Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi looked at the folding page in his hand, frowned and said, "Why only two guards?"

The second-class guard added a black mountain, and the third-class guard added a Fuqing.

Brother Nine said: "The remaining four are going to be selected from several Zuoling and Guanling disciples..."

Kangxi continued to look down, and when he saw the combined number of guards and vests, he reported fifty, and said, "Why is there only half?"

Brother Nine said: "It's filled up now. When my son has a banner family, I still have to replace it. It's not necessary. Forget it, my son, these people are enough for daily use."

Kangxi was not satisfied.

When he was in the palace, the prince had one bodyguard and fifty guards when he went out, but after he went out, he also had to guard the house, but all of them were reduced.

He also looked at the number of men and women below. There were 110 coats, 20 households, and 20 eunuchs.

Calculated in this way, the whole family has 150 talents, which is not much more than when elder brother said.

Brother Jiu said: "Things are rare and valuable, and it's too crazy if they are all Khan Ama's ink treasures, there is no need!"

His current annual salary is only 500 taels...

According to the meaning of the Shang family, they wanted to choose one of the daughters of the Shang family as the Seventh Fujin, but they were rejected by Prince Pure Fujin.

The fifth elder brother frowned and said, "Lao Qi didn't have a separate account for 23 taels of silver. It seems that Aunt Wang's silver was used before. Someone from the Shang family talked about it..."

He misunderstood, thinking that what Kangxi said was that other halls in the mansion were still vacant, so he said: "This mansion plaque is for outsiders to see, and the imperial pen is also decent. The hall plaque inside is something like that. Later, my son, Mr. Yang, wrote two , and then ask Zhang Tingzan to help, let Zhang Shangshu also write two, and ask Fahai for two later..."

Brother Nine proudly said: "When my son pays back the money, I will wait for my turn to eat!"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "I really can't hide anything from Khan Ama, didn't my son and tenth have moved, and I want to have a drink on the second day of next month, and treat my brothers to a meal. I promised Fourteen and them earlier." , including them, when the time comes, I will go to the study and ask for a day off..."

If there are fewer people, it will save trouble. Brother Jiu and Brother Ten are still young, if the people around them are messy, it is not good if they are abducted.

The rest of the people in the mansion follow the example of Brother Jiu, with fifty guards and vests, 130 coats, [-] households, and twenty eunuchs.

The third elder brother thought about it, and the brothers knew that the ninth elder brother had no money, so most of them would add silver seals, and they couldn't afford too much.

Brother Nine took it for granted, "There is still the door plaque on the old ten's side, we can't just slip it off, 'Four Belle Mansion', 'Eight Belle Mansion', 'Ninth Prince's Mansion', the last vacancy..."

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Then why are there two letters?"

Brother Jiu said: "My son just thinks it's unnecessary, just do some work, if you can do it by yourself, there's no need to talk about that pomp."

When the time comes, it will be too harsh to deal with it directly; if it is not dealt with, it will become a joke.

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "These coated people have already been assigned to you, can't you believe it?"

As for the children?
You can take your eldest son there and get to know your cousins.

As for the household population, it is Shu Shu's dowry population.

Fifth elder brother scratched his head and said, "Maybe it's for fairness?"

The principal of 15 was thrown into it by myself...

Parents all over the world are looking forward to the harmony and happiness of their children.

Kangxi felt uncomfortable, glanced at him, and said, "Why can't it be the imperial brush inside?"

The fifth elder brother glanced at him, and said: "Probably not. When I was receiving the money, my uncle even mentioned that he didn't see anyone from Lao Qi's house. I thought it was a staggered day to get the money..."

Although last year they came out of separate households, it was a mess, and it took a few days to catch up with Dafu Jin's death, but the palace is fully staffed, and the favors that should be given are also gone.

Kangxi looked at him a few times, and said: "It's nothing to be courteous, tell me, what else do you want from me?"

This is already a lot, two letters are 400 taels.

Brother Nine frowned and said, "What is 232 million taels of silver without separate households? But I stamped and signed it at that time, and this amount was recorded in the internal account!"

The third elder brother came in and said, "In addition to the 'housewarming gift' at Lao Jiu's side as usual, I will add two more coins!"

Zhijun Palace.

Kangxi murmured: "Are you entertaining guests with Elder Brother Ten? Who are you inviting?"

The third elder brother shook his head and said, "Who told you that Lao Ninth and the others got 23 taels? That came with the knighthood. Now Lao Jiu and Lao Shi have not been knighted, and they don't have this sum of money for the time being..."

Brother Nine was dumbfounded. He looked in the direction of the Qianqing Palace, and said incredulously, "Why didn't Khan Ama withhold it?"

Four Baylor House.

Kangxi felt that this was not the only meaning, but that he seemed to be disgusted.

The number of coaters was 110, all of which were 96 people out of the 14 he had discussed with Fujin before, and they were preparing to select servants.

The eldest elder brother said: "The tenth elder brother will follow the example, and the ninth elder brother will add a few coins..."

If you can't bear children, you can't play with wolves.

Brother Jiu said: "The second day of junior high school is a family banquet, no outsiders are invited, only the family members..."

The pure prince Fujin chose Qifujin himself, who was not bad in background, appearance, and character.

Brother Jiu didn't think that far at all, nodded and said: "Of course, I won't change this brand even if it hangs up..."

Kangxi dissatisfied: "You will find me a job?"

