My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 744 Exposure

Chapter 744 Exposure

After a while, Jiugege also brought two nuns and two palace maids out.

Seeing brother Jiu, she couldn't wait to ask: "How is sister-in-law Jiu these days?"

Brother Nine said: "It's alright..."

Jiugege said melancholy: "I haven't seen Mrs. Jiu for a long time..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, it's been less than ten days in total, why has it been so long?

Fortunately, I moved out, otherwise the younger sister would have to grow up at home.

When Jiu Gege also boarded the carriage, the team set off.

Ninth elder brother didn't ride a horse, but also got into the carriage, looked at twelfth elder brother and thirteenth elder brother, and said, "You two are not young anymore, you should also stand up in the future!"

The twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were fooled.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's right, how old are you, Han Ama is still worried, so I asked you to come pick me up, if it wasn't for Xiao Shiwu, I wouldn't bother to come here!"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "I've been lying down for a few days, if I don't take a few steps, my body will be rusted..."

This is the first time I have seen so many children...

Looking at the complexion is also good, why does Brother Jiu treat it like a porcelain doll?
Ninth elder brother looked smug, and wanted to spread the word, but after thinking about the "three months" taboo, he endured it, glanced at fourteenth elder brother, and said, "What are you asking? Master Can't Baby Master's Fujin work? How many steps do you have to walk from the main courtyard to meet you?"

Ninth brother realized the disadvantages of himself and tenth brother.

At this moment, Jiu Gege also got off the carriage, and the sister-in-law was the intimate "handshake gift".

Jiugege asked curiously, "Then what shall we play?"

Brother Fifteen smiled cutely.

Every location is a brocade box.

Shu Shu looked at Jiugege and said with some distress.

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

Fifth elder brother, seventh elder brother, and eighth elder brother are at the same table, and ten elder brothers are next to accompany.

She also thought that Shu Shu was inconvenient, and wanted to come over to help earlier.

After a short time, Sifujin brought Da Gege and Hong Hui to arrive.

It is always necessary to supplement the meat, otherwise it is not a good thing to get married next year and still be so thin when pregnant.

Brother Nine said from the side: "Brothers are busy all day, it's hard to enjoy half a day of leisure, let's come to something affordable."

As early as the ninth elder brother was making a fuss, the tenth elder brother thought of this, but he didn't stop him.

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourteenth elder brother, and said: "What are you thinking about these things? Anyway, it's not for you!"

As for the twelfth elder brother and below, the ninth elder brother has been sent to his own mansion...

The guests from the Prince's Mansion haven't come yet.

Brother Nine thought about it, but couldn't make up his mind.

The fourteenth elder brother laughed "hee hee" and said, "I just want to have Gege and the dining room is ready, so I can go to the twelve elder brother's place for a meal."

The elder brother looked funny, and said: "Aren't you eating? What are you doing with these?"

Brother Jiu felt that it would be nice if his little brother would be so quiet in the future.

Six elder brothers, plus nine elder brothers and ten elder brothers, exactly two tables.

Shu Shu said: "If you don't play together, you won't feel uncomfortable."

The last time Jiugege saw them was last year, and seeing them as well-behaved, he liked them a lot.

Several elder brothers saluted Shu Shu.

The few catties of meat that had been conditioned on the southern tour before fell down, and it looked like that.

Elder Brother Twelve's biological mother is a nobleman, so she is not qualified to give Elder Brother what to say.

The eldest elder brother, the third elder brother, and the fourth elder brother are at the same table, and the ninth elder brother is the first to accompany them.

If you don't belong to the big elder brother, the older princes above will end up with the eighth elder brother.

Shu Shu said: "In addition to eating and sleeping all day long, I guess I'm going to get fat."

Jiugege came here today, and he has another task, which is to welcome guests on behalf of Shushu.

Shu Shu nodded in return.

Gossiping, the carriage left Di'anmen and headed north.

He looked at Elder Brother Twelve, and felt a little close. When he saw this younger brother, he seemed to see himself and tenth brother before.

Can't you draw a ten-strength bow?

While speaking, the ten blessings arrived.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "I'll have supper later, it doesn't need to be too much, half a bowl every day..."

Si Fujin looked at Shu Shu and said: "Eating is not important, don't tire yourself out."

No matter what tricks the two younger brothers are trying to do, he is willing to support him just looking at Brother Jiu, who is an uncle who is still thinking about his children.

Jiu Gege felt annoyed, and supported Shu Shu, "Sister-in-law, I'll help you in."

Except for fifth elder brother who is also chaotic, the others are thoughtful.

Shu Shu glanced at the carriages behind her.

Jiugege nodded and looked at Shushu.

Seeing that the two of them were sticking together endlessly, Brother Jiu's teeth were sore, he looked at Jiu Gege and said, "Don't help your sister-in-law in, your sister-in-law can't stand the tiredness now!"

They can't be counted among the younger elder brothers, and the lower elder brothers are counted from the thirteen elder brothers.

Elder Fourteen laughed and said, "Just give me an order, and I'll assign you to do it properly."

I don't know if Madam Su Ma will arrange for a palace lady.

Then, the three Fujin arrived, and the Five Fujin and Ten Fujin came out to welcome them.

Others don't mind, the third elder brother sees it, and his heart is settled.

The eldest elder brother looked at the brocade box, then at the third elder brother, and realized that something was wrong.

