven in the dining room, I will call a master chef from the inner hall to come back and cook the roast lamb..."

Before the walnuts went down, Xiaotang had already brought in a bowl of pickled apricots.

Brother Jiu said: "Then buy a few more cages of rabbits and roast them, they are tender."

The room next door was on duty, and He Yi got up to take the official document, but he hesitated.

Although there were only four people, they were divided into seats.

He retreated to his seat again, with a bit of decadence, and looked in the direction of Yuqing Palace, feeling dissatisfied in his heart...

Shi Fujin smiled and took Shu Shu's hand and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu is the closest!"

At this moment, it's time to set up the meal.

This was the first time in his life that he received an invitation.

It feels really different, like growing up.

The fourteenth elder brother pinched his fingers and counted: "Today is 29, tomorrow is [-], the next one will be the first day of junior high school, and the next one will be the second year of junior high school..."

The thirteenth elder brother was a little worried, and said: "Sun Jin said that the ninth brother has gone to the imperial court, what if Khan Ama doesn't give me leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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