Forget about the other little Gege, they are not familiar with their husband and wife, and they are also young.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Two hundred!"

Kangxi nodded, took it, and briefly looked at it.

If you don't say clearly, with Brother Jiu's sloppy energy, you can't even turn around and even ask for the imperial pen for the shop's plaque.

Kangxi had a smile on his face, and said: "First of all, you borrowed a lot of foreign debts, so you should give a drink to thank you..."

The palace did not ask for greetings, and she was bored all day long, and wanted to get together with her sister-in-law.

Brother Nine flattered and said: "My son is not asking in vain, wait until next year to honor Khan Ama with a big gift..."

Big brother accepted the invitation, called Chang Shi and said, "Are you ready for the 'Housewarming Ceremony'?"

Three Baylor House.

Kangxi thought that elder brother Ninth loves to do economic things the most, and now that the households are separated, the shops outside will inevitably be expanded, so he said: "Only this time, there will be no second time!"

The three people mentioned by brother Jiu are all well-known calligraphers in the capital.

The post on Sifujin's side was sent by Nanny Xing herself.

He was full of entanglements in the study, looked at the time, guessed that Brother Jiu was still in the House of Internal Affairs at this time, so he went to the House of Internal Affairs to block Brother Jiu.

Sanfujin snorted softly: "Just divided the household, 23 taels of silver, still short of money?"

Sanfujin was very surprised and said: "Okay, what money should I add?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "Is there any other choice? If you don't write 'Ninth Prince's Mansion', what should you put on it? 'Nine Lord's Mansion'?"

Kangxi didn't make things difficult for Brother Nine and said: "Then take it out and take it easy for a day, and send it back before sunset, and don't delay the next day's homework."

It's not that big eaters, the money in the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also abundant, so there is no need to waste it.

Seeing that Kangxi's complexion was not good, Brother Nine quickly shut up, and said courteously, "My son serves Ama Khan and grinds ink for you..."

Ninth elder brother took a flattery and said: "Khan Ama, my son wants to ask you for two imperial pens..."

Kangxi glanced at him, snorted lightly, and said, "Where are you going to hang it?"

She rubbed her belly, planning to go there.

Brother Jiu was taken aback when he heard this, and said: "What happened to Brother Seven, can't you find money?"

Who is following this careful attention to money?
I am not stingy, Yifei has always been extravagant.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine, but he was puzzled, and said: "You don't need to pay money, what are you fussing about?"

If peanuts are successfully planted in the suburbs next year, it will not only be an extra dish, but also a variety of vegetable oils.

Now she is five months old and she is pregnant, but she can move easily.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "The gate must not be bare, let's not hang anything, in case there is any offence!"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to hang?"

Kangxi swallowed the words he planned to teach Brother Jiu.

Chang Shi said: "Prepare, follow the example of several other Baylor mansions last year."

Sanfujin looked at the invitation, and it mentioned bringing the children there.

Sanfujin frowned and said, "Then how much is this one?"

Brother Nine said: "My son has already checked and calculated. These people are almost enough to work, and we can adjust it later when there is not enough manpower."

In addition to entertaining the fourth elder brother and his wife, he also mentioned the elder brother Hong Hui, and invited Si Fujin to bring Hong Hui with him, so that he could play with the fifteenth elder brother at that time.

The third elder brother sat on the edge of the kang, coughed lightly, and said, "What else? As an elder brother, can you give pocket money?"

He didn't intend to "borrow" so much before, and it was also because of this reason that he was afraid that it would be more than two years, and his brothers would not get together when they used the money, so he emphasized that it was "spare money".

Brother Ten's guards are almost full, and they are all his haha ​​beads.

The Shang family is the natal family of the Pure Prince Fujin, although they are not so bold as to worry about the wealth of the royal family, but they are also very picky about the Seventh Brother and his wife like a supervisor.

It's just that because of the death of Dafujin, last year several restaurants didn't serve wine.

As for the eunuchs, there are seven of them now, and there are 13 more who plan to make up from the respect room.

Brother Nine happened to be there, just came out of the House of Internal Affairs and planned to go home.

Sifujin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll take you there, but let his ninth aunt give him a good hug..."

Brother Jiu promised: "Of course, at their age, they should study hard, so as not to go out to play all the time, and their hearts will be wild..."

Five Baylor Mansion, the fifth elder brother's face is very ugly.

Speaking of this, he remembered that Princess Rongxian was in the capital now, and said: "In addition to my elder brother and sister-in-law and a few children in the palace, plus Second Sister and Xiaojiu..."

Kangxi was noncommittal, and the ninth elder brother handed over the tenth elder brother's share and said: "The old ten wants to come here in person, but the son said that the son happened to be here, so he brought it."

The fifth elder brother pulled him aside, and said directly: "Is there any money left to replenish the internal treasury? If there is any left, I will pay back the old seventh's money first..."

Although it is good to be cautious, it is not necessary to be too cautious.

Otherwise, I have already prepared a portion of the family property of the Pure Palace, and if I receive another portion, it will be more than other brothers...

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Can it be the same? The 23 taels was taken from Khan Ama, and I feel comfortable holding it; it's hard to say when the share from Uncle Chun Wang's house will fall into the hands of Seventh Brother... ..."

Just like the current situation, if something is embezzled, it will be talked about by relatives from other places.

He was a little upset.

This favor is too great...

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