So, don't ask if you don't ask, hum!

Play cards well by yourself, win a little more, and the 400 taels of expenses will be returned!

As for the other younger brothers, they won't be likable when they get older...

From Jiugege to Wufujin and Shifujin on behalf of Shushu to welcome them.

Uncles and nephews, you look at me, and I look at yours, all with curiosity.

Shu Shu glared at Brother Jiu, and said to the younger brothers: "You stay with your Brother Jiu first, and then you can help sister-in-law."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "I'm afraid my brothers will be bored, so it's just a good time to pass the time."

As he spoke, he touched Brother Fifteen's little hat according to the occasion.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Okay, then I will trouble Fourteenth Brother then."

Elder Brother Ten was watching from the sidelines, as expected.

Jiugege asked curiously: "Since there are no outsiders, only the family members, why are the banquets divided into two houses?"

The elder brother said with a smile: "Okay, then try your luck."

As for Khan Ama, I guess I can't remember...

Later, the Seventh Fujin arrived, and the Five Fujin and Ten Fujin came out to welcome them.

Next, Princess Rong Xian also arrived.

The little elder brothers listened to the novelty.

Jiugege laughed and said, "A few days ago, I had a dry throat and didn't like to eat. I drank porridge for a few days, and now it's gone."

Seeing her ruddy complexion and bright eyes, no different from when she was in the palace, Jiu Gege felt relieved and said, "Sister-in-law looks really good."

There are two strings of money in it, which are auspicious money. One string is written "to attract wealth and treasure" and the other is written "peace and joy".

At this moment, Brother Nine also sent someone to bring Brother Fifteen in.

The eighth elder brother was thoughtful and silent, while the seventh elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, and returned to the state of distraction.

Brother Twelve nodded and said, "Yes."

Brother Jiu said very kindly: "Your days in the study are coming to an end, and after the year, you will also find time to go out of the palace to see the outside world, and you can't be like a little princess..."

The money has a big thumb cover, even if it only weighs one penny, then one string is worth ten taels of gold, and two strings are worth 20 taels of gold!

Otherwise, when the guests arrive one after another, it is not easy for Shu Shu to sit in the room if it is not sister-in-law or aunt.

The two sisters are five years old and the other is three years old.

After Shu Shu and Jiu Gege left, Brother Fourteen realized that something was wrong, and said, "Brother Jiu, what's wrong with Sister Jiu?"

In the end, it was Jiu Gege who went to pick up the little princesses and little elder brothers from Zhijun Prince's Mansion, and Si Fujin brought Jiu Gege and Shi Fujin to pick them up.

The fourteenth elder brother laughed beside him and said, "What Brother Nine means, I won't pick up from now on, I want to go out of the palace and come out by myself."

Immediately, I saw the fourteenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the twelfth elder brother coming out of the carriage, and the twelfth elder brother hugged the fifteenth elder brother with his backhand.

It's better to uncover this matter sooner, Brother Nine is originally sympathetic to his brother's good deeds, and he can't really owe money to everyone...

Shu Shu was waiting ahead.

The cost of playing cards on the table today is more than 1000 taels of silver!

With that said, please take your seats.

The third elder brother felt that he was going to get angry.

The fourth elder brother frowned, his face darkened.

Waiting for them are two card tables.

Brother Nine doesn't look like a poor man!

Shu Shu proudly said, "It's meaningless to talk about it now, but my sister will know later."

"My sister has lost weight..."

But going out to meet them again and again is also worrying.

Two letters of silver are not enough, do you want to lose money?
The fourth elder brother has already seen the difference on the table.

It's really brotherly love, all the prepared carriages are empty, and they all squeeze the front one.

Elder Fourteen felt that Brother Ninth was indifferent, so he turned his head and muttered to Elder Thirteen, "Wait, Brother Ninth must have encountered something good again, and he will show off in a few days!"

Nine elder brothers came here by beating younger elder brothers, knowing the inconvenience at this time, said: "If you want to get back together, just order people to open two more stoves now."

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the carriage arrived at the place.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu immediately jumped out of the carriage, stepped forward to help him, and said angrily, "You're not an outsider, so why come out to meet you?"

The princes also arrived one after another, and went directly to the Tenth Prince's Mansion according to the post.

While talking, Wu Fujin also arrived, bringing along his four-year-old elder brother Hongsheng.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "So when the time comes, please trouble sister-in-law and sister..."

When he left the palace before he became an adult, Han Ama didn't ask his brothers to take him with him!

Brother Jiu opened a brocade box, revealed the inside, and said triumphantly: "This is the capital prepared for the brothers, but it has been agreed, if the brothers win, there will be a series of big gifts behind, if they lose completely, At that time, there is no way to see others jealous..."

Elder Fourteen shook his head and said, "It's just a late meal, so there's no need to bother."

Brother Fourteen rolled his eyes, and asked Brother Nine in a low voice, "Brother Twelfth will be sixteen next year, when will the Gege from the fifth school come down? Is it next year or the year after?"

They are all mid-notch, pitiful little ones who are easily overlooked.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

The guests have all arrived, and the room is full.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother brought in a few young eunuchs, and the two young eunuchs were holding a stack of brocade boxes in their hands.

Everyone in the room, from Princess Rong Xian to the youngest Hong Hui and Hong Shu, each shared a brocade box.

Just like the prince, there are two new strings of money inside...

(End of this chapter)

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