My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 745 Let You See the World

Chapter 745 Let You See the World (Second Monthly Pass)

Seeing this posture, like playing a house, everyone laughed.

This time the treat, since we asked everyone to bring the children, it must be mainly children.

Everyone looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu glanced at the clock, it was the second quarter.

It's three poles in the sun, and it's not so cold anymore.

She said: "It's all carefully prepared by our master, everyone, go and have a look..."

After all, she took the lead and led everyone out of the main courtyard.

Go directly through the small gate next to the main courtyard to the corridor, walk twenty or thirty steps to the south, pass the east gate, and you will arrive at the garden.

When everyone came in, they were dumbfounded.

Among the various snacks on sale, there are also a few alternative ones.

Directly exchanging money for the golden rabbit and taking it away seems to be taking advantage of Brother Jiu and Sister-in-law Jiu, which is disrespectful.

These little masters are raised in small circles, where have you seen these?

As she spoke, she greeted her siblings and said, "Let's join in the fun..."

This year is the Year of the Rabbit, and this Rabbit fits the occasion.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's the first time I'm entertaining little guests, and I don't know how to accompany them, so does our master. Just think of this and let them play by themselves..."

Every stall owner, whether eunuch or nanny, became less restrained and more enthusiastic, looking at everyone with eager eyes.

"Almond tea, fried noodles..."

This is sending with the left hand and receiving with the right hand, coaxing everyone to be happy.

Except for Wu Fujin, the juniors were all born before, so they can understand.

He also wanted to set a few rabbits back to give away.

The last two rows are rabbit dolls, the upper row is puppet rabbits, and the lower row is porcelain rabbits.

"Xiao Long Bao, a small steamed bun stuffed with pork and green onions..."

The people in Zhijun Palace looked at Shu Shu and Si Fujin.

He tried his strength twice, and he had experience in the last three laps, and he caught two rabbits, one porcelain rabbit and one cloth rabbit.

I am not short of money, but I don't want to make her wish too much.

Sanfujin looked at Shushu, enviously said: "This is Xiaojiaojiao, she hasn't shown her bosom yet, the elders are with her..."


Shu Shu brought Princess Rongxian, Sanfujin, Sifujin, and Wufujin to Ning'an Hall for a small sit down. As for the Seventh Fujin, Ten Fujin and Jiugege, they were shopping at the stalls one by one.

Then the garden suddenly came alive, and there was a sound of selling.

Everyone hesitated.

The twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are alright, they have been instructed by the ninth elder brother to take care of their nieces and nephews, and they are quite conscientious, keeping an eye on the younger ones.

One money and one bamboo ring.

It's the mother-in-law, it's frustrating to grind people.

I didn't feel relieved until I saw the stall owner's makeup clearly. Looking at the makeup, either the eunuch or the nanny should be from the mansion.

Only Sanfujin called Shushu over while changing clothes, and blamed him: "Are you stupid? How can you take the matter of moving house on yourself? Even if it is true, Lao Jiu has to carry it in front of you." , what else do the emperor and Concubine Yi think..."

Looking at the golden rabbit in the distance, he didn't give up, and asked the eunuch who was holding a long bamboo pole to collect the bamboo ring: "Your master, what if there is no one in the first two rows?"

"Candied haws, one string of candied haws, two strings of three strings..."

Elder Brother Fifteen ate a few mouthfuls of fried enema and came over too. He counted out five coins carefully and exchanged five rings.

Shu Shu held Mrs. Uncle's arm, made no secret of her dependence, and said, "I'm afraid without Ah Mou to accompany me, now I'm at ease..."

"Mutton skewers, lamb tendons, lamb kidneys..."

Sanfujin blinked, before he thought Shu Shu was stupid and generous, he treated guests as he wanted, and even gave two strings of money to each of them, only now did he realize that he was smart.

There are pastry stalls, rouge stalls, gold and silver jewelry stalls, and a foreign goods stall. The items sold on them are not only for children, but also for everyone.

As for Fujin and the princesses, they all smiled.

Brother Fifteen was overjoyed, his little face was flushed, and he was jumping for joy.

When the children were separated and away from the grown-ups, everyone was at ease.

Sanfujin didn't know much about the news, and he didn't know that Brother Jiu was meeting Yuqing Palace, so he just said: "Then Lao Jiu is more self-willed than you, can a daughter-in-law here be the same as my son? A few reprimands; my daughter-in-law is not waiting to see you, look at my early days..."

The more you sell, the richer the reward.

Speaking of this, she was embarrassed, looked at the crowd and said: "Who knew that it was fine before, but this hurts her mouth, and she suffers so much, and she is easily wronged in her heart. When she thinks of what she can't eat, tears come out. Our master is scared , moved out in a hurry..."

"Meat sandwich..."

Everyone's eyes are not enough, and they all look at the parents helplessly.

This is a bad name. From the perspective of the clan, this is a peer, but from Shu Shu's point of view, this is an elder.

"Small hanging pear soup, add honey, it's sweet..."

Everyone was also more polite, and changed their address to "County Lord" like Brother Nine.

The farthest prize is a golden rabbit, the size of a palm, and it costs several taels even if it is hollow. If it is solid, it will cost ten taels or more.

Jiugege looked at his nieces and nephews, and said with a smile, "Everyone must like it..."

There were laughter and laughter in the whole garden, some liked it, and some couldn't bear it.

Shu Shu said: "Okay, let's go and play..."

"It's a trap, there is a rabbit parrot..."

Elder Brother Fifteen was standing beside him, and he should have been waiting for a while.

Princess Rongxian said: "I mentioned you to my grandmother before, when the weather is fine, you can also go and have a seat."

It's just that these foods can fool the children, and can they fool them?

The Princess Courtyard where Princess Shuhui and Princess Rongxian live now is just to the east of Deshengmen. It is a street from here, which is Erlidi. There is a north-south road in the middle, so it is very close.

Shu Shu raised her hand and shouted, "Okay, you will be the shopkeepers today..."

It was the first time Princess Shuhui returned to court, and the palace held a banquet to welcome the princess, and all the eldest daughters in Beijing went.

The first stall on the side is a candied haws seller. The four-foot-tall grass pillars are covered with candied haws of various colors, including hawthorn, orange, crabapple, candied dates, and red dates. It looks like a big party of candied haws.

Elder Fourteen thought about it and held back.

She didn't expect Kangxi to be on his head. After all, she has been married to the royal family for so many years, and she has no place to deal with her father-in-law.

The fourteenth elder brother was so proud that he directly grabbed a handful of money and changed more than 20 laps.

A dozen or twenty stall owners on both sides knelt down and said, "Masters, please be well..."

Si Fujin looked at Shu Shu and said: "It's hard for you to come up with this, the children will be happy, they even eat and play..."

Princess Rongxian also boasted: "If you have this heart, it will be great, and the children will be happy too..."

This is also a reasonable excuse for this move.

Princess Rong Xian was very supportive, bought two bottles of French perfume, two pocket watches, and spent the two strings of money.

"Pancake fruit, eggs and sausages..."

The garden is very lively.

Seeing everyone coming in, Brother Fifteen bowed to salute.

The second one is live rabbits. There are a pair of little white rabbits in a small cage.

The fourteenth elder brother was proud of himself, and decided to take down the golden rabbit and parrot, and go back to pay homage to Han Ama and the empress, and then he would definitely be able to exchange for a big purse.

Mrs. Uncle has already made preparations here, and prepared tea and snacks.

Shu Shu persuaded: "Isn't it all over? The elders have a period where they are moody and angry, and they only look forward to it..."

Everyone agreed.

The entire garden, except for the aisle in the middle, is almost full on both sides.

Regarding the hasty separation of households between the two princes, there are some speculations outside.

Sanfujin curled her lips and said in a low voice: "Several years of tossing, let's say it's over, remember everything."

The younger Ge Ge and elder brothers are all stunned like bumpkins entering the city.

Shu Shu knew that she was kind, and appreciated it, but said: "It's in the palace, nothing can be hidden from the emperor and our empress, I admit it or not, the two of you know it well, we can't let outsiders think it's our lord. Sensible, why are you making a fuss about moving at this time for no reason?"

In addition to snack stalls and play stalls, there are also several special sellers.

The little eunuch smiled and moved forward the parrot cage, and showed the words pasted on the bottom to Brother Fourteen, saying: "If there are any leftovers, you can buy them directly. This parrot costs twenty dollars..."

There were more than a dozen or twenty small stalls in the originally empty area.

Mrs. Uncle said: "The last time I saw my aunt was in the 12th year of Kangxi, and it has been more than 20 years..."

"I got it, I got it..."

The fourteenth elder brother was very high before, and threw them out one by one in his hand. This time he heard the voice of the fifteenth elder brother, and he calmed down a little.

"Fried enema..."

The fourteenth elder brother "led by example", first ate from the snack stall, and then was glued to the ring stall.

The diameter of this bamboo ring is about one foot, so why not put it in your hand?

Next in class are two pairs of parrots with bright feathers.

Why does it bounce?
He didn't give up, and tried a few more times, but he didn't get anything!
Eyes full of little rabbits, which child can bear it?

"It's a goldfish, a lot of money for a return..."

You know, Miss Xiaochun came here to give a lecture before, and everyone's rewards today are linked to the transaction amount.

He knew that he was not strong enough, so instead of looking far away, he just looked at the two rows in front of him.

"Throw sandbags, pray for blessings in exchange for Da Fu..."

He glanced at the bamboo ring in his hand, this was the second time he bought it, and there were only two or three left.

The royal father-in-law is more like a decoration.

As he spoke, he pointed to the golden rabbits in the first row, and said, "This eighty money..."

But Shi Fujin's eyes were not enough, he said: "Wow, this is a big market? My sister-in-law opened a big market..."

Si Fujin also said: "Go, ask the mothers to follow."

Shu Shu is hard to persuade.

Not close to each other.

But after the southern tour, she also met Concubine Rong a few times, which can be regarded as witnessing Concubine Rong's changes.

When I went there, I was still a little irritable and irritable; on the way back, I was much quieter, as if the whole person's aura had changed, and he had the majesty and bearing of one of the four concubines...

(End of this chapter)

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